Obama on Trump White House, it’s a chaotic disaster

Boy, if I am ever arrested I hope you are the prosecutor. Again criminal statutes are narrowly construed. And Congress does not need the permission of the President to allow someone to speak before it. Quote me the statute or provision of the Constitution that says otherwise.
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Boy, if I am ever arrested I hope you are the prosecutor. Again criminal statutes are narrowly construed. And Congress does not need the permission of the President to allow someone to speak before it. Quote me the statute or provision of the Constitution that says otherwise.
A US law is just that. No ands, ifs, or buts. Obama didnt press the issue because there were other matters that needed attention. You feel empowered because AG Barr is bending the rule of law for #45, creating parameters for him and his administration
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A US law is just that. No ands, ifs, or buts. Obama didnt press the issue because there were other matters that needed attention. You feel empowered because AG Barr is bending the rule of law for #45, creating parameters for him and his administration
An unconstitutional law is a non entity. Entrapment is a crime. Not informing the court and the Defendant of exonerating evidence is a crime. Altering interview statements is a crime. Hence, Flynn walks.
Durham will show you how a case is prosecuted. He is now hiring more prosecutors to nail your boys.
It doesnt matter if a foreign country is an ally or not. Obama had good reason to question our foreign policy with Israel. Why should we continue to give $$$$ & military aid to a country committing genocide on Arabs & Palestinians????
You cant be that naive or just plain ignorant to realize Israel is USA’s MOST valuable ally. Always has been specifcally in keeping peace in the Middle East. But hey, asininely try and defend these towel wearing, camel sucking nations that want to destroy democracy.
I’ve been polite but seriously go fuk yourself, you just showed your lack of intelligence AND understanding of anything NON binary.
You cant be that naive or just plain ignorant to realize Israel is USA’s MOST valuable ally. Always has been specifcally in keeping peace in the Middle East. But hey, asininely try and defend these towel wearing, camel sucking nations that want to destroy democracy.
I’ve been polite but seriously go fuk yourself, you just showed your lack of intelligence AND understanding of anything NON binary.
Yeah, Obama tried to change United States' policy towards Israel by interfering in their election. Democrats hate Israel.
Biden proposes giving money with no conditions to terrorists who oppose Israel. He also wants to move the embassy. Like parties who hate the Jews? Vote Democratic!
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Barako Obamamo was anti-American, socialist loving, community organizer who weaponized the intelligence communities, IRS, and court systems (lost 23 times in the Supreme Court) to shit on the Constitution, target political opponents, and cover up his administration’s crimes. He is the biggest POS President in American History.

Barako Obamamo should be thrown in Guantánamo Bay as an enemy combatant of this country where he can receive massive reach around hand jobs from his filthy animal shemale “Michelle” aka Michael who has a 10 inch schlong and hairy balls.
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Barako Obamamo was anti-American, socialist loving, community organizer who weaponized the intelligence communities, IRS, and court systems (lost 23 times in the Supreme Court) to shit on the Constitution, target political opponents, and cover up his administration’s crimes. He is the biggest POS President in American History.

Barako Obamamo should be thrown in Guantánamo Bay as an enemy combatant of this country where he can receive massive reach around hand jobs from his filthy animal shemale “Michelle” aka Michael who has a 10 inch schlong and hairy balls.
Maybe Michelle is the one Cems is talking about.
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The Act references private citizens, get it?
Here is a Democratic private citizen negotiating with Iranians.

This is how idiotic and corrupt Obama was to try and use the Logan Act, no one has been convicted of the Logan Act in easily over 150 years. The Logan Act was enacted before we had phones, so someone couldn’t go to Europe, and claim to be representing the U.S. when they weren’t. Just the fact this is what they used, should have sounded an alarm, to anyone with common sense. Which would leave leave out the left wing loons on this board.
You cant be that naive or just plain ignorant to realize Israel is USA’s MOST valuable ally. Always has been specifcally in keeping peace in the Middle East. But hey, asininely try and defend these towel wearing, camel sucking nations that want to destroy democracy.
I’ve been polite but seriously go fuk yourself, you just showed your lack of intelligence AND understanding of anything NON binary.
Some ally. We give them billions of dollars each year to slaughter, disenfranchise Palestinians and Arabs. That is the reason the United States and its citizens are constantly in danger from extremist groups.
The israeli govt continues to dump chemical waste in areas inhabited by Arabs & Palestinians. Raw sewage still flows through these areas. Its been that way since the early 1940s when Israel accquired this territory.
First, the main waterway was altered so the majority of the water went to Israeli areas. A few years later the wetlands were drained. When Israel expanded into areas once occupied by Palestinians, water was redirected to Israeli settlements.
Then in the late 60s - early seventies The govt tried to pull the wool over the international community by declaring
"The New Israel." films were made to show its citizens tilling the soil, harvesting the fields. It was nothing more than a front. Arabs & Palestinians who once worked on their own farms were forced into hard labor, paid low wages & little to no relief from the hot & humid days. The brutality continues till today.
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Some ally. We give them billions of dollars each year to slaughter, disenfranchise Palestinians and Arabs. That is the reason the United States and its citizens are constantly in danger from extremist groups.
The israeli govt continues to dump chemical waste in areas inhabited by Arabs & Palestinians. Raw sewage still flows through these areas. Its been that way since the early 1940s when Israel accquired this territory.
First, the main waterway was altered so the majority of the water went to Israeli areas. A few years later the wetlands were drained. When Israel expanded into areas once occupied by Palestinians, water was redirected to Israeli settlements.
Then in the late 60s - early seventies The govt tried to pull the wool over the international community by declaring
"The New Israel." films were made to show its citizens tilling the soil, harvesting the fields. It was nothing more than a front. Arabs & Palestinians who once worked on their own farms were forced into hard labor, paid low wages & little to no relief from the hot & humid days. The brutality continues till today.
Like I said, the Democrats hate Jews. And they love terrorists and Communists.
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Why even engage with thing he will tell you is that 911 was our fault and that it did not really happen......
Good Grief Charlie Brown......
What a great party the Democratic Party is. We really want them to be in control of our lives... to take our liberty make all of our decisions for us.
Barako Obamamo was anti-American, socialist loving, community organizer who weaponized the intelligence communities, IRS, and court systems (lost 23 times in the Supreme Court) to shit on the Constitution, target political opponents, and cover up his administration’s crimes. He is the biggest POS President in American History.

Barako Obamamo should be thrown in Guantánamo Bay as an enemy combatant of this country where he can receive massive reach around hand jobs from his filthy animal shemale “Michelle” aka Michael who has a 10 inch schlong and hairy balls.
LMAO....This is some sick stuff. I can't believe Ferman puts up with your nonsense. It's pretty sick and racist to boot. This is what happens when people like yourself get their own president. You think you have this voice now but the truth is Trumps days are counting down as he melts down...tick tock. He will be done and be in jail with the rest of his administration braiding hair in prison wearing a black baby doll halter top.
And this is coming from the guy that waited 6 months, millions of Americans infected and thousands dead before finally getting around to declaring a National, Emergency for H1N1? He also depleted the nations supply of PPE's that he used up and refused to replace them. I wonder if the money he wasted on Solyndra could have been used towards that effort instead?
Why didn't Trump replace the depleted PPE's before this disaster he created?
LMAO....This is some sick stuff. I can't believe Ferman puts up with your nonsense. It's pretty sick and racist to boot. This is what happens when people like yourself get their own president. You think you have this voice now but the truth is Trumps days are counting down as he melts down...tick tock. He will be done and be in jail with the rest of his administration braiding hair in prison wearing a black baby doll halter top.

Only thing that is racist and full of nonsense is your low IQ troll bitch racist libtardery spewing multiple cuck fueled TDS threads on a daily basis. Stick to your Gindr’s Platinum Club taking swalls off the forehead while holding other dudes’ shafts.
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Only thing that is racist and full of nonsense is your low IQ troll bitch racist libtardery spewing multiple cuck fueled TDS threads on a daily basis. Stick to your Gindr’s Platinum Club taking swalls off the forehead while holding other dudes’ shafts.
Sage advice!
Some ally. We give them billions of dollars each year to slaughter, disenfranchise Palestinians and Arabs. That is the reason the United States and its citizens are constantly in danger from extremist groups.
The israeli govt continues to dump chemical waste in areas inhabited by Arabs & Palestinians. Raw sewage still flows through these areas. Its been that way since the early 1940s when Israel accquired this territory.
First, the main waterway was altered so the majority of the water went to Israeli areas. A few years later the wetlands were drained. When Israel expanded into areas once occupied by Palestinians, water was redirected to Israeli settlements.
Then in the late 60s - early seventies The govt tried to pull the wool over the international community by declaring
"The New Israel." films were made to show its citizens tilling the soil, harvesting the fields. It was nothing more than a front. Arabs & Palestinians who once worked on their own farms were forced into hard labor, paid low wages & little to no relief from the hot & humid days. The brutality continues till today.
Sorry Hawaii, please tell me what “Arabs & Palestine’s” have done to benefit the USA, OR THE WORLD.
“We give them billions to slaughter & disenfranchise Arabs and Palestine’s”????
Are you fuking kidding us?????????
“Hell will freeze over” before you can give me an articulate thought.!!!!!!!!!
You are a TOTAL JACK ASS, if you think Israel, the ONLY Democracy in Middle East is a problem.
Yeah point out some BS you believe concerning waste, as if that justifies those xenophobic, racist, sexist, anti Semite countries that want to destroy USA, and Israel by wiping them off the planet.
Lastly as a Jew, I’m quite offended by YOUR obtuse, antisemitic, cretinous, absurd mind set.
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LMAO....This is some sick stuff. I can't believe Ferman puts up with your nonsense. It's pretty sick and racist to boot. This is what happens when people like yourself get their own president. You think you have this voice now but the truth is Trumps days are counting down as he melts down...tick tock. He will be done and be in jail with the rest of his administration braiding hair in prison wearing a black baby doll halter top.
CD all of these racist clowns would rather suck on Trumps @ick then screw their own wives. Especially Advarkas, UM_CANE, 801 Canemxer, lima 23, Garbagecane, Majus12 and Vivianjane, They are all made that their wives have fantasies about Obama. While they sit home and have fantasies about Trump.
You can never have a straight conversation with a CULT. I wish they would just drink the Kool aid and be done.
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CD all of these racist clowns would rather suck on Trumps @ick then screw their own wives. Especially Advarkas, UM_CANE, 801 Canemxer, lima 23, Garbagecane, and Vivianjane, They are all made that their wives have fantasies about Obama. While they sit home and have fantasies about Trump.
You can never have a straight conversation with a CULT. I wish they would just drink the Kool aid and be done.
I didn't vote for Trump so there's that. You on the other hand are going to vote for Joe Biden, the moron that wrote the unjust and oppressive sentencing laws that you constantly whine about on here. Hypocrisy at it's finest.
Another non-answer by the Trump lying machine. I'll help you out. Trump did absolutely nothing to replenish our supply of PPE.
Just because you don't like the truth, it doesn't mean that it wasn't an answer. I'll help you out. Obama used up all our PPE's and instead of replacing them he spent the money to replace them on pie in the sky projects like Solyndra.
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But Trump knew they were depleted in January when he could have invoked the Defense Production Act to get more PPE. Why didn't he do that before this pandemic got out of control?
In January? As late as March 3 the Director General of the WHO was still downplaying the severity of COVID. On March 2 we had just over 100 cases in the US but yeah, he should have shut the whole country down in Jan. Wonder why your gutless hero Obama waited 6 months before declaring a National Emergency for H1N1? By then there were millions of Americans infected and thousands dead. By his own track record, we would be waiting until July before he got around to declaring it with COVID.
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CD all of these racist clowns would rather suck on Trumps @ick then screw their own wives. Especially Advarkas, UM_CANE, 801 Canemxer, lima 23, Garbagecane, Majus12 and Vivianjane, They are all made that their wives have fantasies about Obama. While they sit home and have fantasies about Trump.
You can never have a straight conversation with a CULT. I wish they would just drink the Kool aid and be done.

Low IQ fake news reply from a worthless black animal racist POS.
In January? As late as March 3 the Director General of the WHO was still downplaying the severity of COVID. On March 2 we had just over 100 cases in the US but yeah, he should have shut the whole country down in Jan. Wonder why your gutless hero Obama waited 6 months before declaring a National Emergency for H1N1? By then there were millions of Americans infected and thousands dead. By his own track record, we would be waiting until July before he got around to declaring it with COVID.

There you go again blaming others for Trump's incompetence. Also, H1N1 had 12K US deaths whereas Trump's pandemic has over 81K and counting. Take fukking ownership of this mess!
There you go again blaming others for Trump's incompetence. Also, H1N1 had 12K US deaths whereas Trump's pandemic has over 81K and counting. Take fukking ownership of this mess!
There you go again deflecting blame from your limp wristed hero. He had a choice on where to spend our hard earned tax dollars and chose Solyndra over the health and welfare of American citizens. Different virus that Trump is dealing with, but you know that.
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Deflecting at its finest. You have no answer to Trump's gross incompetence. Smh
You are only shaking your head because you don't understand how the truth works. Dispute the fact that it was Obama and not Trump that used up our nations supply of PPE's without replenishing them. Same thing for your wonderboy, Cuomo, who also feebly tries to blame Trump for his incompetency. Seems to be a pattern with Dems.
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Sorry Hawaii, please tell me what “Arabs & Palestine’s” have done to benefit the USA, OR THE WORLD.
“We give them billions to slaughter & disenfranchise Arabs and Palestine’s”????
Rate you fuking kidding us?????????
“Hell will freeze over” before you can give me an articulate thought.
You are a TOTAL JACK ASS, if you think Israel, the ONLY Democracy in Middle East is a problem.
Yeah point out some BS you believe concerning waste, as if that justifies those xenophobic, racist, sexist, anti Semite countries that want to destroy USA, and Israel by wiping them off the planet.
Lastly as a Jew, I’m quite offended by YOUR obtuse, antisemitic, cretinous, absurd mind set.
Democrats don't believe in democracy. Want authoritarian, non democratic, rule here, vote Democratic.
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Sorry Hawaii, please tell me what “Arabs & Palestine’s” have done to benefit the USA, OR THE WORLD.
“We give them billions to slaughter & disenfranchise Arabs and Palestine’s”????
Are you fuking kidding us?????????
“Hell will freeze over” before you can give me an articulate thought.!!!!!!!!!
You are a TOTAL JACK ASS, if you think Israel, the ONLY Democracy in Middle East is a problem.
Yeah point out some BS you believe concerning waste, as if that justifies those xenophobic, racist, sexist, anti Semite countries that want to destroy USA, and Israel by wiping them off the planet.
Lastly as a Jew, I’m quite offended by YOUR obtuse, antisemitic, cretinous, absurd mind set.
Money Post.........
Sorry Hawaii, please tell me what “Arabs & Palestine’s” have done to benefit the USA, OR THE WORLD.
“We give them billions to slaughter & disenfranchise Arabs and Palestine’s”????
Are you fuking kidding us?????????
“Hell will freeze over” before you can give me an articulate thought.!!!!!!!!!
You are a TOTAL JACK ASS, if you think Israel, the ONLY Democracy in Middle East is a problem.
Yeah point out some BS you believe concerning waste, as if that justifies those xenophobic, racist, sexist, anti Semite countries that want to destroy USA, and Israel by wiping them off the planet.
Lastly as a Jew, I’m quite offended by YOUR obtuse, antisemitic, cretinous, absurd mind set.
How do expect a group of people to contribute to the global community when they are constantly facing oppression, indignation, unarmed & shot at.
As for Israel being the problem , yes, of course. If we went to war with China, North Korea, Iran or Russia and we need help, Israel wont help us. We have no alliance with Israel.
Im not being anti-semitic, racist by saying this because Im referring to a govt, not a ethnicity. If your not sure go look up both.
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