Trayvon will get his justice. Guarantee......

Stupid people believe what they want and make up names like zimmiester....smh. The dude said out of his own mouth to the 911 operator he was following the kid.

Obviously he changed his story through his attorneys.

Posted from[/URL]
This dude murdered a kid that just turned 17. He will get his just like O J.

Its not about color. These people are douche bags.
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by cdwright40:
Stupid people believe what they want and make up names like zimmiester....smh. The dude said out of his own mouth to the 911 operator he was following the kid.

Obviously he changed his story through his attorneys.


Posted from
But calling an innocent man Georgy Porgey somehow makes it right…lol.

Tell me something genius, when did he change his story about following Martin and then subsequently attempting to return to his car? Give me details. You either haven't followed the case at all or your comprehension is atrocious. I am leaning towards the latter. There is a reason why I have owned you since the day you started posting. Its because I am more intelligent than you are and know how to utilize facts and logic when debating.

This post was edited on 7/23 2:22 AM by tde
Originally posted by Azar:
Originally posted by bkmorgan52:

Originally posted by Azar:

Originally posted by tde:

Originally posted by Azar:

Originally posted by tde:

Originally posted by Azar:

I ask this question on the other TM thread and I'll ask it on this to see if I can get a response. To all you who are citing the laws and agreeing with this decision based on the law, I have a question. Was OJ's acquittal the correct decision based on the law? Considerable less evidence connecting OJ to Nicole's Murder, so based on the law did they reach the right decision in his case...I'll be waiting for this........

Yes. I am a staunch supporter of the Zimmerman verdict but in OJ's criminal trial the prosecution gave too many outs to the jury to find him not guilty. The prosecution was wholly unprepared when presenting their DNA evidence so they got torn to shreds by Barry Scheck. At the time of OJ's trial the introduction of DNA as a tool was novel so the jury needed to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that the use of DNA was a legitimate science. Sheck tore them apart by exposing so many instances of contamination. This doesn't mean that I believe that OJ didn't do it, it just means the state didn't prove their case.
I commend you for at least having the courage to answer the question but what does being a staunch supporter of the Zimmerman verdict mean? Why a fan of one and not the other? Why do you believe OJ was guilty when there absolutely nothing other than circumstantial evidence linking OJ vs the hardcore evidence ignored in the Zimmerman case? What's the difference? The court which you believe in says that OJ did not do it, so why support one decision and not the other? What might be the difference here? You cite all the mistakes made in OJ's case but what about all the mistakes made in the Trayvon case from the beginning at the crime scene up through the trial? Trying to make some sense of this other than the obvious reason. Please explain.....

This post was edited on 7/17 7:44 PM by Azar

When I stated that "this doesn't mean that I believe that OJ didn't do it" I was basing this statement off the additional evidence that was brought into OJ's civil trial. I still cant with 100% certainty say that OJ did it. But gun to my head to make a choice I would say he did it. Also, I never said that I didn't support the OJ decision. I fully did because I support the system.

Yes, the prosecution in the Zimmerman case made mistakes. They introduced his testimony which was not subject to cross examination. They switched theories about who was on top. They didn't adequately prepare their star witness. Having said this I don't think it would have made a difference. I said I was a staunch supporter because I believed Zimmermman's story that he was in fear for his life when he was getting the crap kicked out of him. Why? Because there was testimony from the lead detective that he believed that Zimmerman was telling the truth, and further, when the detective lied to Zimmerman and said that there was a video of the incident Zimmerman's reaction was "thank God." Also, the forensics proved that Trayvon was on top and I thought the testimony from the defense's medical expert was more credible than the prosecution's expert. Was Trayvon profiled? Absolutely. However, that in and of itself does not make it illegal. I just didn't see hardcore evidence in Zimmerman's guilt like you did and in no way believe that there was more evidence against Zimmerman than OJ had against him.

Our legal system is not perfect, but its still the best in the world. There are always going to be some injustices such Marisa Alexander, however, in large part, I believe that our system works better than any other.

This post was edited on 7/18 5:22 AM by tde

Tde, you are just blowing smoke if you expect me to believe you supported the OJ decision prior to some new evidence. Regarding the GZ case, there's not one iota of solid proof that Zimmerman was getting the crap beat out of him yet you mention it as fact. Laceration could've come with a fall, it doesn't prove anything one way or the other. Zimmerman walked around perfectly fine after the incident as shown on police video and Trayvon's knuckles had no bruises on them. Maybe you've never been in a fight before, but I assure you there is no way there would no bruising or swelling on his knuckles after supposedly beating the hell out of someone. It's laughable in a disgusting sort of way how you choose to overlook all the factors that provoked the incident, factors that prove Trayvon was the one defending himself vs Zimmerman. The established facts we do know and not the assumptions you are making based on circumstantial evidence is that Zimmerman got out of his car, called the kid a coon on the phone, was advised by 911 not to chase Trayvon a couple of times yet continued to chase the kid down and provoking the entire incident that lead to murder of a kid. Yet and still, you choose to believe that Trayvon was the attacker and the aggressor. In your mind, Trayvon was the thug and must have been the attacker regardless of the fact of GZ chasing him down and the kid running scared from a stranger because there's no law. I guess Trayvon was suppose to get on you knees, be obedient to a stranger, and beg for his life. This is pretty much the twist message that shines through. I'm sure you tell you son or daughter to be obedient to strangers and come to them when they follow you at night. Yep, sounds like sound advise to me…

As for your court system being the best in the world, that's merely opinion and not fact so save that company line. This is true based on what comparative study of world court systems? This is nothing more that a conditioned BS response created by those who are a part of this BS system. Every time one of these kangaroo court proceedings take place and another AA is fckd by the system, I hear the same BS "Its not perfect but its the best in the world". No its not perfect, its not even descent, its a BS system that has never shown any justice towards black people. It was never designed to be fair and just towards us, and it remains that way. There are enough stories of blatant and intentional injustices towards black people to create a encyclopedia series. Melissa Alexander is just the tip of the iceberg so save the sh*t happens speech with that also.

That being said, I was not in the least bit surprise by the GZ decision, pissed but not surprised. I don't care to convince you or any white person on here that this case was both a tragedy driven by racism and a travesty of justice because I sincerely believe that those of your mindset lack the ability to empathize with anyone other than your own. I've learned that speaking to the progenitors and benefiters of racism about racism is about as futile as speaking to mountain about being in the way. The psychosis of racism is so deeply instilled in the collective mind of the majority of white America and has created such a privileged and arrogant attitude that you (plural) really believe the BS in which you speak when it comes to racial injustices.

It continues to amaze me every time I see it, a people who have never had to deal with the receiving end of racism or have never seriously had to intimately deal with any racial matters somehow think they know more about the nuances and complexities of racism than those who have dealt with it generation after generation. Most white people could not cite me one example of racism in our social, economic, or political structure yet you arrogantly attempt to tell black people whether something's racist or not. Black folks deal with the ridiculous issue as a daily part of life but we are apparently delusional when it comes to racism and white people must tell us when a situation is racist or not.

This country continues its cowardly stance when it comes to facing it's demons of slavery, racism, and oppression. The sweep it under the rug and act as if doesn't exist attitude remains. This is still Amerikkka for Black people, a country that lacks the moral and ethical courage to even address issues of race, let alone correct it. So carry on white folks with your celebratory attitude towards an injustice and continue to arrogantly believe that decisions like this won't ever affect you. Continue rooting for white instead of right, the demons will come back around….

This post was edited on 7/18 4:21 PM by Azar
Azar your response may be one of the most racist comments I have ever seen on this board. I have no doubt that you have experienced racial injustices as part of your life and they no doubt shape your beliefs but that does not mean that that is categorically how it is across our country. You made some bold and what I would call racial statements of your own in that response. First when you address our court system and say it has never shown any justice towards black people. What about Brown vs the Board of Education and all the civil rights cases that were upheld during the 60's and since. Are those not examples of how the court system in America has worked for African Americans in our country. In many statements you make large generalizations about white people saying "white people" or "most white people" or "this is still Amerikkka for Black people". I had a football coach that used to say we did two things at practice your were either getting better or getting worse but that it was very hard to stay were you were. I believe this is true in all aspects of our life. Statements like yours only make our country and race relations get worse. Are there still examples of racism in America, yes. However, we have moved leaps and bounds from where we were and I believe we continue to move forward and that things get better on a daily basis. Making broad generalizations like you have will only cause our country to move backwards. It offends me and I consider it racist when I hear comments like you were making. I believe the Zimmerman verdict was correct but it has nothing to do with race and you assuming that just because I am white and because I support the Zimmerman verdict makes me a racist is absurd. You thinking just because someone is white doesn't mean they haven't experienced or seen racism is racist in itself. There are comments made on this board all the time referring to Trailerhassee and talking about hillbillies when we refer to SEC teams on this board. I happen to live in the south and I happen to live in a trailer so those types of statements seem racist to me. I grew up what I have seen stated on this board as "trailer trash". We were dirt poor and the only housing we could afford was a trailer. It didn't make me a racist or trashy or anything else it is just where I had to live. I went to college I have a masters degree and I still live in a trailer because I can't afford the house I want because of the $60,000 plus in student loans I had to get to go to college. Why did I have to get so many loans if I was so poor? Because a vast majority of the financial aid available when I went to school was for minorities and women. That left out one group that couldn't get the financial aid, white men. To me that was racist that just because I was a white man everyone assumed I must be able to pay for college, why wouldn't I be able to since all white men are rich. The only way the problem of racism will get fixed is if both white and black people in our country teach their children that race does not matter. When I was in HS one of my best friends was black. After football practice one day we went to another friends house to swim. His dad got pissed because his son had brought a black person home to swim in the pool. His dad had grown up in the 50's when there was segregation for pools and other stuff and that was normal to him. It hadn't even crossed my or my white friends mind that his dad wouldn't want a black person swimming in the pool. My point is that we changed that way of thinking for us. I know my white friend didn't think that way and still doesn't and neither do I. I teach my kids to treat everyone the same. My brother in law married a black women. I have 3 nieces that are bi-racial and one that is not because of a previous marriage. One time when they came to our house she was telling me white people do this and white people do that. I told her you can't make broad generalization like that because not all white people are the same just like all black people aren't the same. There is nothing a black person can't do in our country that a white person cant do ask Oprah, Barrack Obama, Clarence Thomas....... I shouldn't have gone to college. I lived in poverty growing up. I have over 30 cousins and I am one of the few that graduated HS let alone college. It had nothing to do with the fact that I was white. I chose to better myself rather than focus on conditions in which I lived. I used them as motivation to improve my way of life. AMERICA not "Amerikkka" is a great place to live. The only thing stopping anyone white or black from succeeding in our country is themselves. Are there racist people, yes both black and white. However, I believe the vast majority of Americans are good people that are starting to put racism in the past where it belongs.


First of all, you along with all of the white people who accuse black people of racism apparently don't have the slightest clue as to the definition of racism based on how you consistently use it incorrectly. Accusing black people of being racist because they speak out against racism is mind fckry at best. Tell me, where in any of my comments do I claim that black are superior and whites are inferior based on our skin color? Where in any of my comments does it say I hate white people? Where is the part where I say all whites are racist? What social structure, economic structure, or political structure do black people control where we can affect the lives and oppress whites? These are the elements of racism and none match any of the statements I've made or any black people you know. So stop the ignorant claim of black people being racist because they tell you about the BS racist system you support. A reaction to oppression, citing the history of racism and brutality towards blacks by whites, or calling out racism does not equal racism. It's jackazz logic and nothing more than a defense mechanism. Just out of curiosity, though, why don't you point out which one of my statements you believe is racist. It should be interesting to see you try to twist something out.

My comments do not and were not meant to indict every white person as being a racist, my use of the phrase white people refers to white America collectively because I do believe the majority fit into the category I've described. If you perceived it as me speaking in absolutes then I'm telling you that you are incorrect. What is correct is the fact that I believe the majority of white America is still racist, hence the Amerikkka reference I use to describe this country.

Citing me one case to prove that there's justice for black people is a joke, this case was the exception and not the norm so save it. Also, Brown vs BOE and desegregation was nothing more than a political decisions; a decision that proved to be an economic disaster for the black community. Desegregation created an economic depression that has never been overcome to this very day. Whites allowed us to come spend money in the white community but refused to hire black people to work with them or for them with the exception of a few menial positions such as housekeeping and janitorial service. People who once serviced and thrived when blacks patronized their own community suffered especially those in prominent positions such as lawyers, docs, teachers, Principals, etc. as money began to flow out of the community and they could not get jobs in white community doing their respective professions.

Let's also talk about the history of the Civil Rights movement or how any concessions that were ever made for black people were never done out of moral or ethical conviction by America. Instead, they were all either politically or economically motivated, bar none! Every decision was made due to some sort of pressure and none because it was the right thing to do. This is real history and not the rosy story you are attempting to paint.

As I stated earlier, though, this is more of the smoke screen to circumvent the real issue here. The issue has now become me being a racist as opposed to the racism on display by whites during and post the Trayvon case, right? When all else fails, just label me a racist so you don't have to discuss the real issue. I've seen this strategy a time or two. I swear, you guys just pull sh*t out your azzes in your attempts to defend white supremacy and hide mask racism in this country. Calling someone a racist has become your new thing, I guess.

This post was edited on 7/22 12:03 PM by Azar

It is true if you look racism up in the dictionary you will get the definition you quoted. However, the term is also commonly accepted and used when people make generalizations about a group of people based on race. In May almost every media outlet in the country said Sergio Garcia made racist comments about Tiger Woods when he said he would have Tiger over for dinner and serve fried chicken. Clearly the media must have been calling Sergio out for his belief that he was superior to Tiger because of his skin color (sarcasm). I think you know what I meant when I said your statements were racist. Perhaps I should have said they were prejudice or they were racial stereotyping. You can argue over the semantics all you want but it is clear through your comments that you believe white people in our country are racist. It angered me that you group all white people into that category. In my previous post I highlighted and underlined the statements I found offensive. It appears you didn't understand that so maybe this method will work better.

You said:

"Tell me, where in any of my comments do I claim that black are superior and whites are inferior based on our skin color? "

You didn't say that and I never said you did

You said:

" Where in any of my comments does it say I hate white people?"

You didn't say that and I never said you did

You said:

"Where is the part where I say all whites are racist?"

You didn't and I never said you did

You said:

"What social structure, economic structure, or political structure do black people control where we can affect the lives and oppress whites?"

You didn't say that and I never said you did. However in this case Barrack Obama and Erik Holder do have significant influence over the justice system and are using their power to make life hard on George Zimmerman. I will say though I do not believe their actions are racially motivated I believe they are politically motivated.

You said:

"Just out of curiosity, though, why don't you point out which one of my statements you believe is racist"

Just as the media called Sergio racist because he implied that all black people like fried chicken I believe your comment of:

"This is still Amerikkka for Black people, a country that lacks the moral and ethical courage to even address issues of race, let alone correct it. So carry on white folks with your celebratory attitude towards an injustice and continue to arrogantly believe that decisions like this won't ever affect you. Continue rooting for white instead of right, the demons will come back around…."

I believe that comment is racist. You imply that the majority of white people in "Amerikkka" as you call it are racist. You imply that just because a person agrees with the Zimmerman verdict means they are "rooting for white instead of right,"

The reason I cited you Brown vs the Board of Education is because I am a teacher and it happens to be a case that I am more familiar with. Can I quote you specific examples of other cases where the courts have upheld Civil Rights laws, no, but I know they exists. I am sorry if the entire Civil Rights Movement was not good enough for you because as you say "they were all either politically or economically motivated, bar none!" I will say this. According to the Census in the 1960's African Americans made up 10% of the population. During the 2010 census African Americans made up 13% of the population. If America was "Amerikkka" as you call it the Civil Rights movement would not have happened. Barrack Obama would not have been elected president if the majority of white Americans didn't support both. I did not say your statements were racist to try to divert your attention or change the subject. I stated they were racist because they are.
Originally posted by cdwright40:
This dude murdered a kid that just turned 17. He will get his just like O J.

Its not about color. These people are douche bags.

Posted from

Lmao. It looks like Zimmy is already starting to follow in OJ's footsteps. He just saved a family from a burning truck that was overturned. Definitely something I could see OJ doing when he was not robbing people.…lol. Check out link below.

Zimmerman will be fine. Rumors are he has already been offered a book deal and has a pending civil suit against NBC which will probably be settled for a good chunk of change. Further, a wrongful death action by the Martin family would be very risky on their part because if they lose they would have to pay for Zimmerman's attorneys fees under the "Stand your Ground" statute which is also applicable in civil cases. So you can wish all you want for the demise of Zimmy, but in the end, he will be fine. Two years from now this mess will blow over.

This post was edited on 7/23 3:03 AM by tde

Zimmy rescues family from burning truck
It is true if you look racism up in the dictionary you will get the definition you quoted. However, the term is also commonly accepted and used when people make generalizations about a group of people based on race. In May almost every media outlet in the country said Sergio Garcia made racist comments about Tiger Woods when he said he would have Tiger over for dinner and serve fried chicken. Clearly the media must have been calling Sergio out for his belief that he was superior to Tiger because of his skin color (sarcasm). I think you know what I meant when I said your statements were racist. Perhaps I should have said they were prejudice or they were racial stereotyping. You can argue over the semantics all you want but it is clear through your comments that you believe white people in our country are racist. It angered me that you group all white people into that category. In my previous post I highlighted and underlined the statements I found offensive. It appears you didn't understand that so maybe this method will work better.

You said:

"Tell me, where in any of my comments do I claim that black are superior and whites are inferior based on our skin color? "

You didn't say that and I never said you did

You said:

" Where in any of my comments does it say I hate white people?"

You didn't say that and I never said you did

You said:

"Where is the part where I say all whites are racist?"

You didn't and I never said you did

You said:

"What social structure, economic structure, or political structure do black people control where we can affect the lives and oppress whites?"

You didn't say that and I never said you did. However in this case Barrack Obama and Erik Holder do have significant influence over the justice system and are using their power to make life hard on George Zimmerman. I will say though I do not believe their actions are racially motivated I believe they are politically motivated.

You said:

"Just out of curiosity, though, why don't you point out which one of my statements you believe is racist"

Just as the media called Sergio racist because he implied that all black people like fried chicken I believe your comment of:

"This is still Amerikkka for Black people, a country that lacks the moral and ethical courage to even address issues of race, let alone correct it. So carry on white folks with your celebratory attitude towards an injustice and continue to arrogantly believe that decisions like this won't ever affect you. Continue rooting for white instead of right, the demons will come back around…."

I believe that comment is racist. You imply that the majority of white people in "Amerikkka" as you call it are racist. You imply that just because a person agrees with the Zimmerman verdict means they are "rooting for white instead of right,"

The reason I cited you Brown vs the Board of Education is because I am a teacher and it happens to be a case that I am more familiar with. Can I quote you specific examples of other cases where the courts have upheld Civil Rights laws, no, but I know they exists. I am sorry if the entire Civil Rights Movement was not good enough for you because as you say "they were all either politically or economically motivated, bar none!" I will say this. According to the Census in the 1960's African Americans made up 10% of the population. During the 2010 census African Americans made up 13% of the population. If America was "Amerikkka" as you call it the Civil Rights movement would not have happened. Barrack Obama would not have been elected president if the majority of white Americans didn't support both. I did not say your statements were racist to try to divert your attention or change the subject. I stated they were racist because they are.


You guys are absolute masters at justifying injustice. You haven't disproved the validity of any of my comments. Basically, what you've just told me regarding your improper use of the word racism is screw the real definition we have changed it to fit our purpose, it's now our defense mechanism against anyone who points out our racism. I gotta lol at you pointing out my use of the phrase white people as a comment of racism. So let me get this straight so I understand white people's new use of the word racism since it has now been changed from basically all of your dictionaries, if I use the phrase white people or say anything about racism in America I'm being racist? Is this how the new Jedi mind trick works? Absolutely ridiculous, you can't be serious. You've said nothing about the context in which the word was used except a bunch of, "ah ha look here, you used the term white folks" statements. Lmao!

It's a fact that every decision to allow black folks freedoms or civil rights were made due to political or economic interest. You name a concession and I'll tell you why it was done starting with the abolishment of slavery. As I said, not one of these were based on a moral or ethical decision to right a wrong. It's also a fact that white America as a collective has a celebratory attitude towards this verdict, financially supported GZ to tune of $400k, and have no real basis for galvanizing behind this low life other than the fact of him being white. These demons will come back, its called Karma.

The comments made about Tiger woods have a history associated with it. Stereotypical words and phases that have been used by whites regarding black are racist as they have always been used with racist intent, the intent to dehumanize and discredit a race of people. Pointing out the fact that whites are and have been racist has nothing to do with twisting facts, has nothing to do with stereotypes, and as I said, nothing to do with racism. There is no history of black racism against whites,, your points are totally invalid.

Somehow you, you ignored my statement explaining my use of the term white people as a collective and not as an absolute. Nothing's true one hundred percent of the time but when it comes to racism and white people, its true most of the time. Otherwise, this silly azz notion of race and racial superiority, a fairytale superficially concocted by white folks to justify slavery in the 1600's, would be gone.The problem is most of you don't understand your racism which is why you don't believe you or most white people are racist. You believe racism is just about calling black people the N-word and overt hate as the back woods Bama does. Racism is an ideology that has been imposed systematically in every aspect of this country and whites, by and large, support it. Racism has sort of a new look in this era, kinda like the adage of putting lipstick on a pig, but it has the same feel and same results. The GZ case is a shinning example of it. Not one of you have given a legit reason for the overwhelming support of a killer. Something that is unprecedented in this country. Whites, a people who've never had any problem getting justice in this country are now all of a sudden passionate about justice and the system. As I said earlier, you who claim this BS are only fooling yourselves. Racism shines through and has shone through brighter than ever since Obama's election.

Obama and Eric holder can't just change laws or influence any court decisions because of their positions. What the hell does their positions have to do with racism not being a factor in the case/country?

Tde, Lol @ your fanatical support of this dude. Now he's a hero, right? Smdh.

This post was edited on 7/23 2:25 PM by Azar
The fact that most of you believe that racism apparently has nothing to do with the overwhelming white support of GZ and the obvious presumption that black people are delusional about racism in this issue or any other issue is white privilege and white arrogance; a privileged that has been conditioned by systemic racism and oppression.

Here, I'll let another white man tell you about your privilege and denial of racism because black people obviously don't know what the hell we're talking about on this subject matter....
This post was edited on 7/23 11:54 AM by Azar
Azar there are many things I would like to say to you but I am going to be the bigger person and not do that. We disagree and I will leave it at that.

TDE I give up. It's one thing to have a conversation with someone but when you are talking to someone who can't even begin to admit that maybe they are wrong it's useless. As for me I have spent way to much time trying to communicate my opinion and point of view to someone who obviously doesn't want to even attempt to see it. In his mind he is right and we are wrong and there is nothing anyone is going to say or do to change that. Good Luck.
Well said guys. People like that dont care.

They are more concerned about Zimmerman being fine....but are too foolish to realize people like him are never fine. They are losers at life. That always catches up with you. Never has failed to work out that way.

He will get his. Its already started. He us like day day in the fridays movie. Wants to be relevant but cant even be a security guard anywhere let alone pursue his dream of being a member of the force. Its over because it couldnt begin.

Now he has made Travon a marter. You have to be pretty stupid not to see Trayvons death will serve a much bigger purpose. His parents are seeing to that.

He will be a modern day Emmitt Til.
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by bkmorgan52:
Azar there are many things I would like to say to you but I am going to be the bigger person and not do that. We disagree and I will leave it at that.

TDE I give up. It's one thing to have a conversation with someone but when you are talking to someone who can't even begin to admit that maybe they are wrong it's useless. As for me I have spent way to much time trying to communicate my opinion and point of view to someone who obviously doesn't want to even attempt to see it. In his mind he is right and we are wrong and there is nothing anyone is going to say or do to change that. Good Luck.

This has nothing to do with being a bigger person and everything to do with the arrogance that you and many whites have when it comes to matters of race and racial injustice. Unless you had planned on cursing me out which I have not done to you, what makes you "a bigger person" for not speaking your mind? Running away from a conversation you can't handle is not being a bigger person, it's being cowardly. I don't talk out of my azz, I back up the things I say with fact and historical association. Problem you have with what I say is your inability to refute it. You haven't pointed out any inaccuracies in my statements. The reason you claim I'm wrong is simply because you don't like what I'm saying. Don't get it twisted, however, I could give a rats azz about you not wanting to talking to me any further. I just wanted to check you on your bigger person BS.

You and the majority of white America are supporting the murderer of an unarmed innocent teen (guilty of no crime) based on the words of a low life individual who was known for profiling black people yet I'm the one who's wrong. How could I attempt to see a view point of someone who's being disingenuous about the entire matter. For you to even attempt to justify white America's support, including yours, to be anything but racism and white nationalism is intellectually insulting. I'm suppose to believe there's this great concern about the justice system from whites all of sudden. Whites like you and Tde who've expressed you belief and support in how the justice system works. "It's the best system in the world" yet we are seriously concerned in how GZ is being handled by the system. Yeah, right! So no, I will not listen to someone attempting to piss on my and tell me it's raining. I will not listen to someone who is guilty of being the very same person you accuse me of being, close minded, arrogant, and unwilling to admit the truth. It's attitudes, beliefs, and arrogance like yours and Tde's that keeps this country from progressing socially as it pertains to race and racial issues. The constant state of denial about racism and white privilege is the problem, not a black man pointing it out. This amounts to nothing more than an uncomfortable conversation for you. For me and that rest of black America, the reality of all the issues I stated earlier remain a real and present challenge to so called dream of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

This post was edited on 7/24 10:51 AM by Azar
Originally posted by Azar:
Originally posted by bkmorgan52:
Azar there are many things I would like to say to you but I am going to be the bigger person and not do that. We disagree and I will leave it at that.

TDE I give up. It's one thing to have a conversation with someone but when you are talking to someone who can't even begin to admit that maybe they are wrong it's useless. As for me I have spent way to much time trying to communicate my opinion and point of view to someone who obviously doesn't want to even attempt to see it. In his mind he is right and we are wrong and there is nothing anyone is going to say or do to change that. Good Luck.

This has nothing to do with being a bigger person and everything to do with the arrogance that you and many whites have when it comes to matters of race and racial injustice. Unless you had planned on cursing me out which I have not done to you, what makes you "a bigger person" for not speaking your mind? Running away from a conversation you can't handle is not being a bigger person, it's being cowardly. I don't talk out of my azz, I back up the things I say with fact and historical association. Problem you have with what I say is your inability to refute it. You haven't pointed out any inaccuracies in my statements. The reason you claim I'm wrong is simply because you don't like what I'm saying. Don't get it twisted, however, I could give a rats azz about you not wanting to talking to me any further. I just wanted to check you on your bigger person BS.

You and the majority of white America are supporting the murderer of an unarmed innocent teen (guilty of no crime) based on the words of a low life individual who was known for profiling black people yet I'm the one who's wrong. How could I attempt to see a view point of someone who's being disingenuous about the entire matter. For you to even attempt to justify white America's support, including yours, to be anything but racism and white nationalism is intellectually insulting. I'm suppose to believe there's this great concern about the justice system from whites all of sudden. Whites like you and Tde who've expressed you belief and support in how the justice system works. "It's the best system in the world" yet we are seriously concerned in how GZ is being handled by the system. Yeah, right! So no, I will not listen to someone attempting to piss on my and tell me it's raining. I will not listen to someone who is guilty of being the very same person you accuse me of being, close minded, arrogant, and unwilling to admit the truth. It's attitudes, beliefs, and arrogance like yours and Tde's that keeps this country from progressing socially as it pertains to race and racial issues. The constant state of denial about racism and white privilege is the problem, not a black man pointing it out. This amounts to nothing more than an uncomfortable conversation for you. For me and that rest of black America, the reality of all the issues I stated earlier remain a real and present challenge to so called dream of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

This post was edited on 7/24 10:51 AM by Azar

your right
A lot of great points.

Mainly, an unarmed child was killed going to his home (dads home) and people give a crap about narrative, and zimmerman being fine.....smdh.

That is symbolic of how some people feel that dont realize how purely insensitive and douchebagish this sounds.

What is not up for debate is a minor went to buy skittles and tea before going to his house. Now.....put yourself in the parents position when it takes days before they even tell the parents of a dead child. This is fact....yet someone is worried about GZ being okay?

Almost as douchebagish as bragging about your degrees while making fun of a young man with learning disabilities.

You dont find bigger
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by cdwright40:
A lot of great points.

Mainly, an unarmed child was killed going to his home (dads home) and people give a crap about narrative, and zimmerman being fine.....smdh.

That is symbolic of how some people feel that dont realize how purely insensitive and douchebagish this sounds.

What is not up for debate is a minor went to buy skittles and tea before going to his house. Now.....put yourself in the parents position when it takes days before they even tell the parents of a dead child. This is fact....yet someone is worried about GZ being okay?

Almost as douchebagish as bragging about your degrees while making fun of a young man with learning disabilities.

You dont find bigger

Posted from

Lol. Part of your disdain for me obviously stems from you having a mediocre life and career. It's the only explanation that I have for your continual references to my degrees from UM. Am I on your mind that much? You need to get over it. Not everyone in life is cut out to be successful.
Originally posted by cdwright40:
A lot of great points.

Mainly, an unarmed child was killed going to his home (dads home) and people give a crap about narrative, and zimmerman being fine.....smdh.

That is symbolic of how some people feel that dont realize how purely insensitive and douchebagish this sounds.

What is not up for debate is a minor went to buy skittles and tea before going to his house. Now.....put yourself in the parents position when it takes days before they even tell the parents of a dead child. This is fact....yet someone is worried about GZ being okay?

Almost as douchebagish as bragging about your degrees while making fun of a young man with learning disabilities.

You dont find bigger

Any idea when your guaranteed DOJ Civil Rights suit is going to be filed? Just curious since you apparently had inside information. TIA.

Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by cdwright40:
A lot of great points.

Mainly, an unarmed child was killed going to his home (dads home) and people give a crap about narrative, and zimmerman being fine.....smdh.

That is symbolic of how some people feel that dont realize how purely insensitive and douchebagish this sounds.

What is not up for debate is a minor went to buy skittles and tea before going to his house. Now.....put yourself in the parents position when it takes days before they even tell the parents of a dead child. This is fact....yet someone is worried about GZ being okay?

Almost as douchebagish as bragging about your degrees while making fun of a young man with learning disabilities.

You dont find bigger

Any idea when your guaranteed DOJ Civil Rights suit is going to be filed? Just curious since you apparently had inside information. TIA.


Posted from

I am not exactly going out on a limb here, but my prediction is that within a month we will see Holder drop the investigation. I also predict that Holder will not come out and say there was not enough evidence to prove that the killing was racially motivated because that would piss off his supporters and certain factions. So I am interested to see how Holder phrases the situation when or if the investigation is dropped.
CD you are a piece of shit. You are what's wrong with this country you whiny bitch.
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by tde:
Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by cdwright40:
A lot of great points.

Mainly, an unarmed child was killed going to his home (dads home) and people give a crap about narrative, and zimmerman being fine.....smdh.

That is symbolic of how some people feel that dont realize how purely insensitive and douchebagish this sounds.

What is not up for debate is a minor went to buy skittles and tea before going to his house. Now.....put yourself in the parents position when it takes days before they even tell the parents of a dead child. This is fact....yet someone is worried about GZ being okay?

Almost as douchebagish as bragging about your degrees while making fun of a young man with learning disabilities.

You dont find bigger

Any idea when your guaranteed DOJ Civil Rights suit is going to be filed? Just curious since you apparently had inside information. TIA.


Posted from

I am not exactly going out on a limb here, but my prediction is that within a month we will see Holder drop the investigation. I also predict that Holder will not come out and say there was not enough evidence to prove that the killing was racially motivated because that would piss off his supporters and certain factions. So I am interested to see how Holder phrases the situation when or if the investigation is dropped.

You couldn't more wrong.

Our tax dollars today went to a almost all day "congressional hearing" made up EXCLUSIVELY of Democrats and Civil Rights activists who patted each other on the back agreeing how concerned they all were.

Number of solutions proffered? NADA.

Actions put into place? NADA.

Number of times inner city violence and other issues affecting minorities addressed? NADA.

We are well on our way into an in depth investigation into anything but the true problems affecting our communities...well on our way.

Posted from[/URL]
I hope the DOJ is proceeding with all prospective legal avenues afforded them. I think they will do a fair and objective job being prudent in making sure all of our citizens have their civil rights protected. I understand that right now it is still under way and moving forward unlike Mr Zimmerman's dream of being a law enforcement

I have tremendous respect for our civil rights leaders. Mocking them is unintelligent, uninformed, and really unconstitutional. They serve a very important role for equal justice as it pertains to all Americans. Not just the selected ones. Good for them. Are all civil rights leaders perfect in what they do? NO. Do they have answers all the problems we have had for hundreds of years in this country to be applied in one meeting? Of course not. It is stupid to suggest they would. The important thing is there is always an important dialog taking place for all the mothers of people who have had to suffer any civil rights injustice as a minor.

I am happy and proud by the way to say "congratulations" to the Trayvon Martin family for getting the hoodie in the Smithsonian museum. Like I said and I hate to say I told you so. Trayvons death will serve a much more important purpose than ever now.

Now, it is on to the business of protecting our innocent young members of society while Mr. Zimmerman is getting pulled over and warned about speeding.

When you have a loser at life, the Karma comes around just like O.J. They have poor life skills so the least of my worries is Mr. Zimmerman getting what is coming to him. He is a liar and a pathetic loser. So, his fate is sealed. He is free for now....but in many ways I should thank him. He has raised so much awareness.
Originally posted by cdwright40:

I hope the DOJ is proceeding with all prospective legal avenues afforded them. I think they will do a fair and objective job being prudent in making sure all of our citizens have their civil rights protected. I understand that right now it is still under way and moving forward unlike Mr Zimmerman's dream of being a law enforcement

I have tremendous respect for our civil rights leaders. Mocking them is unintelligent, uninformed, and really unconstitutional. They serve a very important role for equal justice as it pertains to all Americans. Not just the selected ones. Good for them. Are all civil rights leaders perfect in what they do? NO. Do they have answers all the problems we have had for hundreds of years in this country to be applied in one meeting? Of course not. It is stupid to suggest they would. The important thing is there is always an important dialog taking place for all the mothers of people who have had to suffer any civil rights injustice as a minor.

I am happy and proud by the way to say "congratulations" to the Trayvon Martin family for getting the hoodie in the Smithsonian museum. Like I said and I hate to say I told you so. Trayvons death will serve a much more important purpose than ever now.

Now, it is on to the business of protecting our innocent young members of society while Mr. Zimmerman is getting pulled over and warned about speeding.

When you have a loser at life, the Karma comes around just like O.J. They have poor life skills so the least of my worries is Mr. Zimmerman getting what is coming to him. He is a liar and a pathetic loser. So, his fate is sealed. He is free for now....but in many ways I should thank him. He has raised so much awareness.

You're a gem. So now it's unconstitutional to mock race baiters like Sharpton and Jackson? What the fvck are you talking about? Do you even know what the constitution stands for? Have you ever heard of freedom of expression and the First Amendment?

Where are the public rallies and outrage from Jackson and Sharpton when it comes to black on black crime or the high black crime rate? 90% of black murder victims are killed by other blacks, and blacks, although much smaller in population, commit 40% of the crimes in this country . But if a white guy kills a black guy then it's time to organize and protest…smh. It's time to focus on the real problems and not look for a scapegoat.

This post was edited on 8/2 2:06 AM by tde
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by andyctree:
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.

Posted from

Socio-economics are not the only reason. There are plenty of very poor whites, Latinos and Asians in this country with limited opportunities yet they are not committing violent crimes at such a high rate. I guess you forgot to mention that while you were directing me to read scholarly literature. At some point the finger pointing has to slow down and the changing of attitudes over the value of life in the inner cities needs to be focused on by some of these so called civil rights leaders, not just when a white man kills a black man. If some of these civil rights leaders actually attacked black on black crime and the value of life as fervently as they attacked Zimmerman maybe we would see some progress. Instead, race hustling by some of these civil rights leaders keeps them in business.

This post was edited on 8/2 5:43 PM by tde
Originally posted by andyctree:
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.

Posted from
Very true and also there are different types of crime people forget. We don't talk about white collar crimes and corporate fraud. It is a fact that corporate fraud has cost us 3.5 trillion dollars toward the national debt. It is a much bigger problem than some ignorant thug robbing a liquor store. Every company's revenue has 5% corporate fraud. So, it is far from a race thing. The people in the entertainment business never focus on it but it is economically much more crippling to society.

You have ignorant people come here trying to tell us all about how concerned he is is about black on black crime while he gloats about Zimmerman getting off killing a young black man. Yeah, we all feel the concern

The thing about constitutional rights people always forget is just because you have a right to do something, that doesn't mean that you should. It means you have the right. I have a right to curse out the president of the united states to his face. Does that mean that is what I should be doing? By doing so, it sh'ts on the point that people gave me the right to do it. Having the right is what you respect....not being ignorant with it., You show respect even if you don't agree because civil rights leaders have done a lot of great things for underprivileged people that are otherwise defenseless. FACT! Oh, and that includes white civil rights activist too. When I say civil rights, ignorant people here assume I just mean Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who I don't even care much for....but I respect what they have done on behalf of defenseless people.
Originally posted by tde:
Originally posted by andyctree:
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.

Posted from

Socio-economics are not the only reason. There are plenty of very poor whites, Latinos and Asians in this country with limited opportunities yet they are not committing violent crimes at such a high rate. I guess you forgot to mention that while you were directing me to read scholarly literature. At some point the finger pointing has to slow down and the changing of attitudes over the value of life in the inner cities needs to be focused on by some of these so called civil rights leaders, not just when a white man kills a black man. If some of these civil rights leaders actually attacked black on black crime and the value of life as fervently as they attacked Zimmerman maybe we would see some progress. Instead, race hustling by some of these civil rights leaders keeps them in business.

This post was edited on 8/2 5:43 PM by tde

It wasn't a white man killing a black man. It was a man killing a child walking back to his house after buying some soda and candy because he stereotyped a black teenager, engaged him, and killed him. Big difference.

And yes, regardless of your race, nationality, sex, or sexual orientation, our prisons are filled with offenders and violent offenders that are in the lowest socioeconomic bracket. The people with the least to lose, with the least hope, least education, least ability to properly defend or advocate for themselves are the ones going to prison becaue until you have felt that desperation tou cant tell others how it feels or how tou would act. And if you truly want to bitch about Sharpton or Jesse Jackson being upset about this then your are missing the point.

It is no different than people bitching about others on food stamps or welfare costing the country millions of dollars. People are completely missing the point. The problem is the rich that have set up a system where they can legally steal BILLIONS of dollars from our government and tax payers.

Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by andyctree:
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.

Posted from
Very true and also there are different types of crime people forget. We don't talk about white collar crimes and corporate fraud. It is a fact that corporate fraud has cost us 3.5 trillion dollars toward the national debt. It is a much bigger problem than some ignorant thug robbing a liquor store. Every company's revenue has 5% corporate fraud. So, it is far from a race thing. The people in the entertainment business never focus on it but it is economically much more crippling to society.

You have ignorant people come here trying to tell us all about how concerned he is is about black on black crime while he gloats about Zimmerman getting off killing a young black man. Yeah, we all feel the concern

The thing about constitutional rights people always forget is just because you have a right to do something, that doesn't mean that you should. It means you have the right. I have a right to curse out the president of the united states to his face. Does that mean that is what I should be doing? By doing so, it sh'ts on the point that people gave me the right to do it. Having the right is what you respect....not being ignorant with it., You show respect even if you don't agree because civil rights leaders have done a lot of great things for underprivileged people that are otherwise defenseless. FACT! Oh, and that includes white civil rights activist too. When I say civil rights, ignorant people here assume I just mean Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who I don't even care much for....but I respect what they have done on behalf of defenseless people.

I never said that I was concerned with black on black crime. After all, I live on a beach…lmao. Not bad for someone that's I was just pointing out the hypocrisy that exists with certain civil rights leaders.

This post was edited on 8/2 10:23 PM by tde
Yeah....that is dumb too. Living on a beach doesn't make you any less ignorant. Plenty of ignorant people live on a beach, in a mansion that either has been or will be forclosed on, and have money.

SMDH.....some people.

Think Nevin Shipiro could have lived on the beach? He is pretty ignorant too......
Originally posted by cdwright40:

Yeah....that is dumb too. Living on a beach doesn't make you any less ignorant. Plenty of ignorant people live on a beach, in a mansion that either has been or will be forclosed on, and have money.

SMDH.....some people.

Think Nevin Shipiro could have lived on the beach? He is pretty ignorant too......

I am not Nevin Shapiro nor am I in foreclosure. Whether you believe I am ignorant or not I have most likely achieved more success than you have in life, but is that really surprising? I certainly don't look to a football message board to validate success by seeing how many times I post or in what manner I post…lol. That's for losers that really haven't accomplished much in life and/or are dissatisfied with the hand that life has dealt to them.
LMFAO.....Man if you live long enough you live to see it all. I have had so many thousands of post and correspondence here yet some people always seem to top their own ridiculousness.

I am here....That's because I love it. I define what I do. Not society or some dude that brags about his degrees and his beach houses to someone he doesn't even know. I am certain that my idea of success is vastly different and there is a reason there are only 2 people I just about never respond to even. Used to be 3 but I respond to him now. People I don't respond to are just one big waste of valuable time. My I.Q. dips at least 5-10 Just for having the discussion.

The reason is because these are people that live in some sort of douchebag fantasy world where they won. When they die they get to take everything with them. They did it all themselves and they are all that matter. Ummmm....not impressed with this. Shipiro? Same type of person to me. Someone that thinks they can buy respect that can't be purchased. You are no different. Not to me...and in fact maybe even a little more pathetic but I have my own reasons for that.

Hey, if you don't know don't have any business acting like you do know me and what I have or what is important to me. What success means to me.

The funny thing is you people actually think I am impressed with your beach homes and degrees. Nope! Not one bit. What have you done to affect someone else's life? Besides pointing out you have more degrees than people with learning disabilities....lmao. What have you contributed to society? Those are things that are important to me.

How do you make this world a better place?

Telling me about your degrees was the first clue that you were someone I could never respect. Degrees are expected in my house. Everyone has them and nobody makes a big deal about it. They are a tool to do what we love. That's all. Not a tool to say how much better we are than someone that doesn't have a degree. So we can come on cansport and talk big.

That's the difference between you and I. You think your degree and your material things make you better than people. I have degrees and material things but they don't matter one bit to me. I live in an affluent neighborhood. So what? You don't see me coming on Canesport to tell you about my beautiful home in fancy North Georgia, and my accomplishments etc. That is for losers to me. I know this for a fact. I grew up in the most affluent county in the entire country in Connecticut. I've seen things you will never see in your lifetime. I am not as easily impressed with wealth. I know people like you like a book. You simply don't impress me.

Truly self made people Impress me who have made a sacrifice for someone else. To make their lives better. People that don't have advantages, yet make it anyway impress me. Not people like you with about 10,000 post but want to talk about someone else spending too much time here.....lmao.

I am here because I want to be here. Why are you? To tell other people they are here too much? That is stupid to me. People like you don't get it. Never will get it...but the irony is you feel like you get it more than anyone. would be sad if it was n't slightly amusing.
This post was edited on 8/6 11:47 PM by cdwright40
Originally posted by cdwright40:

LMFAO.....Man if you live long enough you live to see it all. I have had so many thousands of post and correspondence here yet some people always seem to top their own ridiculousness.

I am here....That's because I love it. I define what I do. Not society or some dude that brags about his degrees and his beach houses to someone he doesn't even know. I am certain that my idea of success is vastly different and there is a reason there are only 2 people I just about never respond to even. Used to be 3 but I respond to him now. People I don't respond to are just one big waste of valuable time. My I.Q. dips at least 5-10 Just for having the discussion.

The reason is because these are people that live in some sort of douchebag fantasy world where they won. When they die they get to take everything with them. They did it all themselves and they are all that matter. Ummmm....not impressed with this. Shipiro? Same type of person to me. Someone that thinks they can buy respect that can't be purchased. You are no different. Not to me...and in fact maybe even a little more pathetic but I have my own reasons for that.

Hey, if you don't know don't have any business acting like you do know me and what I have or what is important to me. What success means to me.

The funny thing is you people actually think I am impressed with your beach homes and degrees. Nope! Not one bit. What have you done to affect someone else's life? Besides pointing out you have more degrees than people with learning disabilities....lmao. What have you contributed to society? Those are things that are important to me.

How do you make this world a better place?

Telling me about your degrees was the first clue that you were someone I could never respect. Degrees are expected in my house. Everyone has them and nobody makes a big deal about it. They are a tool to do what we love. That's all. Not a tool to say how much better we are than someone that doesn't have a degree. So we can come on cansport and talk big.

That's the difference between you and I. You think your degree and your material things make you better than people. I have degrees and material things but they don't matter one bit to me. I live in an affluent neighborhood. So what? You don't see me coming on Canesport to tell you about my beautiful home in fancy North Georgia, and my accomplishments etc. That is for losers to me. I know this for a fact. I grew up in the most affluent county in the entire country in Connecticut. I've seen things you will never see in your lifetime. I am not as easily impressed with wealth. I know people like you like a book. You simply don't impress me.

Truly self made people Impress me who have made a sacrifice for someone else. To make their lives better. People that don't have advantages, yet make it anyway impress me. Not people like you with about 10,000 post but want to talk about someone else spending too much time here.....lmao.

I am here because I want to be here. Why are you? To tell other people they are here too much? That is stupid to me. People like you don't get it. Never will get it...but the irony is you feel like you get it more than anyone. would be sad if it was n't slightly amusing.

This post was edited on 8/6 11:47 PM by cdwright40

Trust me, I am not longing for respect from a guy that spends countless hours devoted to a football message board trying to achieve status . You're like a little toy for me because it's not every day I come across someone who displays arrogance yet has probably done nothing in life to achieve even moderate success other than looking to a message board to achieve fame. The very fact that you're constantly bitter and cynical towards others and run around claiming to be "the best to ever do it" on a message board reveals who the real loser is. I mean how many successful people really do that unless something is missing from their mundane lives? It reeks of inadequacy.

As for my degrees, the funny thing is I only brought it up once a few years ago yet you take every opportunity to mention it when posting. You're so consumed with my degrees that one has to wonder just how inadequate you really feel.

This post was edited on 8/7 7:24 PM by tde
Originally posted by andyctree:
Originally posted by tde:
Originally posted by andyctree:
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.

Posted from

Socio-economics are not the only reason. There are plenty of very poor whites, Latinos and Asians in this country with limited opportunities yet they are not committing violent crimes at such a high rate. I guess you forgot to mention that while you were directing me to read scholarly literature. At some point the finger pointing has to slow down and the changing of attitudes over the value of life in the inner cities needs to be focused on by some of these so called civil rights leaders, not just when a white man kills a black man. If some of these civil rights leaders actually attacked black on black crime and the value of life as fervently as they attacked Zimmerman maybe we would see some progress. Instead, race hustling by some of these civil rights leaders keeps them in business.

This post was edited on 8/2 5:43 PM by tde

It wasn't a white man killing a black man. It was a man killing a child walking back to his house after buying some soda and candy because he stereotyped a black teenager, engaged him, and killed him. Big difference.

And yes, regardless of your race, nationality, sex, or sexual orientation, our prisons are filled with offenders and violent offenders that are in the lowest socioeconomic bracket. The people with the least to lose, with the least hope, least education, least ability to properly defend or advocate for themselves are the ones going to prison becaue until you have felt that desperation tou cant tell others how it feels or how tou would act. And if you truly want to bitch about Sharpton or Jesse Jackson being upset about this then your are missing the point.

It is no different than people bitching about others on food stamps or welfare costing the country millions of dollars. People are completely missing the point. The problem is the rich that have set up a system where they can legally steal BILLIONS of dollars from our government and tax payers.

He's not missing the point at all.

I know many African Americans that think Jackson and Sharpton are a plight on their Race and their communities. They understand the FACT that these men are not about solutions like Dr. Martin Luther King, but rather greedy opportunists that utilize race to divide rather than unite.

Is there racism? Hell yea, still tons of it in this Country,.and the sad truth is that those two individuals are rarely anywhere near the worst instances of it, especially if it doesn't provide them adequate news coverage and financial opportunity.

So, the question is posed ....why do these "leaders" not work to ease the suffering of their own people? Why does a cry of racism have to be involved for them to concern themselves with violence and the death of young black men? Where is the service without the need for cameras?

We will just keep this thread we can come back.

Remember, your buddy CD GUARANTEED a DOJ federal race action against Zimmerman. We can discuss the merits of the case when it is filed.

Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by FightinIbis:
Originally posted by andyctree:
Originally posted by tde:
Originally posted by andyctree:
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.

Posted from

Socio-economics are not the only reason. There are plenty of very poor whites, Latinos and Asians in this country with limited opportunities yet they are not committing violent crimes at such a high rate. I guess you forgot to mention that while you were directing me to read scholarly literature. At some point the finger pointing has to slow down and the changing of attitudes over the value of life in the inner cities needs to be focused on by some of these so called civil rights leaders, not just when a white man kills a black man. If some of these civil rights leaders actually attacked black on black crime and the value of life as fervently as they attacked Zimmerman maybe we would see some progress. Instead, race hustling by some of these civil rights leaders keeps them in business.

This post was edited on 8/2 5:43 PM by tde

It wasn't a white man killing a black man. It was a man killing a child walking back to his house after buying some soda and candy because he stereotyped a black teenager, engaged him, and killed him. Big difference.

And yes, regardless of your race, nationality, sex, or sexual orientation, our prisons are filled with offenders and violent offenders that are in the lowest socioeconomic bracket. The people with the least to lose, with the least hope, least education, least ability to properly defend or advocate for themselves are the ones going to prison becaue until you have felt that desperation tou cant tell others how it feels or how tou would act. And if you truly want to bitch about Sharpton or Jesse Jackson being upset about this then your are missing the point.

It is no different than people bitching about others on food stamps or welfare costing the country millions of dollars. People are completely missing the point. The problem is the rich that have set up a system where they can legally steal BILLIONS of dollars from our government and tax payers.

He's not missing the point at all.

I know many African Americans that think Jackson and Sharpton are a plight on their Race and their communities. They understand the FACT that these men are not about solutions like Dr. Martin Luther King, but rather greedy opportunists that utilize race to divide rather than unite.

Is there racism? Hell yea, still tons of it in this Country,.and the sad truth is that those two individuals are rarely anywhere near the worst instances of it, especially if it doesn't provide them adequate news coverage and financial opportunity.

So, the question is posed ....why do these "leaders" not work to ease the suffering of their own people? Why does a cry of racism have to be involved for them to concern themselves with violence and the death of young black men? Where is the service without the need for cameras?

We will just keep this thread we can come back.

Remember, your buddy CD GUARANTEED a DOJ federal race action against Zimmerman. We can discuss the merits of the case when it is filed.

Posted from
They do. You just don't know about it because it is not news worthy. News is best when it is hatefilled and violent. Not when it is encouraging and positive.

How many stories have you read about Geoffrey Canada? How often does the media cover Cornell West? Tavis Smiley?

There are thousands of people everyday trying to help others, but our media outlets prefer sensationalized news coverage.

Do you think all white people would prefer to be lumped into the same category as Pat Robertson or Rush?
Originally posted by andyctree:
Originally posted by FightinIbis:
Originally posted by andyctree:
Originally posted by tde:
Originally posted by andyctree:
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.

Posted from

Socio-economics are not the only reason. There are plenty of very poor whites, Latinos and Asians in this country with limited opportunities yet they are not committing violent crimes at such a high rate. I guess you forgot to mention that while you were directing me to read scholarly literature. At some point the finger pointing has to slow down and the changing of attitudes over the value of life in the inner cities needs to be focused on by some of these so called civil rights leaders, not just when a white man kills a black man. If some of these civil rights leaders actually attacked black on black crime and the value of life as fervently as they attacked Zimmerman maybe we would see some progress. Instead, race hustling by some of these civil rights leaders keeps them in business.

This post was edited on 8/2 5:43 PM by tde

It wasn't a white man killing a black man. It was a man killing a child walking back to his house after buying some soda and candy because he stereotyped a black teenager, engaged him, and killed him. Big difference.

And yes, regardless of your race, nationality, sex, or sexual orientation, our prisons are filled with offenders and violent offenders that are in the lowest socioeconomic bracket. The people with the least to lose, with the least hope, least education, least ability to properly defend or advocate for themselves are the ones going to prison becaue until you have felt that desperation tou cant tell others how it feels or how tou would act. And if you truly want to bitch about Sharpton or Jesse Jackson being upset about this then your are missing the point.

It is no different than people bitching about others on food stamps or welfare costing the country millions of dollars. People are completely missing the point. The problem is the rich that have set up a system where they can legally steal BILLIONS of dollars from our government and tax payers.

He's not missing the point at all.

I know many African Americans that think Jackson and Sharpton are a plight on their Race and their communities. They understand the FACT that these men are not about solutions like Dr. Martin Luther King, but rather greedy opportunists that utilize race to divide rather than unite.

Is there racism? Hell yea, still tons of it in this Country,.and the sad truth is that those two individuals are rarely anywhere near the worst instances of it, especially if it doesn't provide them adequate news coverage and financial opportunity.

So, the question is posed ....why do these "leaders" not work to ease the suffering of their own people? Why does a cry of racism have to be involved for them to concern themselves with violence and the death of young black men? Where is the service without the need for cameras?

We will just keep this thread we can come back.

Remember, your buddy CD GUARANTEED a DOJ federal race action against Zimmerman. We can discuss the merits of the case when it is filed.

Posted from
They do. You just don't know about it because it is not news worthy. News is best when it is hatefilled and violent. Not when it is encouraging and positive.

How many stories have you read about Geoffrey Canada? How often does the media cover Cornell West? Tavis Smiley?

There are thousands of people everyday trying to help others, but our media outlets prefer sensationalized news coverage.

Do you think all white people would prefer to be lumped into the same category as Pat Robertson or Rush?

What does Canada, West or Smiley have to do with my point about the "leaders" I referenced in Jackson & Sharpton?


Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by andyctree:

Originally posted by tde:

Originally posted by andyctree:
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.

Posted from

Socio-economics are not the only reason. There are plenty of very poor whites, Latinos and Asians in this country with limited opportunities yet they are not committing violent crimes at such a high rate. I guess you forgot to mention that while you were directing me to read scholarly literature. At some point the finger pointing has to slow down and the changing of attitudes over the value of life in the inner cities needs to be focused on by some of these so called civil rights leaders, not just when a white man kills a black man. If some of these civil rights leaders actually attacked black on black crime and the value of life as fervently as they attacked Zimmerman maybe we would see some progress. Instead, race hustling by some of these civil rights leaders keeps them in business.

This post was edited on 8/2 5:43 PM by tde

It wasn't a white man killing a black man. It was a man killing a child walking back to his house after buying some soda and candy because he stereotyped a black teenager, engaged him, and killed him. Big difference.

And yes, regardless of your race, nationality, sex, or sexual orientation, our prisons are filled with offenders and violent offenders that are in the lowest socioeconomic bracket. The people with the least to lose, with the least hope, least education, least ability to properly defend or advocate for themselves are the ones going to prison becaue until you have felt that desperation tou cant tell others how it feels or how tou would act. And if you truly want to bitch about Sharpton or Jesse Jackson being upset about this then your are missing the point.

It is no different than people bitching about others on food stamps or welfare costing the country millions of dollars. People are completely missing the point. The problem is the rich that have set up a system where they can legally steal BILLIONS of dollars from our government and tax payers.

He's not missing the point at all.

I know many African Americans that think Jackson and Sharpton are a plight on their Race and their communities. They understand the FACT that these men are not about solutions like Dr. Martin Luther King, but rather greedy opportunists that utilize race to divide rather than unite.

Is there racism? Hell yea, still tons of it in this Country,.and the sad truth is that those two individuals are rarely anywhere near the worst instances of it, especially if it doesn't provide them adequate news coverage and financial opportunity.

So, the question is posed ....why do these "leaders" not work to ease the suffering of their own people? Why does a cry of racism have to be involved for them to concern themselves with violence and the death of young black men? Where is the service without the need for cameras?

We will just keep this thread we can come back.

Remember, your buddy CD GUARANTEED a DOJ federal race action against Zimmerman. We can discuss the merits of the case when it is filed.


Posted from
OMG....please go away and watch foxnews or something. Geez! You have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about and using the fox talking points won't cut it with people that understand all about "their race".

Look, like I said. I am not always a fan of either of them myself but the fact that you have completely ignored or don't have any idea of why these people are what they have become. How they became famous in the first place. Where they marched. Who they were with and why? It is extremely important stuff for "their people" as you put it.

It is respected and appreciated. I think that right now it is like anything else. If a person signs up to be a lawyer it is because he wants to help people. Down the road they find out what skin in the game there is to get things done and it changes you. That doesn't erase what they did early in their careers or even their intentions. Just because you don't like them, that doesn't mean they aren't doing good things too. I don't always agree and/or walk in lock step but they are very important people in the black community,

Their people appreciate it. You don't have any clue about it. If they have capitalized in some instances, they still were there generating awareness and helping minioritys understand the importance of voting, getting an education, standing up for themselves and not being victims.

Jesse Jackson was very instrumental in getting some of these racist laws changed. You just don't care or know anything about it.

This post was edited on 8/10 5:25 PM by cdwright40

This post was edited on 8/10 5:27 PM by cdwright40
Originally posted by cdwright40:
Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by andyctree:

Originally posted by tde:

Originally posted by andyctree:
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.

Posted from

Socio-economics are not the only reason. There are plenty of very poor whites, Latinos and Asians in this country with limited opportunities yet they are not committing violent crimes at such a high rate. I guess you forgot to mention that while you were directing me to read scholarly literature. At some point the finger pointing has to slow down and the changing of attitudes over the value of life in the inner cities needs to be focused on by some of these so called civil rights leaders, not just when a white man kills a black man. If some of these civil rights leaders actually attacked black on black crime and the value of life as fervently as they attacked Zimmerman maybe we would see some progress. Instead, race hustling by some of these civil rights leaders keeps them in business.

This post was edited on 8/2 5:43 PM by tde

It wasn't a white man killing a black man. It was a man killing a child walking back to his house after buying some soda and candy because he stereotyped a black teenager, engaged him, and killed him. Big difference.

And yes, regardless of your race, nationality, sex, or sexual orientation, our prisons are filled with offenders and violent offenders that are in the lowest socioeconomic bracket. The people with the least to lose, with the least hope, least education, least ability to properly defend or advocate for themselves are the ones going to prison becaue until you have felt that desperation tou cant tell others how it feels or how tou would act. And if you truly want to bitch about Sharpton or Jesse Jackson being upset about this then your are missing the point.

It is no different than people bitching about others on food stamps or welfare costing the country millions of dollars. People are completely missing the point. The problem is the rich that have set up a system where they can legally steal BILLIONS of dollars from our government and tax payers.

He's not missing the point at all.

I know many African Americans that think Jackson and Sharpton are a plight on their Race and their communities. They understand the FACT that these men are not about solutions like Dr. Martin Luther King, but rather greedy opportunists that utilize race to divide rather than unite.

Is there racism? Hell yea, still tons of it in this Country,.and the sad truth is that those two individuals are rarely anywhere near the worst instances of it, especially if it doesn't provide them adequate news coverage and financial opportunity.

So, the question is posed ....why do these "leaders" not work to ease the suffering of their own people? Why does a cry of racism have to be involved for them to concern themselves with violence and the death of young black men? Where is the service without the need for cameras?

We will just keep this thread we can come back.

Remember, your buddy CD GUARANTEED a DOJ federal race action against Zimmerman. We can discuss the merits of the case when it is filed.


Posted from
OMG....please go away and watch foxnews or something. Geez! You have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about and using the fox talking points won't cut it with people that understand all about "their race".

Look, like I said. I am not always a fan of either of them myself but the fact that you have completely ignored or don't have any idea of why these people are what they have become. How they became famous in the first place. Where they marched. Who they were with and why? It is extremely important stuff for "their people" as you put it.

It is respected and appreciated. I think that right now it is like anything else. If a person signs up to be a lawyer it is because he wants to help people. Down the road they find out what skin in the game there is to get things done and it changes you. That doesn't erase what they did early in their careers or even their intentions. Just because you don't like them, that doesn't mean they aren't doing good things too. I don't always agree and/or walk in lock step but they are very important people in the black community,

Their people appreciate it. You don't have any clue about it. If they have capitalized in some instances, they still were there generating awareness and helping minioritys understand the importance of voting, getting an education, standing up for themselves and not being victims.

Jesse Jackson was very instrumental in getting some of these racist laws changed. You just don't care or know anything about it.
This post was edited on 8/10 5:25 PM by cdwright40

This post was edited on 8/10 5:27 PM by cdwright40

1. Was I talking to you? The fact that your in love with hearing your own drivel is irrelevant.

2. The fact that an individual may have started their chosen avenue of endeavor with good intentions doesn't detract from what that person has chosen to become. Don King may have started his career seeking to help unknown boxers achieve an opportunity..but in the end, he became an opportunist only interested in the bottom line.

3. Finally, I find it amusing that you utilize MSNBC talking points to attempt to slander anybody that might agree with a particular Fox News perspective.

Try being your own "man" for a change. My views are comprised of life experiences...yours are comprised of popularity seeking and bandwagon riding. Having an"unpopular" position that you believe in and speaking up about it is possible..though you will likely never understand what that feels like...simply because it requires balls and a desire not to be part of the herd all of the time.

Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by King_Cane:
Would you just shut up? You are a typical racist and you're expressing that here and now!!

Please leave this alone! If you want to spread your racist beliefs, take th see here else, NOT CaneSport!
Posted from
KC. Man has a rigjt to his opinion. Just because you disagree with it does not mean he is a racist. Bear in mind that many in the Black community did not agree with this verdict. Are you saying we are all racists?
Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by andyctree:

Originally posted by tde:

Originally posted by andyctree:
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.

Posted from

Socio-economics are not the only reason. There are plenty of very poor whites, Latinos and Asians in this country with limited opportunities yet they are not committing violent crimes at such a high rate. I guess you forgot to mention that while you were directing me to read scholarly literature. At some point the finger pointing has to slow down and the changing of attitudes over the value of life in the inner cities needs to be focused on by some of these so called civil rights leaders, not just when a white man kills a black man. If some of these civil rights leaders actually attacked black on black crime and the value of life as fervently as they attacked Zimmerman maybe we would see some progress. Instead, race hustling by some of these civil rights leaders keeps them in business.

This post was edited on 8/2 5:43 PM by tde

It wasn't a white man killing a black man. It was a man killing a child walking back to his house after buying some soda and candy because he stereotyped a black teenager, engaged him, and killed him. Big difference.

And yes, regardless of your race, nationality, sex, or sexual orientation, our prisons are filled with offenders and violent offenders that are in the lowest socioeconomic bracket. The people with the least to lose, with the least hope, least education, least ability to properly defend or advocate for themselves are the ones going to prison becaue until you have felt that desperation tou cant tell others how it feels or how tou would act. And if you truly want to bitch about Sharpton or Jesse Jackson being upset about this then your are missing the point.

It is no different than people bitching about others on food stamps or welfare costing the country millions of dollars. People are completely missing the point. The problem is the rich that have set up a system where they can legally steal BILLIONS of dollars from our government and tax payers.

He's not missing the point at all.

I know many African Americans that think Jackson and Sharpton are a plight on their Race and their communities. They understand the FACT that these men are not about solutions like Dr. Martin Luther King, but rather greedy opportunists that utilize race to divide rather than unite.

Is there racism? Hell yea, still tons of it in this Country,.and the sad truth is that those two individuals are rarely anywhere near the worst instances of it, especially if it doesn't provide them adequate news coverage and financial opportunity.

So, the question is posed ....why do these "leaders" not work to ease the suffering of their own people? Why does a cry of racism have to be involved for them to concern themselves with violence and the death of young black men? Where is the service without the need for cameras?

We will just keep this thread we can come back.

Remember, your buddy CD GUARANTEED a DOJ federal race action against Zimmerman. We can discuss the merits of the case when it is filed.


Posted from
OMG....please go away and watch foxnews or something. Geez! You have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about and using the fox talking points won't cut it with people that understand all about "their race".

Look, like I said. I am not always a fan of either of them myself but the fact that you have completely ignored or don't have any idea of why these people are what they have become. How they became famous in the first place. Where they marched. Who they were with and why? It is extremely important stuff for "their people" as you put it.

It is respected and appreciated. I think that right now it is like anything else. If a person signs up to be a lawyer it is because he wants to help people. Down the road they find out what skin in the game there is to get things done and it changes you. That doesn't erase what they did early in their careers or even their intentions. Just because you don't like them, that doesn't mean they aren't doing good things too. I don't always agree and/or walk in lock step but they are very important people in the black community,

Their people appreciate it. You don't have any clue about it. If they have capitalized in some instances, they still were there generating awareness and helping minioritys understand the importance of voting, getting an education, standing up for themselves and not being victims.

Jesse Jackson was very instrumental in getting some of these racist laws changed. You just don't care or know anything about it.

This post was edited on 8/10 5:25 PM by cdwright40

This post was edited on 8/10 5:27 PM by cdwright40

1. Was I talking to you? The fact that your in love with hearing your own drivel is irrelevant.

2. The fact that an individual may have started their chosen avenue of endeavor with good intentions doesn't detract from what that person has chosen to become. Don King may have started his career seeking to help unknown boxers achieve an opportunity..but in the end, he became an opportunist only interested in the bottom line.

3. Finally, I find it amusing that you utilize MSNBC talking points to attempt to slander anybody that might agree with a particular Fox News perspective.

Try being your own "man" for a change. My views are comprised of life experiences...yours are comprised of popularity seeking and bandwagon riding. Having an"unpopular" position that you believe in and speaking up about it is possible..though you will likely never understand what that feels like...simply because it requires balls and a desire not to be part of the herd all of the time.


Posted from
1. weren't talking to me. I was talking to YOU! STFU because you don't have a clue of what you are talking about in this community.

2. Why said it distracted? Not me? I said it is respected what they have done in their past endeavers....and it is very respected. The awareness and the movement within the community was much needed and is much appreciated.

3. I don't utilize MSNBC talking points just because you have been exposed as using FOX News talking points. It doesn't work that way. You or FOX do not speak for our community.

4. Pot? Kettle. Kettle? Pot? LMAO....That is all I do around here is be my own man. I am middle aged. You don't think I have life experiences? I am a minority in America. 12 percent of the population in this country and you want to lecture me about what it is to be unpopular? Be my own man? Black people don't have a choice in the matter fool!
Originally posted by cdwright40:
Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by andyctree:

Originally posted by tde:

Originally posted by andyctree:
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.

Posted from

Socio-economics are not the only reason. There are plenty of very poor whites, Latinos and Asians in this country with limited opportunities yet they are not committing violent crimes at such a high rate. I guess you forgot to mention that while you were directing me to read scholarly literature. At some point the finger pointing has to slow down and the changing of attitudes over the value of life in the inner cities needs to be focused on by some of these so called civil rights leaders, not just when a white man kills a black man. If some of these civil rights leaders actually attacked black on black crime and the value of life as fervently as they attacked Zimmerman maybe we would see some progress. Instead, race hustling by some of these civil rights leaders keeps them in business.

This post was edited on 8/2 5:43 PM by tde

It wasn't a white man killing a black man. It was a man killing a child walking back to his house after buying some soda and candy because he stereotyped a black teenager, engaged him, and killed him. Big difference.

And yes, regardless of your race, nationality, sex, or sexual orientation, our prisons are filled with offenders and violent offenders that are in the lowest socioeconomic bracket. The people with the least to lose, with the least hope, least education, least ability to properly defend or advocate for themselves are the ones going to prison becaue until you have felt that desperation tou cant tell others how it feels or how tou would act. And if you truly want to bitch about Sharpton or Jesse Jackson being upset about this then your are missing the point.

It is no different than people bitching about others on food stamps or welfare costing the country millions of dollars. People are completely missing the point. The problem is the rich that have set up a system where they can legally steal BILLIONS of dollars from our government and tax payers.

He's not missing the point at all.

I know many African Americans that think Jackson and Sharpton are a plight on their Race and their communities. They understand the FACT that these men are not about solutions like Dr. Martin Luther King, but rather greedy opportunists that utilize race to divide rather than unite.

Is there racism? Hell yea, still tons of it in this Country,.and the sad truth is that those two individuals are rarely anywhere near the worst instances of it, especially if it doesn't provide them adequate news coverage and financial opportunity.

So, the question is posed ....why do these "leaders" not work to ease the suffering of their own people? Why does a cry of racism have to be involved for them to concern themselves with violence and the death of young black men? Where is the service without the need for cameras?

We will just keep this thread we can come back.

Remember, your buddy CD GUARANTEED a DOJ federal race action against Zimmerman. We can discuss the merits of the case when it is filed.


Posted from
OMG....please go away and watch foxnews or something. Geez! You have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about and using the fox talking points won't cut it with people that understand all about "their race".

Look, like I said. I am not always a fan of either of them myself but the fact that you have completely ignored or don't have any idea of why these people are what they have become. How they became famous in the first place. Where they marched. Who they were with and why? It is extremely important stuff for "their people" as you put it.

It is respected and appreciated. I think that right now it is like anything else. If a person signs up to be a lawyer it is because he wants to help people. Down the road they find out what skin in the game there is to get things done and it changes you. That doesn't erase what they did early in their careers or even their intentions. Just because you don't like them, that doesn't mean they aren't doing good things too. I don't always agree and/or walk in lock step but they are very important people in the black community,

Their people appreciate it. You don't have any clue about it. If they have capitalized in some instances, they still were there generating awareness and helping minioritys understand the importance of voting, getting an education, standing up for themselves and not being victims.

Jesse Jackson was very instrumental in getting some of these racist laws changed. You just don't care or know anything about it.

This post was edited on 8/10 5:25 PM by cdwright40

This post was edited on 8/10 5:27 PM by cdwright40

1. Was I talking to you? The fact that your in love with hearing your own drivel is irrelevant.

2. The fact that an individual may have started their chosen avenue of endeavor with good intentions doesn't detract from what that person has chosen to become. Don King may have started his career seeking to help unknown boxers achieve an opportunity..but in the end, he became an opportunist only interested in the bottom line.

3. Finally, I find it amusing that you utilize MSNBC talking points to attempt to slander anybody that might agree with a particular Fox News perspective.

Try being your own "man" for a change. My views are comprised of life experiences...yours are comprised of popularity seeking and bandwagon riding. Having an"unpopular" position that you believe in and speaking up about it is possible..though you will likely never understand what that feels like...simply because it requires balls and a desire not to be part of the herd all of the time.


Posted from
1. weren't talking to me. I was talking to YOU! STFU because you don't have a clue of what you are talking about in this community.

2. Why said it distracted? Not me? I said it is respected what they have done in their past endeavers....and it is very respected. The awareness and the movement within the community was much needed and is much appreciated.

3. I don't utilize MSNBC talking points just because you have been exposed as using FOX News talking points. It doesn't work that way. You or FOX do not speak for our community.

4. Pot? Kettle. Kettle? Pot? LMAO....That is all I do around here is be my own man. I am middle aged. You don't think I have life experiences? I am a minority in America. 12 percent of the population in this country and you want to lecture me about what it is to be unpopular? Be my own man? Black people don't have a choice in the matter fool!

Yes, only African American men are their own men out of necessity...that makes sense.

Curious as to why only now you admit to being African American when so many people have accused you of not understanding. Were you ashamed of your Race?

Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by andyctree:

Originally posted by tde:

Originally posted by andyctree:
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.

Posted from

Socio-economics are not the only reason. There are plenty of very poor whites, Latinos and Asians in this country with limited opportunities yet they are not committing violent crimes at such a high rate. I guess you forgot to mention that while you were directing me to read scholarly literature. At some point the finger pointing has to slow down and the changing of attitudes over the value of life in the inner cities needs to be focused on by some of these so called civil rights leaders, not just when a white man kills a black man. If some of these civil rights leaders actually attacked black on black crime and the value of life as fervently as they attacked Zimmerman maybe we would see some progress. Instead, race hustling by some of these civil rights leaders keeps them in business.

This post was edited on 8/2 5:43 PM by tde

It wasn't a white man killing a black man. It was a man killing a child walking back to his house after buying some soda and candy because he stereotyped a black teenager, engaged him, and killed him. Big difference.

And yes, regardless of your race, nationality, sex, or sexual orientation, our prisons are filled with offenders and violent offenders that are in the lowest socioeconomic bracket. The people with the least to lose, with the least hope, least education, least ability to properly defend or advocate for themselves are the ones going to prison becaue until you have felt that desperation tou cant tell others how it feels or how tou would act. And if you truly want to bitch about Sharpton or Jesse Jackson being upset about this then your are missing the point.

It is no different than people bitching about others on food stamps or welfare costing the country millions of dollars. People are completely missing the point. The problem is the rich that have set up a system where they can legally steal BILLIONS of dollars from our government and tax payers.

He's not missing the point at all.

I know many African Americans that think Jackson and Sharpton are a plight on their Race and their communities. They understand the FACT that these men are not about solutions like Dr. Martin Luther King, but rather greedy opportunists that utilize race to divide rather than unite.

Is there racism? Hell yea, still tons of it in this Country,.and the sad truth is that those two individuals are rarely anywhere near the worst instances of it, especially if it doesn't provide them adequate news coverage and financial opportunity.

So, the question is posed ....why do these "leaders" not work to ease the suffering of their own people? Why does a cry of racism have to be involved for them to concern themselves with violence and the death of young black men? Where is the service without the need for cameras?

We will just keep this thread we can come back.

Remember, your buddy CD GUARANTEED a DOJ federal race action against Zimmerman. We can discuss the merits of the case when it is filed.


Posted from
OMG....please go away and watch foxnews or something. Geez! You have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about and using the fox talking points won't cut it with people that understand all about "their race".

Look, like I said. I am not always a fan of either of them myself but the fact that you have completely ignored or don't have any idea of why these people are what they have become. How they became famous in the first place. Where they marched. Who they were with and why? It is extremely important stuff for "their people" as you put it.

It is respected and appreciated. I think that right now it is like anything else. If a person signs up to be a lawyer it is because he wants to help people. Down the road they find out what skin in the game there is to get things done and it changes you. That doesn't erase what they did early in their careers or even their intentions. Just because you don't like them, that doesn't mean they aren't doing good things too. I don't always agree and/or walk in lock step but they are very important people in the black community,

Their people appreciate it. You don't have any clue about it. If they have capitalized in some instances, they still were there generating awareness and helping minioritys understand the importance of voting, getting an education, standing up for themselves and not being victims.

Jesse Jackson was very instrumental in getting some of these racist laws changed. You just don't care or know anything about it.

This post was edited on 8/10 5:25 PM by cdwright40

This post was edited on 8/10 5:27 PM by cdwright40

1. Was I talking to you? The fact that your in love with hearing your own drivel is irrelevant.

2. The fact that an individual may have started their chosen avenue of endeavor with good intentions doesn't detract from what that person has chosen to become. Don King may have started his career seeking to help unknown boxers achieve an opportunity..but in the end, he became an opportunist only interested in the bottom line.

3. Finally, I find it amusing that you utilize MSNBC talking points to attempt to slander anybody that might agree with a particular Fox News perspective.

Try being your own "man" for a change. My views are comprised of life experiences...yours are comprised of popularity seeking and bandwagon riding. Having an"unpopular" position that you believe in and speaking up about it is possible..though you will likely never understand what that feels like...simply because it requires balls and a desire not to be part of the herd all of the time.


Posted from
1. weren't talking to me. I was talking to YOU! STFU because you don't have a clue of what you are talking about in this community.

2. Why said it distracted? Not me? I said it is respected what they have done in their past endeavers....and it is very respected. The awareness and the movement within the community was much needed and is much appreciated.

3. I don't utilize MSNBC talking points just because you have been exposed as using FOX News talking points. It doesn't work that way. You or FOX do not speak for our community.

4. Pot? Kettle. Kettle? Pot? LMAO....That is all I do around here is be my own man. I am middle aged. You don't think I have life experiences? I am a minority in America. 12 percent of the population in this country and you want to lecture me about what it is to be unpopular? Be my own man? Black people don't have a choice in the matter fool!

Yes, only African American men are their own men out of necessity...that makes sense.

Curious as to why only now you admit to being African American when so many people have accused you of not understanding. Were you ashamed of your Race?


Posted from
Huh? WTF are you talking about? My ethnicity is my business. It isn't yours. I am proud of it and could honestly care less what you or what anyone else thinks. Apparently you aren't as obsessed with post as you But it really doesn't matter a hill of beans. People are people. Who cares?
Originally posted by cdwright40:
Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by cdwright40:

Originally posted by FightinIbis:

Originally posted by andyctree:

Originally posted by tde:

Originally posted by andyctree:
Crime is a reflection of socio-economic issues.

Not race. When one population has been denied the same opportunities as another of course they are going to end up in a lower socio-economic bracket resulting in more crime. Then you compound the fact that our legal system has targeted minorities it makes it that much worse.

Maybe you should read some scholarly literature on it. It might help your perspective compared to the nonsense you hear from people in the business of entertainment that for whatever reason you take as the gospel.

Posted from

Socio-economics are not the only reason. There are plenty of very poor whites, Latinos and Asians in this country with limited opportunities yet they are not committing violent crimes at such a high rate. I guess you forgot to mention that while you were directing me to read scholarly literature. At some point the finger pointing has to slow down and the changing of attitudes over the value of life in the inner cities needs to be focused on by some of these so called civil rights leaders, not just when a white man kills a black man. If some of these civil rights leaders actually attacked black on black crime and the value of life as fervently as they attacked Zimmerman maybe we would see some progress. Instead, race hustling by some of these civil rights leaders keeps them in business.

This post was edited on 8/2 5:43 PM by tde

It wasn't a white man killing a black man. It was a man killing a child walking back to his house after buying some soda and candy because he stereotyped a black teenager, engaged him, and killed him. Big difference.

And yes, regardless of your race, nationality, sex, or sexual orientation, our prisons are filled with offenders and violent offenders that are in the lowest socioeconomic bracket. The people with the least to lose, with the least hope, least education, least ability to properly defend or advocate for themselves are the ones going to prison becaue until you have felt that desperation tou cant tell others how it feels or how tou would act. And if you truly want to bitch about Sharpton or Jesse Jackson being upset about this then your are missing the point.

It is no different than people bitching about others on food stamps or welfare costing the country millions of dollars. People are completely missing the point. The problem is the rich that have set up a system where they can legally steal BILLIONS of dollars from our government and tax payers.

He's not missing the point at all.

I know many African Americans that think Jackson and Sharpton are a plight on their Race and their communities. They understand the FACT that these men are not about solutions like Dr. Martin Luther King, but rather greedy opportunists that utilize race to divide rather than unite.

Is there racism? Hell yea, still tons of it in this Country,.and the sad truth is that those two individuals are rarely anywhere near the worst instances of it, especially if it doesn't provide them adequate news coverage and financial opportunity.

So, the question is posed ....why do these "leaders" not work to ease the suffering of their own people? Why does a cry of racism have to be involved for them to concern themselves with violence and the death of young black men? Where is the service without the need for cameras?

We will just keep this thread we can come back.

Remember, your buddy CD GUARANTEED a DOJ federal race action against Zimmerman. We can discuss the merits of the case when it is filed.


Posted from
OMG....please go away and watch foxnews or something. Geez! You have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about and using the fox talking points won't cut it with people that understand all about "their race".

Look, like I said. I am not always a fan of either of them myself but the fact that you have completely ignored or don't have any idea of why these people are what they have become. How they became famous in the first place. Where they marched. Who they were with and why? It is extremely important stuff for "their people" as you put it.

It is respected and appreciated. I think that right now it is like anything else. If a person signs up to be a lawyer it is because he wants to help people. Down the road they find out what skin in the game there is to get things done and it changes you. That doesn't erase what they did early in their careers or even their intentions. Just because you don't like them, that doesn't mean they aren't doing good things too. I don't always agree and/or walk in lock step but they are very important people in the black community,

Their people appreciate it. You don't have any clue about it. If they have capitalized in some instances, they still were there generating awareness and helping minioritys understand the importance of voting, getting an education, standing up for themselves and not being victims.

Jesse Jackson was very instrumental in getting some of these racist laws changed. You just don't care or know anything about it.

This post was edited on 8/10 5:25 PM by cdwright40

This post was edited on 8/10 5:27 PM by cdwright40

1. Was I talking to you? The fact that your in love with hearing your own drivel is irrelevant.

2. The fact that an individual may have started their chosen avenue of endeavor with good intentions doesn't detract from what that person has chosen to become. Don King may have started his career seeking to help unknown boxers achieve an opportunity..but in the end, he became an opportunist only interested in the bottom line.

3. Finally, I find it amusing that you utilize MSNBC talking points to attempt to slander anybody that might agree with a particular Fox News perspective.

Try being your own "man" for a change. My views are comprised of life experiences...yours are comprised of popularity seeking and bandwagon riding. Having an"unpopular" position that you believe in and speaking up about it is possible..though you will likely never understand what that feels like...simply because it requires balls and a desire not to be part of the herd all of the time.


Posted from
1. weren't talking to me. I was talking to YOU! STFU because you don't have a clue of what you are talking about in this community.

2. Why said it distracted? Not me? I said it is respected what they have done in their past endeavers....and it is very respected. The awareness and the movement within the community was much needed and is much appreciated.

3. I don't utilize MSNBC talking points just because you have been exposed as using FOX News talking points. It doesn't work that way. You or FOX do not speak for our community.

4. Pot? Kettle. Kettle? Pot? LMAO....That is all I do around here is be my own man. I am middle aged. You don't think I have life experiences? I am a minority in America. 12 percent of the population in this country and you want to lecture me about what it is to be unpopular? Be my own man? Black people don't have a choice in the matter fool!

Yes, only African American men are their own men out of necessity...that makes sense.

Curious as to why only now you admit to being African American when so many people have accused you of not understanding. Were you ashamed of your Race?


Posted from
Huh? WTF are you talking about? My ethnicity is my business. It isn't yours. I am proud of it and could honestly care less what you or what anyone else thinks. Apparently you aren't as obsessed with post as you But it really doesn't matter a hill of beans. People are people. Who cares?

Sure it your business, so curious why you felt the need to spout off about it in your prior post?

You find it rather difficult not to contradict yourself and look like a fool in every other post huh? You should really put out the effort and try not to be so lazy.

Posted from[/URL]
Ops.....looks like everything I said is coming to fruition. The Zimmer is in a little trouble again. People like this are just losers and will eventually lose in life.

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