Wisconsin Recount

They are recounting all the fraudulent ballots just like in GA. AUDIT NEEDED!! Tons of proof still coming in on mass fraud in more than the 6 swing states in question.
Plus there is a big court case targeting more than 150k illegal votes in WI.

Does the recently released Krakan apply to WI as well or is it just PA and GA ?
And you’re a special kind of Jim Jones follower...😂😂

Does this sound like a sane human being ? He's obviously suffering from cognitive decline and is completely divorced from objective reality.

Silver spooned CLOWN!! GA governor has been one of his biggest supporters but now he’s throwing him under the bus because he won’t go along with his bullshyt!! LOL Classic clown shyt
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Silver spooned CLOWN!! GA governor has been one of his biggest supporters but now he’s throwing him under the bus because he won’t go along with his bullshyt!! LOL Classic clown shyt

I've finally figured out why Trump fans still think he won. They listen to him, then listen to the TV stations he uses to spew his propaganda. How could a loyal Trump follower not get brainwashed ? So sad.

I've finally figured out why Trump fans still think he won. They listen to him, then listen to the TV stations he uses to spew his propaganda. How could a loyal Trump follower not get brainwashed ? So sad.

It’s sad yet comical....😂😂😂 That’s why there’s no need to go back n forth with a Jim Jones supporter!! He can do nothing wrong in their eyes—-It’s really some cult shyt!! I can’t cape for ANY human like that.. LMAO (to be crystal clear, he’s BEEN a clown even when he was waffling back n forth between being a DEM/GOP)
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Cognitive decline? You have to be speaking of Sleepy Joe Biden. Doctors have been saying he is at the early stages of Dementia. Certainly, not Trump.

Biden actually sounds very normal compared to Trump, who can't seem to differentiate between reality and the paranoid delusions in his mind.
They are recounting all the fraudulent ballots just like in GA. AUDIT NEEDED!! Tons of proof still coming in on mass fraud in more than the 6 swing states in question.
Plus there is a big court case targeting more than 150k illegal votes in WI.

I hope you are right and I get you don't show all your cards in legal battles; but at some point (SOON) Trump needs to put his cards on the table for all to see. Leak the evidence to sway public opinion and put pressure on the legal system.
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I hope you are right and I get you don't show all your cards in legal battles; but at some point (SOON) Trump needs to put his cards on the table for all to see. Leak the evidence to sway public opinion and put pressure on the legal system.
Agree we are in the 4th quarter. Need some wins soon. Hopefully something good by Friday?
Going 1-38 isn't working out so well. Need to get SCOTUS involved. Comey-Barrett should be able to make the difference.
already has made a difference. 5-4 ruling against Cuomo and his religious institution lockdowns. Election fraud and getting the legal president inHis right place soon to follow
Biden actually sounds very normal compared to Trump, who can't seem to differentiate between reality and the paranoid delusions in his mind.
If Biden ends up winning, it will be 4 years of harrassment. Nothing will get done, so what are we disagreeing on? It doesn't matter. I think if we want to find a common ground we should agree that it is America's best interest that we do not have a left wing socialist or Communist leaning government. Raoul, if we do not have that we have no common ground.
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If Biden ends up winning, it will be 4 years of harrassment. Nothing will get done, so what are we disagreeing on? It doesn't matter. I think if we want to find a common ground we should agree that it is America's best interest that we do not have a left wing socialist or Communist leaning government. Raoul, if we do not have that we have no common ground.

Well if there's one thing that's crystal clear its that the American people don't want a neo-fascist gangster in charge. At least Biden is a generic, middle of the road politician who will restore a degree of civility to our politics. If you're a conservative, be happy you didn't get Bernie Sanders and instead get to work with a centrist, corporatist who is willing to bargain with the other side.
Biden is not generic he is geriatric. He is a compromised turd. You skirted my question. A typical Libtard. Thought you different. My bad
Biden is not generic he is geriatric. He is a compromised turd. You skirted my question. A typical Libtard. Thought you different. My bad

You didn't ask a question - just puked up the usual verbal diarrhea.
You didn't ask a question - just puked up the usual verbal diarrhea.
What are we disagreeing on? Was that a question? Read, its important. Read the complete statement. No question? Do you see? Do you comprehend? Do I waste time with you? Possibly.
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