Trump Plans to Steal Election

The mission of the USPS isn't to make money, it's to serve everyone. The agency isn't allowed to raise rates higher than inflation no matter what external factors happen. If the USPS is privatized it will soon mimic cable and power companies with little oversight, prices will skyrocket and more rural communities are likely to lose access to Post Office services
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At least he spelled everything right. I guess that’s a start for the left. Still a lot of !!! but surprisingly no words in all caps or swears. Guy could almost pass for a sane person in this thread if you threw out the content and didn’t know where it was coming from.

Side note, 20,000,000 million people died under stalins communist regime. Just for perspective, in 2019 the population for the entire state of Florida was 21,480,000 people.
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Its incredulous #45 appoints a cronie, Louis DeJoy to head the postal service. The man has no experience in handling a large scale operation. #45 is slowing down mail delivery to deliberately suppress the vote.
They wouldn't get the job done and it's not a matter of "produce or perish". It's a matter of providing a service for the people. USPS mission is "to provide nation with reliable, affordable, universal mail service. Universal service does mean restricting service to profitable urban areas. Read my post again where I explained what would happen with privatization. If it came to a national vote, the American people would not for that option!
They wouldn't get the job done and it's not a matter of "produce or perish". It's a matter of providing a service for the people. USPS mission is "to provide nation with reliable, affordable, universal mail service. Universal service does mean restricting service to profitable urban areas. Read my post again where I explained what would happen with privatization. If it came to a national vote, the American people would not for that option!
They WOULD get the job done. And then again, that's the superiority of private industry over the government. It has been proven over and over and over. The USPS clerk at my 33140 Post office is a cute girl. But she has no education and the brain of a dehydrated beebee.
They WOULD get the job done. And then again, that's the superiority of private industry over the government. It has been proven over and over and over. The USPS clerk at my 33140 Post office is a cute girl. But she has no education and the brain of a dehydrated beebee.
They wouldn't get the job done because they would not provide universal service. They would only bid on large urban areas where the profits are concentrated. And the USPS clerk at your office might not be educated but she had to have had a higher test score than probably hundreds of applicants in order to get the job!
They wouldn't get the job done because they would not provide universal service. They would only bid on large urban areas where the profits are concentrated. And the USPS clerk at your office might not be educated but she had to have had a higher test score than probably hundreds of applicants in order to get the job!
Universal service??? You mean to the BLACK communities?? NO! They will NOT get service because they don't PAY FOR IT!! Get a ban your edumucation!! Stop rioting!!! ASSIMILATE!!!! It's not that difficult. Stop behaving like animals and you will then be addressed as human beings!!! SIMPLE!!!
Universal service??? You mean to the BLACK communities?? NO! They will NOT get service because they don't PAY FOR IT!! Get a ban your edumucation!! Stop rioting!!! ASSIMILATE!!!! It's not that difficult. Stop behaving like animals and you will then be addressed as human beings!!! SIMPLE!!!
Universal service means service to everybody whether it's a delivery to a rural address or a city apartment complex. I see you've given up on the debate and gone off on a racial tangent. You can save that for somebody who gives a shyt!
Universal service means service to everybody whether it's a delivery to a rural address or a city apartment complex. I see you've given up on the debate and gone off on a racial tangent. You can save that for somebody who gives a shyt!
Mike!!! Heres a little secret!!! I am a total drunk!!
The Biden base are enthusiastic and charged up to get rid of Trump. That's not debatable. Nothing will motivate people to vote than the threat of a corrupt demagogue destroying the country.

Why do you think Trump got elected in the first place. Hint read this.

Nothing will motivate people to vote than the threat of a corrupt demagogue destroying the country.[/QUOTE]
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Why do you think Trump got elected in the first place. Hint read this.

Nothing will motivate people to vote than the threat of a corrupt demagogue destroying the country.

What does this even mean ?

He's clearly corrupt and racist. Which doesn't exactly speak glowingly for those who follow and defend him.

What does this even mean ?

He's clearly corrupt and racist. Which doesn't exactly speak glowingly for those who follow and defend him.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I should have realized you wouldn’t be able to comprehend what was meant. I’ll stop responding now, no need to frustrate you more.
Sorry, I should have realized you wouldn’t be able to comprehend what was meant. I’ll stop responding now, no need to frustrate you more.

Excellent. Using your time away from responding may free up some time to focus on formatting your posts properly so people know what you're trying to say.
Excellent. Using your time away from responding may free up some time to focus on formatting your posts properly so people know what you're trying to say.

I apologized, I’m sorry again I realize now, it was to complex.
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How did 2018 elections play out for Repubs! It has only gotten worst for The Coward In Chief! Don't need signs on the lawns to prove he is going down! Orange Snake Oil Conman. Sure got a bunch in here wide open!
Trump has spent several months laying the groundwork to steal the 2020 election. His newly appointed postmaster general is a top Trump donor with no prior experience at the Postal Service. His new operational policies have begun to delay mail by several days. These delays will make all the difference in Nov. USPS is not remotely prepared for the flood of mail-ballets just around the corner. During Wisconsin's April election at least 9,000 voters never received their requested absentee ballots and an unknown number got their ballots too late to mail them back in time. Every swing state except North Carolina counts only those mail-in ballots received by Election Day. All these complications work to Trump's advantage which is why Republican legislators refuse to address them. Far more Democrats than Republicans plan to vote by mail so this will be more damaging to Democrats, including Biden. The odds were already stacked against Biden, who must win the popular vote by several points in order to secure the Electoral College. But now he may have to win in a landslide to wrestle the presidency from Trump. I would also bet 10-1 that Trump already has his cronies lined up with funds to privatize the USPS when public dissatisfaction demands change!
you have no idea what you are talking about!!!!!
How did 2018 elections play out for Repubs! It has only gotten worst for The Coward In Chief! Don't need signs on the lawns to prove he is going down! Orange Snake Oil Conman. Sure got a bunch in here wide open!
Someone got brave and decided to dive in. You’ll drown in the deep end, boy. Tread carefully.
Its incredulous #45 appoints a cronie, Louis DeJoy to head the postal service. The man has no experience in handling a large scale operation. #45 is slowing down mail delivery to deliberately suppress the vote.
Correct. Win if you can. Lose if you must. BUT ALWAYS CHEAT!
Trump has spent several months laying the groundwork to steal the 2020 election. His newly appointed postmaster general is a top Trump donor with no prior experience at the Postal Service. His new operational policies have begun to delay mail by several days. These delays will make all the difference in Nov. USPS is not remotely prepared for the flood of mail-ballets just around the corner. During Wisconsin's April election at least 9,000 voters never received their requested absentee ballots and an unknown number got their ballots too late to mail them back in time. Every swing state except North Carolina counts only those mail-in ballots received by Election Day. All these complications work to Trump's advantage which is why Republican legislators refuse to address them. Far more Democrats than Republicans plan to vote by mail so this will be more damaging to Democrats, including Biden. The odds were already stacked against Biden, who must win the popular vote by several points in order to secure the Electoral College. But now he may have to win in a landslide to wrestle the presidency from Trump. I would also bet 10-1 that Trump already has his cronies lined up with funds to privatize the USPS when public dissatisfaction demands change!
Already making excuses for Trump biggest margin of victory eh????
Thanks for the first belly laugh of the day.
Already making excuses for Trump biggest margin of victory eh????
Thanks for the first belly laugh of the day.
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I've got another gold stock tip for you-Eskay Mining Corp(ESKYF); Currently at .48 a share, up 32% since I bought. No chance of a big loss at that price and great chance for huge upside. Buy several thousand shares, sit back and be patient. Can't lose on this one!
Thanks mike
Thanks mike
Don't thank me yet until we make some profit. I don't yet know how far along they are with production but this mine is located in a heavy gold deposit area known as the Golden Triangle. Just be patient. I learned of this company through Quinton Hennigh, one of Canada's top gold gurus and also an advisor to my wife's hedge fund manager.
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