1) He did NOT call it a hoax. He said FAKE news and the Democrats saying they were not responding to the virus was a hoax.These are Trump's talking points. He is a well known pathological liar. Has made over 30,000 lies or misleading statements. So, you believe a liar. The intelligence community made up of former Trump officials have stated that the US and trump was briefed on this months before Trump responded. I believe them for 3 reasons.
1. Trump himself held a press conference saying this was nothing to worry about. We would go from 15 cases to zero in short order. This is easy to research yourself. He called it a hoax that the press was even reporting it. China has nothing to do with that.
2. He fired the response team Obama had in place for him. China has nothing to do with that.
3. Trump is a pathological liar telling a presidential record 30,000 lies or misleading statements in 4 years to the American people. China has nothing to do with that.
2) He did NOT fire the response team. He merged 3 departments that were essentially doing the same roles for National Defense purposes.
3) All politicians lie including the persons you voted for. They embellish, lie, and omit. All of them.
SEE CNN https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/17/poli...-trump-coronavirus-hoax-fact-check/index.html
SEE Reuters Three days later, Tim Morrison, former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the NSC, wrote in another Washington Post Op-Ed, “It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. … One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled”
3 National Security directorates merged into 1 group.
Once again CD wrong