@ookie08 Yo here's my email Firehazard32@hotmail.com send me your email and I'll send you my phone number. I have some tea I want you to share with the board 😏Yo life’s great! Canes are 8-1,finally got that bottle of Louis XIII, it’s beautiful day in south Florida,come show you boy love today I’m be in the icon building on Brickell with gorgeous BBW.....I’m the slim black guy with the versace robe on ...current bday track playing shook ones Mob Deep, R.i.P prodigy...R.I.P. UNC..,Go Canes😎🍾🍾🍾
Happy Birthday 🥃Yo life’s great! Canes are 8-1,finally got that bottle of Louis XIII, it’s beautiful day in south Florida,come show you boy love today I’m be in the icon building on Brickell with gorgeous BBW.....I’m the slim black guy with the versace robe on ...current bday track playing shook ones Mob Deep, R.i.P prodigy...R.I.P. UNC..,Go Canes😎🍾🍾🍾