8500 soldiers?


Gold Member
Nov 18, 2006
So Brandon in another PR campaign move has ordered 8,500 troops to be ready to do something in Europe. What exactly , is unknown. They are not going directly to the Ukraine border with Russia, but apparently will go the border of a Baltic country or Romania which is not subject to any threatened attack . Again a PR move . An expensive one
Meanwhile we really could use those 8,500 brave troops protecting a more important border . Our border which has the been the scene of repeated invasions by unknown invaders. It’s an invasion apparently sanctioned and supported by Brandon and his cohorts.
Remarkable really
Bring all the troops home . Move them to Texas and Arizona and prevent our invasion

Meanwhile in other news , Brandon is about to pick a person of a particular race and sex for the Supreme Court. Not the best person . That’s irrelevant. It has to be a particular color. Isn’t that racist?
So Brandon in another PR campaign move has ordered 8,500 troops to be ready to do something in Europe. What exactly , is unknown. They are not going directly to the Ukraine border with Russia, but apparently will go the border of a Baltic country or Romania which is not subject to any threatened attack . Again a PR move . An expensive one
Meanwhile we really could use those 8,500 brave troops protecting a more important border . Our border which has the been the scene of repeated invasions by unknown invaders. It’s an invasion apparently sanctioned and supported by Brandon and his cohorts.
Remarkable really
Bring all the troops home . Move them to Texas and Arizona and prevent our invasion

Meanwhile in other news , Brandon is about to pick a person of a particular race and sex for the Supreme Court. Not the best person . That’s irrelevant. It has to be a particular color. Isn’t that racist?
He is a freaking idiot and that is an insult to idiots.

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