60 Minutes tonight

Ok relax their liver lips. I’m just talking smack. Your worries about who he’s had on payroll and who he’s paid off is PURE SPECULATION. Mueller dug deep for 3 years and couldn’t find squat on the President. He’s either a brilliant criminal who covered his tracks perfectly or he’s a law abiding citizen who has followed the laws of our county. Are you some kind of conspiracy nut?? Do you believe he could have followed all the laws and maybe the way our tax codes are extremely confusing loop hole tax policy could make anyone look bad in certain twisted context? The media and the haters would love nothing more than to find some obscure right off and twist in a way that trump cheated he’s greedy he’s bought and paid for by the Russians. Wake up bro. Trumps loyal following come from all ways of life and backgrounds. The Haters on the other hand for the most part are joining in the group think secular progressive left wing fanatics. I disagree with you but I meant no offense with my mud slinging name calling. It’s mostly sarcasm and venting I don’t mean it personally towards anyone. Sorry if I offended you

ITs not offensive. I have thicker skin than that. If you want to make a point or talk about an issue, leave the name calling out of it. It demeans your take and, quite franlky, im tired of watching political antagonists on both sides devolve into that, we as a people are better than that.

So far as Trump being a 'law abiding citizen'. He has outright bragged about trying to beat the IRS in the last presidential debate. I know, little sympathy for the IRS.

IM not some left wing hater either. I dont believe in defunding the police, I think you should secure the border, and dont take away guns. I also don't appreciate an out of control debt ceiling, trade war with china that has resulted in a higher trade deficit, and the mishandling of the COVID situation.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BLM protesters trying to breach St. Francis hospital where two officers are fighting for their lives after being shot in an ambush.<br>Part 1 <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; MKViti (@selfdeclaredref) <a href="">September 13, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Trump supporters will back him even if he shot mother Terresa in the street. IF Obama did/said some of the stuff Trump did he'd be shot, and I didnt vote for Obama. Hypocrisy and accountability in this country is going to bring it down. Anything to keep my guy in office.
I love it when they say they did not vote for Obama
The only area I must disagree with you on is it being incomprehensible Trump would cooperate with this investigative reporter. That's who he is. He doesn't see things in terms of reality. He has his own reality. It's like George Costanza says. It's not a lie if you believe it. So I am not surprised at all. I completely believe he believes the nonsense that is coming out of his mouth and doesn't see anything wrong with what he says or believes. The dude is just not a president. Hell, he isn't even a good person.
😂😂😂😂 just brilliant
Much tighter overall race and when you take into account Biden gets over 60% votes in New York and California and Washington you know it is neck and neck and no debates yet which will seal the deal.

Police officers in LA shot and what happened at hospital. Who would you say gets votes from that incident? It aint Hiden Teleprompter Biden i can tell you that for a fact.

I'm sure Harris is at the Hospital doing everything she can for the Police that were shot, condemning the dirtbag who did it and the vile protestors - NOT!

2. IM NOT A ****ING LIBERAL. IM not a hate filled loser. Language of someone who can't handle a conversation with a different point of view.

Every president and candidate has released their tax records since Nixon. I dont think he cheated on his taxes. Im more worried about WTF he has on the payroll and who is paid out.

We have devolved into affirmation vs information society. Until Trump literally murders someone with his own bear hands and its caught on tape, his supporter are going to keep supporting him. I thought Obama guys were bad but this is unreal.
No...Obama supporters didn't have to defend this kind of shit. I don't know if he cheated on his taxes but he should do what Obama did. When people said he was born in Kenya he produced his birth certificate. Just kill it....but Trump has to let this go all the way to the supreme court because he believes they will side with him. He found out that his argument has literally no legal basis. Which is shocking to his supporters because they believe everything this criminal liar has to say since he is a hero to them. Everyone else knows he is full of shit and the taxes will probably prove it one way or another.
Bob Woodward will be featured tonight on 60 Minutes. He interviewed DJT for 18 hours over the last 6 months. Indeed, the President gave Woodward his personal cell phone number to facilitate these interviews and even initiated calls to Woodward.

I’m old enough to remember the book “All the President’s Men”, co-authored by Woodward, that helped to bring down President Nixon. Whatever your politics, it is incomprehensible that DJT would actively cooperate with this investigative reporter.

Checkout 60 Minutes tonight.
People keep forgetting, Trump is not wrapped tight. The man is a moronic dumbass.
Woodward came across extremely
Disingenuous and biased. Almost like he was just saying what the haters want to hear so they will buy his book. Bottom line it’s a big nothing. Will be a dead story in a week
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Like Obama rents free in Trump's tiny brain.
In less than 4 years, Trump has pretty much dismantled almost everything Obama tried to implement to establish socialism in America. The only reason Obama is still even relevant is that he was our first black president. Notice I said “our” even though I didn’t vote for him either term. He was still the President, something you libtards can’t accept about Trump and want to pitch a fit about like childish twats.
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Like Obama rents free in Trump's tiny brain.
For the record at the Nevada rally they chanted Lock Him Up referring to that worthless Obama of yours. I cancelled Netflix as soon as I heard your boy and his wife are involved with Netflix. No wonder pedophilia is the new norm for Netflix.
Like Obama rents free in Trump's tiny brain.

Our President is on a level of genius right up there with Einstein.

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Here’s the thing dumbass. He hasn’t shot anyone. WhT he has done is create the best economy the world has ever seen and now he’s creating the biggest and quickest economical comeback the world has ever seen. He’s fixed the broken VA system. 91%approval from the VA. Bringing pea e to the Middle East. Just nominated for two noble peace prizes. Fixing our broken border security the wall is 300miles and will be 500 by the end of the year. So go ahead and keep following the Hate Deranged Trump movement. I along with the 65million Trump Supporters will be celebrating another Victory in 50days.
Economic come back my A$$. Over 190,000 Americans Dead will hang over his head FOREVER. This POS is done. He hasnt fixed $hit. All of you are delusional. He has destroyed the Morals of a President. You Cult followers will drink the Kool Aid and POOF be gone. (In my Trump voice).
Economic come back my A$$. Over 190,000 Americans Dead will hang over his head FOREVER. This POS is done. He hasnt fixed $hit. All of you are delusional. He has destroyed the Morals of a President. You Cult followers will drink the Kool Aid and POOF be gone. (In my Trump voice).
10.6 million jobs back in last 4 months you idiot. 8.4 unemployment that would be 25% if Biden were President. You fools politicizing the Covid deaths is backfiring on you scumbags. Trump will win in landslide. Get ready sucker
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10.6 million jobs back in last 4 months you idiot. 8.4 unemployment that would be 25% if Biden were President. You fools politicizing the Covid deaths is backfiring on you scumbags. Trump will win in landslide. Get ready sucker
Yep 10.6 million jobs that should not have been lost if that dumbass Trump had told the American people the truth. Smh
For the record at the Nevada rally they chanted Lock Him Up referring to that worthless Obama of yours. I cancelled Netflix as soon as I heard your boy and his wife are involved with Netflix. No wonder pedophilia is the new norm for Netflix.

Chants from ignorant people who support Trump are meaningless. Try a different attack.
In less than 4 years, Trump has pretty much dismantled almost everything Obama tried to implement to establish socialism in America. The only reason Obama is still even relevant is that he was our first black president. Notice I said “our” even though I didn’t vote for him either term. He was still the President, something you libtards can’t accept about Trump and want to pitch a fit about like childish twats.
Trump isn't "our" president cuz he's a corrupt POS.
Your response shows how empty you are for any counter to Trump's lies and misinformation. Come again.
Yes and we still wouldn’t be able to get
We can also include the mindless Republicans like Martha, Susan, Mitch etc. who will soon find themselves on the unemployment roll for supporting a corrupt POS president.
republicans hold the Senate
Yes and we still wouldn’t be able to get

republicans hold the Senate


Just checking: did you watch Woodward on 60 Minutes?

i did and was a bit disappointed. I thought he would be on for the whole hour. Only new news was that Trump confirmed:

*he does believe that there is institutional racism in the US.
*we were very close to war with North Korea early in his administration.

Don’t know if Woodward will be releasing more of the tape recordings over the next several weeks. He does believe that Trump is unfit to be president and wants him to be “fired”.

Just checking: did you watch Woodward on 60 Minutes?

i did and was a bit disappointed. I thought he would be on for the whole hour. Only new news was that Trump confirmed:

*he does believe that there is institutional racism in the US.
*we were very close to war with North Korea early in his administration.

Don’t know if Woodward will be releasing more of the tape recordings over the next several weeks. He does believe that Trump is unfit to be president and wants him to be “fired”.
Imagine that... I’m shocked by those revelations
You know what. You keep calling him Moronic. He’s the President of the USA. Your statement on its face is Moronic. No Moron becomes president of the USA. He is Transparent and unafraid to speak to anyone. Most transparent Pres in History. All you fools kept saying this same crap in 2016 yet HE WON by doing it HIS WAY. No it doesn’t frustrate me as long as he keeps winning. I kind of think you and all the haters will be the frustrated ones in 2 months. Just a hunch. Have a great day bro!!

oh and COVID is no longer the #1 issue. Unless you watch CNN MSDNC NBC ABC CBS. They can’t stand it but numbers keep declining and a vaccine is imminent. This Is great news for America. Not so much for the Dems

most trust Trump to help get the economy turned around and the racial/social justice issue is backfiring on the Dems. In light of truth about Breanna Taylor J Blake & George Floyd. All criminals..
Some more info the dims will not like..
Total Cases
2,431 New Cases in FL Residents*
7 New Deaths including 2 Reported for 9/12
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Just checking: did you watch Woodward on 60 Minutes?

i did and was a bit disappointed. I thought he would be on for the whole hour. Only new news was that Trump confirmed:

*he does believe that there is institutional racism in the US.
*we were very close to war with North Korea early in his administration.

Don’t know if Woodward will be releasing more of the tape recordings over the next several weeks. He does believe that Trump is unfit to be president and wants him to be “fired”.

I did watch and I wasn’t surprised at all. Extremely boring and a big nothing burger complete dud. Woodward came across very disingenuous. It appeared he was completely pandering to the Hate Trump media and hate Trump viewers just to try and sell books and gain favor within the radical progressive movement. No doubt Woodward is part of the resistance and a totally biased Hack. He’s tarnished his legacy.

regarding NKorea yes Obama even told Trump N Korea would be his greatest challenge. I think the facts speak for themself regardingRocketMan And the great job Trump has done regarding N Korea. Kim Jung Un has all but stopped his aggressive behavior. No more rockets flying Over Japan. Freed hostages. Released remains of our MIAs POWs. First President in almost 40 years not to lead us into a war or foreign military confrontation. Well done Pres Trump nominated for 2 Nobel peace prizes.

regarding institutional racism I believe it depends on what your definition of institutional racism is? I think the President is acknowledging that yes racism exist in our country still and unfortunately probably always will. I don’t believe he is saying any certain institution is racist in our country. Obviously we have laws to combat discrimination in any way. So in essence institutional racism is an oxymoron. We are not the US of 1960. We are not apartheid South Africa. Are their injustices in our country on a limited bases that should be dealt with absolutely. But we are not a racist country. Our white police officers are not out hunting down innocent African Americans. Actually the more that comes out on Brianna Taylor J Blake or George Floyd or the guys in Rochester show that all these individuals were criminals. Floyd and the guys in Rochester had lethal amounts of drugs in their systems. Can our police do better sure but this whole demonization against our police is an evil that unfortunately gullible people are falling for. More and more police are being hunted and killed. Sick

anyways it appears all the momentum is swinging Trumps way. But good luck brother.
I did watch and I wasn’t surprised at all. Extremely boring and a big nothing burger complete dud. Woodward came across very disingenuous. It appeared he was completely pandering to the Hate Trump media and hate Trump viewers just to try and sell books and gain favor within the radical progressive movement. No doubt Woodward is part of the resistance and a totally biased Hack. He’s tarnished his legacy.

regarding NKorea yes Obama even told Trump N Korea would be his greatest challenge. I think the facts speak for themself regardingRocketMan And the great job Trump has done regarding N Korea. Kim Jung Un has all but stopped his aggressive behavior. No more rockets flying Over Japan. Freed hostages. Released remains of our MIAs POWs. First President in almost 40 years not to lead us into a war or foreign military confrontation. Well done Pres Trump nominated for 2 Nobel peace prizes.

regarding institutional racism I believe it depends on what your definition of institutional racism is? I think the President is acknowledging that yes racism exist in our country still and unfortunately probably always will. I don’t believe he is saying any certain institution is racist in our country. Obviously we have laws to combat discrimination in any way. So in essence institutional racism is an oxymoron. We are not the US of 1960. We are not apartheid South Africa. Are their injustices in our country on a limited bases that should be dealt with absolutely. But we are not a racist country. Our white police officers are not out hunting down innocent African Americans. Actually the more that comes out on Brianna Taylor J Blake or George Floyd or the guys in Rochester show that all these individuals were criminals. Floyd and the guys in Rochester had lethal amounts of drugs in their systems. Can our police do better sure but this whole demonization against our police is an evil that unfortunately gullible people are falling for. More and more police are being hunted and killed. Sick

anyways it appears all the momentum is swinging Trumps way. But good luck brother.
Let me give you a well thought out Liberal Left Wing Nut Job reply to your great post.

ORANGE MAN BAD..........
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