BLM. Anti-American Terrorists.

Marxist have no place in the United States of America. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. They will not stop until our entire system of govt is no more.
Correct... its obvious what the agenda is and they are feeding the sheep through what americans consume the most... hollywood, pop culture, sports and the drive by mainstream media

Its always been there, but Trump has completely exposed these communists...
OP. Lol...I can only imagine what your Instagram feed looks like. The ads they send you must be a combination of german dungeon porn and male enhancement pills.
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Saw all of these advarkas. Also starting to see videos of fed up citizens including a Black guy in Seattle who went beserk on the CHOP barricades and tables in front of his house or business, and a group of citizens including some bikers who took on a pack of thugs trying to take down a statue in their town. That one is particularly sweet because at the end the thugs are calling for the Police and the biker dude is screaming " Oh now you want the fu**ing police, now you want the police." Love it these punks need to be challenged and stomped.
That's hilarious.
I find it repulsive. That people find themselves in a city with a Mayor and Governor that have no spine, who have forgotten their roles, who are allowing their citizens to be left to fend for themselves while their business suffers. I'm surprised someone hasn't gotten a machine gun yet and started gunning these scumbags down. Not advocating for that but you get my point....
I find it repulsive. That people find themselves in a city with a Mayor and Governor that have no spine, who have forgotten their roles, who are allowing their citizens to be left to fend for themselves while their business suffers. I'm surprised someone hasn't gotten a machine gun yet and started gunning these scumbags down. Not advocating for that but you get my point....

I do, but this goes back to what I said when all this rioting started. Can't ask the police to stop it. It comes down to citizens saying enough! That's what this guy did, and they (the chop hoodlums) don't know what to do about it.

Can you imagine what would happen if the masses were to rise up against this shit? In every city where this shit is happening? The people show up to fight? I'll tell you what would happen: no more rioting.
I do, but this goes back to what I said when all this rioting started. Can't ask the police to stop it. It comes down to citizens saying enough! That's what this guy did, and they (the chop hoodlums) don't know what to do about it.

Can you imagine what would happen if the masses were to rise up against this shit? In every city where this shit is happening? The people show up to fight? I'll tell you what would happen: no more rioting.
They won't because they are a) in liberal cities and b) don't have the support of the leadership. The irony is that Washington State is mostly red only Seattle is very blue but it is the bulk of their population. I have a niece in Tacoma it's 20 minutes away and very red.
They won't because they are a) in liberal cities and b) don't have the support of the leadership. The irony is that Washington State is mostly red only Seattle is very blue but it is the bulk of their population. I have a niece in Tacoma it's 20 minutes away and very red.

That can be said about a lot of "blue states". I have heard California is red the further east you go??

Consider this though; how many liberals have just bought their first gun? When the mob hits their street and people are threatening their well being, you might be surprised what they're capable of.
That can be said about a lot of "blue states". I have heard California is red the further east you go??

Consider this though; how many liberals have just bought their first gun? When the mob hits their street and people are threatening their well being, you might be surprised what they're capable of.
Honestly buddy I am just waiting for the day when a real tragedy is going to happen and I believe it's coming. Perfect storm. People anxious with virus, largely locked up in home, masks, financial concerns, job concerns etc....Oh it's coming..............I fear the worst.
Honestly buddy I am just waiting for the day when a real tragedy is going to happen and I believe it's coming. Perfect storm. People anxious with virus, largely locked up in home, masks, financial concerns, job concerns etc....Oh it's coming..............I fear the worst.

No question. Which is why I am preparing. Nothing too crazy, but as we have seen when there is a panic people will act crazy. Better to have some things to carry you through some dark times. God only knows what lies ahead.
I find it repulsive. That people find themselves in a city with a Mayor and Governor that have no spine, who have forgotten their roles, who are allowing their citizens to be left to fend for themselves while their business suffers. I'm surprised someone hasn't gotten a machine gun yet and started gunning these scumbags down. Not advocating for that but you get my point....

It has to happen. Where and when who knows. But there is a lot of people who are sick and tired of this bullshiyt.
The worst thing for the BLM movement is when white people stop caring if they’re called a racist or not. The BLM or any “black activist” movement will go absolutely no where without the intellectual, monetary and organizational support of “sympathetic” whites. Look at the history of both cities and even countries when blacks take over and run the government. Baltimore, St Louis, Detroit, Chicago all some of the worst run most crime infested cities not only in the US but the world. Now name one (just ONE) country in Africa that isn’t considered third world and isn’t plagued by corruption, violence and in many places not even the access to basic food and water supplies. Say what you want about European control of African counties, but when these countries were under the control of European countries they did not experience anything even remotely close to the levels of violence, corruption and even famine they experience now.
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