What’s interesting to me is POTUS treatment


Jan 9, 2004
He is not taking hydroxychlorquine. They gave him Regeneron and according to Fox News aspirin and Pepcid. Yes that Pepcid AC supposedly helps somehow, who would have thought that but no hydroxy. Also they are treating him with remdesivir. Hoping he is back up and doing well soon but that I thought was interesting with all the touting of the drug he did and others have done they didn’t use it. Remdesivir saved my brother in laws brothers life at 45 years old so I have seen it be effective and glad they are going with that. I’m not a doctor but have seen it work.
He is not taking hydroxychlorquine. They gave him Regeneron and according to Fox News aspirin and Pepcid. Yes that Pepcid AC supposedly helps somehow, who would have thought that but no hydroxy. Also they are treating him with remdesivir. Hoping he is back up and doing well soon but that I thought was interesting with all the touting of the drug he did and others have done they didn’t use it. Remdesivir saved my brother in laws brothers life at 45 years old so I have seen it be effective and glad they are going with that. I’m not a doctor but have seen it work.

Not a Dr here. I believe from what I read was the Hydroxy is used as a prevention tool? If infected the other medicines then lower viral load.
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Regeneron is a company not a drug. They make an anti-body drug that is very close to FDA approval. He received a treatment of that. He is getting Remdesivir which has been shown to be effective at shortening the duration, baby aspirin for clotting and pepcid which has an anti-histamine effect. In addition he is taking Vitamin D, C, and Zinc.
Regeneron is a company not a drug. They make an anti-body drug that is very close to FDA approval. He received a treatment of that. He is getting Remdesivir which has been shown to be effective at shortening the duration, baby aspirin for clotting and pepcid which has an anti-histamine effect. In addition he is taking Vitamin D, C, and Zinc.

Thanks I didn’t know what it was called so I named it Regeneron 😂😂. I should have added treatment at the end but I’m Okay looking dumb lol. Remdesivir saved a family members life so glad they used that I know that works often.
Not really. Has been fever free for about 24 hours. In WR because of the use of the experimental drug and he’s the most powerful man on the planet.

This is the only president to be in hospital with a ton of secrecy. Before social media we had a ton on Reagan when shot. When Bush had issues etc. it’s absurd feels like we are in China/N Korea and only hear good news. Talk about fake news Jesus this is still America and Trump not bigger than the country or presidency. Would like to see more transparency.
This is the only president to be in hospital with a ton of secrecy. Before social media we had a ton on Reagan when shot. When Bush had issues etc. it’s absurd feels like we are in China/N Korea and only hear good news. Talk about fake news Jesus this is still America and Trump not bigger than the country or presidency. Would like to see more transparency.

what more do you need to know? Do you want to go into his hospital room? A live feed of him sitting there doing meetings virtually? No matter what is reported or observed the media will spin it. Acosta yesterday carrying on why didn’tTrump address the media. If he would have Acosta would have lost his mind about Trump having COVID and being within 20 feet of them talking. Trump can’t win with them and that is the main reason why nobody listens to them anymore.
TBC would you let cnn msnbc etc open access to the President? Do you think they would be there to report out of concern and human goodness?

and as for the Hydroxy ,,,,,, your reading way way way into it. Hydroxy has shown the ability to affect the virus in the infective stage , making it an option for prevention, it has also shown the ability to decrease viral load/ replication making it an option for treatment of the condition.
The use of Antibodies in this case would be superior, due to the ability to naturally fight the virus, without risk of antibiotic toxicity, as well as the possibility to induce the production of antibodies to aid the fight and possibly provide immunity

What the Physician decides to use as his treatment plan is tailored to the physician's comfort/experience and the Patient's need.

No need to morbidly rationalize, it can make you look very petty
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He is not taking hydroxychlorquine. They gave him Regeneron and according to Fox News aspirin and Pepcid. Yes that Pepcid AC supposedly helps somehow, who would have thought that but no hydroxy. Also they are treating him with remdesivir. Hoping he is back up and doing well soon but that I thought was interesting with all the touting of the drug he did and others have done they didn’t use it. Remdesivir saved my brother in laws brothers life at 45 years old so I have seen it be effective and glad they are going with that. I’m not a doctor but have seen it work.

Interesting point. You'd think he would be all over that Hydroxy plus Zinc combination the way he promoted it. Funny how it works when his own life is on the line.
Wow just freelance inventing Raoul, or did you just get back from Bethesda ? Why don't you look up the medical updates and read what you lied about
He is not taking hydroxychlorquine. They gave him Regeneron and according to Fox News aspirin and Pepcid. Yes that Pepcid AC supposedly helps somehow, who would have thought that but no hydroxy. Also they are treating him with remdesivir. Hoping he is back up and doing well soon but that I thought was interesting with all the touting of the drug he did and others have done they didn’t use it. Remdesivir saved my brother in laws brothers life at 45 years old so I have seen it be effective and glad they are going with that. I’m not a doctor but have seen it work.

Hydroxychlorquine has its place. But it should not be taken daily for extended periods of time any more than Pencillin or other well known and effective drugs.
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