What's Wrong With Republicans?

Our information is all the studies and expert opinions before masks turned into a political weapon. Also, a real world study where the entire world has been required to wear masks in public yet the virus spreads just the same.

Its only a political weapon for those seeking to politicize it - like Trump and his merry band of kool-aid drinking zombies.
Its only a political weapon for those seeking to politicize it - like Trump and his merry band of kool-aid drinking zombies.

Nope that's been you and your commie friends from the get go. Just own it. It doesnt matter. We all know.
You also think Donald Trump tells the truth, so maybe you need to work on your own credibility before spamming up the threads with your anti-mask Trumptark talking points.
You think senile sleepy joe isn’t taking in millions of the money Hunter gets from Russia China Ukraine and half the world. Corrupt to the core. Sheep Boy
Instead of cherry picking one study because it seems to undercut masks wearing, the CDC uses many studies to form an opinion. You should try to expand your horizons and go with what a vast majority of the data tells us.

You should do the same. Just look around.
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Instead of cherry picking one study because it seems to undercut masks wearing, the CDC uses many studies to form an opinion. You should try to expand your horizons and go with what a vast majority of the data tells us.
I read and listen to all the studies. I don’t think the mask are effective. My opinion. Whatever. Your entitled to yours
You should do the same. Just look around.

Seriously bro, no one in their right mind thinks that masks aren't effective, which is why the CDC recommends wearing one. The insane clown posse of Q-Anon right wingers who are pushing the anti-mask agenda are harming the very base of people that need the protection.
One last thing. I’ve been wearing my stinking mask for 9months just like you. Let’s get these Vaccines out there and get rid of these stupid mask. But why do I feel like they will still try to make us wear mask even then??

So let me get this straight - you are admitting to having worn a mask for the past nine months but are simultaneously trying to convince others here on the forums not to wear one ?
So let me get this straight - you are admitting to having worn a mask for the past nine months but are simultaneously trying to convince others here on the forums not to wear one ?

EVERYONE has been wearing them. We are REQUIRED to wear one everywhere we go. Which is why your studies are bunk. If masks work and we ALL have been wearing them for months then why is the virus out of control....even in Europe where they are even more fanatical with masks.
EVERYONE has been wearing them. We are REQUIRED to wear one everywhere we go. Which is why your studies are bunk. If masks work and we ALL have been wearing them for months then why is the virus out of control....even in Europe wear they are even more fanatical with masks.

That's where you're wrong.

Not everyone has been wearing a mask. Just look at the Republican run states who have been going out of their way to not implement mask policies. People travel between states and if enough people ignore mask wearing that means the infection rate is going to soar, which it is right now.
That's where you're wrong.

Not everyone has been wearing a mask. Just look at the Republican run states who have been going out of their way to not implement mask policies. People travel between states and if enough people ignore mask wearing that means the infection rate is going to soar, which it is right now.

I haven't been anywhere that allows you in without a mask. I have been traveling everywhere from TN to Colorado to Idaho. You need a mask everywhere.
I haven't been anywhere that allows you in without a mask. I have been traveling everywhere from TN to Colorado to Idaho. You need a mask everywhere.

As of two days ago only 36 states mandated masks. That number was significantly less in early summer. If masks were ineffective, then the trend would be to reduce using them as virus rates spike. Instead more and more states are implementing stricter mask orders.
So let me get this straight - you are admitting to having worn a mask for the past nine months but are simultaneously trying to convince others here on the forums not to wear one ?
I’m wearing it so I don’t get thrown in jail or assaulted by you left wing nut jobs. Can’t get into any place of business due to the fear based irrational policies in place by these blue states
The information is right there before you cultboy. Ignore at your own peril.

I don't wear a mask unless required by policy (i.e. grocery store, know and work with many people in many states. Do not know a single person that had COVID. The most I have heard of is second hand from second hand. I will continuue to not wear a mask (unless by a private entities business request). I know more people with skin infections from wearing masks than people with COVID.
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Seriously bro, no one in their right mind thinks that masks aren't effective, which is why the CDC recommends wearing one. The insane clown posse of Q-Anon right wingers who are pushing the anti-mask agenda are harming the very base of people that need the protection.
Not true. Our niece is an ER nurse in Fl that travels to all the COVID hot spots and is in Amarillo right now. She says that the masks are a joke and refuses to wear one unless it is mandated. Many of her colleagues do the same. Let me know the next time a surgeon wears just a cloth mask to perform surgery on a patient. I sure hope you plan on wearing masks year round so we can never have to deal with viruses again.
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Not true. Our niece is an ER nurse in Fl that travels to all the COVID hot spots and is in Amarillo right now. She says that the masks are a joke and refuses to wear one unless it is mandated. Many of her colleagues do the same. Let me know the next time a surgeon wears just a cloth mask to perform surgery on a patient. I sure hope you plan on wearing masks year round so we can never have to deal with viruses again.

That's (again) anecdotal. See the CDC page I posted above.

Cloth masks (multi-layered) are actually specifically called out as being more effective than others. Healthcare workers obviously use N95s because they offer the most protection. The public don't wear them because there was initially a shortage and people do prefer some degree of flexibility in what they wear.
That's (again) anecdotal. See the CDC page I posted above.

Cloth masks (multi-layered) are actually specifically called out as being more effective than others. Healthcare workers obviously use N95s because they offer the most protection. The public don't wear them because there was initially a shortage and people do prefer some degree of flexibility in what they wear.
There are some that believe studies over what they see with their own eyes.
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With the virus raging in Utah you need to put your dam mask on. I understand you're running out of beds out there. If you get the virus don't come back to Florida.
Virus is raging around the world even in places that have required face masks, go figure. Plenty of contingency beds available here, the bigger problem is with staffing. This is why our niece travels to the hot spots, relieving the locals where she goes.
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I hope she's being paid well.
She gets a hefty signing bonus wherever she goes, on top of the good pay. She'll have to fill out a separate NY tax return thanks to Cuomo taxing the people that came to help save his citizens.
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