Almost at the quarter mark for year one. Ov/Un on Sleepy Joe's approval rating after his first year. I'll go first. 67% or higher will approve.
Almost at the quarter mark for year one. Ov/Un on Sleepy Joe's approval rating after his first year. I'll go first. 67% or higher will approve.
Better question:
Over/under on him actually completing his first term.
Dude is a straight up puppet. Harris and her "squad" are just waiting for him to break his hip so they can render him incapable of office and get the keys they need to successfully change our country to a Socialist Democracy... 2 things that completely contradict each other.
Better question:
Over/under on him actually completing his first term.
Dude is a straight up puppet. Harris and her "squad" are just waiting for him to break his hip so they can render him incapable of office and get the keys they need to successfully change our country to a Socialist Democracy... 2 things that completely contradict each other.
I'd say 55% tops. People like free money. That helps. The media helps because it's a constant love fest...they might as well work for him. But the gun grab is starting and the dems will overplay their hands on some other social issues.
This is already a socialist democracy and been one for almost a hundred years. Only difference is the free money is given to the wealthy and not the poor lol. But that's a debate for another day. Answer the question on the percentage. Thanks
Over 25% of tax’s go to the poor and another 3-5% foreign aid.This is already a socialist democracy and been one for almost a hundred years. Only difference is the free money is given to the wealthy and not the poor lol. But that's a debate for another day. Answer the question on the percentage. Thanks
What you are saying is what the liberals chastise as divisive rhetoric.79 we are and have always been a Democratic Republic . We foster and support the different opinions of the voting citizens that elect their representatives. What you are seeing now is the push to a 1 party system, the squashing of any other opinion that opposes the 1 party, and the centralization of power by removing checks and balances and robbing our States of their power, and giving it to the Federal Government
Almost at the quarter mark for year one. Ov/Un on Sleepy Joe's approval rating after his first year. I'll go first. 67% or higher will approve.
You're welcome.
Over 25% of tax’s go to the poor and another 3-5% foreign aid.
Just for perspective, over 25% of my income goes to tax’s.
i don’t even want to think or imagine how much goes to the politicians directly or indirectly (caugh caugh palocy domain multi million dollar federal investment that she’s part owner of )
then think about how much goes to government muckidy mucks that don’t even show up to WORK but just meetings, charity photo opps, lectures, more meetings where they come up with ideas (because we don’t have enough of those, right?) and vote or sign things that they’re oblivious to. These people make more in retirement in pensions than the average tax paying working man make in a decade. Just for being ass holes.
Wealthy is a state of mind. I consider my self wealthy because I don’t need money from the government that doesn’t give me shit to live a comfortable life style. i guarantee you as a restaurant owner/ manager over the last 13 years that I work longer, harder hours and have had to put up with more shit, stress, etc than you could ever imagine.
you are wrong and barking up the wrong tree to put it mildly.
why all the hate though? In less than a year and a half i’ll put money that i made from selling my 20+ year old jaguar towards a 12-15 year old 911 carrera 4s for my fortieth bday. I couldn’t be more excited about it. So why should I care if some snot nose rich kid that’s in debt up to his eye balls buys a brand new ferarri for his bday when he’s never even driven a ferrari or even cares about how it drives? You tell me who’s going to be wealthier on their 40th bday between me or the hypothetical guy. Big part of the equation, my wife is on board with this. Again, that’s wealth if you ask me. My kids are on the prepaid college plan. My other cars are 3-6 years old albeit escelade and mercedes are paid off, my mortgage is not an issue, my house is not an issue, I have a shitty golf cart with a good speaker and am a member of a country club that quite frankly chains one of their dinning room doors at night when they close. Am I rich? Am I the wealthy you speak of? I only ask because people see what they want to. Especially when they don’t have what others do weather it be a hot understanding wife or a porsche or a ferrari driving pebble beach club member with a russian wife that barely speaks english.
sick of the divisive class war fair tactics that obama put on the for front when he ran against Romney that are still taking place today. Ironicly obama is worth more than romney now.
I'll wager you 100 bucks it's over 60% when the poll is done. You game? And that Executives was a cute touch.
Certainly won't be in the low 40's like the Racist in Chief Trump.Almost at the quarter mark for year one. Ov/Un on Sleepy Joe's approval rating after his first year. I'll go first. 67% or higher will approve.
Yeah, we don't want our president retweeting racist propaganda. Who knew?I'm sure it will be over 60% because the media will be reporting it, so even if it was at 0.000009% we would never know because the Libs run the media and the media are the ones who sell the horse$hit "facts" that everyday Americans swallow without question.
Fact is... I'd actually give him a better grade than he deserves because he is comedic GOLD. He gets a 10% bump simply for tripping UP a set of stairs because people will feel sorry for him. My brother used to do that same thing when he was 5 and it made me laugh back then too. I can't help but watch every single presser he does because I can't wait to laugh out loud at how badly he is going to stumble or veer off topic or start jabbering jibberish.
America is soooooooooo f#cked.
But thank goodness he doesnt offend people or post mean Tweets.
Yeah, we don't want our president retweeting racist propaganda. Who knew?
In regards to our sitting president we went backwards in race relations last four years. We did not progress. Most were disappointed in his various statements (or lack of statements when necessary). The retweeting alt right propaganda as a sitting president is huge.No doubt! There really is no room for racism in America at all. It took us a while to truly learn that and have it set in, but just look at the progress that has been made in the last 80 years for the black community and culture, as well as the entire country. So many great achievements and accomplishments and reasons to be proud, not just for black people but for all Americans... thanks to the efforts of millions that demanded change 60-80 years ago. America... (an apparent racist nation now all of a sudden)... even elected a black President into office TWICE.
However... all the progress we've made as a country in the last 80 years is being washed down the drain at this exact moment... except this time it seems to be ok... because its at the expense of white people. Which I suppose some believe is fair... considering that 300 years ago, African and Caribbean black people sold other African and Caribbean people into slavery... to white people here in America. Pay no attention to the fact that slaves were being traded all over the world at the time... and, in the history of the world... slave trading had been a regular practice on 6 of 7 continents. But white people are to blame for this I guess.
Despite the fact that America is now such a melting pot of mixed and blended cultures, religions and races, its definitely fair that I, as a white man, would have to pay for these sins committed 300 years ago by people I (and millions of other "white" people) never knew or were related to... considering that my ancestry comes from Germany, Russia and Poland on my father side... French Canadian and Native American on my mother's side.... and my grandparents were the first generation of Americans born here in America.
But I guess those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And by removing historical records, monuments and people from the history books in order to try and erase our history as a nation... we can no longer teach people about the things that happened which were in fact, unfair. And horrifying. And inhumane. And unconstitutional. If it can't be taught... then it can't be learned from either.
As long as white people are to now be blamed and suffer the ramifications... its ok?
Sounds an awful lot like the same ideology that Hitler employed when he burned history books, censored radio broadcasts and newspapers to convince his followers that Jews, Gypsies and other minorities were to blame for their struggles as people. You can see the very clear correlation, yes? These actions are happening RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES.
And many thought that Trump was more comparable to Hitler... yet it seems like the foot may be up the other ass with this one.
This is America. There is no room for ANY of this kind of rhetoric any longer. We've made incredible strides as a country in a relatively short amount of time... why can't we all just agree that it's not right, and that the way it used to be was not right, but that we're light years ahead of what it was and continuing to improve? Wouldn't that be a better solution that to just flip the blame somewhere else and demand accountability for things that happened 300 years ago? Wouldn't learning from history (instead of erasing history) be a better solution?
Or are there just so many that are more interested in repeating history? Or... not having to read a mean Tweet?
Give me a f#cking break.