Benjamin Franklin.....................................................

hawaiian cane

Gold Member
Nov 4, 2003
Honolulu, Hawaii
appointed the first Postmaster General (PMG) in 1775, before America became America. By disrupting our Postal Service's ability to handle mail in ballots for a presidential election during a Pandemic, the current occupant at the White House will place US citizens he was sworn to protect in jeopardy, and will supplant all others as the worst president in our history.
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appointed the first Postmaster General (PMG) in 1775, before America became America. By disrupting our Postal Service's ability to handle mail in ballots for a presidential election during a Pandemic, the current occupant at the White House will place US citizens he was sworn to protect in jeopardy, and will supplant all others as the worst president in our history.
I hope you are leading by example and not stepping outside of your basement !!!! If you are at all you are a hypocrite!!!!
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I hope you are leading by example and not stepping outside of your basement !!!! If you are at all you are a hypocrite!!!!
#45 is to blame for delays by the postal service. His blatant attempts to impair the US Postal Service, for what clearly is to be Team Trump's desire to suppress voting as his only hope for re-election. It is the actions of the Trump appointed new PMG, Louis DeJoy, a DJT supporter, who has curtailed mail deliveries to cut costs, that is endangering voting by mail. Dejoy is Known own businesses that competes with the US Postal Service.
#45 is to blame for delays by the postal service. His blatant attempts to impair the US Postal Service, for what clearly is to be Team Trump's desire to suppress voting as his only hope for re-election. It is the actions of the Trump appointed new PMG, Louis DeJoy, a DJT supporter, who has curtailed mail deliveries to cut costs, that is endangering voting by mail. Dejoy is Known own businesses that competes with the US Postal Service.
You need to read up on this. Get back to us when you do.
#45 is to blame for delays by the postal service. His blatant attempts to impair the US Postal Service, for what clearly is to be Team Trump's desire to suppress voting as his only hope for re-election. It is the actions of the Trump appointed new PMG, Louis DeJoy, a DJT supporter, who has curtailed mail deliveries to cut costs, that is endangering voting by mail. Dejoy is Known own businesses that competes with the US Postal Service.

Anyone who knows Trump could see something like this coming a mile away. He clearly doesn't have nearly enough people to vote for him so the name of the game now is to undermine or disrupt the credibility of the vote itself so that if he loses, he can leave with the grievance that it was stolen from him because of mail in ballots, and if he wins it will be because he suppressed the vote by taking actions as he is with the post office. Republicans are facing a numbers problem with voters and the only way to win is through blatant voter suppression by doing what they are doing here, and the usual antics of gerrymandering and voter ID laws.
Like clockwork, every 4 years its racism, sexism, voter suppression, medicare... dolts.
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#45 is to blame for delays by the postal service. His blatant attempts to impair the US Postal Service, for what clearly is to be Team Trump's desire to suppress voting as his only hope for re-election. It is the actions of the Trump appointed new PMG, Louis DeJoy, a DJT supporter, who has curtailed mail deliveries to cut costs, that is endangering voting by mail. Dejoy is Known own businesses that competes with the US Postal Service.
Just spit out my coffee.
I bet you blame PRESIDENT TRUMP that you can’t afford the car you want, or your poor personal relationships, or your inability to think.
STFU. Hawaii, the sun has baked whatever lil brain you were born with. You are setting records for how fkn far up your ass, your head can go.
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appointed the first Postmaster General (PMG) in 1775, before America became America. By disrupting our Postal Service's ability to handle mail in ballots for a presidential election during a Pandemic, the current occupant at the White House will place US citizens he was sworn to protect in jeopardy, and will supplant all others as the worst president in our history.
It was Franklin's crowning achievement...
appointed the first Postmaster General (PMG) in 1775, before America became America. By disrupting our Postal Service's ability to handle mail in ballots for a presidential election during a Pandemic, the current occupant at the White House will place US citizens he was sworn to protect in jeopardy, and will supplant all others as the worst president in our history.

Hahahha they cant handle the normal mail..

You phony Dems will say anything to push your narrative...

Shows how ignorant you are...
Y’all don’t see what he himself said? Are you ignoring the removal of boxes? The removal of sorting machines? The sacking of 21 senior management? All before elections?

Its ****ing over old folks and vets and will back fire “Bigly”.

Yep. He actually admitted that he was not funding the the post office to obstruct early voting.

This will probably end up energizing Dems to vote him out, while at the same time demoralizing his own sheep voters from using early mail in voting.
Y’all don’t see what he himself said? Are you ignoring the removal of boxes? The removal of sorting machines? The sacking of 21 senior management? All before elections?

Its ****ing over old folks and vets and will back fire “Bigly”.

Anyone who knows Trump could see something like this coming a mile away. He clearly doesn't have nearly enough people to vote for him so the name of the game now is to undermine or disrupt the credibility of the vote itself so that if he loses, he can leave with the grievance that it was stolen from him because of mail in ballots, and if he wins it will be because he suppressed the vote by taking actions as he is with the post office. Republicans are facing a numbers problem with voters and the only way to win is through blatant voter suppression by doing what they are doing here, and the usual antics of gerrymandering and voter ID laws.

I drove through Bucks county Pa yesterday. I stopped counting Trump signs when I hit 100. Didn’t see a Biden sign anywhere. Same in Northampton and Lehigh County. DT Jr drew 300 supporters at a small closed event for sportsman rights in Lehigh County. Local elections are going to be heavy R wins even in mostly democrat cities.

The Gov of Pa has indicated his intentions to keep everything closed or at 25% capacity despite many reports of another 200k unemployed by the end of the month. The state unemployment system hasn’t even sent checks to over 30k people since March when this began. People are going to vote R to end the Governors total control of the state and by doing so it’s going to turn the Presidential and Congressional elections in Pa into a rout.
appointed the first Postmaster General (PMG) in 1775, before America became America. By disrupting our Postal Service's ability to handle mail in ballots for a presidential election during a Pandemic, the current occupant at the White House will place US citizens he was sworn to protect in jeopardy, and will supplant all others as the worst president in our history.

Why do Democrats want a mail in? What's the edge you expect to gain? This group doesn't push for anything without personal gain as the objective. The opportunity to cheat is just too hard for Democrats to ignore.

The need for social distancing? The same people who are crowding our city streets with protests and riots need to avoid groups of people! GTFOOH.
Speaking of Ben Franklin, how about his quote that says that those that would give up their freedoms for safety deserve neither?

and that the greatest experiment in Liberty is “ a Republic, if we can keep it.” There’s a reason the leftists in education are scrubbing that from the history books and have trained everyone to think we are a democracy.
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I drove through Bucks county Pa yesterday. I stopped counting Trump signs when I hit 100. Didn’t see a Biden sign anywhere. Same in Northampton and Lehigh County. DT Jr drew 300 supporters at a small closed event for sportsman rights in Lehigh County. Local elections are going to be heavy R wins even in mostly democrat cities.

The Gov of Pa has indicated his intentions to keep everything closed or at 25% capacity despite many reports of another 200k unemployed by the end of the month. The state unemployment system hasn’t even sent checks to over 30k people since March when this began. People are going to vote R to end the Governors total control of the state and by doing so it’s going to turn the Presidential and Congressional elections in Pa into a rout.

Yes I'm sure Trump will win a state where he's trailing by a lot of points because the locals want to vote out their governor.
Why do Democrats want a mail in? What's the edge you expect to gain? This group doesn't push for anything without personal gain as the objective. The opportunity to cheat is just too hard for Democrats to ignore.

The need for social distancing? The same people who are crowding our city streets with protests and riots need to avoid groups of people! GTFOOH.

What's wrong with making voting more accessible to citizens, especially during a pandemic. Sounds bizarre that Republicans or anyone who wants more civic participation would be against something so logical.
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#45 is to blame for delays by the postal service. His blatant attempts to impair the US Postal Service, for what clearly is to be Team Trump's desire to suppress voting as his only hope for re-election. It is the actions of the Trump appointed new PMG, Louis DeJoy, a DJT supporter, who has curtailed mail deliveries to cut costs, that is endangering voting by mail. Dejoy is Known own businesses that competes with the US Postal Service.
This has been talked about for years by both parties, the post office is hemorrhaging money every year and is more worthless than ever. Hardly anything but junk mail and birthday cards from Grandma are sent via mail. Every important document is either electronic or sent via UPS or FedEx (both very profitable). So yes why not cut delivery and staff and make this virtually useless waste of taxpayer money at least break even.
Yes I'm sure Trump will win a state where he's trailing by a lot of points because the local want to vote out their governor.

you still haven’t figured out why he won last time have you?
you still haven’t figured out why he won last time have you?

Last time is irrelevant in the present. He now has to run on his record which includes a botched pandemic, terrible foreign policy, overt racism, endless corruption, and non-stop lying to the public. If there's one common strain behind why people will vote this year, its to get rid of the orange gimp once and for all and get back to sane governance.
What's wrong with making voting more accessible to citizens, especially during a pandemic. Sounds bizarre that Republicans or anyone who wants more civic participation would be against something so logical.
Voting was never meant to be easy, if someone cannot give up a little extra time and effort every other year to vote that doesn't bother me. Think of the extremes people had to go to to vote when this country was founded, no vehicles or public transportation to get to a polling location. The idea that voting should take no more than 5 seconds of your time is ludicrous, it is about civic engagement.
Voting was never meant to be easy, if someone cannot give up a little extra time and effort every other year to vote that doesn't bother me. Think of the extremes people had to go to to vote when this country was founded, no vehicles or public transportation to get to a polling location. The idea that voting should take no more than 5 seconds of your time is ludicrous, it is about civic engagement.

I'm sure it doesn't bother you given that greater voter suppression helps the side with not enough voters to win if everyone participated. The correct thing to do would be to make it as easy as possible for every voter to participate and let the people actually decide who they want in office.
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I'm sure it doesn't bother you given that greater voter suppression helps the side with not enough voters to win if everyone participated. The correct thing to do would be to make it as easy as possible for every voter to participate and let the people actually decide who they want in office.
I know lots of conservatives who don"t vote, and I don't think it should be made easier for them either. People who can't be bothered to spend an hour or so in civic participation should not be involved in determining representation.
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I'm sure it doesn't bother you given that greater voter suppression helps the side with not enough voters to win if everyone participated. The correct thing to do would be to make it as easy as possible for every voter to participate and let the people actually decide who they want in office.
It's not like we are asking people to spend hundreds of hours every year to vote. We are the freest most prosperous nation in the world and if you can't spend an hour every other year participating in the election you shouldn't be a part of it. Beyond that it is rife with fraud, when I go to the airport, bank, liquor store, bar, hotel, buy a car or house, and on and on they ask for an ID, I don't think it is suppression to ask that of the most important thing our government does.
I know lots of conservatives who don"t vote, and I don't think it should be made easier for them either. People who can't be bothered to spend an hour or so in civic participation should not be involved in determining representation.

Half the country who are eligible to vote, don't vote. I agree that this is a problem and part of the reason the power structure of the country is dominated by wealthy special interests. If even 10% more people voted this wouldn't be the case, so we should be making it easier for them to do so, not putting up philosophical roadblocks to justify not allowing more people to get involved.
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What's wrong with making voting more accessible to citizens, especially during a pandemic. Sounds bizarre that Republicans or anyone who wants more civic participation would be against something so logical.

Voting difficult? Put on a mask, stand on a line 6 feet from others, pull the lever, leave. Simpler than food shopping.

Nothing wrong with mail in if it weren't for the huge opportunity for fraud...and after these past 3 1/2 years of the Democrat anything goes politics, I'd rather have an honest election instead.
Voting difficult? Put on a mask, stand on a line 6 feet from others, pull the lever, leave. Simpler than food shopping.

Nothing wrong with mail in if it weren't for the huge opportunity for fraud...and after these past 3 1/2 years of the Democrat anything goes politics, I'd rather have an honest election instead.

Except the fraud angle has been repeatedly debunked. You literally have a better chance of getting struck by lightning during your life than seeing a fraudulent mail in ballet.
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It's not like we are asking people to spend hundreds of hours every year to vote. We are the freest most prosperous nation in the world and if you can't spend an hour every other year participating in the election you shouldn't be a part of it. Beyond that it is rife with fraud, when I go to the airport, bank, liquor store, bar, hotel, buy a car or house, and on and on they ask for an ID, I don't think it is suppression to ask that of the most important thing our government does.

Yes, 100% yes!

But, may I add that they also want to encourage the laziest of the lazy, the dumbest of the dumb, their base constituency, to vote.
Except the fraud angle has been repeatedly debunked. You literally have a better chance of getting struck by lightning during your life than seeing a fraudulent mail in ballet.
That is in regards to absentee ballots which still require a voter to register and prove identity. Universal mail in ballots have no safe guards for fraud.
That is in regards to absentee ballots which still require a voter to register and prove identity. Universal mail in ballots have no safe guards for fraud.

That's not what the data says. Mail in ballot fraud happens at a rate of about 0.0025%, which is almost non-existent. Therefore all arguments to the contrary are little more than paranoid fear mongering by the side that stands to lose if more people vote.
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Half the country who are eligible to vote, don't vote. I agree that this is a problem and part of the reason the power structure of the country is dominated by wealthy special interests. If even 10% more people voted this wouldn't be the case, so we should be making it easier for them to do so, not putting up philosophical roadblocks to justify not allowing more people to get involved.

Dont teach them the benefits of getting off your ass and voting, here you just sit there, now that will make things better. I’m going to work you sit there I’ll give you a part of my pay, in fact you tell me how much. When I was young traveling the world it always amazed me the % of people who voted in other democracies. The people understood what a privilege it was to live in a democracy.
appointed the first Postmaster General (PMG) in 1775, before America became America. By disrupting our Postal Service's ability to handle mail in ballots for a presidential election during a Pandemic, the current occupant at the White House will place US citizens he was sworn to protect in jeopardy, and will supplant all others as the worst president in our history.
Wahhhhhhh wahhhhhh we can’t cheat wahhhhhh wahhhhhhh
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Just spit out my coffee.
I bet you blame PRESIDENT TRUMP that you can’t afford the car you want, or your poor personal relationships, or your inability to think.
STFU. Hawaii, the sun has baked whatever lil brain you were born with. You are setting records for how fkn far up your ass, your head can go.
I would...hell why not? Who else should we blame if we can't afford things when we go to college, work hard and are told our president didn't read his briefings....and fired the pandemic response team Obama had in place so now we are forced to be out of work or risk our health. Yes, the same health the president thinks it is a good idea to get rid of with no replacement. You tell me...who else it to blame. Hell, I could even blame him for my poor relationships since I can't support my family with this ass clown in office and forced to stay in quarantine with people who now hate how we have to live. So sure....why not blame Trump? Don't spit out your coffee enjoy it....many people can't afford coffee who work hard to get it.
That is in regards to absentee ballots which still require a voter to register and prove identity. Universal mail in ballots have no safe guards for fraud.
Then why do the Trumps use them? Obama went to the polls and voted. HE doesn't have to use mail in ballot yet he does.....fkn HYPOCRITES....SMFH
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Except the fraud angle has been repeatedly debunked. You literally have a better chance of getting struck by lightning during your life than seeing a fraudulent mail in ballet.

Raoul, you're obviously a decent guy, but I can't even address the absurdity of this claim. The possibility for fraud is overwhelming.
Ballots arriving at addresses where people have moved, never happened? Ballots counterfeited and sent in by nefarious sources or foreign countries couldn't happen?

Show up and vote or better, show up show ID and vote.
Raoul, you're obviously a decent guy, but I can't even address the absurdity of this claim. The possibility for fraud is overwhelming.
Ballots arriving at addresses where people have moved, never happened? Ballots counterfeited and sent in by nefarious sources or foreign countries couldn't happen?

Show up and vote or better, show up show ID and vote.
Raoul is correct. It's nonsense and if it weren't nonsense our president wouldn't use mail in ballots. There are states that have this process down to a T and every state could if they had the money. The idea this is some possibility of fraud is absurd. The only problem we see with mail in fraud is the removal of mail boxes and taking down sorting machines for political gain.
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Raoul is correct. It's nonsense and if it weren't nonsense our president wouldn't use mail in ballots. There are states that have this process down to a T and every state could if they had the money. The idea this is some possibility of fraud is absurd. The only problem we see with mail in fraud is the removal of mail boxes and taking down sorting machines for political gain.

The President has used Absentee Ballots not mail in voting major difference. Can you get anything right.
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