Bad Cops Going Wild

Or Europe or Australia or Japan, Korea and any number of other first world countries where weird gun worship by middle aged males with small penis syndrome doesn’t exist, and neither do epidemics of mass shootings, police violence, or constant race riots.
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We have had this discussion before. On a per capita basis, unarmed minorities are killed by cops at a higher rate. Period!!
More like a comma. Blacks are responsible for over 50% of violent crimes so naturally they will have more contact with police officers and therefore have more opportunities for something to go wrong during an arrest. BTW, unarmed does not mean no threat. My oldest son went on a ride along with his basketball coach that also happened to be a Captain in the Salt Lake police dept. The Captain kept him a safe distance from an arrest but he saw a 150lb, "unarmed" meth addict take down 4 officers before they finally subdued him. Thank goodness that what happened that night changed his mind about becoming a policeman.
Respect but no one is denying that there are systematic issues. I’ve even listed some of them imo as examples. I think that the racial injustices are more a microorganism of the big pic though that you have to look at as a whole and not just circle back to race . It’s not just broken for black people, it’s broken in general. Get a better police force and everyone wins of all colors except for the the criminals.

I just don’t understand I guess where you’re going with the ask black cops their opinions when the subject isn’t really a critiscm on white cops but cops and the system they work with in general.
No what I'm saying is that their are ideologies out there. Look on this board, there are those that see zero systematic problems, there are those that believe the systematic problems are the same across racial lines. The video has the managing officer stating that he understands why the LT was upset and blamed BLM. Some agree with that, some believe its an irrational fear. My point being there are folks who are officers that would give you a different perspective, they too want to go home safe but they also know what they see, observe internally.

All good tho and sincerely respect the dialogue tone and consideration, we could use more of this around here.
More like a comma. Blacks are responsible for over 50% of violent crimes so naturally they will have more contact with police officers and therefore have more opportunities for something to go wrong during an arrest. BTW, unarmed does not mean no threat. My oldest son went on a ride along with his basketball coach that also happened to be a Captain in the Salt Lake police dept. The Captain kept him a safe distance from an arrest but he saw a 150lb, "unarmed" meth addict take down 4 officers before they finally subdued him. Thank goodness that what happened that night changed his mind about becoming a policeman.
Your story reminded me when my son wanted a motorcycle but I would never give in. He saw an accident involving a motorcycle and an 18 wheeler and never asked again. According to him it wasn't pretty. Back to business.

Why should AA be subjected to police brutality because statistically speaking "they have more contact". I will await your nonsensical response.
Your story reminded me when my son wanted a motorcycle but I would never give in. He saw an accident involving a motorcycle and an 18 wheeler and never asked again. According to him it wasn't pretty. Back to business.

Why should AA be subjected to police brutality because statistically speaking "they have more contact". I will await your nonsensical response.
Pretty simple really. If we both ran across a freeway we would have a chance of getting hit by a car. If I were to run across that freeway more times than you then my chances of getting hit by a car would increase, regardless of my skin color. A better question might be, if blacks are only 16% of the population, then why are they responsible for over 50% of the violent crimes in the US? BTW, your son made a wise decision. Even though I've raced Motocross for 35 years now, I would never get on a street bike.
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ellu when does it go from Institutional racism to someone being just a stupid angry loser ? Is there a line for you ? I've lived through racism/discrimination, and in my life time I've seen true racists disappear like stains on a shirt after each washing. I saw no Racism in College , though I ran into acouple of asshole losers that couldn't handle THEIR failures nor my success. Did his insults hurt ? Not 1 bit because I knew it came from his frustration and lack of a spine. Some of those aholes have even been patients of mine, and have apologized (ofcoarce there life was in my ands) admitting they were just frustrated with themselves, but even in that small sample size , some admitted their life changed for the better hen they looked in the mirror and saw the problem was them ( lol life long Democrate's at that, and the guy with the epiphany confessed he changed to Republican LOL how about them apples). There needs to come a time when non emo non histrionic adults take responsibility for themselves and their actions , and STOP indicting the society they live in,,,,,, don't you think ?
I realize being a cop is a tough, thankless job. They go from pillar to post 5 days a week, From the moment they are on duty.
They stop a driver for a moving violation. Then a domestic disturbance followed by a high speed chase. Then they answer a call for someone barricading themselves and holding family members hostage. right after that they are in a confrontation with a perp armed with firearm. All these events happen in just the first few hours of their shift. However, in the case of the officer in Minnesota who had 26 yrs of service, shooting a driver with a outstanding warrant and claim she mistakenly pulled her service weapon instead of her taser is hard to digest. Both weapons feel different, have different weights , different triggers and look different.
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Or Europe or Australia or Japan, Korea and any number of other first world countries where weird gun worship by middle aged males with small penis syndrome doesn’t exist, and neither do epidemics of mass shootings, police violence, or constant race riots.
Wow, that’s something cd would say. Even on your worst day, I’m shocked you could say something this dumb. Really? You’re on something. I’ll give you a free pass on this one. Get well man. Lol, that’s one post for the ages.
I realize being a cop is a tough, thankless job. They go from pillar to post 5 days a week, From the moment they are on duty.
They stop a driver for a moving violation. Then a domestic disturbance followed by a high speed chase. Then they answer a call for someone barricading themselves and holding family members hostage. right after that they are in a confrontation with a perp armed with firearm. All these events happen in just the first few hours of their shift. However, in the case of the officer in Minnesota who had 26 yrs of service, shooting a driver with a outstanding warrant and claim she mistakenly pulled her service weapon instead of her taser is hard to digest. Both weapons feel different, have different weights , different triggers and look different.
ya that’s a ****in weird excuse not going to lie. 26 years too. There in may lie the problem. You got an idiot working the streets for 26 freaking years. Kinda the same story with Baltimore politicians. How does that happen? Who keeps electing the fools that keep putting these people on the street? Zero chance she hasn’t done stupid shit before. Zero accountability. From the top down. Who’s at the top?
ellu when does it go from Institutional racism to someone being just a stupid angry loser ? Is there a line for you ? I've lived through racism/discrimination, and in my life time I've seen true racists disappear like stains on a shirt after each washing. I saw no Racism in College , though I ran into acouple of asshole losers that couldn't handle THEIR failures nor my success. Did his insults hurt ? Not 1 bit because I knew it came from his frustration and lack of a spine. Some of those aholes have even been patients of mine, and have apologized (ofcoarce there life was in my ands) admitting they were just frustrated with themselves, but even in that small sample size , some admitted their life changed for the better hen they looked in the mirror and saw the problem was them ( lol life long Democrate's at that, and the guy with the epiphany confessed he changed to Republican LOL how about them apples). There needs to come a time when non emo non histrionic adults take responsibility for themselves and their actions , and STOP indicting the society they live in,,,,,, don't you think ?
It’s their society too. I can’t do anything about politics in another state. The same ones complaining are the same ones creating the systems that they live in. Nobodies complaining where I live.
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Policing in America has gone awry. Reform must be made at the federal level. We keep seeing these videos over and over again. My biggest concern is we see what happens with body cams on. How many incidents involving police taking indecent liberties are not on??????
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Policing in America has gone awry. Reform must be made at the federal level. We keep seeing these videos over and over again. My biggest concern is we see what happens with body cams on. How many incidents involving police taking indecent liberties are not on??????
Feds can’t do shit. It’s a community by community issue. It’s not bad all around, just in mostly blue areas. You could change the system from with in even if just a little. You ever think about being a cop? I know they’re hiring and judging by the types that are getting the jobs, even you’d be a shoe in. I think they’re pretty much just taking what they can get at this point, which is a dichotomy into itself.
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Pretty simple really. If we both ran across a freeway we would have a chance of getting hit by a car. If I were to run across that freeway more times than you then my chances of getting hit by a car would increase, regardless of my skin color. A better question might be, if blacks are only 16% of the population, then why are they responsible for over 50% of the violent crimes in the US? BTW, your son made a wise decision. Even though I've raced Motocross for 35 years now, I would never get on a street bike.
Your analogy is an excellent attempt to skirt the big picture but nevertheless, nice try. Here's why your analogy does not apply in this case. Although I crossed that busy highway fewer times than you, I still could get hit by a car more times. If I'm fat and slow but you're quick and nimble chances are I'll get hit more times. There goes your analogy. Also, cars or busy highways don't harbor systematic racism.

Your entire argument around increased contact with cops and the automatic assumption bad things will happen supports the movement to reimagine police departments. Thanks for acknowledging cops are brutal to the people they serve especially people of color.
Your analogy is an excellent attempt to skirt the big picture but nevertheless, nice try. Here's why your analogy does not apply in this case. Although I crossed that busy highway fewer times than you, I still could get hit by a car more times. If I'm fat and slow but you're quick and nimble chances are I'll get hit more times. There goes your analogy. Also, cars or busy highways don't harbor systematic racism.

Your entire argument around increased contact with cops and the automatic assumption bad things will happen supports the movement to reimagine police departments. Thanks for acknowledging cops are brutal to the people they serve especially people of color.
Then why are twice as many whites killed each year by police? The BS narrative is not supported by any fact whatsoever. The analogy was spot on, the more you put yourself in a position where danger is possible, the better your odds of finding that danger. Add the fact that some would rather fight on the street instead of a court of law and the danger increases even more. Stereotyping all cops as bad and/or racist is just not right.
We have another incident of a cop overreacting in a traffic stop involving a person of color. Thank god this didn't end in another killing of an unarmed citizen. There is something systematically wrong with the way police officers engage citizens especially people of color. Is it their training or lack thereof? Are they trained to be suspicious of minorities? Or are they so racist to the core that no training will help?

Cems. Total tragedy and a BAD COP! But why resist? We can live to be 1oo years old and it will not change. You CANNOT RESIST A COP! You don't do CRAZY stuff like that! Gotta grow up at some point.
Show me where the soldier resisted arrest?
He was not a soldier. He was another thug who thought he could defy authority. You can't. As long as we are alive, there will be law and order. That will never change. Now, when things break down and you have an incompetent cop....Then you have trouble. Bottom line. Comply. Do not resist. Or it will continue
He was not a soldier. He was another thug who thought he could defy authority. You can't. As long as we are alive, there will be law and order. That will never change. Now, when things break down and you have an incompetent cop....Then you have trouble. Bottom line. Comply. Do not resist. Or it will continue
This thread is about the soldier who was maced with guns drawn. Come again with where he resisted.
Then why are twice as many whites killed each year by police? The BS narrative is not supported by any fact whatsoever. The analogy was spot on, the more you put yourself in a position where danger is possible, the better your odds of finding that danger. Add the fact that some would rather fight on the street instead of a court of law and the danger increases even more. Stereotyping all cops as bad and/or racist is just not right.
I never said all cops are bad. Some are well intentioned out to do a good job. Others are poorly trained and mentally unfit to carry that shield. Cops are like any profession. Some good and some bad. The big difference is a bad cop can kill you. When have you ever heard a bad teacher killing her pupil?
I never said all cops are bad. Some are well intentioned out to do a good job. Others are poorly trained and mentally unfit to carry that shield. Cops are like any profession. Some good and some bad. The big difference is a bad cop can kill you. When have you ever heard a bad teacher killing her pupil?
Im sure there guys who pass all the training, written exams with flying colors but unfortunately dont know mhow to apply themselves to situations at hand. They dont have empathy for others, nor do they have people skills
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I never said all cops are bad. Some are well intentioned out to do a good job. Others are poorly trained and mentally unfit to carry that shield. Cops are like any profession. Some good and some bad. The big difference is a bad cop can kill you. When have you ever heard a bad teacher killing her pupil?
Not sure how teachers made their way into this but if you have a bad teacher that leads to someone dropping out of school, then in some ways they've just killed that students chances of succeeding in life. Also not sure what this has to do with those that choose to fight charges in the street rather than in a courtroom and it surely doesn't change the fact that twice as many whites are killed by cops each year.
Not sure how teachers made their way into this but if you have a bad teacher that leads to someone dropping out of school, then in some ways they've just killed that students chances of succeeding in life. Also not sure what this has to do with those that choose to fight charges in the street rather than in a courtroom and it surely doesn't change the fact that twice as many whites are killed by cops each year.
You obviously haven't been following this thread otherwise you would know how teachers fit into this discussion. As for your continued denial of facts about AA's high rate of police brutality, I'll leave that in the hands of God.
Im sure there guys who pass all the training, written exams with flying colors but unfortunately dont know mhow to apply themselves to situations at hand. They dont have empathy for others, nor do they have people skills
Those are the cops that never should be hired.
You obviously haven't been following this thread otherwise you would know how teachers fit into this discussion. As for your continued denial of facts about AA's high rate of police brutality, I'll leave that in the hands of God.
My comment though never mentioned teachers. Never denied that blacks are sometimes victims of police brutality. The facts however show that it's no higher of a rate than for whites. God blessed you with a reasonable amount of intelligence so how do you explain this one? For every 10,000 arrests of a black person for a violent crime, 3 are killed while for every 10,000 arrests of a white person for a violent crime, 4 are killed. I'm not the one denying facts here.
Was bored, looked up some numbers. Arrest numbers came from the 2018 UCR Table 43A.

Total arrest: 7,710,900
White people arrested: 5,319,654
Black people arrested: 2,115,381

Deaths came from a Washington Post article:

White deaths: 456
Black deaths: 228

Was trying to get some percentages or rates. Basically arrests/deaths type stuff.

.008572% of white arrests lead to death.

.010778% of black arrests lead to death.


99.99143% of white arrests did not lead to death

99.9892% of black arrests did not lead to death.

So based just on that, it is true that black people being arrested are more likely to be killed, but it's a minuscule difference. These are just arrest, if you add in every interaction between police and citizens the numbers would plummet.

Of course just straight numbers, they only mean what they do, no nuances or anything.
We're talking about the killing of people's sons, brothers and husbands not statistics.
My comment though never mentioned teachers. Never denied that blacks are sometimes victims of police brutality. The facts however show that it's no higher of a rate than for whites. God blessed you with a reasonable amount of intelligence so how do you explain this one? For every 10,000 arrests of a black person for a violent crime, 3 are killed while for every 10,000 arrests of a white person for a violent crime, 4 are killed. I'm not the one denying facts here.
Why don't you break those numbers down based on unarmed victims.
Why don't you break those numbers down based on unarmed victims.
Unarmed does is not the same as no threat, but roughly twice as many unarmed whites are killed each year, it mirrors overall deaths by cops.
We're talking about the killing of people's sons, brothers and husbands not statistics.
Would you not agree that most of those deaths would not have occurred had they just complied with police orders? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Would you not agree that most of those deaths would not have occurred had they just complied with police orders? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Most is not all. No one should be killed because a cop is either incompetent in doing their job or has underlying racist tendencies.
Unarmed does is not the same as no threat, but roughly twice as many unarmed whites are killed each year, it mirrors overall deaths by cops.
I know how you feel about the killing of unarmed Black folks but why do you continue downplaying the killing of unarmed White people? As I have said many times join me in the fight against police brutality.
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Being a cop is a tough profession. Those that can, do, those that can't shouldn't. Cops who are not suited for their profession should be rooted out. Also, if you feel this happens at a higher rate to Whites, you should be out marching with the BLM marchers.
Institutional racism. The race of the officers isn't important, as an institution is the perceived race of the driver.

This cop didn't wake up thinking "I'm going to F with a black guy". But, institutional bias is the reason that he pulled him over, big new SUV rolling on a highway, lets check this guy out, mentality.

Once the guy didn't pull over immediately, the false premise that it was for no tag displayed was gone (the stage was clearly visible in the light of the place he pulled over. The officer didn't sit in and punch up the new tag, the bias was then, black guy, evading must be up to something or worse yet, black guy not obeying we are going to teach him, or even worse, black guy dangerous.

After seeing his hands extended the guns remain drawn.

After hearing him calmly ask why they are pulling guns on him the guns remain drawn.

After saying I'm afraid your going to harm me (post pepper spray) the guns remain drawn.

What is telling is that he is in full uniform and the question is are you a private, this is a perfect example of the bias, it was clearly disrepectful as the intent was to place him at the bottom of the noncommissioned totem pole as if serving the nation in that capacity is lacking, when he retorted that he was a Lietenuant and without posing any threat whatsoever, even after being pepper sprayed, knee shots and forced take down occurred.

Cuffed, something as a black man you never want to end up as, the stereotype, he remained as calm as a teargassed person with hostile men can possibly remain. Kudos to the younger cop who seemed to realize how F'd up it was.

If you don't believe in institutional bias look at why he was pulled over. Look at the reason the supervising cop who showed up gave, I'll let you watch it for yourself. Look at the police report that states he was evading when he was driving below the speed limit, turn signal on to indicate he was looking for a well lit area.

I'm thankful to the two cops that pulled me over two weeks ago, I too drove to a well lit area (BP on 441) they sat in there care for about 2 min before they approached, didn't draw down on me, one officer on passenger side one on driver side. It was a complete DWB, they say an Audi SUV, but to their credit they ran me and didn't come at me as a hostile when they realized they had nothing (i do a damn thing to get pulled over because i like living and I"m a 6'5 BM so that's probably the best way to do that). After about 2 min they let me go on my way, no ticket no warning, no explanation either but that's fine.

I can't be convinced that if this Lietunant had gotten out when they ordered him that he would not have been shot the moment he reached for his belt. The narrative would have been he had a gun in the car and was reaching for it.

I can't be convinced that he was pulled over for a legitimate purpose or that they could not have taken two minutes to run the tag they claim they couldn't see from the dealership.

One cop was fired today, this happened in December, early December, I can't be convinced that he wont' be hired by another police force and do something similar to someone else.

I don't think its racism per see. I think this could have played out the same way if the cop was black, white or in as in this case Hispanic.

Its institutional bias and it doesn't get changed by ignoring the cold fact that policing of black and brown folks isn't the same as others. #BlackLivesMatter

It’s NOT THE COPS fault! Now that I got your attention let me explain. These two cops shouldn’t be cops, or more likely have numerous complaints and should have been dismissed long ago. Chauvin had I believe 16 complaints of excessive force. Why are these types of people still on police forces? They carry guns and are suppose to serve and protect.

Why? Because public unions protect these monsters. The unions are in control , protect their members, and as a result you can’t get rid of bad actors until it’s too late.

Not all cops are bad. BUT.

Now we have a situation where the police are under attack from the public, and have received no support from municipal administration. As a result, cops don’t want to police because they receive no support. Criminals feel emboldened so crime is rampant in urban areas. And poor neighborhoods are asking where’s the police?

This whole situation reminds me of rearing children; you can’t let them run wild most of their lives and then when their 18 try to lay down the law. We’ve allowed cops to run wild because politicians didn’t want to confront the unions that helped get them elected. Now they’re trying to timidly reign them in.
I know how you feel about the killing of unarmed Black folks but why do you continue downplaying the killing of unarmed White people? As I have said many times join me in the fight against police brutality.
I don't want to see anyone hurt unjustly. We've debated this many times so I'll bow out of this one to keep us from going in circles. Off topic, but I've looked up Carroll's meats and will give it a try. Cullman Ala is our first stop to see family and then to Fla so it will be on the way. It better be good if I'm going to all this trouble. Ha ha. Thanks for the tip.
I don't want to see anyone hurt unjustly. We've debated this many times so I'll bow out of this one to keep us from going in circles. Off topic, but I've looked up Carroll's meats and will give it a try. Cullman Ala is our first stop to see family and then to Fla so it will be on the way. It better be good if I'm going to all this trouble. Ha ha. Thanks for the tip.
They also have great steaks. Enjoy your travel.
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Would you not agree that most of those deaths would not have occurred had they just complied with police orders? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Have you heard about the 13 year old kid in Chicago who was killed by a cop? He complied with the officer's orders and now he's dead.
Feds can’t do shit. It’s a community by community issue. It’s not bad all around, just in mostly blue areas. You could change the system from with in even if just a little. You ever think about being a cop? I know they’re hiring and judging by the types that are getting the jobs, even you’d be a shoe in. I think they’re pretty much just taking what they can get at this point, which is a dichotomy into itself.
Your comment about the Feds "can't do shit" fits your ongoing narrative of keeping government out of our lives. Sometimes the Feds are the only entity that can fix a national problem. Case in point, civil rights legislation. If left to some states, Jim Crow laws would still be in existence.
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Have you heard about the 13 year old kid in Chicago who was killed by a cop? He complied with the officer's orders and now he's dead.
He shot at the police, they gave chase and he finally stopped, and turned around putting his hands in the air - AS HE DITCHED HIS GUN. How was the officer to know he wasn't turning to shoot? When does it become the perp's fault?
Chicago is a virtual war zone with 864 shootings so far in 2021, up by more than 200 from last year. Tragic to see a 13 year olds life end this way.
He shot at the police, they gave chase and he finally stopped, and turned around putting his hands in the air - AS HE DITCHED HIS GUN. How was the officer to know he wasn't turning to shoot? When does it become the perp's fault?
Chicago is a virtual war zone with 864 shootings so far in 2021, up by more than 200 from last year. Tragic to see a 13 year olds life end this way.
Kevin, your sequence of events is wrong along with the facts as reported. There is no evidence he shot at that officer. Maybe he did maybe he didn't. But that's beside the point once a perp surrenders. The cop ordered him to put his hands up. The 13 year old complied and was killed. No gun in hand. He ditched the gun before turning and raising his hands. Case closed. Maybe 2nd degree manslaughter?
Kevin, your sequence of events is wrong along with the facts as reported. There is no evidence he shot at that officer. Maybe he did maybe he didn't. But that's beside the point once a perp surrenders. The cop ordered him to put his hands up. The 13 year old complied and was killed. No gun in hand. He ditched the gun before turning and raising his hands. Case closed. Maybe 2nd degree manslaughter?
The punk brought about his own demise. Justifiable shooting. How did he get gun powder on his hands if he didn't fire the gun? He obviously shot at somebody.
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Your comment about the Feds "can't do shit" fits your ongoing narrative of keeping government out of our lives. Sometimes the Feds are the only entity that can fix a national problem. Case in point, civil rights legislation. If left to some states, Jim Crow laws would still be in existence.
Jim crow laws have been no where to be found in a very, very long time. To you’re point they don’t exist nor have existed in most peoples life times today and have nothing to do with the current situation. It’s just a cnn talking point that distracts.

If you keep looking for answers like racism in the wrong place, unarmed people will continue to die. The problem with the police force isn’t a white black thing as much as it’s a big picture issue. It needs to be fixed as a whole in these liberal areas. I’ll say it again, these issues don’t exist where I live and there are a lot of black people where I am. If this stuff happened where I live you would know before you find out about it anywhere else. You don’t change the whole system just because in blue areas, your elected officials aren’t doing their jobs in fighting unions, holding superiors accountable and not putting the right people on the job. Clearly you just want a one party dictatorship but only when the dems are in charge, right?

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