Boom it’s over Biatch. Pack your bags and get the f**k out!! F**king Losers!! American has spoken. Worst President in the history of the United States. Biden/Harris 2020. BLM
Boom it’s over Biatch. Pack your bags and get the f**k out!! F**king Losers!! American has spoken. Worst President in the history of the United States. Biden/Harris 2020. BLM
Dumbest post of the day goes to gocubBoom it’s over Biatch. Pack your bags and get the f**k out!! F**king Losers!! American has spoken. Worst President in the history of the United States. Biden/Harris 2020. BLM
You lie like Trump does. Only communists try to over throw the government
2nd dumbest post of the dayYou lie like Trump does. Only communists try to over throw the government
2nd dumbest post of the day
Will you be saying all this crazy shit after Jan 20th? It’s probably not healthy
I think after Jan 6 I will raise the white flag. 😆🤪Will you be saying all this crazy shit after Jan 20th? It’s probably not healthy
You are well beyond the white flag. You are at pink flag statis now. Bi!ch made, Jonestown bound!!!! Drink!!!!!I think after Jan 6 I will raise the white flag. 😆🤪
Damn dude....please I beg of you to just let go. You are looking really really bad.
What you don’t understand is that a majority of the Senate even if controlled by the Republicans will not vote to overturn the will of the country. Unlike the flock of frightened Republican geese in the House they value their reputations.Even if the Republicans win both seats in Georgia they will have to rely upon sane Republicans like those from Alaska and Maine. They won’t even want this to come to a vote to choose between a dictator in a coup or the rule of law as determined by the vote of the people and the courts.
This is especially so as the Senate knows the House will never allow this to come to a vote as the the House is controlled by sane Democrats. Nancy Pelosi will never even recognize the made up slates from the Trump regime. If the Republican geese claim they want to go to the Supremes, the court will immediately dismiss this based upon the separation of powers clause.
The COUP of the traitors shall fail. THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION SHALL PREVAIL; just as it did in 1865!
More like Trump winning the election without cheating or help from the Russians. He lost the first election by 3 Million votes. He lost this one by 7 Million votes.
More like Trump winning the election without cheating or help from the Russians. He lost the first election by 3 Million votes. He lost this one by 7 Million votes.
Meanwhile in the real world, Nevada electors cast their votes for Biden. Charlie fell for it again. Charlie do you ever get upset when the nonsense you are fed turns out to be false?