Instead They Gave Pieces of Call to Media to Claim Trump Was Stealing the Election
President Trump’s team hired Auditor Bryan Geels after the 2020 Election to look into Georgia’s results. Geels identified 97,000 ballot issues in the state. When the President spoke of these issues with Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, the issues were misrepresented but Raffensperger’s team promised President Trump that they would get with the Trump team (i.e. Geels) to go over the results.
Raffensperger’s team never addressed the issues and never contacted Geels. Instead, they lied to the press about the President’s phone call.
Last week Garland Favorito from VoterGA held a presentation in Georgia showing thousands of ballot issues in the state in the 2020 Election that were ignored, discounted, and misrepresented by Secretary of State Raffensperger so he could certify the state for Joe Biden. The source of these issues was an auditor hired by the Trump team to perform a review of the 2020 Election results in the state, Bryan Geels.
Geels prepared a report where he identified 100,000 ballots that should not have been included in the 2020 audit. Below is the report prepared by Geels. In his report, (on page 35) Geels supplied a summary of 97,382 ballots that should not have been included in the state’s results. Geels obtained the data used in his audit from the Georgia Secretary of State’s website.
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Below is Geels’s final report.
Geels Expert Report by Jim Hoft on Scribd
President Trump used this information in the famous phone call with Raffensperger after the election. Raffensperger and his team discounted the issues, misrepresented what Geels identified, but at the end of the discussion they did promise President Trump that they would get with the President’s team to iron out differences. But they didn’t. Raffensperger’s team lied to the President. They never got with Geels.
Instead, Raffensperger released selectively edited portions of the phone call with the far-left Washington Post which reported that the President was trying to steal the election. This was another lie. The President’s team later found the full video of the phone call and it clearly shows the President was trying to understand why Raffensperger was not addressing the 97,000 ballot discrepancies included in the state’s election results.
t the end of the call with Raffensperger, President Trump noted that the numbers that Raffensperger was refuting were coming from the state’s data. President Trump noted that certified accountants looked at the results. Bryan Geels is the certified accountant who identified the issues and put this report together.
Raffensperger and his team promised to get with the Trump team and go over the results but this never happened. Bryan Geels was never contacted. He’s never heard a thing from Raffensperger’s team.
On Friday Geels was on The Joe Hoft Show on Real Talk 93.3 in St. Louis. Geels’s work and results and actions before and after the 2020 Election audit were discussed. Here is a summary of the discussion included in the video below:
Geels talked about his credentials and how he joined the Trump team after the 2020 Election steal.
“In Georgia I studied it and found many irregularities and inconsistencies in the data that based on my experience in auditing I believe should have been looked into by the Secretary of State. I wrote up a preliminary affidavit and the President’s lawsuit was filed on December 4th.”
“The lawsuit was filed and I read the lawsuit and saw that my stuff was featured throughout and basically after that it was a waiting game. There wasn’t really any response from the Secretary of State’s office other than discrediting me and cherry-picking analysis and presenting them out of context and basically just tarnishing my name.
By the time of the phone call with Raffensperger no judge had been assigned the case in the Trump v Raffensperger lawsuit. The call was on January 2nd. Raffensperger played a “misdirection game” highlighting things we weren’t talking about and “he would ignore the real issues from this report that needed to be pointed out”.
Geels identified 97,000 issues or nine times the margin of win that Biden was given. All of the analysis was on data published on the Sec of State’s website.
“We keep finding more and more things…. the Secretary of State hasn’t addressed any of the issues.”
Raffensperger’s office never did get back to Geels.