55% drop in new cases America and vaccines

These are Trump's talking points. He is a well known pathological liar. Has made over 30,000 lies or misleading statements. So, you believe a liar. The intelligence community made up of former Trump officials have stated that the US and trump was briefed on this months before Trump responded. I believe them for 3 reasons.

1. Trump himself held a press conference saying this was nothing to worry about. We would go from 15 cases to zero in short order. This is easy to research yourself. He called it a hoax that the press was even reporting it. China has nothing to do with that.

2. He fired the response team Obama had in place for him. China has nothing to do with that.

3. Trump is a pathological liar telling a presidential record 30,000 lies or misleading statements in 4 years to the American people. China has nothing to do with that.
1) He did NOT call it a hoax. He said FAKE news and the Democrats saying they were not responding to the virus was a hoax.

2) He did NOT fire the response team. He merged 3 departments that were essentially doing the same roles for National Defense purposes.

3) All politicians lie including the persons you voted for. They embellish, lie, and omit. All of them.


SEE Reuters Three days later, Tim Morrison, former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the NSC, wrote in another Washington Post Op-Ed, “It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. … One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled”

3 National Security directorates merged into 1 group.

Once again CD wrong
1) He did NOT call it a hoax. He said FAKE news and the Democrats saying they were not responding to the virus was a hoax.

2) He did NOT fire the response team. He merged 3 departments that were essentially doing the same roles for National Defense purposes.

3) All politicians lie including the persons you voted for. They embellish, lie, and omit. All of them.


SEE Reuters Three days later, Tim Morrison, former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the NSC, wrote in another Washington Post Op-Ed, “It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. … One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled”

3 National Security directorates merged into 1 group.

Once again CD wrong

Please stop getting your info from right wing conspiracy theorist. You look bad regurgitating it. I didn't say Trump called it a hoax. Go back and read what I said.

Yes, he did fire the response team and he explained why he did it. Had an entire presser explaining why. I posted it here several times. Tired of sending it to you guys. Look it up for yourself. He explained he was a businessman and didn't want people around that weren't making money to paraphrase. He didn't understand how government works. It isn't a profit organization. He is the reason republicans are not fit to run government. They can't and do not govern. They spend our money more than dems and if you don't believe me look that up too.

All politicians lie? This statement is akin to saying all NBA starters However, there is probably a difference between Steph Curry and Devin Booker. You false equivalences are off the charts here lately. You can't explain stuff away like this. It's crazy man. All people lie. So what? That doesn't mean our president gets to lie to me 30,000 times in one single term. The idea it does is nothing short of nutty.
1) He did NOT call it a hoax. He said FAKE news and the Democrats saying they were not responding to the virus was a hoax.

2) He did NOT fire the response team. He merged 3 departments that were essentially doing the same roles for National Defense purposes.

3) All politicians lie including the persons you voted for. They embellish, lie, and omit. All of them.


SEE Reuters Three days later, Tim Morrison, former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the NSC, wrote in another Washington Post Op-Ed, “It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. … One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled”

3 National Security directorates merged into 1 group.

Once again CD wrong

Your clear and intelligent statements in proper context of facts and truth will surely set off at least 25 inane posts by a few board members to go nameless.
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Please stop getting your info from right wing conspiracy theorist. You look bad regurgitating it. I didn't say Trump called it a hoax. Go back and read what I said.

Yes, he did fire the response team and he explained why he did it. Had an entire presser explaining why. I posted it here several times. Tired of sending it to you guys. Look it up for yourself. He explained he was a businessman and didn't want people around that weren't making money to paraphrase. He didn't understand how government works. It isn't a profit organization. He is the reason republicans are not fit to run government. They can't and do not govern. They spend our money more than dems and if you don't believe me look that up too.

All politicians lie? This statement is akin to saying all NBA starters However, there is probably a difference between Steph Curry and Devin Booker. You false equivalences are off the charts here lately. You can't explain stuff away like this. It's crazy man. All people lie. So what? That doesn't mean our president gets to lie to me 30,000 times in one single term. The idea it does is nothing short of nutty.
CD you may be correct that Biden is not going to lie to you 30,000 times, he is not capable of putting one coherent statement together much less 30,000 of them. That old racist has said enough over his 45+ years in government. The Democratic party is a corrupt party. We will take back the house in 2022 and take some of the Democratic scum off committees. Pelosi can then get her broom and fly away. 2022 will be a great year!
CD you may be correct that Biden is not going to lie to you 30,000 times, he is not capable of putting one coherent statement together much less 30,000 of them. That old racist has said enough over his 45+ years in government. The Democratic party is a corrupt party. We will take back the house in 2022 and take some of the Democratic scum off committees. Pelosi can then get her broom and fly away. 2022 will be a great year!

CD you may be correct that Biden is not going to lie to you 30,000 times, he is not capable of putting one coherent statement together much less 30,000 of them. That old racist has said enough over his 45+ years in government. The Democratic party is a corrupt party. We will take back the house in 2022 and take some of the Democratic scum off committees. Pelosi can then get her broom and fly away. 2022 will be a great year!

I will condemn Trump in that he did talk too much. Still don't know why he wanted to argue with every CNN and NBC reporter every day. Biden will have a limited count of lies because he rarely speaks. He does take a lot of naps. Now the people around him talking will empty lumber yards adding to Pinochio's nose.
I will condemn Trump in that he did talk too much. Still don't know why he wanted to argue with every CNN and NBC reporter every day. Biden will have a limited count of lies because he rarely speaks. He does take a lot of naps. Now the people around him talking will empty lumber yards adding to Pinochio's nose.
You can rationalize this anyway you like. But at the end of the day Trump just has no business being a president of a cub scout troop.....let alone the greatest country on earth and every single one of you knows this fact. You want to hold your nose and breath through your But this just isn't worth the stench. It is literally taking down the republican party. No reasonable person wants to be represented by racist conspiracy theorist. Big donors are pulling out left and right.

Biden isn't perfect but he is light years ahead of trump as a person, and president already. 61 percent approval rating. I like my presidents like I like my wine. Old, and relaxingly boring. I don't care to read about international policy on twitter every day. I don't need to hear a president lie about the weather or talk about bleach injections.
You can rationalize this anyway you like. But at the end of the day Trump just has no business being a president of a cub scout troop.....let alone the greatest country on earth and every single one of you knows this fact. You want to hold your nose and breath through your But this just isn't worth the stench. It is literally taking down the republican party. No reasonable person wants to be represented by racist conspiracy theorist. Big donors are pulling out left and right.

Biden isn't perfect but he is light years ahead of trump as a person, and president already. 61 percent approval rating. I like my presidents like I like my wine. Old, and relaxingly boring. I don't care to read about international policy on twitter every day. I don't need to hear a president lie about the weather or talk about bleach injections.
It's been 3 weeks
Meaningless unless he also had a distribution plan. He's still homicidally negligent on COVID which cost at least a couple of hundred thousand needless deaths.

You love spewing lies... !!!🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Here are also a couple of articles from reputable mainstream outlets.

Now let's see what Trump did on national level distribution plan ?
OK i read his plan. ENCOURAGE States to vaccinate more people, at more places, with more supply. ENCOURAGE Pharmacies to vaccinate. ENCOURAGE States to vaccinate marginalized communities including jails. Speed up manufacturing.

Who wrote the plan a freaking 2nd grader? I mean talk about COMMON SENSE and STATES are ALREADY DOING THESE THINGS! With the exception of manufacturing which remains in the hands of private corporations all of this is BASIC STUFF already happening. NONSENSE
OK i read his plan. ENCOURAGE States to vaccinate more people, at more places, with more supply. ENCOURAGE Pharmacies to vaccinate. ENCOURAGE States to vaccinate marginalized communities including jails. Speed up manufacturing.

Who wrote the plan a freaking 2nd grader? I mean talk about COMMON SENSE and STATES are ALREADY DOING THESE THINGS! With the exception of manufacturing which remains in the hands of private corporations all of this is BASIC STUFF already happening. NONSENSE

He’s also using FEMA, deploying DoD assets for vaccinations, and expanding the defense production act to get vaccines out. These are all common sense things a President can do to Marshall a whole of government approach, instead of playing golf and pretending the virus doesn’t exist because it may bring your poll numbers down.

Biden’s approach is what any responsible, competent President would do.
He’s also using FEMA, deploying DoD assets for vaccinations, and expanding the defense production act to get vaccines out. These are all common sense things a President can do to Marshall a whole of government approach, instead of playing golf and pretending the virus doesn’t exist because it may bring your poll numbers down.

Biden’s approach is what any responsible, competent President would do.
You really are a fool. The entire logistics of the vaccine was and is being handled by the Army General that Trump had working on it for 4-5 months.

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You really are a fool. The entire logistics of the vaccine was and is being handled by the Army General that Trump had working on it for 4-5 months.

The article doesn't in any way prove your point since nothing was done. Biden is sending actual active duty troops to vaccination sites. This wouldn't be news if it was already happening under Trump.

The article doesn't in any way prove your point since nothing was done. Biden is sending actual active duty troops to vaccination sites. This wouldn't be news if it was already happening under Trump.

Lmao, California would need the military wouldn't they? Florida will do just fine with Publix, Walmart, Winn-Dixie, and whoever else Desantis has in his plan...
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Nope, you need to look at China and the WHO to blame. China because they knew it early and hid the facts and the WHO , a China Proxy, didn't put 2+2 together until it was very late. They were sleeping on the job by getting all that Chinese money. They also got our money as well. President Trump absolutely did the right thing by cutting them off. Your hate for President Trump has blinded you and Racist Raoul into false accusations.
I agree with everything you wrote.

I would point out that Obama didn't trust the WHO for this reason and had a team in China that was watching for a pandemic, unfortunately, that team was cut. wouldn't stopped it but could have slowed its growth. Spilled milk tho, the WHO certainly should have been its own reliable safeguard

2018 Article
The CDC Is About to Fall Off a Funding Cliff
That money has been used well, to train epidemiologists, buy equipment, upgrade labs, and stockpile drugs. If it disappears, progress will halt, and potentially reverse. The CDC, for example, would have to pull back 80 percent of its staff in 35 countries, breaking ties with local ministries of health.
This is now coming to pass. Two weeks ago, Betsy McKay at The Wall Street Journal reported that the CDC, with no firm promise of future funding, is indeed preparing to downsize its work in 39 countries. Those include the Democratic Republic of Congo, which recently experienced its eighth Ebola outbreak, and China, which is recently underwent its worst outbreak of H7N9 bird flu.* Lena Sun of The Washington Post confirmed this report on Thursday, writing that “notice is being given now to CDC country directors” as the first part of a transition.

2018 article
CDC to cut by 80 percent efforts to prevent global disease outbreak
Countries where the CDC is planning to scale back include some of the world’s hot spots for emerging infectious disease, such as China, Pakistan, Haiti, Rwanda and Congo.

If more funding becomes available in the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1, the CDC could resume work in China and Congo, as well as Ethiopia, Indonesia and Sierra Leone, another government official said, also speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss budget matters.


Over the past few years, the CDC has used the extra funding to train more than 1,400 epidemiologist in 17 countries. And 16 countries now have a full-time epidemiologist dedicated to training more disease detectives, funded by this money as well. The program has also helped to stop several outbreaks in poor countries, including cholera in Cameroon and measles in Pakistan.

None of these outbreaks were close to coming to the U.S., as Ebola and SARS did. But scaling back this work still makes America vulnerable, says Ashish Jha, who directs the Harvard Global Health Initiative.

"We don't need to panic over these funding cuts," Jha says. "It's not like 'Oh my gosh! We need to fix this right away.

"But the cuts are a big deal," he says, "because infectious disease outbreaks are increasing not decreasing, and we are becoming more interconnected, not less interconnected."

And so, Jha says, the federal government is going in the wrong direction. "We should be increasing our investment in GHSA, not decreasing it," he says. "The program is really a great bang for the buck."

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I agree with everything you wrote.

I would point out that Obama didn't trust the WHO for this reason and had a team in China that was watching for a pandemic, unfortunately, that team was cut. wouldn't stopped it but could have slowed its growth. Spilled milk tho, the WHO certainly should have been its own reliable safeguard
Could very well be true about the team that was cut helping stunt the growth of the virus, but as you alluded to in your last sentence, the WHO receives Millions of dollars in funding to do their job (kind of like Manny "helping" Blake Baker). They were/are in bed with China big time.
I agree with everything you wrote.

I would point out that Obama didn't trust the WHO for this reason and had a team in China that was watching for a pandemic, unfortunately, that team was cut. wouldn't stopped it but could have slowed its growth. Spilled milk tho, the WHO certainly should have been its own reliable safeguard

2018 Article
The CDC Is About to Fall Off a Funding Cliff

This is now coming to pass. Two weeks ago, Betsy McKay at The Wall Street Journal reported that the CDC, with no firm promise of future funding, is indeed preparing to downsize its work in 39 countries. Those include the Democratic Republic of Congo, which recently experienced its eighth Ebola outbreak, and China, which is recently underwent its worst outbreak of H7N9 bird flu.* Lena Sun of The Washington Post confirmed this report on Thursday, writing that “notice is being given now to CDC country directors” as the first part of a transition.

2018 article
CDC to cut by 80 percent efforts to prevent global disease outbreak
Countries where the CDC is planning to scale back include some of the world’s hot spots for emerging infectious disease, such as China, Pakistan, Haiti, Rwanda and Congo.

If more funding becomes available in the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1, the CDC could resume work in China and Congo, as well as Ethiopia, Indonesia and Sierra Leone, another government official said, also speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss budget matters.


Over the past few years, the CDC has used the extra funding to train more than 1,400 epidemiologist in 17 countries. And 16 countries now have a full-time epidemiologist dedicated to training more disease detectives, funded by this money as well. The program has also helped to stop several outbreaks in poor countries, including cholera in Cameroon and measles in Pakistan.

None of these outbreaks were close to coming to the U.S., as Ebola and SARS did. But scaling back this work still makes America vulnerable, says Ashish Jha, who directs the Harvard Global Health Initiative.

"We don't need to panic over these funding cuts," Jha says. "It's not like 'Oh my gosh! We need to fix this right away.

"But the cuts are a big deal," he says, "because infectious disease outbreaks are increasing not decreasing, and we are becoming more interconnected, not less interconnected."

And so, Jha says, the federal government is going in the wrong direction. "We should be increasing our investment in GHSA, not decreasing it," he says. "The program is really a great bang for the buck."

I agree with everything you wrote.

I would point out that Obama didn't trust the WHO for this reason and had a team in China that was watching for a pandemic, unfortunately, that team was cut. wouldn't stopped it but could have slowed its growth. Spilled milk tho, the WHO certainly should have been its own reliable safeguard

2018 Article
The CDC Is About to Fall Off a Funding Cliff

This is now coming to pass. Two weeks ago, Betsy McKay at The Wall Street Journal reported that the CDC, with no firm promise of future funding, is indeed preparing to downsize its work in 39 countries. Those include the Democratic Republic of Congo, which recently experienced its eighth Ebola outbreak, and China, which is recently underwent its worst outbreak of H7N9 bird flu.* Lena Sun of The Washington Post confirmed this report on Thursday, writing that “notice is being given now to CDC country directors” as the first part of a transition.

2018 article
CDC to cut by 80 percent efforts to prevent global disease outbreak
Countries where the CDC is planning to scale back include some of the world’s hot spots for emerging infectious disease, such as China, Pakistan, Haiti, Rwanda and Congo.

If more funding becomes available in the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1, the CDC could resume work in China and Congo, as well as Ethiopia, Indonesia and Sierra Leone, another government official said, also speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss budget matters.


Over the past few years, the CDC has used the extra funding to train more than 1,400 epidemiologist in 17 countries. And 16 countries now have a full-time epidemiologist dedicated to training more disease detectives, funded by this money as well. The program has also helped to stop several outbreaks in poor countries, including cholera in Cameroon and measles in Pakistan.

None of these outbreaks were close to coming to the U.S., as Ebola and SARS did. But scaling back this work still makes America vulnerable, says Ashish Jha, who directs the Harvard Global Health Initiative.

"We don't need to panic over these funding cuts," Jha says. "It's not like 'Oh my gosh! We need to fix this right away.

"But the cuts are a big deal," he says, "because infectious disease outbreaks are increasing not decreasing, and we are becoming more interconnected, not less interconnected."

And so, Jha says, the federal government is going in the wrong direction. "We should be increasing our investment in GHSA, not decreasing it," he says. "The program is really a great bang for the buck."

Crying shame that CONGRESS cut spending. After all they control the money and they never passed 1 of Trumps budgets nor Obamas budgets.
I agree with everything you wrote.

I would point out that Obama didn't trust the WHO for this reason and had a team in China that was watching for a pandemic, unfortunately, that team was cut. wouldn't stopped it but could have slowed its growth. Spilled milk tho, the WHO certainly should have been its own reliable safeguard

2018 Article
The CDC Is About to Fall Off a Funding Cliff

This is now coming to pass. Two weeks ago, Betsy McKay at The Wall Street Journal reported that the CDC, with no firm promise of future funding, is indeed preparing to downsize its work in 39 countries. Those include the Democratic Republic of Congo, which recently experienced its eighth Ebola outbreak, and China, which is recently underwent its worst outbreak of H7N9 bird flu.* Lena Sun of The Washington Post confirmed this report on Thursday, writing that “notice is being given now to CDC country directors” as the first part of a transition.

2018 article
CDC to cut by 80 percent efforts to prevent global disease outbreak
Countries where the CDC is planning to scale back include some of the world’s hot spots for emerging infectious disease, such as China, Pakistan, Haiti, Rwanda and Congo.

If more funding becomes available in the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1, the CDC could resume work in China and Congo, as well as Ethiopia, Indonesia and Sierra Leone, another government official said, also speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss budget matters.


Over the past few years, the CDC has used the extra funding to train more than 1,400 epidemiologist in 17 countries. And 16 countries now have a full-time epidemiologist dedicated to training more disease detectives, funded by this money as well. The program has also helped to stop several outbreaks in poor countries, including cholera in Cameroon and measles in Pakistan.

None of these outbreaks were close to coming to the U.S., as Ebola and SARS did. But scaling back this work still makes America vulnerable, says Ashish Jha, who directs the Harvard Global Health Initiative.

"We don't need to panic over these funding cuts," Jha says. "It's not like 'Oh my gosh! We need to fix this right away.

"But the cuts are a big deal," he says, "because infectious disease outbreaks are increasing not decreasing, and we are becoming more interconnected, not less interconnected."

And so, Jha says, the federal government is going in the wrong direction. "We should be increasing our investment in GHSA, not decreasing it," he says. "The program is really a great bang for the buck."

And as you well know Ellu every Federal dept. always wants more money even when more money is not warranted
He rejected mask wearing from the beginning which means 40% of the American public who follow him didn't take mask wearing seriously. To be clear, mask wearing is actually more effective at reducing COVID than the vaccine. He's therefore culpable in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Full stop.
This must be some kind of new math. Are you talking about the same cloth masks that the CDC just said that are only 44.3% effective against the virus? To be clear, are you saying that a mask that is only 44.3% effective is better against the virus than the vaccines that are over 95% effective?
This must be some kind of new math. Are you talking about the same cloth masks that the CDC just said that are only 44.3% effective against the virus? To be clear, are you saying that a mask that is only 44.3% effective is better against the virus than the vaccines that are over 95% effective?
Isn't the objective obvious when they (the supposed experts) said a year ago that the only remedy would be a vaccine (never dreaming we'd have it in 9 months), and NOW with the vaccine in play the "experts" double down on wearing masks...
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Go to the CDC covid tracking website. You can compare states by COVID cases. They show you a nice little graph. I compared California, New York and Idaho by cases per 100k residents. They are all exactly in line with each other. Idaho has no mask mandate, is not closed in anyway...most people here dont wear masks. How is it that a maskless state follows the exact same trendline as a state with oppressive lockdowns and mask policies? Its because they dont matter. The virus will spread until the vaccine works or we develop more resistance to it. The left has been ruining lives for nothing.
Go to the CDC covid tracking website. You can compare states by COVID cases. They show you a nice little graph. I compared California, New York and Idaho by cases per 100k residents. They are all exactly in line with each other. Idaho has no mask mandate, is not closed in anyway...most people here dont wear masks. How is it that a maskless state follows the exact same trendline as a state with oppressive lockdowns and mask policies? Its because they dont matter. The virus will spread until the vaccine works or we develop more resistance to it. The left has been ruining lives for nothing.
...and it will all be exposed.

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