Free tests ! Yippee Brandon!


Gold Member
Nov 18, 2006
In a typical Brandon PR move we are now going to giveaway free Covid tests that were always available and affordable and celebrate like we conquered the disease !
Of course if you actually do have the beginning symptoms, the tests won’t arrive for 10-14 days , during which time you would have been 1) cured 2) hospitalized, 3) dead
More importantly by the time this program is fully implemented, the surge will be over , and people won’t want the tests . 500 million tests wasted

This is just indicative of the “ Brandon Way” , just push PR nonsense, have the Red Headed PR flak spin it and ignore the real problems
Where are the actual therapies that heal ?
This is also just one of many useless things that the Brandonites focus on
They ignore the inflation, the street crime , the invasion of our southern borders, the destruction of our public schools . Instead , They are at war with an imaginary white terror threat which simply doesn’t exist or conjuring up transgressions against folks who can’t figure out what sex they are . Like this is some sort of National crisis.
Meanwhile I did order some tests on Amazon, they are going to delivered today . I paid the $15 per test , don’t need or want the governments help .
In a typical Brandon PR move we are now going to giveaway free Covid tests that were always available and affordable and celebrate like we conquered the disease !
Of course if you actually do have the beginning symptoms, the tests won’t arrive for 10-14 days , during which time you would have been 1) cured 2) hospitalized, 3) dead
More importantly by the time this program is fully implemented, the surge will be over , and people won’t want the tests . 500 million tests wasted

This is just indicative of the “ Brandon Way” , just push PR nonsense, have the Red Headed PR flak spin it and ignore the real problems
Where are the actual therapies that heal ?
This is also just one of many useless things that the Brandonites focus on
They ignore the inflation, the street crime , the invasion of our southern borders, the destruction of our public schools . Instead , They are at war with an imaginary white terror threat which simply doesn’t exist or conjuring up transgressions against folks who can’t figure out what sex they are . Like this is some sort of National crisis.
Meanwhile I did order some tests on Amazon, they are going to delivered today . I paid the $15 per test , don’t need or want the governments help .
NOT SO FAST my friend hold your horses................His administration wants health insurance companies to pay and reimburse those purchased over the counter or if you paid extra to get a rapid test etc. The problem is, THEY DIDN"T CONSULT HEALTH INSURANCE providers and today those insurance companies said NO THANK YOU!

Can't make this stuff up. Why would they pay? Do they pay for pregnancy tests or condoms? Do they pay for your tylenol? NOPE AND NOPE