Covington Catholic

Actually I'm not. No idea what this is. But since engaging with you always reminds me of how dumb you are I'll pass on this discussion.

I bet you do now.

And you defend it.

And then call the red hat the equivalent of a white hood.

Lou...who created the KKK and the rest of the garb?
I bet you do now.

And you defend it.

And then call the red hat the equivalent of a white hood.

Lou...who created the KKK and the rest of the garb?

I do not know the story. I did not defend anything since I don't know the story. Never said anything about a red hat or a white hood. And I have no idea who created the KKK. I do know that you're stupid so I probably disagree with you on whatever your belief is about this story.
Trump is doing just fine demeaning his Presidency.

These kids were disrespectful and offensive. I don’t care what happened to the lead up there is enough proof that they were just as much involved as the other bigots.

What did he say ? What did he do ? Let me tell you, I went to an all boys Catholic School in Philly. School leads nation in KIA Vietnam for Catholic Schools. Lower middle class Philly working neighborhoods feed school. I know if this screwball with a drum pushed his way into us we would have beat him silly. And let me tell you this if those few black adults thought they could scare us they would have paid also. I like the way it was.
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Trump is doing just fine demeaning his Presidency.

These kids were disrespectful and offensive. I don’t care what happened to the lead up there is enough proof that they were just as much involved as the other bigots.
Yup, and to wear hats that say MAGA, Make America Great by avoiding, destroying racism, bigotry, fear mongering, demagoguery.
Yup, and to wear hats that say MAGA, Make America Great by avoiding, destroying racism, bigotry, fear mongering, demagoguery.

Why don’t the media come out and say it’s because the hat because they have to demonize kids for fake reasons. So now you decide what people can wear based on if you or anyone find it offensive. I know I don’t like Florida Gator hats or shirts. I imagine they don’t like my Canes garb. Does everyone have to wear plain white sheets. You know someone finds the color white offensive.
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Again been watching CNN and MSNBC. I haven’t seen tthem even mentioning it now - they will not apologize for it or even the BuzzFeed fiasco - the media’s credibility is damn near at zero - wonder why

Why should CNN and MSNBC apologize for Buzzfeed's fukup? Did Fox Fake News apologize?
Why should CNN and MSNBC apologize for Buzzfeed's fukup? Did Fox Fake News apologize?

CNN and MSNBC both piled on the young boys of Covington Catholic and of course were fooled by an incomplete video - they never bothered to get the truth by asking the accused what happened . They crucified
those kids because of religion , because they were white ( remember white privlage) and for a few of them wearing MAGA caps .
Fox News showed restraint on the BuzzFeed story saying when the story broke that they weren’t hearing it from any other corroborating sources. They did mention that Roman Farrow was approached with the same story and refused it because it could not be substantiated . MSNBC and CNN between the 2 of them all day almost 200 times gleefully mentioned impeachment You would think sooner or later they would get a story right . But then again they’re getting paid to make things up
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My apology on Nathan Phillips military service as a Vietnam vet. Hes a former US Marine. No different. He served his country. Wouldn't surprise anyone if the young men from Covington Catholic follow the footsteps of #45 & claim to have bone spurs. Those red caps are just as evil as white hoods worn by the KKK.
Wow - you are a f-ing moron. So it’s ok that he LIED about being a Vietnam Vet?? Lied about serving during war time! You are a pathetic prick
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What did he say ? What did he do ? Let me tell you, I went to an all boys Catholic School in Philly. School leads nation in KIA Vietnam for Catholic Schools. Lower middle class Philly working neighborhoods feed school. I know if this screwball with a drum pushed his way into us we would have beat him silly. And let me tell you this if those few black adults thought they could scare us they would have paid also. I like the way it was.
I went to school w/ a bunch of Philly kids and if this shit went down around them there would have been a major beatdown taking place and there would be no questions asked........
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Wow - you are a f-ing moron. So it’s ok that he LIED about being a Vietnam Vet?? Lied about serving during war time! You are a pathetic prick
He served his country, inspite of the oppressions, indignations American Indians have endured since the 1800s. Treatys still being broken . Starvation, disease, famine , murder, rape, plundering and pillaging. They have forgiven the US govt. There are many American Indians that have served this country and are still doing so. They don't fake bone spurs like you know who.
The main thing about Mr Phillips is he defused a tense, potentially hostile, volatile situation. How many folks in this country would stick their neck out like Mr Phillips? It could've cost him his life if both sides clashed. He did it using his spiritual beliefs.
He didn’t diffuse sh*t - he walked up to the boys to start a confrontation and they didn’t bite . The adults, if that’s what you want to call them , the aggressors knew him . If he was going to diffuse a situation he would have walked up to the aggressors not a bunch of children And the liberal networks have tried to make a demagogue out of him . They can’t make chicken salad out of chicken sh*t and neither can you. He hasn’t done Native American Indians any any justice
He served his country, inspite of the oppressions, indignations American Indians have endured since the 1800s. Treatys still being broken . Starvation, disease, famine , murder, rape, plundering and pillaging. They have forgiven the US govt. There are many American Indians that have served this country and are still doing so. They don't fake bone spurs like you know who.
The main thing about Mr Phillips is he defused a tense, potentially hostile, volatile situation. How many folks in this country would stick their neck out like Mr Phillips? It could've cost him his life if both sides clashed. He did it using his spiritual beliefs.
What exactly did he defuse , lying to NBC he did not defuse that.......he escalated the whole situation ........the kid did exactly what he should have done .........he shut his mouth........unlike your buddies who stood there yelling at kids like real tuff guys.........
He served his country, inspite of the oppressions, indignations American Indians have endured since the 1800s. Treatys still being broken . Starvation, disease, famine , murder, rape, plundering and pillaging. They have forgiven the US govt. There are many American Indians that have served this country and are still doing so. They don't fake bone spurs like you know who.
The main thing about Mr Phillips is he defused a tense, potentially hostile, volatile situation. How many folks in this country would stick their neck out like Mr Phillips? It could've cost him his life if both sides clashed. He did it using his spiritual beliefs.
What is the infatuation with native americans? Was North America a peace loving continent before The Europeans arrived? No, they were warring against each other killing, violence. This idea that North America was a peaceful utopia before The Europeans arrived is fiction. North America was just like every other continent on this planet, tribes fighting other tribes. This narrative about native americans is pathetic. The Europeans were the stronger tribe, period. This old indian man is an activist, loser, drunk. There are still plenty of indians in mexico, central and south america, maybe you should go live among them and adopt their peaceful ways.
What is the infatuation with native americans? Was North America a peace loving continent before The Europeans arrived? No, they were warring against each other killing, violence. This idea that North America was a peaceful utopia before The Europeans arrived is fiction. North America was just like every other continent on this planet, tribes fighting other tribes. This narrative about native americans is pathetic. The Europeans were the stronger tribe, period. This old indian man is an activist, loser, drunk. There are still plenty of indians in mexico, central and south america, maybe you should go live among them and adopt their peaceful ways.
This was GREAT.........
What exactly did he defuse , lying to NBC he did not defuse that.......he escalated the whole situation ........the kid did exactly what he should have done .........he shut his mouth........unlike your buddies who stood there yelling at kids like real tuff guys.........
There is more than one layer to this story. According to the members of the Black Hebrew Israelites, it started by the Covington students making derogatory remarks.
This was GREAT.........
What is the infatuation with native americans? Was North America a peace loving continent before The Europeans arrived? No, they were warring against each other killing, violence. This idea that North America was a peaceful utopia before The Europeans arrived is fiction. North America was just like every other continent on this planet, tribes fighting other tribes. This narrative about native americans is pathetic. The Europeans were the stronger tribe, period. This old indian man is an activist, loser, drunk. There are still plenty of indians in mexico, central and south america, maybe you should go live among them and adopt their peaceful ways.
Im not disputing one Indian nation warring against another. The Lakota & The Crow were traditional enemies. The Lakota drove the Cheyenne out of the black Hills. The Lakota were always at odds against the Pawnee. In the South the Apache, Comanche & Kiowa were always fighting each other. No doubt the Europeans were superior in their knowledge of commerce, free enterprise, etc., but what followed were countless atrocities. Indians were bribed with liquor & you still associate Indians being liquored up. Don't judge Phillips by his appearance alone. What do you expect a person to look like when they are subjected poor housing, no access to health care , limited income, limited education, etc., All they have left are their spiritual beliefs & what Nathan Phillips did proves what spiritual beliefs can accomplish. He didn't use a gun, didn't use the court system, had no documents, didn't even have to fire a warning shot.
Im not disputing one Indian nation warring against another. The Lakota & The Crow were traditional enemies. The Lakota drove the Cheyenne out of the black Hills. The Lakota were always at odds against the Pawnee. In the South the Apache, Comanche & Kiowa were always fighting each other. No doubt the Europeans were superior in their knowledge of commerce, free enterprise, etc., but what followed were countless atrocities. Indians were bribed with liquor & you still associate Indians being liquored up. Don't judge Phillips by his appearance alone. What do you expect a person to look like when they are subjected poor housing, no access to health care , limited income, limited education, etc., All they have left are their spiritual beliefs & what Nathan Phillips did proves what spiritual beliefs can accomplish. He didn't use a gun, didn't use the court system, had no documents, didn't even have to fire a warning shot.
I'm not judging him by his appearance or his life choices. But the media would like us to believe he is a noble descendant of a great indian nation filled with peace, wisdom and spiritual superiority when nothing could be farther from the truth. He needs to get with reality and stop playing dress up, it's 2019 for goodness sake.
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What do you expect a person to look like when they are subjected poor housing, no access to health care , limited income, limited education, etc.,.
Well let's see. My Dad was raised in a home with dirt floors in N. Carolina. His mother picked crops. He had to drop out of school after 6th grade to help his family. He couldn't read or write. Rather than use excuses he moved to Miami at 15 on his own and went to work for a company that installed awnings, carpet, wrought iron bars and such. Within 10 years he was running that multi million dollar business. I guess where some may see insurmountable obstacles, others see a challenge to overcome. BTW, Booker T Washington faced far more adversity and oppression than any Black person today could even dream of yet somehow he became a pretty successful man. Good thing nobody told him how oppressed he was and that he would never amount to anything because of life being so unfair to him.
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I'm not judging him by his appearance or his life choices. But the media would like us to believe he is a noble descendant of a great indian nation filled with peace, wisdom and spiritual superiority when nothing could be farther from the truth. He needs to get with reality and stop playing dress up, it's 2019 for goodness sake.
Ask the Vietnam Vets how they feel about him.........
There is more than one layer to this story. According to the members of the Black Hebrew Israelites, it started by the Covington students making derogatory remarks.
"U" best fact check this because you are wrong..........
There is more than one layer to this story. According to the members of the Black Hebrew Israelites, it started by the Covington students making derogatory remarks.

Do you know anything about the Black Hebrew Israelites ? There is not a more hateful group around, and you’re sourcing them.
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The narrative the libs try to create is almost comic book level.
70 % tax on the rich they realize the top 2-3 % pays for all there socialized programs now........WTF........
70 % tax on the rich they realize the top 2-3 % pays for all there socialized programs now........WTF........
They don't care, they're welfare babies, welfare adults, gatherers not hunters, etc etc.
According to Phillip Martin, the American Indian who was almost face to face with a young white male he made himself a barrier & got in between the Covington students & group of African Americans who were already there when Mr Phillips & his group arrived. He wanted to diffuse a tense, potentially volatile situation. Mr Phillips did nothing wrong; he sang in his own language & playing his drum so from a spiritual standpoint, he exercised his religious freedom & mission accomplished. Mr Phillips is a Vietnam veteran.
Little pineapple you want to apologize after the truth has come out
You should also research the school with students dressing up in black face, another prominent student raping girls, and how a White House attorney is a graduate from there and pumping sympathy for these kids that were completely disrespectful to a whole slew of people. I'm sorry, but I don't give a shit what other people said to these kids their actions spread beyond just that one incident.
andyctree playing the race card as usual all he has .
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Trump is doing just fine demeaning his Presidency.

These kids were disrespectful and offensive. I don’t care what happened to the lead up there is enough proof that they were just as much involved as the other bigots.
No they did nothing wrong your liberal racist party blew it and the truth came out. The new kkk is the liberal Democratic Party. Bottom line . What is sad I’m not saying it to be funny it is the truth. You cd, cems , raoul , little pineapple and others are no better than the David Dukes of the world condoning it.
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No they did nothing wrong your liberal racist party blew it and the truth came out. The new kkk is the liberal Democratic Party. Bottom line . What is sad I’m not saying it to be funny it is the truth. You cd, cems , raoul , little pineapple and others are no better than the David Dukes of the world condoning it.

It’s truly hard to take anything you say seriously about race or racism when the guy you choose to promote says he believed in “white supremacy”. You don’t even see the irony.
It’s truly hard to take anything you say seriously about race or racism when the guy you choose to promote says he believed in “white supremacy”. You don’t even see the irony.

Where and when did he say this ?
You should also research the school with students dressing up in black face, another prominent student raping girls, and how a White House attorney is a graduate from there and pumping sympathy for these kids that were completely disrespectful to a whole slew of people. I'm sorry, but I don't give a shit what other people said to these kids their actions spread beyond just that one incident.

They didn’t get dressed up in black face, that was a lie. The New York Daily News was the source, they are being sued for libel.
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The left was embarrassingly wrong about this, but their still throwing everything against the wall hoping something sticks.
I honestly hope the Covington students will soon discard the MAGA hats. When they get a little older they will realize # 45 denigrated refugees, immigrants, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Africans, etc. Im sure they will realize its wrong to walk in the same footsteps as #45. Recently, former Florida senator Steven Jolly(R) said #45 has given permission to Neo Nazis, KKK, White supremacists, alt right to impose their will on minorities, refugees, immigrants and the like.
I'm not judging him by his appearance or his life choices. But the media would like us to believe he is a noble descendant of a great indian nation filled with peace, wisdom and spiritual superiority when nothing could be farther from the truth. He needs to get with reality and stop playing dress up, it's 2019 for goodness sake.
All members of every Indian nation are entitled to their spiritual beliefs. The US govt has taken so much away from them. Spiritual beliefs is all they have left.
BTW GLFSTRM, I will always refer to these people as American Indian and not Native American. They are not treated like Native Americans. The word Indian is derived from the Spanish word Indios, which means to be in with god. Im sure they would rather be in with god than be Native American.