Biden Day 102&103


Gold Member
Jan 7, 2012
My apologies for missing yesterday. The site was having technical issues. But we're back on track. I still haven't watched the speech but like most things political it's left vs right in opinion. Most dems I speak week say it was a very presidential speech. While most republican people I know said it was boring. Not sure I will watch it honestly.
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My apologies for missing yesterday. The site was having technical issues. But we're back on track. I still haven't watched the speech but like most things political it's left vs right in opinion. Most dems I speak week say it was a very presidential speech. While most republican people I know said it was boring. Not sure I will watch it honestly.
Don't waste your time. Biden just read a sound bite list...
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My apologies for missing yesterday. The site was having technical issues. But we're back on track. I still haven't watched the speech but like most things political it's left vs right in opinion. Most dems I speak week say it was a very presidential speech. While most republican people I know said it was boring. Not sure I will watch it honestly.

It was a Presidential speech and a pleasant departure from the dystopian clown show we've had to endure the past 4 years.

Another example of Biden wanting the democrat party to control every aspect of everyone's life. The want Washington DC to control local zoning for all 50 states. Anyone ever visit the non federal parts of DC. Not what I want my neighbborhood to look like. Not safe to be an UBER Eats driver there? Not safe to live in most area's. But democrats think that all the country should be zoned like DC. BTW, those democrats don't actually live in DC.
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