Funny habit of mine...I count/spend my own money. I don't covet others' results.
I paid nothing, zero. I hope you made a ton of money and saved much more than I in taxes. If not, I still wish you made a ton of money even if you saved nothing on your tax bill.
We were hearing so much from the national media about the 400 richest families paying 25+% while the rest of us paid 24+%.
So, if my taxable income was $50,000,000, I would have paid $12,000,000 in taxes.
If my taxable was $100,000, I would have paid $25,000 in taxes.
While there may have been a slight difference in the tax rate itself, the listing of deductions has a monumental difference in lowering the taxable income for the low and middle income earners. I realize there are many others factors at play here. My point is that nothing is as simple as it appears to be. Especially since the media chooses to cloud our thinking.
Have you been following the back and forth between Elon Musk and that total phony, Bernie Saunders? Bernie, the Socialist owner of 3 homes wants to further tax...what he calls...the super-rich. I just read that the upper 10% pays 71% of our federal tax while earning 48% of our country's income. This is a long, complex argument but I'll stop here.