Asians getting harassed and beaten ... WHY ? PUMPKIN FACE

Yes indeed. Pumpkin Face TRUMP

China Flu .... Kung Flu

His narrative at every turn.

Yet another form of HIS ...... GREAT DIVIDE

Come on .. virtually every country in the world voiced significant dislike for the actions taken (or not taken) by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) leadership for the Cover 19 cover up .. and many well placed scientists do believe it was a biological warfare trial that inadvertently leaked. The UK wanted to bring legal action in international court with financial sanctions of Trillions of dollars against the Chinese Government .. and they weren't alone in that thinking.

Trump was doing no more than combatting the CCP propaganda machine that at that time was stating in the Chinese Press that the USA had planted the virus. TDS is alive and well amongst certain people.
It really is amazing how many black folks like/support Trump.

He could care less about them unless there's something in it for him. He literally threw Mike Pence under the bus you all saw..
Cared enough to fund HBCU for 10 years with more money. Cared enough to produce the lowest black unemployment in recorded history. Cared enough to get Prison Reform enacted. Cared enough to free numerous Black prisoners serving lengthy sentences for weed. Cared enough to open more Opportunity Zones in black neighborhoods. Cared enough to offer STRONG assistance to Chicago to help solve the black on black killings but of course the BLACK Mayor rejected the help. Get out with your nonsense.
Cared enough to fund HBCU for 10 years with more money. Cared enough to produce the lowest black unemployment in recorded history. Cared enough to get Prison Reform enacted. Cared enough to free numerous Black prisoners serving lengthy sentences for weed. Cared enough to open more Opportunity Zones in black neighborhoods. Cared enough to offer STRONG assistance to Chicago to help solve the black on black killings but of course the BLACK Mayor rejected the help. Get out with your nonsense.
All of this BS that you have mentioned hasnt help the black community at all. Far right propaganda. Only you racist believe the BS you just wrote. He doesnt care about blacks and he doesnt care about you Cult Member. BLM
All of this BS that you have mentioned hasnt help the black community at all. Far right propaganda. Only you racist believe the BS you just wrote. He doesnt care about blacks and he doesnt care about you Cult Member. BLM
Your debate skills need to be worked on. Get off the race card brother. You woke people taking us backwards not forwards.
WTF How dare you post The Truth HJC !!!! Don't you know Dem's and Lib's out-sourced All their thinking and Responsibility to their brain trust BLM & Antifa ? Gotta get with the program and woke up NO Independent Thinking will be Tolerated !!!! 🤪 🤪 🤪 🤡 🤪 🤪 🤪
I am sure the 2 white girls killed are felling pretty Asian right now. So stupid some of you. You still think because the media spits it out you have to swallow it. SUCKERS!

My response to this is similar to my response the people that tell me about their black friend so they can't be racist. SO WHAT?
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My response to this is similar to my response the people that tell me about their black friend so they can't be racist. SO WHAT?
I'm racist I can't stand any scumbag of any color including white jews my people. If you're cool I'm cool with you. This has nothing to do with personality because sometimes people just don't jive.
My response to this is similar to my response the people that tell me about their black friend so they can't be racist. SO WHAT?
You racist against white people CD? Seriously you ever hear people talk about racism towards whites? You think it's real? I do.
Cared enough to fund HBCU for 10 years with more money. Cared enough to produce the lowest black unemployment in recorded history. Cared enough to get Prison Reform enacted. Cared enough to free numerous Black prisoners serving lengthy sentences for weed. Cared enough to open more Opportunity Zones in black neighborhoods. Cared enough to offer STRONG assistance to Chicago to help solve the black on black killings but of course the BLACK Mayor rejected the help. Get out with your nonsense.
A TRUTH they don’t want to hear
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Yes indeed. Pumpkin Face TRUMP

China Flu .... Kung Flu

His narrative at every turn.

Yet another form of HIS ...... GREAT DIVIDE

Obama and Biden had 8 years to fix race relations and instead made themselves wealthy.
My response to this is similar to my response the people that tell me about their black friend so they can't be racist. SO WHAT?
You allude to racism often in posts ... question for you , do you think reverse racism occurs in this country ?? Let’s see if u have balls to answer
Obama and Biden had 8 years to fix race relations and instead made themselves wealthy.
Dude, you standing by this statement? that a country is the progeny of slavery and has institutional racism at its core since its foundation, literally in its constitution, this you expect to be "fixed" in 8 years?

Please tell me you have an issue with the racist parts of the voter's reformation in various southern states since you're being racially cognizant.

Here is a conservative North Carolina Supreme Court ruling identifying some of the methods that other southern states, GA among them, employing as "laser like precision" racism. Link to Case

If you don't have any concern about blatant racist acts, don't throw rocks from your glass home.
Good old fashioned plurium interrogationum how nice to see it.
Nope ... just keeping it real ... does that bother you .. I know you don’t like being direct... and it’s actually a very simple yes or no question ( not meant to be confusing in any way)
Nope ... just keeping it real ... does that bother you .. I know you don’t like being direct... and it’s actually a very simple yes or no question ( not meant to be confusing in any way)
So you use a term that is debatable, and instead of asking if the term is a real thing, you assume the reality of it and frame a binary question that requires an affirmation of your framing.

That is the literal deployment of that logical fallacy. Do you still beat your wife? Simple question, don't duck it. Yes or no, have you stopped beating your wife.
You allude to racism often in posts ... question for you , do you think reverse racism occurs in this country ?? Let’s see if u have balls to answer

It depends how you define racism. The modern definition is that racism = power + prejudice, which is reflected in the updated Merriam-Webster definitions of racism.

"....."the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another".

"....any program or practice of racial discrimination, segregation, etc., specifically, such a program or practice that upholds the political or economic domination of one race over another or others."

This is why when people say there is structural racism in America - it refers to the continued, lingering effects of hundreds of years of racism in this country, where the families and descendants of those affected, do not have access to the same resources as the families of the ruling class (ie. whites). There is an entire body of academic research that backs this up.
It depends how you define racism. The modern definition is that racism = power + prejudice, which is reflected in the updated Merriam-Webster definitions of racism.

"....."the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another".

"....any program or practice of racial discrimination, segregation, etc., specifically, such a program or practice that upholds the political or economic domination of one race over another or others."

This is why when people say there is structural racism in America - it refers to the continued, lingering effects of hundreds of years of racism in this country, where the families and descendants of those affected, do not have access to the same resources as the families of the ruling class (ie. whites). There is an entire body of academic research that backs this up.
Lots of deflection I see ... well done , never expected you to answer the question ... being real and honest isn’t in your agenda , and that’s ok
Lots of deflection I see ... well done , never expected you to answer the question ... being real and honest isn’t in your agenda , and that’s ok

There's no deflection at all. The answer is pretty obvious in my reply.
It depends how you define racism. The modern definition is that racism = power + prejudice, which is reflected in the updated Merriam-Webster definitions of racism.

"....."the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another".

"....any program or practice of racial discrimination, segregation, etc., specifically, such a program or practice that upholds the political or economic domination of one race over another or others."

This is why when people say there is structural racism in America - it refers to the continued, lingering effects of hundreds of years of racism in this country, where the families and descendants of those affected, do not have access to the same resources as the families of the ruling class (ie. whites). There is an entire body of academic research that backs this up.
And yet, Booker T Washington was born a slave and became a success. Are you saying that anyone born in the last 50 years had it worse than him? We've also had blacks in every position form City Councilman right on up to the President. I guess where some see oppression, others see a challenge to overcome. America still gives the best opportunity to go from rags to riches no matter your race or background.
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And yet, Booker T Washington was born a slave and became a success. Are you saying that anyone born in the last 50 years had it worse than him? We've also had blacks in every position form City Councilman right on up to the President. I guess where some see oppression, others see a challenge to overcome. America still gives the best opportunity to go from rags to riches no matter your race or background.
Well said
And yet, Booker T Washington was born a slave and became a success. Are you saying that anyone born in the last 50 years had it worse than him? We've also had blacks in every position form City Councilman right on up to the President. I guess where some see oppression, others see a challenge to overcome. America still gives the best opportunity to go from rags to riches no matter your race or background.

That's tokenism. You can always pull a name out of a hat to claim people who have experienced intergenerational racism don't have it any worse than people from the ruling class (whites). The social science data however doesn't back that up.
It depends how you define racism. The modern definition is that racism = power + prejudice, which is reflected in the updated Merriam-Webster definitions of racism.

"....."the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another".

"....any program or practice of racial discrimination, segregation, etc., specifically, such a program or practice that upholds the political or economic domination of one race over another or others."

This is why when people say there is structural racism in America - it refers to the continued, lingering effects of hundreds of years of racism in this country, where the families and descendants of those affected, do not have access to the same resources as the families of the ruling class (ie. whites). There is an entire body of academic research that backs this up.
Yes liberal academic research.
All of this BS that you have mentioned hasnt help the black community at all. Far right propaganda. Only you racist believe the BS you just wrote. He doesnt care about blacks and he doesnt care about you Cult Member. BLM
Just posted a thread on your BLM
That's tokenism. You can always pull a name out of a hat to claim people who have experienced intergenerational racism don't have it any worse than people from the ruling class (whites). The social science data however doesn't back that up.
Booker T was a smart man and he spoke of your social scientists quite well back in the day. " There is a certain class of race problem-solvers who don't want the patient to get well because as long as the disease holds out they not only have an easy means of making a living, but also a medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public. "
Booker T was a smart man and he spoke of your social scientists quite well back in the day. " There is a certain class of race problem-solvers who don't want the patient to get well because as long as the disease holds out they not only have an easy means of making a living, but also a medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public. "

Again, you're using one person's experience and applying it onto millions of people across multiple centuries. That doesn't help those in need in the present, and a cynic might suggest the person making such an argument is merely doing it to obfuscate from the real problem, and perhaps their own denial that they don't want to deal with it for fear of having to reflect on their own views of race.
Again, you're using one person's experience and applying it onto millions of people across multiple centuries. That doesn't help those in need in the present, and a cynic might suggest the person making such an argument is merely doing it to obfuscate from the real problem, and perhaps their own denial that they don't want to deal with it for fear of having to reflect on their own views of race.
No, you just simply refuse to see the many successes in the black communities that there are. Again, blacks have held every office in the land as well as Supreme Court Justices, so tell me again what they're being excluded from? If anyone here is being racist it would be you for implying that blacks can't make it without Whitey's help.
No, you just simply refuse to see the many successes in the black communities that there are. Again, blacks have held every office in the land as well as Supreme Court Justices, so tell me again what they're being excluded from? If anyone here is being racist it would be you for implying that blacks can't make it without Whitey's help.

We're not talking about one off individuals, we're talking about an entire group of people who have been systemically oppressed and are being forced to start with greater barriers to entry. You pulling one person's name out of a hat is not a legitimate argument against why systemic racism continues to exist.
We're not talking about one off individuals, we're talking about an entire group of people who have been systemically oppressed and are being forced to start with greater barriers to entry. You pulling one person's name out of a hat is not a legitimate argument against why systemic racism continues to exist.
It's not a legitimate argument if you keep saying there is only one black that has made it. Tell me which of today's blacks has the deck of oppression stacked against them more than Booker T did? I'll wait. Blaming others for failures will never be a recipe for success.
It's not a legitimate argument if you keep saying there is only one black that has made it. Tell me which of today's blacks has the deck of oppression stacked against them more than Booker T did? I'll wait. Blaming others for failures will never be a recipe for success.

Nice strawman, but it doesn't speak to the fundamental problem, as laid out perfectly here by King.

Dude, you standing by this statement? that a country is the progeny of slavery and has institutional racism at its core since its foundation, literally in its constitution, this you expect to be "fixed" in 8 years?

Please tell me you have an issue with the racist parts of the voter's reformation in various southern states since you're being racially cognizant.

Here is a conservative North Carolina Supreme Court ruling identifying some of the methods that other southern states, GA among them, employing as "laser like precision" racism. Link to Case

If you don't have any concern about blatant racist acts, don't throw rocks from your glass home.

I respect your comments and thoughts. I've read many of your posts and didn't realize the chasm between our positions. You dig a few layers deeper into the problem then my flippant comment. So I'll attempt to simply explain it.

When we elected Obama, I, as a Conservative was disappointed but felt electing an African American to the office also gave me a sense of pride and said a lot about our gains toward resolving differences and gaining racial amity. It was refreshing that that could happen in this great nation at that time.

As things developed and time went on I saw no attempt to address the divide. No only did that not happen, to my mind, there was zero evident effort made.

We could go on with this and that would be ok, but to just state some of my basic views, I was severely disappointed to see us fall further back in our mutual understanding of where we needed to and should be than when Obama's reign began.

So, totally respecting your comments, for which I thank you, I can't see where Obama even attempted to address this stain on our country's fiber and yes he did come out of this as a multi, multi-millionaire. Not only that, but it facilitated Biden's rise to power, giving us an inept, s*xually harassing, power abuser for personal gain, President.

You stated, 'Please tell me you have an issue with the racist parts of the voter's reformation in various southern states since you're being racially cognizant.'
I have no issues nor understanding of what you state here. If you're talking about voter ID's, I think we need that. If not, you tell me.
I respect your comments and thoughts. I've read many of your posts and didn't realize the chasm between our positions. You dig a few layers deeper into the problem then my flippant comment. So I'll attempt to simply explain it.

When we elected Obama, I, as a Conservative was disappointed but felt electing an African American to the office also gave me a sense of pride and said a lot about our gains toward resolving differences and gaining racial amity. It was refreshing that that could happen in this great nation at that time.

As things developed and time went on I saw no attempt to address the divide. No only did that not happen, to my mind, there was zero evident effort made.

We could go on with this and that would be ok, but to just state some of my basic views, I was severely disappointed to see us fall further back in our mutual understanding of where we needed to and should be than when Obama's reign began.

So, totally respecting your comments, for which I thank you, I can't see where Obama even attempted to address this stain on our country's fiber and yes he did come out of this as a multi, multi-millionaire. Not only that, but it facilitated Biden's rise to power, giving us an inept, s*xually harassing, power abuser for personal gain, President.

You stated, 'Please tell me you have an issue with the racist parts of the voter's reformation in various southern states since you're being racially cognizant.'
I have no issues nor understanding of what you state here. If you're talking about voter ID's, I think we need that. If not, you tell me.
Respect. We can do the Obama admin on a different thread or offline, would be great! I too appreciate your tone and willingness to respectfully engage. Thanks.

Georgia is passing laws such as closing early polls on Sundays, reducing the number of early voting locations, reducing the hours of early voting locations. The NC Supreme Court threw out similar measures as racially motivated just after the Voters Rights Amendment was overturned by SCOTUS and NC passed similar laws.In NC studies on black voter patterns were made and the options that were codified were those thatdisproportionately affected the black community.

Souls to the polls is a historical black voting initiative where folks go excercise the franchise after church. It’s a black voting tradition. Georgia is closing voting on Sundays with no rationale basis.

per capita, the blackest areas in GA have the lowest number of early voting locations, reducing these AND shortening the hours will similarly target black voters.

another tradition is providing snacks and water to those with extended line waits to encourage them to stand for 8,10 and 12 hours as needed, you can no longer give snacks and water, if passed.

none of this has to do with ID, nor does it have to do with absentee. It’s designed to lower the blackvote. It’s a shame that you haven’t heard about it, it’s been a big deal since the VOA ruling. I linked you an actual decision so that you could see it for yourself.

be well

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