Because Dear Leader told them it would result in fraud because he knows many more Dems vote by mail than Repugs!
Amazing how none of them have the courage or integrity to engage in evidence based inquiry.
Because Dear Leader told them it would result in fraud because he knows many more Dems vote by mail than Repugs!
You are definitely a deranged individual. You want the truth. The country would be better of with free Interprize delivery.#45 is to blame for delays by the postal service. His blatant attempts to impair the US Postal Service, for what clearly is to be Team Trump's desire to suppress voting as his only hope for re-election. It is the actions of the Trump appointed new PMG, Louis DeJoy, a DJT supporter, who has curtailed mail deliveries to cut costs, that is endangering voting by mail. Dejoy is Known own businesses that competes with the US Postal Service.
Privatization of the Postal Service equates to thousands of its employees will be victims of streamlining. Folks needing their meds will have to wait longer. @ things the GOP caucus are famous for: deregulations and defunding.You are definitely a deranged individual. You want the truth. The country would be better of with free Interprize delivery.
The PO is failing because it is over-staffed and inefficient. They're getting the same or higher rates than the private carriers and are failing miserably. When in college, I worked for the PO as a summer replacement. The regular carriers would call us route busters when we delivered the route as fast or faster than they would. UPS and Fedex kick their ass productivity-wise.
I just explained to you that the USPS would be operating at a profit if not for the prepaying of its pension fund, which no other corporation was forced to do. What don't you understand about that? So you come in as a young college student and run the routes and management expects the regular carriers to maintain that pace until they're 55 or older and you expect them to embrace you? UPS and Fedex are not mandated to provide universal service. If they have an out of the way delivery, they either deny to do so or charge higher prices. The USPS cannot do that. Also their safety rules, which I'm sure you didn;t follow. are time consuming. If you're in a vehicle, you are supposed to stop at the mailbox, put the vehicle in park and set the handbrake before making the delivery. When repeated at every stop, this is time consuming. They enforce this vigorously through street observation and if you don't follow procedures properly at each stop, you are written up. I know all this because I spent a couple years working there after I returned from Nam. The USMC was a piece of cake compared to working for those people. It was a terrible place to work but I will defend them against bogus accusations.
It doesn't help when you install people to run it on the basis of giving you a million dollar donation instead of proven management skills on this scale.
Interesting. So, you believe because someone has a million dollars they automatically have noteworthy skills? Successful business acumen? That speaks volumes about a person and as a businessman. Free advice. Man makes money. Money doesn't make a man. You can inherit money. You can steal money. You can get money a wide variety of ways that don't include having successful business acumen. No Charge!Assuming that your claim is correct, I don't know.
If you've a million to donate you've got some noteworthy skills to employ that someone like you could only hope to comprehend. People with this kind of money got it through successful business acumen, dicks critic them on the internet.
Progressives really don't have a clue what it takes to succeed,.
You come in for a couple months and claim the regulars were inefficient? You deny prepaying pensions caused losses after I explained that without that penalty they would have been profitable. If you deny all the safety rules were not time consuming, then you didn't follow them. What does Progressive have to do with this conversation? Your BS rant here doesn't contain one logical point. You're an arrogant POS just like your beloved Buffoon. So go vote the the serial lying con man and prepare yourself for a landslide loss!My friend, you just don't get it. I didn't give a flying fukc if the regulars embraced me. The point being that they were inefficient, with all of their experience and we paid for that.
I delivered mail in an urban environment no vehicles just street after street and mailbox after mailbox.
Losses because pensions were paid ahead? You Progressives don't get it and I'm not here to try to put a dent in thick skulls, even if they're Texans.
Safety rules to follow, what the blankety blank are you talking about, paper cuts, jay walking, outrunning dogs, crossing at the green and not in between? I had the same rules to follow as they did. don't you get it, you take a letter and put it in the box, ain't rocket science unless you're a Progressive. Then you come up with these nonsensical arguments that you're presenting.
If you fail to understand efficiency and productivity, vote for Biden, he doesn't either.
You come in for a couple months and claim the regulars were inefficient? You deny prepaying pensions caused losses after I explained that without that penalty they would have been profitable. If you deny all the safety rules were not time consuming, then you didn't follow them. What does Progressive have to do with this conversation? Your BS rant here doesn't contain one logical point. You're an arrogant POS just like your beloved Buffoon. So go vote the the serial lying con man and prepare yourself for a landslide loss!
You come in for a couple months and claim the regulars were inefficient? You deny prepaying pensions caused losses after I explained that without that penalty they would have been profitable. If you deny all the safety rules were not time consuming, then you didn't follow them. What does Progressive have to do with this conversation? Your BS rant here doesn't contain one logical point. You're an arrogant POS just like your beloved Buffoon. So go vote the the serial lying con man and prepare yourself for a landslide loss!
Sounds good but I'd prefer margaritas.I've a little more experience at this than the credit you're giving me. I did this PO work for 3 summers. Most recently though, and for 20 years I dealt with over 400 companies on issues of accountability and control. Clients paid the company I worked for over $10,000,000 for my time. I taught revenue growth, productivity, QC, budgeting/profit planning, etc.
You want to be an advocate for the PO, fine, they certainly need some backing...just not from me.
When this Covid lets down I'll meet you in San Marcos for coffee and we'll hammer out solutions for ails the world.
Interesting. So, you believe because someone has a million dollars they automatically have noteworthy skills? Successful business acumen? That speaks volumes about a person and as a businessman. Free advice. Man makes money. Money doesn't make a man. You can inherit money. You can steal money. You can get money a wide variety of ways that don't include having successful business acumen. No Charge!
Conservatives in Congress nad the Senate get it in the sense they love to administer their poison pillsNo I don't assume that, but you apparently assume that they don't have those skills. They may or they may not. Remember it's you making assumptions here, I'm just sayin...
If they got some money, most likely they got some talent. Progressives just don't get it.
LMAOI would...hell why not? Who else should we blame if we can't afford things when we go to college, work hard and are told our president didn't read his briefings....and fired the pandemic response team Obama had in place so now we are forced to be out of work or risk our health. Yes, the same health the president thinks it is a good idea to get rid of with no replacement. You tell me...who else it to blame. Hell, I could even blame him for my poor relationships since I can't support my family with this ass clown in office and forced to stay in quarantine with people who now hate how we have to live. So sure....why not blame Trump? Don't spit out your coffee enjoy it....many people can't afford coffee who work hard to get it.
Wake the fuk up ellu. EVERYONE comp[lains about mail,. EXCEPT lib companies like Amazon. It is 4 billion in debt this year alone.Y’all don’t see what he himself said? Are you ignoring the removal of boxes? The removal of sorting machines? The sacking of 21 senior management? All before elections?
Its ****ing over old folks and vets and will back fire “Bigly”.
Loser like you always need to blame someone.
LOOK in the mirror, and fix your own damn life!