ESPN Allows Social Commentary, As Long As It Matches Their Idiology

OMG. My hurts about this topic. Between the media and people on FB, I was hoping to get away from this here.

Our country is so messed up on so many levels, it's like who are you supposed to believe. The media on both sides completely distort the truth about what is going on. Statistics can be manipulated to prove anything you want them to and that appears to be going happening from both perspectives.

Honestly, I don't care about the color or your skin, your sexuality, or your religion. What matters to me is your character and your intentions. If your goal is to live amongst us as equals, and contribute to our society, great. If you think your religion or race is better than mine, yeah I got a problem with that. We all start living like that, we are in a much better place. It's not easy, but anything worth fighting for never is.
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Quise19- The stats of whites killing whites is often brought up, but it is a ruse. The fact is that "whites killing whites" is NOT an epidemic problem in this country. Blacks killing blacks IS.

Young white men killing other young white men is NOT a major cause of death in this country. Young white men are far more likely to die in a traffic accident, a non traffic accident caused by recklessness, or in a drug or alcohol related death.

In the black community it is very different. Death by a young black man in the #1 killer, by far, of other young black men. The stat is 93% of all young black men who are killed, die at the hands of other young black men. Another fact: black cops kill black men at a higher rate than white cops kill black men Another stat: blacks kill whites 18 times more often than whites kill blacks.

Everything I stated here is in the three reports I listed above. It is all verifiable. Many people don't like hearing this stuff, but it is all true. Until people admit these problems and address these issues, nothing will ever change. In fact, as Ms. Mac Donald points out in her book, with cops now backing away from conflict (due to all the criticism) all over the country, it will get much worse.

Sobering stats.
How about the acts of violence that don't involve police. The ones in Chicago that have caused that city to be coined "ChIRAQ". Police at fault there too?

Again, for those who can't seem to understand their are two issues.

I'm speaking of the issue of tax paid and trained officers shooting unarmed black men. Do not mix the two.
Quise19- The stats of whites killing whites is often brought up, but it is a ruse. The fact is that "whites killing whites" is NOT an epidemic problem in this country. Blacks killing blacks IS.

Young white men killing other young white men is NOT a major cause of death in this country. Young white men are far more likely to die in a traffic accident, a non traffic accident caused by recklessness, or in a drug or alcohol related death.

In the black community it is very different. Death by a young black man in the #1 killer, by far, of other young black men. The stat is 93% of all young black men who are killed, die at the hands of other young black men. Another fact: black cops kill black men at a higher rate than white cops kill black men Another stat: blacks kill whites 18 times more often than whites kill blacks.

Everything I stated here is in the three reports I listed above. It is all verifiable. Many people don't like hearing this stuff, but it is all true. Until people admit these problems and address these issues, nothing will ever change. In fact, as Ms. Mac Donald points out in her book, with cops now backing away from conflict (due to all the criticism) all over the country, it will get much worse.
Blacks killing blacks is based on proximity it's not an epidemic. And I'll tell you and whoever else what steered the proximity where these killings take place? When the requirements for single mothers to apply for "housing" is to not have fathers or boyfriends on the lease aka no male role model. You can't can't corner a race then when that race acts out you label it as an epidemic when the rich right wingers are the catalyst of the the problem because they saw $$$$ and That's all they saw
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OMG. My hurts about this topic. Between the media and people on FB, I was hoping to get away from this here.

Our country is so messed up on so many levels, it's like who are you supposed to believe. The media on both sides completely distort the truth about what is going on. Statistics can be manipulated to prove anything you want them to and that appears to be going happening from both perspectives.

Honestly, I don't care about the color or your skin, your sexuality, or your religion. What matters to me is your character and your intentions. If your goal is to live amongst us as equals, and contribute to our society, great. If you think your religion or race is better than mine, yeah I got a problem with that. We all start living like that, we are in a much better place. It's not easy, but anything worth fighting for never is.

Amen about stats. See Al Golden for stats. Lol
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As I've stated many times on this board, I have not watched ESPN (other than game broadcasts) since they trashed Miami after the FIU brawl, with many commentators calling for Miami to eliminate football.

I certainly will never watch any of their regular programming including the ESPY's which took place last night. But at last night's event, the network that fired Curt Schilling and Ray Lewis certainly had plenty of tolerance for speaker after speaker droning on about racial profiling and police violence. From what I read, only Dwyane Wade was courageous enough to call attention to the fact that most violence on blacks is done neighbor upon neighbor in his own home town of Chicago, and he encouraged his fellow athletes to use their influence to do something about that fact. The rest of the speakers were mostly focused on grievances.

I don't care what any of these guys think, everyone is entitled to their opinion in America. The thing that kills me is that ESPN tolerates left wing moralists like Michael Wilbon, Tony Kornheiser and Keith Oberman, while firing Schilling and Ray Lewis after stating opinions contrary to ESPN's liberal view of the world. Even Stephen A Smith caught hell for stating that young black men should clean up their act, pull up their pants, and start speaking English properly if they wanted to advance their lives.

I just think celebrities, including athletes, should keep their politics private when they're on the national stage. If they're doing a one-on-one interview for a news outlet on their personal views, that's different, but to bring politics and social commentary into a sports environment is inappropriate. But then again, ESPN itself is inappropriate.
Hey, when did they fire Lewis, and why?
Again, for those who can't seem to understand their are two issues.

I'm speaking of the issue of tax paid and trained officers shooting unarmed black men. Do not mix the two.
Being unarmed does not mean you are not a threat to someone's life.
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Again, for those who can't seem to understand their are two issues.

I'm speaking of the issue of tax paid and trained officers shooting unarmed black men. Do not mix the two.

Without speaking to the merits of each case (of which the facts will eventually unfold), I find it ironic that in the two latest cases in the news, Minnesota and Baton Rouge, both subjects were armed.
As I've stated many times on this board, I have not watched ESPN (other than game broadcasts) since they trashed Miami after the FIU brawl, with many commentators calling for Miami to eliminate football.

I certainly will never watch any of their regular programming including the ESPY's which took place last night. But at last night's event, the network that fired Curt Schilling and Ray Lewis certainly had plenty of tolerance for speaker after speaker droning on about racial profiling and police violence. From what I read, only Dwyane Wade was courageous enough to call attention to the fact that most violence on blacks is done neighbor upon neighbor in his own home town of Chicago, and he encouraged his fellow athletes to use their influence to do something about that fact. The rest of the speakers were mostly focused on grievances.

I don't care what any of these guys think, everyone is entitled to their opinion in America. The thing that kills me is that ESPN tolerates left wing moralists like Michael Wilbon, Tony Kornheiser and Keith Oberman, while firing Schilling and Ray Lewis after stating opinions contrary to ESPN's liberal view of the world. Even Stephen A Smith caught hell for stating that young black men should clean up their act, pull up their pants, and start speaking English properly if they wanted to advance their lives.

I just think celebrities, including athletes, should keep their politics private when they're on the national stage. If they're doing a one-on-one interview for a news outlet on their personal views, that's different, but to bring politics and social commentary into a sports environment is inappropriate. But then again, ESPN itself is inappropriate.
Home run post. ESPN is a joke.
Without speaking to the merits of each case (of which the facts will eventually unfold), I find it ironic that in the two latest cases in the news, Minnesota and Baton Rouge, both subjects were armed.

I also find it ironic on the many other cases where the Victim was not armed.
Er1949, you make some valid points, but how come When unarmed white men get shot, it doesn't make the news. We know plenty white men get shot by the police. I'm not saying there's an epidemic of people getting shot by police period. Who does the publicity help, not the victims or their community in my opinion . People need to look deeper, at the motives , of some who are pushing agendas.
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Blacks killing blacks is based on proximity it's not an epidemic. And I'll tell you and whoever else what steered the proximity where these killings take place? When the requirements for single mothers to apply for "housing" is to not have fathers or boyfriends on the lease aka no male role model. You can't can't corner a race then when that race acts out you label it as an epidemic when the rich right wingers are the catalyst of the the problem because they saw $$$$ and That's all they saw
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D. Wade was correct. But so were Melo and the others. It's not about solving which careless act kills more black young men. It's about solving the carelessness of killing young black men.

All the acts!!

Especially ones were they are killed unarmed by folks getting paid to protect them in their communities.
The part that really out me over the edge is if you're going to bring up guys like Alton Sterling how can you not mention a single officers name from DPD who gave their life to protect those protesting this very topic. The whole "f#ck'em, they're cops" mentality.
As I've stated many times on this board, I have not watched ESPN (other than game broadcasts) since they trashed Miami after the FIU brawl, with many commentators calling for Miami to eliminate football.

I certainly will never watch any of their regular programming including the ESPY's which took place last night. But at last night's event, the network that fired Curt Schilling and Ray Lewis certainly had plenty of tolerance for speaker after speaker droning on about racial profiling and police violence. From what I read, only Dwyane Wade was courageous enough to call attention to the fact that most violence on blacks is done neighbor upon neighbor in his own home town of Chicago, and he encouraged his fellow athletes to use their influence to do something about that fact. The rest of the speakers were mostly focused on grievances.

I don't care what any of these guys think, everyone is entitled to their opinion in America. The thing that kills me is that ESPN tolerates left wing moralists like Michael Wilbon, Tony Kornheiser and Keith Oberman, while firing Schilling and Ray Lewis after stating opinions contrary to ESPN's liberal view of the world. Even Stephen A Smith caught hell for stating that young black men should clean up their act, pull up their pants, and start speaking English properly if they wanted to advance their lives.

I just think celebrities, including athletes, should keep their politics private when they're on the national stage. If they're doing a one-on-one interview for a news outlet on their personal views, that's different, but to bring politics and social commentary into a sports environment is inappropriate. But then again, ESPN itself is inappropriate.

right on, brotha
Blacks killing blacks is based on proximity it's not an epidemic. And I'll tell you and whoever else what steered the proximity where these killings take place? When the requirements for single mothers to apply for "housing" is to not have fathers or boyfriends on the lease aka no male role model. You can't can't corner a race then when that race acts out you label it as an epidemic when the rich right wingers are the catalyst of the the problem because they saw $$$$ and That's all they saw

So rich, white landlords are responsible for fatherless homes. Got it.
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Quise19- The stats of whites killing whites is often brought up, but it is a ruse. The fact is that "whites killing whites" is NOT an epidemic problem in this country. Blacks killing blacks IS.

Young white men killing other young white men is NOT a major cause of death in this country. Young white men are far more likely to die in a traffic accident, a non traffic accident caused by recklessness, or in a drug or alcohol related death.

In the black community it is very different. Death by a young black man in the #1 killer, by far, of other young black men. The stat is 93% of all young black men who are killed, die at the hands of other young black men. Another fact: black cops kill black men at a higher rate than white cops kill black men Another stat: blacks kill whites 18 times more often than whites kill blacks.

Everything I stated here is in the three reports I listed above. It is all verifiable. Many people don't like hearing this stuff, but it is all true. Until people admit these problems and address these issues, nothing will ever change. In fact, as Ms. Mac Donald points out in her book, with cops now backing away from conflict (due to all the criticism) all over the country, it will get much worse.
There's been a push to federalize law enforcement for the pat 7 years. As a 20 year officer that would be not only a huge mistake but constitutionally scary. It's a big ass power grab by the federal govt. They've already messed up our own dictation all system and now they want law enforcement too. No no no!

Not to underplay what's happened recently with these acts of violence but the media is playing it to the hilt to assist in this objective. You know if Hillary is backing the idea it's probably not going to be good for the ordinary person. She says whatever she thinks will get people to vote for her. Remember the hot sauce comment I mean my god... She's a dumbass.
I just wanna say... diversity is a fact of life down here, in SFLA. If you don't like it, there's only one remedy. I continue to stay, OK? I grew up down here, and it's quite different from the black & white TV days.

I think the media is driving this narrative. I think I speak for the majority down here; WE'RE NOT HUNG UP ON THIS BULLSHIT! It's everyday life here. Variety is the spice of life, right?

The libs try to keep driving this narrative, man. This is the most tolerant nation on the planet. Minorities nowadays don't know what real racism and supremism is.

Try traveling overseas, people. I have. I've seen it in modern day.
First of all,let's not pretend that the American system of justice is balanced.You talk about black on black crime.And indeed it needs to be fixed.But you take any people and crowd them in confined area,strip them of true nature and history.Place them in an educational system that is extremely flawed,deny them true and equal employment opportunities,overwhelm them with constant images of the affluence of others, while at same time denying them true and equal opportunities to attain the same type of lifestyle.So the system is extremely flawed.Always has been.But as long young men run, catch, tackle and score touchdowns,the conservatives of the board will be happy.These are the same people who beg and follow and live vicariously through the lives of17 and18 year old men to play football for their favorite football teams.
I just wanna say... diversity is a fact of life down here, in SFLA. If you don't like it, there's only one remedy. I continue to stay, OK? I grew up down here, and it's quite different from the black & white TV days.

I think the media is driving this narrative. I think I speak for the majority down here; WE'RE NOT HUNG UP ON THIS BULLSHIT! It's everyday life here. Variety is the spice of life, right?

The libs try to keep driving this narrative, man. This is the most tolerant nation on the planet. Minorities nowadays don't know what real racism and supremism is.

Try traveling overseas, people. I have. I've seen it in modern day.

So now we're measuring levels of racisim?

You're either pregnant or not. Can't be sort of pregnant.
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It also doesn't mean you are.
When I see you at the GT game this season I'll show you why. I teach this stuff. It's a matter of training and documented cases of what's happened in the past. In certain cases officer factors apply such as size and skill sets. I know that sounds silly but for instance of a 115lbs female officer is challenged physically by a 6'3" 285lbs man does she have a reasonable fear for her own safety? Then how does that apply to using deadly force. The same applies in reverse. Training background comes out too in civil cases. But a grand jury will look at what information the officer knew at the time of the incident and whether or not that officers response was reasonable based on that information.

Just like saying because someone was shot in the back it was a bad shooting. That's not always the case. Sometimes it is but not always.
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First of all,let's not pretend that the American system of justice is balanced.You talk about black on black crime.And indeed it needs to be fixed.But you take any people and crowd them in confined area,strip them of true nature and history.Place them in an educational system that is extremely flawed,deny them true and equal employment opportunities,overwhelm them with constant images of the affluence of others, while at same time denying them true and equal opportunities to attain the same type of lifestyle.So the system is extremely flawed.Always has been.But as long young men run, catch, tackle and score touchdowns,the conservatives of the board will be happy.These are the same people who beg and follow and live vicariously through the lives of17 and18 year old men to play football for their favorite football teams.

' take any people and crowd them in confined area, strip them of true nature and history'...WTH are you talking about?
Blacks killing blacks is based on proximity it's not an epidemic. And I'll tell you and whoever else what steered the proximity where these killings take place? When the requirements for single mothers to apply for "housing" is to not have fathers or boyfriends on the lease aka no male role model. You can't can't corner a race then when that race acts out you label it as an epidemic when the rich right wingers are the catalyst of the the problem because they saw $$$$ and That's all they saw
Excellent post. But its not rich R wingers its Leftist Democrats pushing the Welfare state. We need the Black family to come back like it was before welfare when Black divorce rates were lower than whites.. But now instead of handouts or poverty we need good jobs and self respect good role models like many of the fine U of Miami athletes we see working hard to succeed. WE dont need illegal immigrants lowering the wage scale in construction and agricultural jobs thats hurt young men who don't go to college..
Excellent post. But its not rich R wingers its Leftist Democrats pushing the Welfare state. We need the Black family to come back like it was before welfare when Black divorce rates were lower than whites.. But now instead of handouts or poverty we need good jobs and self respect good role models like many of the fine U of Miami athletes we see working hard to succeed. WE dont need illegal immigrants lowering the wage scale in construction and agricultural jobs thats hurt young men who don't go to college..
This right here!
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As I've stated many times on this board, I have not watched ESPN (other than game broadcasts) since they trashed Miami after the FIU brawl, with many commentators calling for Miami to eliminate football.

I certainly will never watch any of their regular programming including the ESPY's which took place last night. But at last night's event, the network that fired Curt Schilling and Ray Lewis certainly had plenty of tolerance for speaker after speaker droning on about racial profiling and police violence. From what I read, only Dwyane Wade was courageous enough to call attention to the fact that most violence on blacks is done neighbor upon neighbor in his own home town of Chicago, and he encouraged his fellow athletes to use their influence to do something about that fact. The rest of the speakers were mostly focused on grievances.

I don't care what any of these guys think, everyone is entitled to their opinion in America. The thing that kills me is that ESPN tolerates left wing moralists like Michael Wilbon, Tony Kornheiser and Keith Oberman, while firing Schilling and Ray Lewis after stating opinions contrary to ESPN's liberal view of the world. Even Stephen A Smith caught hell for stating that young black men should clean up their act, pull up their pants, and start speaking English properly if they wanted to advance their lives.

I just think celebrities, including athletes, should keep their politics private when they're on the national stage. If they're doing a one-on-one interview for a news outlet on their personal views, that's different, but to bring politics and social commentary into a sports environment is inappropriate. But then again, ESPN itself is inappropriate.
I'm somewhat liberal but whole heartedly agree with you! Keep politics in political forums only!!!
First of all, let me remind everyone that I started this post as a commentary about ESPN, not society in general. That said, I think this is a very good and civil dialogue, and is the kind of dialogue that actually helps. One of the problems in this country is that everyone says we need to have a dialogue about race, but then whenever some starts one, we get a comment like we heard above from jleko.

Jleko, I am sorry to single you out, and I am sure you are a fine poster and a great guy, but the fact is that we cannot say our head hurts every time someone starts talking about race. The problem is, everyone says we should talk about it, but nobody actually does. Someone will also chime in and say something like "Why does it always have to be about race?" or "Why are you bringing race into this?" or "What does race have to do with hit?"

Conversation has to start somewhere. It sure is not starting on ESPN.
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So you're saying we aren't as racist as other countries so let's be happy with that?

we're all human. You can't eradicate it all. Any human endeavor is imperfect.

Much progress has been made in this country. Minorities enjoy a status in this country that they don't in almost all others, sans a few in Europe.

I'm saying... minorities here don't know true racism now like they do overseas, including Christians. Where rights are restricted in other countries b/c you're not native. The US is a free and open society... there are few, if any, equals.

Not saying this a perfect society... like I said, human endeavors are imperfect. But if I was a minority, I'd rather be here than anywhere else on the planet. Everyone has a chance here.
Well when things aren't perfect, you make strides to get as close to it as possible. Not go with the status quo. Not rest on our imperfections being less glaring than others.

That would be like saying as Miami fans, we should be happy with being a 8 win team and that at least we aren't Maryland.
Can't continue to treat unarmed black men being killed by cops paid to protect them, like leaves in a gutter. Can't keep ignoring it and throwing data at it.

At least dialog is happening here.

No, that's how YOU interpreted it.

It is possible to have two issues going on at once. I'm talking about the issue of trained, paid policemen killing unarmed black men. Don't mix the two.

As far as why did I write the last sentence...
My answer to that is, why did your write a reply? Cause I can. I don't write for you. I'm not trying to appease you. That's your job.

It seems we arent understanding each other here. Lets break this down... below is your OP:

D. Wade was correct. But so were Melo and the others. It's not about solving which careless act kills more black young men. It's about solving the carelessness of killing young black men. -
To me this would indicate that your concerned more with solving the carelessness of killing young black men, which I 1000% agree with you. It's not about WHICH act causes the death, its the fact that ANY act is causing the death. I applaud you for your thought and feel this is the REAL question worth looking into.

All the acts!!- Yes! Every act that causes a death of a young black man is important to try and solve. Not just white police officers, not just black on black violence... ALL the acts!! Then you give us this...

Especially ones were they are killed unarmed by folks getting paid to protect them in their communities.
Which now tells me that everything you stated in your first sentence is bull$hit... and that you dont really care about solving ANY act that causes the death of a young black man... you are ESPECIALLY concerned in the "ones were they are killed unarmed by folks getting paid to protect them in their communities."

So which one is it? Are you concerned with ALL THE ACTS of violence that are causing the death of young black men or ONLY acts committed by white police officers? Because it appears based on your post that you arent interested in solving the reason that the majority of young black men are being killed, which is black on black violence. 93% of all young black men who are killed, die at the hands of other young black men. So... why isnt that the real issue being brought up?
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It seems we arent understanding each other here. Lets break this down... below is your OP:

D. Wade was correct. But so were Melo and the others. It's not about solving which careless act kills more black young men. It's about solving the carelessness of killing young black men. -
To me this would indicate that your concerned more with solving the carelessness of killing young black men, which I 1000% agree with you. It's not about WHICH act causes the death, its the fact that ANY act is causing the death. I applaud you for your thought and feel this is the REAL question worth looking into.

All the acts!!- Yes! Every act that causes a death of a young black man is important to try and solve. Not just white police officers, not just black on black violence... ALL the acts!! Then you give us this...

Especially ones were they are killed unarmed by folks getting paid to protect them in their communities.
Which now tells me that everything you stated in your first sentence is bull$hit... and that you dont really care about solving ANY act that causes the death of a young black man... you are ESPECIALLY concerned in the "ones were they are killed unarmed by folks getting paid to protect them in their communities."

So which one is it? Are you concerned with ALL THE ACTS of violence that are causing the death of young black men or ONLY acts committed by white police officers? Because it appears based on your post that you arent interested in solving the reason that the majority of young black men are being killed, which is black on black violence. 93% of all young black men who are killed, die at the hands of other young black men. So... why isnt that the real issue being brought up?

Because there is something disgusting about paying taxes to a unit that systematically profiles, brutalizes, harasses, and in some cases kill others who aren't armed.

Since the numbers of how many policemen kill unarmed black men are so small in comparison to black on black crime, I'd like to think it would be easier to fix, no?

And again, black on black crime has nothing to do with the issue of policemen killing unarmed black men.
It also doesn't mean you are.

This has NO legs. In 99% of cases, Anyone who was shot by the cops was done so because they neglected to follow commands. Michael Brown charged an officer in his car and was trying to get to his gun which caused him to get shot. The guy in Baton Rouge has a concealed pistol in his pocket he was fighting to get to. The man in Minnesota had a gun in his pocket that he was reaching into to get his wallet. The list goes on and on. As stated above by @Canesman511:

Being unarmed doesn't mean you aren't a threat to someone's life. This narrative that being unarmed means it wasn't justified to shoot a criminal is BS. The problem is everyone is painting these criminals like saints. Many had criminal history and we're just breaking the law.
You want to avoid being shot by a cop? Try these simple steps:

#1 When a cop tells you to do something...DO IT!
#2 Don't break the law
#3 When interacting with law enforcement don't treat them like shit!
#4 When a cop tells you to do something..DO IT!

Follow these steps and see how simple it is to avoid being shot.

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