Barr turns on Trump


Gold Member
Sep 14, 2004
AG Barr just announced the the DOJ did not find substantial evidence of systematic fraud that could have changed the results of the election. His position now totally undermines Rudy’s arguments and the lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign.

Talk amongst yourselves.
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“BARR turns on Trump” really ?? You should go work for CNN or MSDNC with that fabrication. Lol. The DOJ & FBI are being very careful not to get mixed up in this until the Bombshell of evidence is Dropped. The Kraken is getting ready to drop some. Then the DOJ & FBI will swoop in. Let’s see when all these Dominion Machines are Forensically Audited with a fine tooth comb. We shall see what happens?? Will know by the end of the week with the machines in GA. If they were wiped or doctored I don’t think the forensic cyber fraud guys will have much of a hard time exposing it.

Barr has publicly stated as of today that there is no substantial evidence of the election fraud Trump alleges. What part of that has you a bit confused? LOL The kraken just took a shot to the head.
Yes as of today He hasn’t seen but they are still gathering evidence and the FBI has collected evidence. I know you all are so anxious to say this is over but it’s really just getting started. The evidence is coming out every day. The DOJ FBI will not let on or announce when they will come in it’s just going to happen. Relax. If I’m wrong we will find out in the next 2 weeks. But 2 weeks is a lot of time. Don’t be scared
Yes as of today He hasn’t seen but they are still gathering evidence and the FBI has collected evidence. I know you all are so anxious to say this is over but it’s really just getting started. The evidence is coming out every day. The DOJ FBI will not let on or announce when they will come in it’s just going to happen. Relax. If I’m wrong we will find out in the next 2 weeks. But 2 weeks is a lot of time. Don’t be scared

I‘m not scared of the ongoing and upcoming legal results. Rudy continue to shoot blanks. Barr confirmed that today.

I am a little scared, however, about your morale and workday activities once Trump exits the scene. Whaddaya gonna do with all the time that will be freed up? Will the passion die or be redirected to a new cause?

I got big money saying that Trump will not run in 2024. That would require 4 years of focus and discipline without any of the adulation he receives as president. Not his style. My prediction? His face and voice will fade in 6 months or so as his influence over the GOP wanes. Wannabee candidates will be swarming around...Cruz, Rubio, Lindsey, Sasse, Haley, Pence, etc. Food fight!
I‘m not scared of the ongoing and upcoming legal results. Rudy continue to shoot blanks. Barr confirmed that today.

I am a little scared, however, about your morale and workday activities once Trump exits the scene. Whaddaya gonna do with all the time that will be freed up? Will the passion die or be redirected to a new cause?

I got big money saying that Trump will not run in 2024. That would require 4 years of focus and discipline without any of the adulation he receives as president. Not his style. My prediction? His face and voice will fade in 6 months or so as his influence over the GOP wanes. Wannabee candidates will be swarming around...Cruz, Rubio, Lindsey, Sasse, Haley, Pence, etc. Food fight!
Lol. I will be fine. The question is will you all? When things turn which they are about to imo. Here’s the thing you all love Barr right now but once the evidence continues to come out and he and the fbi swoop in you all will be screaming how corrupt Barr and Wray are and that they are just stooges for trump. I can hear it now. So predictable. Btw here’s more evidence of mass fraud. To go along with everything being exposed on PA AZ MI NV GA & WI.
“BARR turns on Trump” really ?? You should go work for CNN or MSDNC with that fabrication. Lol. The DOJ & FBI are being very careful not to get mixed up in this until the Bombshell of evidence is Dropped. The Kraken is getting ready to drop some. Then the DOJ & FBI will swoop in. Let’s see when all these Dominion Machines are Forensically Audited with a fine tooth comb. We shall see what happens?? Will know by the end of the week with the machines in GA. If they were wiped or doctored I don’t think the forensic cyber fraud guys will have much of a hard time exposing it.
This is just what Barr and his investigators found or in this case didn’t find..If Rudy has mountains of evidence, which he claims, then he needs to provide it to Barr..Immediately...
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I‘m not scared of the ongoing and upcoming legal results. Rudy continue to shoot blanks. Barr confirmed that today.

I am a little scared, however, about your morale and workday activities once Trump exits the scene. Whaddaya gonna do with all the time that will be freed up? Will the passion die or be redirected to a new cause?

I got big money saying that Trump will not run in 2024. That would require 4 years of focus and discipline without any of the adulation he receives as president. Not his style. My prediction? His face and voice will fade in 6 months or so as his influence over the GOP wanes. Wannabee candidates will be swarming around...Cruz, Rubio, Lindsey, Sasse, Haley, Pence, etc. Food fight!
I don’t think he will run in 2024 either although would love to see a Third Term!! 😆
This is just what Barr and his investigators found or in this case didn’t find..If Rudy has mountains of evidence, which he claims, then he needs to provide it to Barr..Immediately...
Actually no he doesn’t. He needs to continue with his court cases and provide everything to the Judges and Justices when it goes to SCOTUS. The DOJ & FBI have been requesting some of the evidence and data that is being accumulated. They will not show their hand period
AG Barr just announced the the DOJ did not find substantial evidence of systematic fraud that could have changed the results of the election. His position now totally undermines Rudy’s arguments and the lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign.

Talk amongst yourselves.

Again u take everything out of context...

As of now he said . Always cherry picking and always quoting partial statements....
The rats running back down the sewer. Lol! All want pardons so no one can come after them for all the fallacies they perpetrated on the citizens and institutions of the USA. Run rats run😃😀😃😀🤣🤣🤣

Beginning with the Military Absentee Ballot Act of 1839, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court consistently rejected all attempts to expand absentee voting by statute – uniformly holding that a constitutional amendment is required to expand absentee voting beyond the categories provided in the Pennsylvania Constitution. Act 77 is the Commonwealth’s latest attempt to override through legislation the protective limitations on absentee 2 voting contained in the Pennsylvania Constitution, as interpreted by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court over the last 158 years. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s holdings regarding Article VII of the Pennsylvania Constitution make clear that there are two, and only two, constitutionally-permissible methods of voting : 1) offering your ballot in propria persona at the polling place on election day; and 2) exceptions to the first method limited to those persons qualifying under the absentee voting provision, Article VII, § 14 of the Pennsylvania Constitution. Respondents have begun the steps necessary to certify the results of the Election, which was undertaken pursuant to an unconstitutional, no-excuse absentee voting scheme. Absent intervention by this Court, Respondents will complete the process of certifying the results of an election, and potentially cast electoral college votes for president and vice president, conducted in a manner which the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has long rejected as unconstitutional. The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court, finding that Petitioners were likely to succeed on the merits of this case (App. p.26), issued emergency preliminary injunctive relief to prevent irreparable injury to the Petitioners and all Pennsylvania voters. Rather than provide clarity and address this vitally important, and valid constitutional question on the merits, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court exercised its extraordinary jurisdiction to take over the case and dismiss it on the basis of laches.

Let me get this straight...the law is invalid because it was passed by the duly recognized lawmakers as a general law and that disenfranchises the voter who should have been able to vote on the law...but invalidating the vote that they cast under a scheme approved by the legislature and sustained by the Courts would not be disenfranchisement of those voters? Oh and the Supreme Court of Penn is the only one the can interpret the law on this...unless they rule adverse then the Supreme Court of the US should ignore Federalism, interpret state law in contravention of the highest Court in that state even where there is no federal issue?

Law and order yet or nah?
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I’ll be shocked if SCOTUS even deals with this. Yes the justices were appointed by Trump but they are judges not ordinary citizens who believe conspiracy theories. This will tell you all you need to know Ed. If SCOTUS gives POTUS the Eminem salute 🖕🏼Then it is truly over.
It'll never reach the merits at SCOTUS, far more likely they get sanctioned than anything other than a per curiam affirmed or refusal of Certiorari.
Republicans are starting to distance themselves from Trump. He's done and with the people he's pissed off it's not gonna be pretty when they remind him of his transgressions. The Trump experiment is gonna be the cause of Democrats controlling government for the next few years.
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I’ll be shocked if SCOTUS even deals with this. Yes the justices were appointed by Trump but they are judges not ordinary citizens who believe conspiracy theories. This will tell you all you need to know Ed. If SCOTUS gives POTUS the Eminem salute 🖕🏼Then it is truly over.

Thanks Tampa. You’re a Trump guy who can still recognize facts and reality.

In previous posts, I’ve bet that the SCOTUS will decline to review this case. SCOTUS does not discover new facts or review evidence. They review the decisions of the lower courts. The federal trial court and appellate court in PA were devastating in their criticism of Rudy’s baseless allegations and evidence-free arguments. The thorough and penetrating logic of those two courts opinions (written by Republican judges appointed by Trump) do not lend themselves to a reversal by SCOTUS.

Despite Ed’s optimism of 5-4 victory for Trump, I’m seeing a quiet Supreme Court review or opinion.
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Thanks Tampa. You’re a Trump guy who can still recognize facts and reality.

In previous posts, I’ve bet that the SCOTUS will decline to review this case. SCOTUS does not discover new facts or review evidence. They review the decisions of the lower courts. The federal trial court and appellate court in PA were devastating in their criticism of Rudy’s baseless allegations and evidence-free arguments. The thorough and penetrating logic of those two courts opinions (written by Republican judges appointed by Trump) do not lend themselves to a reversal by SCOTUS.

Despite Ed’s optimism of 5-4 victory for Trump, I’m seeing a quiet Supreme Court review or opinion.
Yes as of today He hasn’t seen but they are still gathering evidence and the FBI has collected evidence. I know you all are so anxious to say this is over but it’s really just getting started. The evidence is coming out every day. The DOJ FBI will not let on or announce when they will come in it’s just going to happen. Relax. If I’m wrong we will find out in the next 2 weeks. But 2 weeks is a lot of time. Don’t be scared
So... let me get this straight. The DOJ hasn't seen any evidence. Yet, you and Rudy have seen enough evidence for you to come here every day and claim voter fraud. Sounds nuttier than squirrel shit but it's none of my business.
So... let me get this straight. The DOJ hasn't seen any evidence. Yet, you and Rudy have seen enough evidence for you to come here every day and claim voter fraud. Sounds nuttier than squirrel shit but it's none of my business.
AZ orders Audit. Because of EVIDENCE. Supreme Court enters PA case on Docket because of Evidence. Hearings ongoing in GA as well as court cases because of evidence. Just won in WI case moving forward because of evidence. Wake up. Your a complete moron if you Truly believe once again your quote there is absolutely no evidence??
There is one agency who’s truly the master of disinformation & this bares all of their signature! I wonder what would happen if we scrapped the CIA as a whole & started over? Bet you there would be bloodshed!
There is one agency who’s truly the master of disinformation & this bares all of their signature! I wonder what would happen if we scrapped the CIA as a whole & started over? Bet you there would be bloodshed!
Man go to russia all of you in the cult. They would love to have you
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