Biden day 8

A fantastic start after only one week. Can't think of any other administration who has done this much in modern history. Amazing what can happen if you stay away from Twitter and Golf Courses.

Subject Type of action Date
Re-engage with World Health OrganizationEnd withdrawal processJan. 20
Create position of COVID-19 response coordinatorExecutive orderJan. 20
Rejoin Paris climate agreementSign an "instrument"Jan. 20
Revoke permit for Keystone XL pipeline, pause energy leasing in ANWRExecutive orderJan. 20
Ask agencies to extend eviction/foreclosure moratoriumsRequestJan. 20
Ask Education Dept. to extend student-loan pauseRequestJan. 20
Launch an initiative to advance racial equity, end "1776 Commission" Executive orderJan. 20
Revoke order that aims to exclude undocumented immigrants from census Executive orderJan. 20
Preserve/fortify DACA, which helps "Dreamers" MemorandumJan. 20
Require masks/distancing on all federal property and by federal workers Executive orderJan. 20
Reverse travel ban targeting primarily Muslim countries Executive orderJan. 20
Stop construction of border wall ProclamationJan. 20
Combat discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity Executive orderJan. 20
Require ethics pledge for executive-branch personnel Executive orderJan. 20
Modernize and improve regulatory review MemorandumJan. 20
End "harsh and extreme immigration enforcement" Executive orderJan. 20
Extend protection from deportation for Liberians in U.S. MemorandumJan. 20
Revoke certain executive orders concerning federal regulation Executive orderJan. 20
Freeze any new or pending regulations MemorandumJan. 20
Fill supply shortfalls in fight vs. COVID-19 with Defense Production Act, other measures Executive orderJan. 21
Increase FEMA reimbursement to states for National Guard, PPE MemorandumJan. 21
Establish “COVID-19 Pandemic Testing Board,” expand testing Executive orderJan. 21
Bolster access to COVID-19 treatments and clinical care Executive orderJan. 21
Improve collection/analysis of COVID-related data Executive orderJan. 21
Mount vaccination campaign amid goals such as 100 million shots in 100 days DirectivesJan. 21
Provide guidance on safely reopening schools Executive orderJan. 21
OSHA guidance for keeping workers safe from COVID-19 Executive orderJan. 21
Require face masks at airports, other modes of transportation Executive orderJan. 21
Ask agencies to boost food aid, improve delivery of stimulus checks Executive orderJan. 22
Tighten ‘Buy American’ rules in government procurement Executive orderJan. 25
Reinstate coronavirus travel restrictions on Brazil, most of EuropeJan. 25
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But wait...there's more!

SubjectType of actionDate
End the Justice Department’s use of private prisons​
Executive order Jan. 26
Directs HUD to address discriminatory housing practices Memorandum
Jan. 26​
Combat racism against Asian-Americans, Pacific Islanders Memorandum
Jan. 26​
Directs agencies to engage in consultations with tribal governments Jan. 26
Reopen Obamacare marketplaces, lower recent barriers to joining Medicaid
Jan. 28​
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Sorry had to laugh at " Require ethics pledge for Executive Branch personnel ". That's a knee slapper. Will there be a requirement not to lie? If so, there is no point in having an ethics pledge for this bunch. We can start with Sleepy Joe and Hunter and Susan Rice and Bengazi etc,etc. B.S. artists.
hey when and where are you counting the lies, where are the "not good for The People", broken promises, covid deaths, following science, and benefitting Russia numbers count ? Please don't tell me You Stopped ?
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hey when and where are you counting the lies, where are the "not good for The People", broken promises, covid deaths, following science, and benefitting Russia numbers count ? Please don't tell me You Stopped ?
They don't count on their side. Kind of like CNN dropping the Covid death ticker...
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What a joke. Most of those mean nothing. Just window dressing to appease his zealots.
WHO is in bed with China, all of his COVID "initiatives" are nothing more then keep doing what we have been doing, Paris Accord is so bad for America, we get taken to the woodshed on that one, XL pipeline...people will lose jobs, not good for our pockets...again most of those are empty pages with a signature.

I think he also signed an executive order saying that water is now wet.
Sorry had to laugh at " Require ethics pledge for Executive Branch personnel ". That's a knee slapper. Will there be a requirement not to lie? If so, there is no point in having an ethics pledge for this bunch. We can start with Sleepy Joe and Hunter and Susan Rice and Bengazi etc,etc. B.S. artists.
Is that the same as the loyalty pledge the so called dims said trump was demanding?
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What a joke. Most of those mean nothing. Just window dressing to appease his zealots.
WHO is in bed with China, all of his COVID "initiatives" are nothing more then keep doing what we have been doing, Paris Accord is so bad for America, we get taken to the woodshed on that one, XL pipeline...people will lose jobs, not good for our pockets...again most of those are empty pages with a signature.

I think he also signed an executive order saying that water is now wet.

If they slide the water is wet executive order in his pile, he will sign it!
Hey What's going on I thought Uncle Joe said only Dictators make Executive Orders ? Tell me I'm wrong Please, but Biden is at high 20's and Counting ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Biden doesn't Lie He's for the People !! Where is CD !! Someone Batphone
CD you can bet HE knows the Truth

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