Abraham Lincoln High School San Fran to b renamed. Can't make this up.

Don’t run from it. Own that he thought blacks inferior, incapable of living with whites.
Own that Robert E Lee was a disgusting vile traitor piece of shit human.

Martin Luther King cheated on his wife, own that shit...oh wait Bill and Trump made that not a big get the picture tho.

so if someone don’t like a racist it’s’ll be fine. If you live in a town that loves racist, I think you should be allowed to have eM. If a democracy makes a different decision based on facts, that’s not running towards history that acknowledging it and dealing with it. It’s ok’ll be fine if kids know Malcolm X was a shit head before he became a good guy or that Ghandi was racist as fugk. Heroes can have warts, the flaws, the imperfections, that makes them real.
Well lets just put all the Angels names and statues up. Go ahead and name them we will wait. Abraham Lincoln was such a racist that he entered the Civil War to abolish slavery. Good sales job but I'm not buying the bridge nor BS you're selling.
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This is the left's attempt to erase history by branding everything that happened before 2009 as racist and must be thrown out. Its intellectually lazy and disingenuous to judge historical figures by 2020 standards. Doing that is a textbook example of being unobjective. Everything Ellu is saying is a perfect example of this. If you respect Abraham Lincoln or George Washington then you love racists is how he frames it..just own it he says. They are trying to scare people into submission with their language. People with a brain are able to have perspective and understand the evolution of society and mankind since the beginning of time. Without men like GW or AL, then you, me and Ellu wouldnt live in the most free, culturally diverse, tolerant nation the world has ever seen. If we follow Ellus standard then we most throw out all history because everyone was racists, except for the people and causes he deems worthy. It will take enough people to keep telling the leftist thought police to go f@ck themselves. They can take their elitist douchery elsewhere.
All 100% TRUE. They are INCAPABLE of understanding different times, different customs, different values, different views within our own country. It is dishonest and foolish to apply the way we see and live in the world today to that of 1860 or 1776. In 100 years people living at that time will very much look at how we live today and scratch their head incapable of fathoming just how we could possibly have lived like this in 2020. They will not be able to relate just as we can not relate to people 100 + years ago. That is the point of HISTORY. It tells a story of life at that time period. I would venture to say that these men were good men in their own right. They were doing what was CUSTOMARY and ACCEPTED at that time period. Should Italy ban everything having to do with Rome during the time of the Caesars? The Romans were not kind to the rest of what we know today as Italy in fact they were brutal. It's just so dishonest to think that Abraham Lincoln (example) was this monster who should now be banned or Washington, or Jefferson, or any of these people. Even the Confederate soldiers were only doing what they believed was right , usual, and customary for the South at that time. We don't have to like or agree with it today just learn from it. Ironically, it is this way for every country on Earth.
Well no, miscegenation was nothing I discussed, reread the passage.
But reading it your way still doesn’t allow for the illogic in your reasoning. Miscegenation wasn’t a taboo, it was illegal in this country due to institutionalized racism. Inherent in it was a definition of race that was exclusively phenotypical, ironically many considered partaking in and/or policing of miscegenation were in fact the product of it. Phenotype aside the ever evolving document of our founding stated all men are created equal. Once those considered 3/5 human (even if only .01 of the thing that made them inhuman, bad math for the win) were elevated to human (I see you MLB) then miscegenation was a matter of legality. Marriage has always been between two people. Civilly it’s been a recognized contract between two individuals that conferred certain benefits. As such, changing the definition to add a third person, while not offensive to me, is not the same as recognizing the humanity and following those inalienable rights.

Not only is plural marriage not taboo it’s legal in many countries and cultures, including right here in the USA. That being said, there are zero 14th amendment arguments that can be made for plural marriage
Good to hear you’re for plural marriage here in the US

More "woke" fool liberals..............................................Our new country is going to be great!!! MORONS
Why don't they name it George Soros H.S. of anarchy!
Don’t run from it. Own that he thought blacks inferior, incapable of living with whites.
Own that Robert E Lee was a disgusting vile traitor piece of shit human.

Martin Luther King cheated on his wife, own that shit...oh wait Bill and Trump made that not a big get the picture tho.

so if someone don’t like a racist it’s’ll be fine. If you live in a town that loves racist, I think you should be allowed to have eM. If a democracy makes a different decision based on facts, that’s not running towards history that acknowledging it and dealing with it. It’s ok’ll be fine if kids know Malcolm X was a shit head before he became a good guy or that Ghandi was racist as fugk. Heroes can have warts, the flaws, the imperfections, that makes them real.
Maybe he did feel that way at that time as did many whites. However he also felt so strongly that slavery should be abolished that he went to war over it. A war against his own countrymen. Sorry you are upset and holding a grudge that things didn't change fully during those years, A lot of white folks died for that cause Ellu.

Why bother, you’re literally one of the least capable intellectually in this board. Lord knows I hope you have a good right hook or a big dick cuz otherwise you are just beta in all aspects, luckily I’ll never need to know the latter and you aren’t dumb enough to ever try to demonstrate the former if we meet.

You are as phony as they come, get over urself you really are a snow flake and needs to stay in ur safe space..

What makes u so brilliant the fact that ur an attorney.. You MFERS are a dime a dozen..
And only 10% are worth hiring.. I’m impressed...
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Maybe he did feel that way at that time as did many whites. However he also felt so strongly that slavery should be abolished that he went to war over it. A war against his own countrymen. Sorry you are upset and holding a grudge that things didn't change fully during those years, A lot of white folks died for that cause Ellu.

This guy is a tool.. I’m sure he believes in reparation...
Old Abe’s views on blacks were consistent with the prevailing views in educated society in the mid 1800’s
Racist by 2020 standards? Perhaps, but that’s a phony intellectual argument
Was Jefferson a racist because his entire net worth as a southern planter tied up in human chattel? And because he has a half black concubine who was likely his dead wife’s sister?
Who’s to say ?
Abe thought that Africans should be sent back to Africa ? I’m not sure how accurate that is, but it was an supported by many prominent Blacks too.
The point is any assessment of theses historic people using 2020 sensibilities is folly and senseless.
Even the Evil Robert E Lee needs to be assessed considering the historical context .
His grandfather was a Revolutionary war hero . But the founding of our country was done with many believing that loyalty to their state was paramount, not loyalty to the Federal government. The Jeffersonian’s were of this view. Patrick Henry , Monroe, Madison to a degree.
The county was founded with the existence of slavery acknowledged . It just took 90 years to resolve the issue .

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