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Why not ask Melania? She is a perfect example. Pornhub Queen

The insane clown posse are finally scraping the bottom of the barrel by attacking Harris, which is rich given that Trump has been credibly accused of rape by multiple accusers. Another example of psychological projection.
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He owes 1.1billion? Source? Your right, I guess it's ok to have a whore as a

Your obsession with the VP Elect's sexual life is fascinating. Did she turn you down? Are you mad she wasn't one of Trump's paid hoes? From what I've heard, her sexual life was quite normal. Missionary position and no one peed on her like those Russian hoes did to Trump. Could that be what's bothering you?
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I'm all for working with our allies. But there is a difference between working with and being railroaded.

I honestly dont care what happens to Trump now, I'm assuming that's the "CONMAN" you are referring to, but there is no way he is doing jail time.
I hope he is not guilty of any crime, but if he is, I believe NO MAN is above the law, none. You can't campaign on "law and order" and then try to avoid law or ask that they be applied differently, even if you are the former pres. Lets hope he "dindu" nada.
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She couldn't her green card expired.
So now you have a problem with immigrants? Bad statement
Your obsession with the VP Elect's sexual life is fascinating. Did she turn you down? Are you mad she wasn't one of Trump's paid hoes? From what I've heard, her sexual life was quite normal. Missionary position and no one peed on her like those Russian hoes did to Trump. Could that be what's bothering you?
She gives the U.S. a bad name since there has to be green puffs of smoke emanating from that skank.
She did not run for office. Heels up Harris opened her legs to get ahead in California. Ask Willie Brown. LOL

‘You are disgusting, Allied. You know nothing of Kamala. You support and defend a womanizing pussy grabber (5 kids via 3 different different women) by alleging, without any evidence whatsoever, that the Black/Indian VP-elect used sex to advance her career. What nonsense.

Misogynist? Yes. Racist? Presumably. Stupid? Beyond all doubt.
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‘You are disgusting, Allied. You know nothing of Kamala. You support and defend a womanizing pussy grabber 95 kids via 3bdifferentnwomen) by alleging, without any evidence whatsoever, that the Black/Indian VP-elect used sex to advance her career. What nonsense.

Misogynist? Yes. Racist? Presumably. Stupid? Beyond all doubt.
Just facts..ask Mr.Willie Brown who used his willie on Heels up Harris. He had to have been desperate.
Sounds like the poor guy has some form of sexual frustration to where he needs to constantly bring up WIllie Brown and Harris to get off.
Raoul- can't you be more creative than that? This is getting boring.
Just facts..ask Mr.Willie Brown who used his willie on Heels up Harris. He had to have been desperate.

Disgusting. Kamala and Willie dated, no doubt. Single people. It’s called “dating” not hiring professionals like DJT.

Kamala was elected, not appointed, as DA of San Francisco and AG of California. Willie was a former date not involved at that point with no power to appoint her to high office.
Ha,ha,, I will pass on that skank. Pant suits do nothing for me. Lol

What is your basis for calling our VP elect a skank? Have you ever called Trump a hoe? You should. He hoed with so many woman he often said his biggest concern was catching a STD. In fact he hoed with a prostitute while his 3rd wife was pregnant.

When you want to call someone a skank, look no further than that POS in the WH.
As I recall, both were available to have a personal relationship. Did I miss something?
Willie elevated her to two state commissions in California. He was married she was single. They were together for a few years while Willie was in charge of the state assembly. She did what she needed to do to get ahead.
Willie elevated her to two state commissions in California. He was married she was single. They were together for a few years while Willie was in charge of the state assembly. She did what she needed to do to get ahead.
Didn't she get elected by the voters and not Willie Brown? In fact, she got elected to 2 positions. Stop with your idiotic assertions. You jealous!!
Didn't she get elected by the voters and not Willie Brown? In fact, she got elected to 2 positions. Stop with your idiotic assertions. You jealous!!
He was a political California power broker. Face it..she gave it up. Ha!
At least she didn't get paid like Trump paid his hoes.
She got paid with political positions in California. Now Wille helped Pelosi and Gavin Newsome as well but he was getting pussy from Harris.
She got paid with political positions in California. Now Wille helped Pelosi and Gavin Newsome as well but he was getting pussy from Harris.
Trump was given millions by his father.
She did not run for office. Heels up Harris opened her legs to get ahead in California. Ask Willie Brown. LOL

you far right wing wackos need to get a life. Bone spur Trump was given millions by daddy.

I like to have even handed fun on this forum.

But, you are scum.
No, you are a delusional lib with no concept how Harris moved ahead in her profession and a future President who along with his son are corrupt.
Get out if its too hot in the kitchen. The next 4 years will be interesting. Go get some popcorn sonny...
Ya'll projecting...this one has fcukkked three in the Trump administration that we know about included a married one and all she does is climb up the organization. Nothing wrong with getting your fcukkk on, but where is the commentary for someone doing it right now versus what you claim happened decades ago? Hope fcukkking her way through MAGA.

How bout this coked out skank? She fcuked her way through rapey ass FoxNews, and now is banging DJT (gotta be for the powder or power). Shit she was sexually harassing women at Fox her damn self.

Stop projecting, when you ignore whats happening now to demean Harris for what you think happened then it comes off for what it is, racist tropes.
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Ya'll projecting...this one has fcukkked three in the Trump administration that we know about included a married one and all she does is climb up the organization. Nothing wrong with getting your fcukkk on, but where is the commentary for someone doing it right now versus what you claim happened decades ago? Hope fcukkking her way through MAGA.

How bout this coked out skank? She fcuked her way through rapey ass FoxNews, and now is banging DJT (gotta be for the powder or power). Shit she was sexually harassing women at Fox her damn self.

Stop projecting, when you ignore whats happening now to demean Harris for what you think happened then it comes off for what it is, racist tropes.
Libtards always scream race when they don't like what they see or can't answer a fact. Go get tour skateboard and baseball bat for BLM or Antifa. You're likely more suited for brawn over brains.
Libtards always scream race when they don't like what they see or can't answer a fact. Go get tour skateboard and baseball bat for BLM or Antifa. You're likely more suited for brawn over brains.

As a 6’5 black man I’ve never heard that racist trope before.

I think my history of posts demonstrate some intellectual capacity. Apparently my being black gives you the belief that my physical characteristics exceed my mental abilities.

My academic record speaks for itself. Tell you what though, if we ever meet you can discuss your disagreements with me in person and choose whether they are mental or otherwise. I think rigorous debate is the way to go but how’s that song go?

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As a 6’5 black man I’ve never heard that racist trope before.

I think my history of posts demonstrate some intellectual capacity. Apparently my being black gives you the belief that my physical characteristics exceed my mental abilities.

My academic record speaks for itself. Tell you what though, if we ever meet you can discuss your disagreements with me in person and choose whether they are mental or otherwise. I think rigorous debate is the way to go but how’s that song go?

Libtards always get personal or scream race or some other b.s. when they don't have the answer or when they don't like what they hear. Too bad. Grow up. Continue to twist your response to the predictable race discussion.
Libtards always scream race when they don't like what they see or can't answer a fact. Go get tour skateboard and baseball bat for BLM or Antifa. You're likely more suited for brawn over brains.
Libtards always get personal or scream race or some other b.s. when they don't have the answer or when they don't like what they hear. Too bad. Grow up. Continue to twist your response to the predictable race discussion.
Your bitch ass said that dumb shit. Like I said when and if you see me be this bold in person. Happy to debate and and show my brain but if you require brawn, I ain't what I used to be at 28 but I damn well am not an easy win.
Got any nudes of heels up Harris? I will Trade you you a Milk'em dry Melonia nude if you got any......LMAO. I will give you my favorite one with the knee high leather boots.
No, can't say I have any nudes of Heels up Harris or Melania Trump. Neither one catches my interest. With Melania being a former model, there are probably some photos out there. Heels up, probably nothing out there.
No, can't say I have any nudes of Heels up Harris or Melania Trump. Neither one catches my interest. With Melania being a former model, there are probably some photos out there. Heels up, probably nothing out there.
LMAO....Calling what Melania was doing modeling? That's like calling what strippers do dancing. Stop it! Please.
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As a 6’5 black man I’ve never heard that racist trope before.

I think my history of posts demonstrate some intellectual capacity. Apparently my being black gives you the belief that my physical characteristics exceed my mental abilities.

My academic record speaks for itself. Tell you what though, if we ever meet you can discuss your disagreements with me in person and choose whether they are mental or otherwise. I think rigorous debate is the way to go but how’s that song go?

THIS rightchea’.......💯
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