A look back at nearly 50 years.....

Where did you read in my post that I said AA’s run the Democratic Party ?
All I did was point out the 3,terrible choices of yours Perez is the head of the DNC but the other 2,are not leaders of the Dem party .
Last I looked the Speaker of the House is white ( nuts , yes) but white . The minority head of the Senate ( Schumer) is white . There are only 2 black Dem Senators . 79% of Congress is white and that includes ALL minorities Asian , Hispanic , Native American etc
And last but not least how many African American Governors are there ?

Why would this be the Democratic party's fault ? You still have to run for office and win to be a Governor.
I’m not? Why?

If you must know - because there are 330m people other than you and your personal self-interests. Ask all of them and you will see how happy they are - record unemployment and a President who is tanking in the polls.
And why should you be entitle to any of it... Work for it u lazy fuvck...

Most of that wealth was accumulated thru slavery and subsequent laws from this government meant to hinder the progress of people of color. That's not a opinion its a fact. So to say work for it is kinda stupid. Its extremely stupid to say work for it when so many black men that went to war and fought valiantly for this country then returned home and were treated as second class citizens. They were denied the same rights and help as their white counterparts. So when you say work for it my people have its just the compensation hasn't always been fair. And that is a FACT!
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What about the other 330 million you live with ? How are they doing ?

Well, there’s your first mistake. Stop worrying about what everyone else has or doesn’t have and start worrying about you. My success or failure depend on me and me alone. No one studied for me, wrote papers for me, worked for me to pay my tuition. No one took on student loans and repayed them for me. No one sent me on vacation for my first 5 years of actually working because it was more important to me to pay off my loans and save for a house so I could start a family one day.

But to answer your question, up until the covid hit, income was up and unemployment and public assistance were way down. It will undoubtedly bounce back. You are seeing that now. The 10% unemployment will continue to drop despite the poor decisions of some blue governors who continue to lock their states down moving the goal posts daily.
If you must know - because there are 330m people other than you and your personal self-interests. Ask all of them and you will see how happy they are - record unemployment and a President who is tanking in the polls.
So you’re speaking for 330 million people whom you don’t know... sounds logical
So you’re speaking for 330 million people whom you don’t know... sounds logical

You don't have to know them. Just analyze the stats. Cost of living up, income disparity up, healthcare inadequate, Government COVID response incompetent, unemployment rate higher than in decades. It doesn't take much in the way of brain cells to see that a majority of people in this country are hurting.
You don't have to know them. Just analyze the stats. Cost of living up, income disparity up, healthcare inadequate, Government COVID response incompetent, unemployment rate higher than in decades. It doesn't take much in the way of brain cells to see that a majority of people in this country are hurting.

actually overall unemployment is lower than it was during the Great Recession. The number of people unemployed is higher due to the stronger economy = higher labor participation numbers due to Trump policies. Another 1+ million returned to work. Imagine what it would have been if blue states aren’t continuing to lock down their states and limit businesses to 25% occupancy
actually overall unemployment is lower than it was during the Great Recession. The number of people unemployed is higher due to the stronger economy = higher labor participation numbers due to Trump policies. Another 1+ million returned to work. Imagine what it would have been if blue states aren’t continuing to lock down their states and limit businesses to 25% occupancy

It was significantly higher than anything we saw during the great recession as recently as May/June. Also, hanging your hat on unemployment being barely better than the worst economic collapse since the great depression isn't exactly very inspiring.
You don't have to know them. Just analyze the stats. Cost of living up, income disparity up, healthcare inadequate, Government COVID response incompetent, unemployment rate higher than in decades. It doesn't take much in the way of brain cells to see that a majority of people in this country are hurting.
What stats? You guys live in fairytale land!
It was significantly higher than anything we saw during the great recession as recently as May/June. Also, hanging your hat on unemployment being barely better than the worst economic collapse since the great depression isn't exactly very inspiring.[/QUOT

you left out the part about NY and Ca, which represent about 30% of our countries GDP remain shut down even though numbers show they should be opened back up. Add in Pennsylvania, NJ, Michigan and we are probably up to about 35% of our GDP. Why are they still shut down. What ever happened to shut down to flatten the curve?
Most of that wealth was accumulated thru slavery and subsequent laws from this government meant to hinder the progress of people of color. That's not a opinion its a fact. So to say work for it is kinda stupid. Its extremely stupid to say work for it when so many black men that went to war and fought valiantly for this country then returned home and were treated as second class citizens. They were denied the same rights and help as their white counterparts. So when you say work for it my people have its just the compensation hasn't always been fair. And that is a FACT!
Most of that wealth was accumulated thru slavery and subsequent laws from this government meant to hinder the progress of people of color. That's not a opinion its a fact. So to say work for it is kinda stupid. Its extremely stupid to say work for it when so many black men that went to war and fought valiantly for this country then returned home and were treated as second class citizens. They were denied the same rights and help as their white counterparts. So when you say work for it my people have its just the compensation hasn't always been fair. And that is a FACT!

Get over it that was over 200 plus years ago when every country on the planet had slavery whether they where black, red, yellow, or brown..

Stop using this as an excuse ...
Get over it that was over 200 plus years ago when every country on the planet had slavery whether they where black, red, yellow, or brown..

Stop using this as an excuse ...
I never use it has an excuse . I bet I make more MONEY then you, Deep Throat. He is not talking about every country on the planet, his is talking about the United States of America. Its not an excuse its a FACT. El Cubano AKA Deep Throat computer tough guy.
Why would this be the Democratic party's fault ? You still have to run for office and win to be a Governor.
What in the hell are you talking about ? You made comments that leadership in the Democratic Party is now African American - I pointed out how wrong you are .
Run along Raoul you are late for your Antifa meeting on what to destroy next
We aren't talking history here. Were are talking about present day and the future. You cant live in and blame the past forever. Today, a black man walks out his front door with every opportunity I do.

Bullshit. I'm not one to say we cant achieve just because of the past but if you think the playing field is equal in America for a black man as it is for a white man we will just have to agree to disagree.
I never use it has an excuse . I bet I make more MONEY then you, Deep Throat. He is not talking about every country on the planet, his is talking about the United States of America. Its not an excuse its a FACT. El Cubano AKA Deep Throat computer tough guy.

Yea real tough quy u r.... Your a poser ...“ I bet i make more money than you,”. You sound like a real tool..
Get over it that was over 200 plus years ago when every country on the planet had slavery whether they where black, red, yellow, or brown..

Stop using this as an excuse ...

Fuxk you bitxh. It wasn't 200 years ago that a black man was called an inferior race by whites in government. And as a cuban you should be ashamed to even speak like that. You'd be real butt hurt is someone was on here speaking about how great and fair Castro is. Smfh
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Fuxk you bitxh. It wasn't 200 years ago that a black man was called an inferior race by whites in government. And as a cuban you should be ashamed to even speak like that. You'd be real butt hurt is someone was on here speaking about how great and fair Castro is. Smfh

Your blaming today society for what happen 200 years ago..
Thats like blaming the younger cuban generation for Castro...

Iv’e gotten over Castro and everything they took from us..
We moved on... I’d suggest you do the same...
Your blaming today society for what happen 200 years ago..
Thats like blaming the younger cuban generation for Castro...

Iv’e gotten over Castro and everything they took from us..
We moved on... I’d suggest you do the same...

Your people weren't treated nearly as bad under Castro as American slaves were. And you were never considered 3/5 of a man. And if you got over it how about you go back to Cuba then? You and most you know in Miami came over voluntarily.
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Your blaming today society for what happen 200 years ago..
Thats like blaming the younger cuban generation for Castro...

Iv’e gotten over Castro and everything they took from us..
We moved on... I’d suggest you do the same...
Deep throat you don’t have a choice but to move home you live in the United States of America.
Deep throat you don’t have a choice but to move home you live in the United States of America.

Your showing how ignorant you really are...

Why would I leave the greats country in the world... Which I love, respect the flag by standing for the national anthem ..
Respect american history and the laws not to mention the blue line..!!!

Trump 2020.!!!
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Blacks are the Democratic Party. They make up its leadership and power structure, so what you are effectively saying is saying they don't know how to manage their own interests. Trickle down economics where the rich get tax cuts is the main problem in this country and will soon be rectified once we have a Dem President and Congress, and more reasonable SCOTUS justices.
Right because black people were flourishing in liberal run cities and had it so good under Obama right? There were no racial injustices, employment was sky rocketing, Prisons were void, etc. you just loved obama because he made things equally miserably for everyone. When a president gifts 150 bill in cash to a country that he him self deemed the number one sponsor of terrorism, he has zero room to say that he just didn’t have enough tax payer dollars to fund better infrastructure in urban areas. Go ahead and continue taking a divisive class war fair Approach from obamas Play book though and keep scapegoating all the countries problems on the ten percent earners/job providers. Worked really well in the last election. I guess it was a lot more fair to take these american job providers businesses away from them and ship those opportunities to china while 1000’s of factories that use to be running this country sat void under him most of which in urban areas. You commies are losing this battle and america is winning big time. Even the domestic markets have picked right back up where they left off prior to carona due to consumer confidence in trade policy and regulation cuts and those tax cuts you hate too much. That means as soon as the dems take their chains off of the domestic business world, things are going to go right back to sky rocketing like they were before. The demand is still there to buy American.
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