That’s a bonehead question steeped in delusion. Trump is the Republican Party. The Never Trumper Neocon establishment can leave and try there own 3rd party but there are very few of them. Trump has 96% favorability in Republican Party. He’s here to stay. Look what’s happening in the house because of Trump. Minorities and women elected in big numbers very nearly took back the house. Trump has expanded the party that now included more women Hispanics and African Americans than it ever has before. We are also the party of the working class blue collar workers. The numbers don’t lie. So keep pointing to all your fake illegal numbers I will stay in reality.LMMFAO I’m actually dealing with’re a part of the failed Hail Mary crew! He lost dawg—-if he is who you think he is, he’ll come back stronger than ever for a 2024 run. Like you said, you’re gonna support him regardless..Question, would you support him if he ran on a 3rd party ticket? He’s obviously not a Dem or GOP & has his own thing going on