Biden Covid plan shows the absolute foolishness

2018 about 2.1% of all workers paid hourly were at or below the Federal minimum wage. The rest above it. FACTS suck Raoul
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Given that we live in one country, its wiser to focus all states at the same time.
That is how you liberals think but that's not how our country was formed. Nor is it how we want it. You see Raoul people in Iowa don't want the same as people in California.
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Given that we live in one country, its wiser to focus all states at the same time.
That is not what the constitution dictates. You need get out and travel more. Ignoring the fact that the cost of living in NY and Alabama or Mississippi are different shows you are in over your head in this discussion,
That is how you liberals think but that's not how our country was formed. Nor is it how we want it. You see Raoul people in Iowa don't want the same as people in California.

The "we" you're referring to are in the minority now my friend, and current trends suggest you will be even more in the minority. This is not the 1980s anymore - people want more back from their government for the taxes they pay into the system.
That is not what the constitution dictates. You need get out and travel more. Ignoring the fact that the cost of living in NY and Alabama or Mississippi are different shows you are in over your head in this discussion,

This is a red herring. The $15 minimum wage means people need to be paid at least $15/hr in every state. Individual states like NY, CA, MA and others where the cost of living is higher, could still raise the minimum wage well above the $15 standard to meet the needs of the higher cost of living in their respective states.
The "we" you're referring to are in the minority now my friend, and current trends suggest you will be even more in the minority. This is not the 1980s anymore - people want more back from their government for the taxes they pay into the system.
And just like that big governing will save you!
Unfortunately, your taxes are going back to you in the form of paying for subsidies for illegals, homeless for those put out of jobs from higher wages and taxes, etc. see NY and California
This is a red herring. The $15 minimum wage means people need to be paid at least $15/hr in every state. Individual states like NY, CA, MA and others where the cost of living is higher, could still raise the minimum wage well above the $15 standard to meet the needs of the higher cost of living in their respective states.
Hardly a red herring, these are the facts.
And just like that big governing will save you!
Unfortunately, your taxes are going back to you in the form of paying for subsidies for illegals, homeless for those put out of jobs from higher wages and taxes, etc. see NY and California

On the contrary, maintaining a lower minimum wage results in greater poverty and violent crime among the lower classes, which always results in greater cost to all taxpayers.
On the contrary, maintaining a lower minimum wage results in greater poverty and violent crime among the lower classes, which always results in greater cost to all taxpayers.
Wrong. For every 1 million who go above the poverty line, 1.5 million go jobless. Simple economics
Wrong. For every 1 million who go above the poverty line, 1.5 million go jobless. Simple economics

I'll file this in the "plenty of research out there" drawer along with your other, previous unsourced musings.
That is not what the constitution dictates. You need get out and travel more. Ignoring the fact that the cost of living in NY and Alabama or Mississippi are different shows you are in over your head in this discussion,
Forget cost of living that one is easy. Differing states have differing lifestyles, views, values, beliefs. That is why people are attracted to those states.
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Forget cost of living that one is easy. Differing states have differing lifestyles, views, values, beliefs. That is why people are attracted to those states.

But they all belong to the same country. Next time there's a war, try arguing that individual states shouldn't send troops into conflict because they have different "lifestyles, views, values, beliefs".
On the contrary, maintaining a lower minimum wage results in greater poverty and violent crime among the lower classes, which always results in greater cost to all taxpayers.
Raoul it's disingenuous to desire illegal immigrants in the same breath as a raise in minimum wage as the illegals DRIVE DOWN wages
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Raoul it's disingenuous to desire illegal immigrants in the same breath as a raise in minimum wage as the illegals DRIVE DOWN wages

It was you, not me - who just raised the illegal immigration issue.
You posted a link (which I've already seen before today) without actually contextualizing anything.
Sure I did. First you read it. Then you try to understand it. Your focus is on the wage yet the data shows that the overwhelming majority of hourly paid employees are already paid above the minimum wage with only 1.7 million hourly workers getting or below minimum wage. That's the private sector without Government interference.
But they all belong to the same country. Next time there's a war, try arguing that individual states shouldn't send troops into conflict because they have different "lifestyles, views, values, beliefs".
Bad example as the Military is clearly in the constitution as the NATIONAL Defense
Sure I did. First you read it. Then you try to understand it. Your focus is on the wage yet the data shows that the overwhelming majority of hourly paid employees are already paid above the minimum wage with only 1.7 million hourly workers getting or below minimum wage. That's the private sector without Government interference.

The private sector without government regulation is predatory because companies are left to their own devices to prioritize profit over the interests of consumers or taking care of their employees. This basic reality apparently still hasn't trickled down to aging Republicans, still stuck in the delusional fantasies of Reaganomics.
Bad example as the Military is clearly in the constitution as the NATIONAL Defense

The federal government can apply this other areas of society as well. Healthcare being a prime example.
The private sector without government regulation is predatory because companies are left to their own devices to prioritize profit over the interests of consumers or taking care of their employees. This basic reality apparently still hasn't trickled down to aging Republicans, still stuck in the delusional fantasies of Reaganomics.
Typical Leftist remark. Predatory my G-D.
The federal government can apply this other areas of society as well. Healthcare being a prime example.
Raoul I don't know how old you are or where you came from but it's clear you really believe corporations are bad, our system of a Democratic Republic is bad, the way we elect the President is bad, and the answer to all of our problems is the almighty Federal Government. This would be the very Federal government that is in debt 24 TRILLION dollars. Clearly you are living in the wrong country because your view of America is not very democratic nor American.
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Typical Leftist remark. Predatory my G-D.

What do you think the purpose of a company is, if not to make the most money possible by expending the least amount of resources possible that may detract from its profits ? That means getting away with putting out lesser quality and giving back less to employees. Only the very few at the top are set up to benefit, at the expense of workers and consumers.

The US healthcare system pre-Obama care was a great example, where insurance companies could discriminate against folks with pre-existing conditions because there was no regulation preventing them from not doing so. The credit system is another example, where banks can prey on the lower classes by locking them into exorbitant high interest loans that they spend years struggling to climb out of and in the process forgo living normal lives because they are drowning in debt. This is what deregulation gets you - companies preying on consumers and workers to maximize profits for CEOs, boards, and shareholders.
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Raoul I don't know how old you are or where you came from but it's clear you really believe corporations are bad, our system of a Democratic Republic is bad, the way we elect the President is bad, and the answer to all of our problems is the almighty Federal Government. This would be the very Federal government that is in debt 24 TRILLION dollars. Clearly you are living in the wrong country because your view of America is not very democratic nor American.

I don't believe all corporations are bad - but they do need to be tightly regulated as as safety mechanism to protect consumers and the labor forces they employ. This is basic common sense that any responsible government should follow.
My God man do some reading! Stop all this partisan rhetoric! Who does that help? Only everyone!!!! You don't have to be an expert in economics to understand people that have more money in their hand that are poor are going to put that money somewhere. It is a win win....and we haven't increased a worker wage since Reagan yet companies contintue to make money off these workers as profits go through the roof. It would be different if companies weren't making money. THEY ARE!!! Not to mention their huge tax breaks and tax shelters. You are just being used s a pawn. Think for yourself and stop carrying the water for a political party who are bought and paid for by big business. They just don't want the responsibility they have to workers.
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My God man do some reading! Stop all this partisan rhetoric! Who does that help? Only everyone!!!! You don't have to be an expert in economics to understand people that have more money in their hand that are poor are going to put that money somewhere. It is a win win....and we haven't increased a worker wage since Reagan yet companies contintue to make money off these workers as profits go through the roof. It would be different if companies weren't making money. THEY ARE!!! Not to mention their huge tax breaks and tax shelters. You are just being used s a pawn. Think for yourself and stop carrying the water for a political party who are bought and paid for by big business. They just don't want the responsibility they have to workers.

Imagine spending a lot of time and energy arguing that poor people shouldn't be paid enough money to make ends meet and live dignified lives.
Imagine spending a lot of time and energy arguing that poor people shouldn't be paid enough money to make ends meet and live dignified lives.
Doing so without understanding the work they are doing and cost of living in their region is foolish. It’s pointless talking to those who can’t comprehend basic economics. Don’t bother responding, I’ve won another argument with a radical leftist.
Doing so without understanding the work they are doing and cost of living in their region is foolish. It’s pointless talking to those who can’t comprehend basic economics. Don’t bother responding, I’ve won another argument with a radical leftist.

The only thing you've won is a trophy for the inability to say nothing of substance while not being able to provide any research to backup your uneducated claims. Please go watch some Nascar or visit your local Waffle House and leave the adults to their business.
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Imagine spending a lot of time and energy arguing that poor people shouldn't be paid enough money to make ends meet and live dignified lives.

Yep and conversely be okay to be used like a cuck pawn by wealthy people / coorporations who do not even pay fkn taxes.
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