The best thing about globalization is why Raouls ideal situation will never happen. 80 years ago there were maybe 10 world class cities and people had to be there to enjoy many of societies best entertainment, social functions, and benefits.
Now there are 100s and 1,000s of these cities across the world. You see it with California businesses fleeing to Texas and NYC businesses flocking to FL. The relative similarity in these world-class cities creates the exact competition that true capitalism thrives in.
If a city, state, or country wants to continue succeeding at creating demand it has to compete with other governments to draw those people and businesses.
As usual, competition and free markets provide the best services and opportunities for people while driving down costs. Which is why Texas and FL are thriving while CA and NY are losing their tax base and mired in deficits.
No city or state (and soon country) will ever be able to implement these wealth distributions and ridiculous taxes because people are more mobile than ever and new generations are not tied to a specific “home”. They will implement these taxes and everyone rich will leave to a place that is competing for their tax dollars to be spent in the way that is best and most advantageous for them.
You’ve already got poorer nations opening their arms and making it incredibly easy to move there as long as you have guaranteed income and can contribute positively to their economy.
A number of countries are luring remote workers who want to escape from the US and live the dream.