You can probably skip the rest of this, I'm never going to see your reply. But if you are so inclined or for the benefit of the audience.
You asked for a specific thing Trump did to demonstrate he was racist.
I quoted Trump.
You now deflect with a policy that differed from what he said.
No one said the policy was racist.
In fact, the policy is not, as shown by Justice Roberts.
But it is intellectually dishonest to equate the policy as revised from your initial question, a citation of something racist he said.
Not only was it racist, a complete and total shut down is of Muslims entering the country is unconstitional.
Folks who are obsequious will "like" your post.
Folks with little respect for factual analysis will applaud the deflection.
You yourself know what you asked. You also knew I was correct when I stated an answer would not satisfy you.
With specificity you received an answer.
You created a strawman from the answer (ignoring other aspects of it) and refuse to acknowledge the factual statement.
The Republican front-runner’s call for ‘total and complete shutdown’ of Muslims entering the country drew swift rebukes.
Lindsey Graham, Rubio, Christie and Ben Carson condemned the racist statements. They were man enough to say they did not like it and still ultimately supported Trump.
You on the other hand attempt to gaslight.
A poor attempt at best.
Are you intellectually dishonest, want for capacity or completely bereft? That wasn't a question...if you are reading this for some unknown reason.