Bad Cops Going Wild

How Derek Chauvin was a cop for a number of years is mind boggling when he has the mindset of a Mississippi plantation overseer.
I hear you but trust me when I say it wasn’t just with black people. Assholes aren’t just assholes some times to some people. Chovin is the last guy anyone wants to be confronted by. It was your liberal counterparts that let him stay on the force though. I can guarantee you that his boss is a dem, his boss’s boss is a dem all the way up with plenty of black people in charge of who get’s hired/fired, held accountable in any way along the way.

It’s a liberal system put fourth by liberals. If chovin gets off, it’s probably because some liberal appointed a liberal attorney that failed at their job that he/she never should have gotten in the first place. Do you really trust the liberal system that couldn’t possibly be anymore liberal in baltimore? I sure as hell don’t.
Its a terrible, terrible tragedy that no parent should have to watch or live through.

But the Real tragedy is that we have families and communities where a 13 year old is out at 3AM armed and shooting up the neighborhood, on a school night. A 13 year old that’s out at 3AM nick named Lil homicide , hanging with a 21 year old who is most likely a gang member. Where is the public outrage? Where is the parenting, that allows such behavior from a grade school child? Where is the public outrage that a child was ever allowed to be in such a situation?
Kevin, your sequence of events is wrong along with the facts as reported. There is no evidence he shot at that officer. Maybe he did maybe he didn't. But that's beside the point once a perp surrenders. The cop ordered him to put his hands up. The 13 year old complied and was killed. No gun in hand. He ditched the gun before turning and raising his hands. Case closed. Maybe 2nd degree manslaughter?
Its a terrible, terrible tragedy that no parent should have to watch or live through.

But the Real tragedy is that we have families and communities where a 13 year old is out at 3AM armed and shooting up the neighborhood, on a school night. A 13 year old that’s out at 3AM nick named Lil homicide , hanging with a 21 year old who is most likely a gang member. Where is the public outrage? Where is the parenting, that allows such behavior from a grade school child? Where is the public outrage that a child was ever allowed to be in such a situation?
We have another incident of a cop overreacting in a traffic stop involving a person of color. Thank god this didn't end in another killing of an unarmed citizen. There is something systematically wrong with the way police officers engage citizens especially people of color. Is it their training or lack thereof? Are they trained to be suspicious of minorities? Or are they so racist to the core that no training will help?

Your analogy is an excellent attempt to skirt the big picture but nevertheless, nice try. Here's why your analogy does not apply in this case. Although I crossed that busy highway fewer times than you, I still could get hit by a car more times. If I'm fat and slow but you're quick and nimble chances are I'll get hit more times. There goes your analogy. Also, cars or busy highways don't harbor systematic racism.

Your entire argument around increased contact with cops and the automatic assumption bad things will happen supports the movement to reimagine police departments. Thanks for acknowledging cops are brutal to the people they serve especially people of color.
Another BS hypocrite party talking point ..."systematic racism" please's lame, and nonexistent and the exact same BS CNN MSNBC CBS ABC CBS spews to separate us, they are the single biggest cause of the divide between blacks whites Hispanics and Asians..and the Dems want it that way to keep in power, they could care less about any of us.. it's all about power FACT
Jim crow laws have been no where to be found in a very, very long time. To you’re point they don’t exist nor have existed in most peoples life times today and have nothing to do with the current situation. It’s just a cnn talking point that distracts.

If you keep looking for answers like racism in the wrong place, unarmed people will continue to die. The problem with the police force isn’t a white black thing as much as it’s a big picture issue. It needs to be fixed as a whole in these liberal areas. I’ll say it again, these issues don’t exist where I live and there are a lot of black people where I am. If this stuff happened where I live you would know before you find out about it anywhere else. You don’t change the whole system just because in blue areas, your elected officials aren’t doing their jobs in fighting unions, holding superiors accountable and not putting the right people on the job. Clearly you just want a one party dictatorship but only when the dems are in charge, right?
I stopped there. Either you are not familiar with what constitutes Jim Crow laws or you don't recognize them. It's ironic because the men that passed them in the first place neither saw them nor recognized them either. The resistance to changing them was intense. So much so that when the ones regulating voting fell LBJ conceded that white democrats in the South would never vote Dem again, he was right, the exodus to the GOP under the Southern strategy started by Nixon, developed by Reagan's lead to Trump. If you are looking for a law called Jim Crow you won't find one now or back then, but voter suppression, school choice, mass incarceration are respectively, actions, code works, and effects of modern Jim Crow.

This is easily researched but you'll likely reject the very nature of the scholarly investigation. In short, you'll say there is no Jim Crow, while not being able to articulate Jim Crow and willfully remaining ignorant of the impact it has currently and the resurgence of its, Florida Civil Rights restoration being passed overwhelmingly by Floridians who can't agree on anything but being gutted with a good old fashioned poll tax.
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Another BS hypocrite party talking point ..."systematic racism" please's lame, and nonexistent and the exact same BS CNN MSNBC CBS ABC CBS spews to separate us, they are the single biggest cause of the divide between blacks whites Hispanics and Asians..and the Dems want it that way to keep in power, they could care less about any of us.. it's all about power FACT
Here's BS and racist reporting by Fox Fake News, your favorite news channel.

Your article only proves you are too much of a coward to march along with BLM marchers. Get off your ass and protest against police brutality.
Its a terrible, terrible tragedy that no parent should have to watch or live through.

But the Real tragedy is that we have families and communities where a 13 year old is out at 3AM armed and shooting up the neighborhood, on a school night. A 13 year old that’s out at 3AM nick named Lil homicide , hanging with a 21 year old who is most likely a gang member. Where is the public outrage? Where is the parenting, that allows such behavior from a grade school child? Where is the public outrage that a child was ever allowed to be in such a situation?
For now, lets stick with the outrage of a cop shooting a boy with his hands up. Can you do that?
Jim crow laws have been no where to be found in a very, very long time. To you’re point they don’t exist nor have existed in most peoples life times today and have nothing to do with the current situation. It’s just a cnn talking point that distracts.

If you keep looking for answers like racism in the wrong place, unarmed people will continue to die. The problem with the police force isn’t a white black thing as much as it’s a big picture issue. It needs to be fixed as a whole in these liberal areas. I’ll say it again, these issues don’t exist where I live and there are a lot of black people where I am. If this stuff happened where I live you would know before you find out about it anywhere else. You don’t change the whole system just because in blue areas, your elected officials aren’t doing their jobs in fighting unions, holding superiors accountable and not putting the right people on the job. Clearly you just want a one party dictatorship but only when the dems are in charge, right?
Can you read? Here's my exact quote. "If left to some states, Jim Crow laws would still be in existence". Where did I say these laws exist today?
Perhaps the sky?
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For now, lets stick with the outrage of a cop shooting a boy with his hands up. Can you do that?

No I can't because that only tells a small glimpse of the story that fits your narrative.

Kid was out with a gang banger at 3AM shooting up the neighborhood, and what you want to focus on is the fraction of a second following when the kid dropped the gun and raised his hands in the dark of night. All after being chased for two blocks.
Ignoring the pertinent facts of;
Why is a 13 year out at 3AM, armed and shooting up the neighborhood?
Why is he hanging out at that time with a 21 year old gang banger?
Where are the parents that allowed this to occur?

You may not be interested in those questions but they may help explain this senseless death, and would probably help shed light on the 907 other shootings that have occurred in Chicago YTD, a significant percentage in this same neighborhood.
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No I can't because that only tells a small glimpse of the story that fits your narrative.

Kid was out with a gang banger at 3AM shooting up the neighborhood, and what you want to focus on is the fraction of a second following when the kid dropped the gun and raised his hands in the dark of night. All after being chased for two blocks.
Ignoring the pertinent facts of;
Why is a 13 year out at 3AM, armed and shooting up the neighborhood?
Why is he hanging out at that time with a 21 year old gang banger?
Where are the parents that allowed this to occur?

You may not be interested in those questions but they may help explain this senseless death, and would probably help shed light on the 907 other shootings that have occurred in Chicago YTD, a significant percentage in this same neighborhood.
The fact that he was a 13 year old out at 3 AM will have nothing to do with whether this cop is charged. Stick with the facts. Fact 1 is he asked the boy to stop and show his hands. Fact 2 the boy complied and was gunned down. Why should any perp comply with a cop if he might be killed?
Speaking of stupid, it appears the Republican party is filled with stupid people. Not saying you are but if the show fits.........SMH. The excerpt below from an article will shed more light on Republican ideology and its association with low IQ. Again, no evidence you fit this mold but if you espouse right wing ideology..........SMH

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology. They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes, mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study, and those before it, suggest is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based on averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp the complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing. Brian Nosek explained it for the Huffington Post as follows, “Ideologies get rid of the messiness and impose a simple solution. So, it may not be surprising that people with less cognitive capacity will be attracted to simplifying ideologies.
The fact that he was a 13 year old out at 3 AM will have nothing to do with whether this cop is charged. Stick with the facts. Fact 1 is he asked the boy to stop and show his hands. Fact 2 the boy complied and was gunned down. Why should any perp comply with a cop if he might be killed?
Dark alley, kid has been chased for two blocks and repeatedly ask to halt and drop the gun. Kid goes into a break in the fence, drops the weapon and turns around. Does he still have the weapon? Is he going to shoot you? Split second decision shoot or be shot? That is the accurate chain of events, but you’d prefer “hey his hands were up”. If it was your dad or brother that was the cop, you’d have a more objective opinion.
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Dark alley, kid has been chased for two blocks and repeatedly ask to halt and drop the gun. Kid goes into a break in the fence, drops the weapon and turns around. Does he still have the weapon? Is he going to shoot you? Split second decision shoot or be shot? That is the accurate chain of events, but you’d prefer “hey his hands were up”. If it was your dad or brother that was the cop, you’d have a more objective opinion.
Why the hell did the cop ask him to put his hands up?
The fact that he was a 13 year old out at 3 AM will have nothing to do with whether this cop is charged. Stick with the facts. Fact 1 is he asked the boy to stop and show his hands. Fact 2 the boy complied and was gunned down. Why should any perp comply with a cop if he might be killed?
He didn’t comply, that’s why they chased him for two blocks..
Let's all be honest. All the white guys were hoping Chavin skated. All the illegals hope he got convicted.
You need to watch the video. You seem confused.
No I’m not confused, but you seem to be unwilling to recognize; good police provide a community service, some people are just bad characters, and often times parenting plays a part in where you fall in those categories. Bad parents can produce bad neighbors and bad cops.

There is a reason we have communities with a concentration of young men/boys committing the vast majority of urban crime and finding themselves behind bars. THAT is the issue in America. That’s is the issue that needs to be addressed and solved. Adam Toledo is simply a mile marker along the long road without end until we solve that issue.
There are bad police. My stance has always been bad cops need to be removed, and a significant reason they are not is they are protected by FOP unions. Chauvin shouldn’t been on the streets for years given his history of excessive force complaints. Why was he still a cop? But young men committing crimes need to be off the streets as well.

I wish you nothing but the very best in your life. This isn’t an issue that anyone should disagree on. This should be an issue we should all be able to agree on. A better, safer life for all.
No I’m not confused, but you seem to be unwilling to recognize; good police provide a community service, some people are just bad characters, and often times parenting plays a part in where you fall in those categories. Bad parents can produce bad neighbors and bad cops.

There is a reason we have communities with a concentration of young men/boys committing the vast majority of urban crime and finding themselves behind bars. THAT is the issue in America. That’s is the issue that needs to be addressed and solved. Adam Toledo is simply a mile marker along the long road without end until we solve that issue.
There are bad police. My stance has always been bad cops need to be removed, and a significant reason they are not is they are protected by FOP unions. Chauvin shouldn’t been on the streets for years given his history of excessive force complaints. Why was he still a cop? But young men committing crimes need to be off the streets as well.

I wish you nothing but the very best in your life. This isn’t an issue that anyone should disagree on. This should be an issue we should all be able to agree on. A better, safer life for all.
We all deserve a better, safer life by not only eliminating bad cops but reforming that corrupt police system.
I often wonder about the training cops get. Why do they always seem to shoot to kill? Should a fleeing suspect always be shot in the back even if there is an opportunity to wound a suspect in the leg or other non life threatening parts of the body? All fleeing suspects are not dangerous. Case in point is a the guy in Georgia who was asleep at a drive thru but when he encountered the cops decided to run. He was killed.
Should there be a fleeing subject
What should have the cop done? The person was .25 seconds away from murdering someone? It seems like he saved someone's life.
But he killed a 15 year old BF instead and now he's in hot water. Why not use his taser or pepper spray? Wasn't he trained on de escalation tactics or did he forget that? Ops sorry.....maybe he meant to pull out his taser instead he mistaken the gun for a taser. Oh well!!
Geez, headline should be "cop saves teen from being brutally stabbed to death"...

He should not be in hot water. The race of the person he shot is irrelevant. The individual was about to kill someone. The cop saved the victim. Someone was going to die when the female decided to try and murder someone. She set these events in motion. Not the officer. I'm on board the police reform train but I'll get off at this station if the next stop is condemning cops for saving lives. There are real examples of cops doing bad, this isnt one of them. You try to lump the good in with the bad and you only hurt the cause.
These cops are poorly trained when their only option in de-escalation situations is shoot to kill. WTF!!!!
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There was no opportunity for de-escalation. Did you watch the video? I saw someone about to be murdered and the cop made a split second decision and saved a life by taking one. Unfortunately when someone makes the decision to stab someone to death and comes in hot there is not time to talk it out. Like I said, someone was dying, I guess you prefer it was the victim? She was a BF too? Honestly perplexed by your stance.
I suspect you're OK with the cop killing Daunte Wright in her split second decision to kill a perp when she thought she was tasing him? Alot of cops across this country ought to be fired, Black, Brown and White!

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