CD you basically called him a house _ _ _ _ _, uncle _ _ _ _/ You talk alot of 💩 , use a lot of platitudes, but your Hate and Ignorance reek in everything I've seen you post. You love to climb a false moral, and carry yourself , as if, you had Virtue, but all you say, all you push is divisive, degrading, spiteful, and self-serving. You have no respect for Dr Carlson ??? WGAF of coerce you don't. Dr. Carlson Grew up in the projects, he grew up on well-fair , in a broken home, he never let anything stop him and focused and sacrificed toward the goal academic achievement. He lifted his whole family, AND became a World Class Neurosurgeon, He married a Wonderful, Brilliant Woman, who he's built a great family with. You see nothing you like in him BECAUSE He's NOT YOUR VICTIM. People like him must infuriate you, seeing a Black man stand on HIS own 2 feet and achieve ALL That HE HAS, without anyone or thing giving him Anything along the way. It must be real hard really really hard to see a Man like that, a wonderful Person, and know there is NO victim in HIM, like it is and defines you. Maybe you should take a positive step and learn from HIM and not debase a person , who you're not worthy of even carrying his boot strap