Abortion to likely be a hot topic with upcoming SCOTUS cases


Jan 31, 2005
With the Texas and Mississippi cases making their way through the courts expect this to again become a news topic. Both parties will pound the drum because they believe it excites their base. The New York Times has published some Gallup poling which is rather interesting in that shows that the majority of American''s are in the middle from the polarized party positions.


And to drill down further

Basically the data shows widespread support for first trimester abortions and widespread disapproval of third trimester abortions. The second trimester is where the real difficult desicions are.

The sad thing is that for this to be fought in the courts is likely to be the way it happens. Let's be honest, there is no constitutional position on abortion. Lawmakers in both parties for years have punted to the courts to attempt to make up laws and precedent where none exist. Fully expect hysteria and hyperbole from both sides. Just thought I would put this up to see if this board could attempt a rational debate. I doubt that will happen, but just putting it out there.