400,000 dead


Gold Member
Nov 6, 2007
So you in the cult that over and over again said that covid was fake and your fearless leader stated it will go away. What do think I guess I am in a cult or not very smart. Which one is it
So you in the cult that over and over again said that covid was fake and your fearless leader stated it will go away. What do think I guess I am in a cult or not very smart. Which one is it

Yea now that Sleepy is in charge the virus will just go away.
Now who u going to blame when the country goes to shits with those 2 dopes incharge... Sleepy & Heels up Kamala
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So you in the cult that over and over again said that covid was fake and your fearless leader stated it will go away. What do think I guess I am in a cult or not very smart. Which one is it
"What do think I guess I am in a cult or not very smart."

So you're in a cult or not very smart?
Yea now that Sleepy is in charge the virus will just go away.
Now who u going to blame when the country goes to shits with those 2 dopes incharge... Sleepy & Heels up Kamala
The is already in the shitter thanks to POS Trump. Trump Virus 400,000 dead BLM
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So you in the cult that over and over again said that covid was fake and your fearless leader stated it will go away. What do think I guess I am in a cult or not very smart. Which one is it

How many could have been saved if the FDA did not slow walk the vaccine approval because they disliked Trump? How many could have been saved if Pelosi had not delayed the 2nd relief bill because she did not want Trump to get any credit . How many could have been saved if Democrat governors did not drag their feet to get needles into arms so as possible to make Trump's numbers look bad. How many could have been saved if Amazon had offered to help in November, but to them it was worth American'd dying rather than Trump getting any credit - they just WOKE yesterday?. How many lives could have been saved if Coumo did not send NY senior's to death camp nursing homes?

How many American's are dead because Democrat's put power and politics ahead of people's lives?

George Floyd is one death too many due to bad policing. So isn't maybe 100,000 COVID deaths too many deaths due to Democrat's viewing human deaths as acceptable collateral damage for the goal of wanting to make Donald Trump look bad?
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How many could have been saved if the FDA did not slow walk the vaccine approval because they disliked Trump? How many could have been saved if Pelosi had not delayed the 2nd relief bill because she did not want Trump to get any credit . How many could have been saved if Democrat governors did not drag their feet to get needles into arms so as possible to make Trump's numbers look bad. How many could have been saved if Amazon had offered to help in November, but to them it was worth American'd dying rather than Trump getting any credit - they just WOKE yesterday?. How many lives could have been saved if Coumo did not send NY senior's to death camp nursing homes?

How many American's are dead because Democrat's put power and politics ahead of people's lives?

George Floyd is one death too many due to bad policing. So isn't maybe 100,000 COVID deaths too many deaths due to Democrat's viewing human deaths as acceptable collateral damage for the goal of wanting to make Donald Trump look bad?
Also, dismissing therapeutics like Hydroxychloroquine (Raoul2's favorite) out of hand. De Blasio and Cuomo praising Trump back in March when he provided all the resources, Mercy Ship and makeshift hospitals, they needed. Then they trashed him months later. Democrat scum.
The spin on this to blame Trump is so painfully obvious if one cares to open their eyes...
Also, dismissing therapeutics like Hydroxychloroquine (Raoul2's favorite) out of hand. De Blasio and Cuomo praising Trump back in March when he provided all the resources, Mercy Ship and makeshift hospitals, they needed. Then they trashed him months later. Democrat scum.
The spin on this to blame Trump is so painfully obvious if one cares to open their eyes...
He lied about the efficacy of hydroxy. His scientist (not other folks his scientist) told them it was trash. When he provided resources he was praised, when he failed he was lambasted, is'nt that how it works? When you do well you get praise when you do poorly you don't?
He lied about the efficacy of hydroxy. His scientist (not other folks his scientist) told them it was trash. When he provided resources he was praised, when he failed he was lambasted, is'nt that how it works? When you do well you get praise when you do poorly you don't?
Ellu, there are legions of Medical Professionals who have supported the use of Hydroxychloroquine since March. Do you recall Democrat Rep(Detroit) Karen Whitsett who went to the White House to thank Trump for supporting its use claiming it saved her life? Of course, this was bad optics politically so she was summarily censored by the Dems...
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Ellu, there are legions of Medical Professionals who have supported the use of Hydroxychloroquine since March. Do you recall Democrat Rep(Detroit) Karen Whitsett who went to the White House to thank Trump for supporting its use claiming it saved her life? Of course, this was bad optics politically so she was summarily censored by the Dems...
Back when we knew nothing it was a nice anecdote, but it ran counter to what science was saying. The FDA specifically discussed this. It, whether in combination or not, is not effective.

Remdesivir (spelling) on the other hand is.
Back when we knew nothing it was a nice anecdote, but it ran counter to what science was saying. The FDA specifically discussed this. It, whether in combination or not, is not effective.

Remdesivir (spelling) on the other hand is.
WHO has issued a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir in hospitalized patients, regardless of disease severity, as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival and other outcomes in these patients.Nov 20, 2020
WHO has issued a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir in hospitalized patients, regardless of disease severity, as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival and other outcomes in these patients.Nov 20, 2020
had not looked it up, looks like the science has moved. I always thought it was effective in those recently diagnosed (think Trump) is that the distinction?
had not looked it up, looks like the science has moved. I always thought it was effective in those recently diagnosed (think Trump) is that the distinction?
Frankly, I have no doubt there are those who have been helped with remdesivir. I think Science has been so politicized that everyone is paying a price...
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Your cult leader let this country go to shit please drink some kool aid

Yea great leader in Sleepy this dumb-ass is shutting down the Keystone pipe line.
Thousands will be job-less and there goes our energy independence along with higher fuel price..
Fuccking Idiot , this will do nothing for the environment..
WHO has issued a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir in hospitalized patients, regardless of disease severity, as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival and other outcomes in these patients.Nov 20, 2020
Mrs 801cane went to ICU on Thanksgiving day. She was then life flighted to another hospital to be intubated the next Mon. She fought through it and remdesvir was one of the medications they gave her for her treatment. We were very blessed and very lucky that she made it home. Dec 11.
i've lost an uncle and cousin. i lost a friend from England 2 weeks ago. without covid all 3 are alive today.

fuhk anyone who doesn't wear a mask to protect others. fuhk anyone who thinks this is no big deal.

if Trump had come out and encouraged people to wear masks and take this seriously, maybe my loved ones wouldn't be dead in the ground right now.
Mrs 801cane went to ICU on Thanksgiving day. She was then life flighted to another hospital to be intubated the next Mon. She fought through it and remdesvir was one of the medications they gave her for her treatment. We were very blessed and very lucky that she made it home. Dec 11.
good for you and your wife brother. glad she made it trough it.

you live out in Utah, correct? i get posters mixed up but think i have the right guy?
i've lost an uncle and cousin. i lost a friend from England 2 weeks ago. without covid all 3 are alive today.

fuhk anyone who doesn't wear a mask to protect others. fuhk anyone who thinks this is no big deal.

if Trump had come out and encouraged people to wear masks and take this seriously, maybe my loved ones wouldn't be dead in the ground right now.

Yea man, I agree Trump was definitely responsible for someone in England dying as well.
Yea man, I agree Trump was definitely responsible for someone in England dying as well.
not that one but my point still stands.

he sure as hell could have helped things by wearing a mask and asking others to do so. what's so hard to understand about that?

let me guess, you think covid is no big and people should be able to do what they want to, others be damned?
good for you and your wife brother. glad she made it trough it.

you live out in Utah, correct? i get posters mixed up but think i have the right guy?
Thanks chevy. There were a couple of days where it could have gone either way. One thing we learned is that it is better to not be sedated when they intubate you. Much more miserable but chances for healing are better. We were lucky that the hospital they life flighted her to does not sedate you. Yes, we moved here from S Fla 27 years ago.
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Thanks chevy. There were a couple of days where it could have gone either way. One thing we learned is that it is better to not be sedated when they intubate you. Much more miserable but chances for healing are better. We were lucky that the hospital they life flighted her to does not sedate you. Yes, we moved here from S Fla 27 years ago.

This is a point I make when folks use the treatment advances as a political football. We've learned so much since April 2020 its amazing. I don't mean just discovering which medicines did and did not have efficacy or cause harm, but how those therapies are best maximized.

I hear folks make it seem as if the NorthEast intentionally allowed so much death in that very dense population in the first months of the pandemic compared to now. Its things like the one you mentioned that are the reason. God bless for her!
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This is a point I make when folks use the treatment advances as a political football. We've learned so much since April 2020 its amazing. I don't mean just discovering which medicines did and did not have efficacy or cause harm, but how those therapies are best maximized.

I hear folks make it seem as if the NorthEast intentionally allowed so much death in that very dense population in the first months of the pandemic compared to now. Its things like the one you mentioned that are the reason. God bless for her!
Thanks ellu. The other thing they did for her was to have her sitting up most of the time and they also started rehab the day after she was intubated. We had just celebrated being together for 40 years back in August. I kept my faith up but there were a few times that I had to wonder if I would ever see her again.
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not that one but my point still stands.

he sure as hell could have helped things by wearing a mask and asking others to do so. what's so hard to understand about that?

let me guess, you think covid is no big and people should be able to do what they want to, others be damned?

So by your logic Trump is responsible for 2 of the 3 deaths. Who is the single person that is responsible for the 3rd in England?
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Frankly, I have no doubt there are those who have been helped with remdesivir. I think Science has been so politicized that everyone is paying a price...

My scientist is smarter than your scientist is becoming the new political mantra. Always remember there was a time when prevailing science said the earth was flat. And if you disagreed with the prevailing government (yesteryears democrat party) science you were burned at the stake.
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Thanks ellu. The other thing they did for her was to have her sitting up most of the time and they also started rehab the day after she was intubated. We had just celebrated being together for 40 years back in August. I kept my faith up but there were a few times that I had to wonder if I would ever see her again.
God bless ya'll bruh. That's Jesus IMO.
Frankly, I have no doubt there are those who have been helped with remdesivir. I think Science has been so politicized that everyone is paying a price...

I think literally we are just understanding it better. I also think things like faith, spirituality and the like may impact. Call it God, call it placebo, it is enough to affect anecdotally without having clinical results.
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I think literally we are just understanding it better. I also think things like faith, spirituality and the like may impact. Call it God, call it placebo, it is enough to affect anecdotally without having clinical results.
Let's call it God...
Mrs 801cane went to ICU on Thanksgiving day. She was then life flighted to another hospital to be intubated the next Mon. She fought through it and remdesvir was one of the medications they gave her for her treatment. We were very blessed and very lucky that she made it home. Dec 11.
As I mentioned to ellu, I have no doubt Remdesiver and Hydroxychloroquine has saved lives and/or diminished viral load to help manage the disease. Glad your wife came through it 801...
i've lost an uncle and cousin. i lost a friend from England 2 weeks ago. without covid all 3 are alive today.

fuhk anyone who doesn't wear a mask to protect others. fuhk anyone who thinks this is no big deal.

if Trump had come out and encouraged people to wear masks and take this seriously, maybe my loved ones wouldn't be dead in the ground right now.
Masks don't work, which is why I don't wear one. In these locked down cities where you can't walk out the front door without one, there has been no benefit to wearing a mask.
Masks don't work, which is why I don't wear one. In these locked down cities where you can't walk out the front door without one, there has been no benefit to wearing a mask.
That’s factually untrue good Bruh. It’s an aerosol, masks limit spread.
As I mentioned to ellu, I have no doubt Remdesiver and Hydroxychloroquine has saved lives and/or diminished viral load to help manage the disease. Glad your wife came through it 801...
Thanks krvanness. Don't know for sure about the redesivir and what effect it had on her healing as they also gave her blood plasma and other things. She is still on oxygen and we'll find out a bit more where she's at on Mon when we see the pulmonary doctor again.
Thanks krvanness. Don't know for sure about the redesivir and what effect it had on her healing as they also gave her blood plasma and other things. She is still on oxygen and we'll find out a bit more where she's at on Mon when we see the pulmonary doctor again.
Say a prayer for Dr. Chico Arenas, frat brother and friend. I was on his Board of Directors for Sickle Cell in Miami but he's a Hollywood fixture (played baseball at FloMo in the 60's). Just found out he's in ICU now with Covid and not responding well. Say a prayer.
Say a prayer for Dr. Chico Arenas, frat brother and friend. I was on his Board of Directors for Sickle Cell in Miami but he's a Hollywood fixture (played baseball at FloMo in the 60's). Just found out he's in ICU now with Covid and not responding well. Say a prayer.
So very sorry to hear about your friend. Prayers sent and I will keep him and his loved ones in my thoughts and prayers.
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So you in the cult that over and over again said that covid was fake and your fearless leader stated it will go away. What do think I guess I am in a cult or not very smart. Which one is it
Bullshit hoax. You know it and I know it.

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