Institutional racism. The race of the officers isn't important, as an institution is the perceived race of the driver.
This cop didn't wake up thinking "I'm going to F with a black guy". But, institutional bias is the reason that he pulled him over, big new SUV rolling on a highway, lets check this guy out, mentality.
Once the guy didn't pull over immediately, the false premise that it was for no tag displayed was gone (the stage was clearly visible in the light of the place he pulled over. The officer didn't sit in and punch up the new tag, the bias was then, black guy, evading must be up to something or worse yet, black guy not obeying we are going to teach him, or even worse, black guy dangerous.
After seeing his hands extended the guns remain drawn.
After hearing him calmly ask why they are pulling guns on him the guns remain drawn.
After saying I'm afraid your going to harm me (post pepper spray) the guns remain drawn.
What is telling is that he is in full uniform and the question is are you a private, this is a perfect example of the bias, it was clearly disrepectful as the intent was to place him at the bottom of the noncommissioned totem pole as if serving the nation in that capacity is lacking, when he retorted that he was a Lietenuant and without posing any threat whatsoever, even after being pepper sprayed, knee shots and forced take down occurred.
Cuffed, something as a black man you never want to end up as, the stereotype, he remained as calm as a teargassed person with hostile men can possibly remain. Kudos to the younger cop who seemed to realize how F'd up it was.
If you don't believe in institutional bias look at why he was pulled over. Look at the reason the supervising cop who showed up gave, I'll let you watch it for yourself. Look at the police report that states he was evading when he was driving below the speed limit, turn signal on to indicate he was looking for a well lit area.
I'm thankful to the two cops that pulled me over two weeks ago, I too drove to a well lit area (BP on 441) they sat in there care for about 2 min before they approached, didn't draw down on me, one officer on passenger side one on driver side. It was a complete DWB, they say an Audi SUV, but to their credit they ran me and didn't come at me as a hostile when they realized they had nothing (i do a damn thing to get pulled over because i like living and I"m a 6'5 BM so that's probably the best way to do that). After about 2 min they let me go on my way, no ticket no warning, no explanation either but that's fine.
I can't be convinced that if this Lietunant had gotten out when they ordered him that he would not have been shot the moment he reached for his belt. The narrative would have been he had a gun in the car and was reaching for it.
I can't be convinced that he was pulled over for a legitimate purpose or that they could not have taken two minutes to run the tag they claim they couldn't see from the dealership.
One cop was fired today, this happened in December, early December, I can't be convinced that he wont' be hired by another police force and do something similar to someone else.
I don't think its racism per see. I think this could have played out the same way if the cop was black, white or in as in this case Hispanic.
Its institutional bias and it doesn't get changed by ignoring the cold fact that policing of black and brown folks isn't the same as others. #BlackLivesMatter