Biden Day 17

Please show us what parts of her "Princeton thesis" you're referring to so we can take a look.
The part where she is unsure whether she can work in an environment with WHITE professors and students. I am not giving you word for word, read it. She's a racist!
The part where she is unsure whether she can work in an environment with WHITE professors and students. I am not giving you word for word, read it. She's a racist!

Please post the excerpt. Otherwise we have no way of knowing whether or not you're simply puking up something you heard on a conservative website, or even worse, completely making it up.
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Please post the excerpt. Otherwise we have no way of knowing whether or not you're simply puking up something you heard on a conservative website, or even worse, completely making it up.
Why don't your lazy ass google it?
Why don't your lazy ass google it?

Because it was you who brought it up. Don't be lazy (or scared) to back up your claims with irrefutable evidence. Otherwise don't waste people's time by posting fairytales you wish were true.
Because it was you who brought it up. Don't be lazy (or scared) to back up your claims with irrefutable evidence. Otherwise don't waste people's time by posting fairytales you wish were true.
If you or any of your Lib Tards are interested, just Google Michelle Obama Princeton Thesis. Go from there..there should be a few titles regarding her struggle with being Black in a White atmosphere amongst her peers. BTW, a lot of it is drivel. In fairness to her she was young at the time. The problem is her underlying beliefs. She is a racist.
If you or any of your Lib Tards are interested, just Google Michelle Obama Princeton Thesis. Go from there..there should be a few titles regarding her struggle with being Black in a White atmosphere amongst her peers. BTW, a lot of it is drivel. In fairness to her she was young at the time. The problem is her underlying beliefs. She is a racist.

I've already done that and there's no reference to what you're talking about in it.
You're making things up. Must be nice to invent your own reality and ask other people to live in it.
You sir without a doubt an illiterate Libtard. I had to do what your lazy ass can't even do. Now, start searching for her thesis on line and READ it. O got you a start.
If anyone is interested in irrefutable evidence that this morally bankrupt desperado is inventing his own reality because he seems to have residual issues with our only black POTUS - this article debunks everything related to this right wing fairytale.

Already read that. Not a trace of anything you talked about earlier in it.
She feels like she doesn't belong? No matter how much she interacts with Whites she basically says she isn't comfortable? Retard, she is a RACIST!
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If anyone is interested in irrefutable evidence that this morally bankrupt desperado is inventing his own reality because he seems to have residual issues with our only black POTUS - this article debunks everything related to this right wing fairytale.

There are multiple other articles. Am I still making it up? Looks like you support a racist and racism. You also support Omar and Talib, hate mongers. I suppose you also support Pressley as well. These scum are your pillars of society. Michelle Obama fits right in.
There are multiple other articles. Am I still making it up? Looks like you support a racist and racism. You also support Omar and Talib, hate mongers. I suppose you also support Pressley as well. These scum are your pillars of society. Michelle Obama fits right in.

Ohhh! Changing the subject to others now are we ? You never had a point to begin with so maybe take this opportunity to quietly slither away before you humiliate yourself any further.
Ohhh! Changing the subject to others now are we ? You never had a point to begin with so maybe take this opportunity to slither away before you humiliate yourself any further.
You are a complete idiot that cannot see that I provided you with proof after being accused by a jerk like yourself that I make up stuff. Well, it's right there in front of you as well as your cover up of an obvious racist. In closing , kiss my ass!
You are a complete idiot that cannot see that I provided you with proof after being accused by a jerk like yourself that I make up stuff. Well, it's right there in front of you as well as your cover up of an obvious racist. In closing , kiss my ass!

You provided something that refuted your original claim. Not a wise move if you thought it would prove what you originally said was true. I provided you with a complete debunking of your unhinged theory about Michelle Obama. Maybe find a few white politicians to criticize for a change to balance things out.
You provided something that refuted your original claim. Not a wise move if you thought it would prove what you originally said was true. I provided you with a complete debunking of your unhinged theory about Michelle Obama. Maybe find a few white politicians to criticize for a change to balance things out.
What you have is crap. I showed you facts, a well written article quoting Michelle Obama. These are her quotes. Are you saying she didn't say those things in her thesis?
What you have is crap. I showed you facts, a well written article quoting Michelle Obama. These are her quotes. Are you saying she didn't say those things in her thesis?

Read the debunking article I posted. All your questions are answered there.
You provided something that refuted your original claim. Not a wise move if you thought it would prove what you originally said. I provided you with a complete debunking of your unhinged theory about Michelle Obama. Maybe find a few white politicians to criticize for a change to balance things out.
A few white politicians? How about Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Clinton, Biden and Kerry. Is it ok if I make fun of Michelle now?
Read the debunking article I posted. All your questions are answered there.
It's a lie. What she said is repeated from her thesis. Face it , she is one of the racists you worship. It sounds to me you have become one. Very unfortunate. You have been exposed.
It's a lie. What she said is repeated from her thesis. Face it , she is one of the racists you worship. It sounds to me you have become one. Very unfortunate. You have been exposed.

The article literally scoured her entire thesis and couldn't find anything remotely related to what your claim.
The article literally scoured her entire thesis and couldn't find anything remotely related to what your claim.
Racist Raoul, I can't help your reading comprehension. I will move on to smarter people in other posts.
Racist Raoul, I can't help your reading comprehension. I will move on to smarter people in other posts.

You apparently seem to be fixated on our only black President and his wife, so maybe you need to come to grips with your own views on race.
You apparently seem to be fixated on our only black President and his wife, so maybe you need to come to grips with your own views on race.
Ok, one last go at this. As I have said in other posts, my wish was that Barak Hussain Obama would have been a successful President. I had this notion that we were living in a time frame where we would be able to experience the Jackie Robinson of politics. The first Black President of the United States above all odds , just the champion of the people after his term was up. Well, I couldn't have been more disappointed. His domestic failures included the ACA and racial divide where Eric Holder is partially at fault. His international policies were even a bigger joke. His apology tours, the money to Iran, the Iranian Nuclear deal, Bengazi and the coverup ( including Clinton, and Rice's coverup attempt) , the Paris Accord etc. Should the next Black President emerge, Obama set such a low bar that the next one will be a better representative for all the people. Guaranteed!

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