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So a man who have served on the highest levels defending USA is less qualified than a CONMAN selling Kool-aid that you would rather drink. Trump was given millions of dollars over and over again buy his dad. He lost it and lost it. Man couldn't even go to an US bank and get financing yet he is a great business man. Then again that is what a CONMAN do. Inflate and deflate his value as is needed to get over. $750.00 in taxes WTF
Smh your historical account is not only factually incorrect but laughable considering his documented assets. You want to paint this picture of failure but I got news for you, his father didn’t hand him $4.5 Billion. A failing imbecile which is the picture I think you’re going for doesn’t make himself a billionaire by being even remotely as stupid as you’d like him to be. Talking about Kool-Aid? You’ve drank it by the gallon.
Ya'll projecting...this one has fcukkked three in the Trump administration that we know about included a married one and all she does is climb up the organization. Nothing wrong with getting your fcukkk on, but where is the commentary for someone doing it right now versus what you claim happened decades ago? Hope fcukkking her way through MAGA.

How bout this coked out skank? She fcuked her way through rapey ass FoxNews, and now is banging DJT (gotta be for the powder or power). Shit she was sexually harassing women at Fox her damn self.

Stop projecting, when you ignore whats happening now to demean Harris for what you think happened then it comes off for what it is, racist tropes.
Who’s the first one???
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Conman a billionaire by borrowing money to prop up failing business after business. His father pumped millions after millions into keeping the afloat. He then had to borrow from foreigners because banks in the US wouldn't lend to him because of his poor record of paying back. Fudged numbers time after time to show whatever he wanted until he was forced to ✋ Damn crook but you kool-aid drinkers continue drinking with him on his way out the door. To think a President have to pardon himself because him and his family are compulsive thieves smdh.
‘You are disgusting, Allied. You know nothing of Kamala. You support and defend a womanizing pussy grabber (5 kids via 3 different different women) by alleging, without any evidence whatsoever, that the Black/Indian VP-elect used sex to advance her career. What nonsense.

Misogynist? Yes. Racist? Presumably. Stupid? Beyond all doubt.

Camel Toe is nothing more than spread those crusty thighs to get ahead.. Which she gave a lot of...
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Conman a billionaire by borrowing money to prop up failing business after business. His father pumped millions after millions into keeping the afloat. He then had to borrow from foreigners because banks in the US wouldn't lend to him because of his poor record of paying back. Fudged numbers time after time to show whatever he wanted until he was forced to ✋ Damn crook but you kool-aid drinkers continue drinking with him on his way out the door. To think a President have to pardon himself because him and his family are compulsive thieves smdh.
Yeah, where I am from. A great business man has a reputation. One you can do business with him. There isn't a legitimate bank in America that is willing to do business with this guy yet he has convinced these jabronies he is a great businessman for some reason. Gotta be because he is clearly racist. I don't see any other explanation someone would think this kind of person is a great business man.
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EL, You and Allied deserve each in your basement-dwelling circle jerk environment.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander... No..??

You fuccking guys are so hypocritical .. You can trash Trump but god forbid if we go after ur slut of a senator...
Notice the racist b.s.claim. When libtards get their knickers in a wad they start the name calling. It's always that way when they don't have intelligent answers. Ignorant mo- fo's.
No different than the trumptards. Bias much. 🙄
EL, You and Allied deserve each in your basement-dwelling circle jerk environment.
Hey Cortez , its not your fault that you have a prostitute for the next four years as a V.P. or a President with dementia. When and if things get tough, we will pick up your pants and show you the way. This country will survive regardless of who the Democrats have voted in.
Conman a billionaire by borrowing money to prop up failing business after business. His father pumped millions after millions into keeping the afloat. He then had to borrow from foreigners because banks in the US wouldn't lend to him because of his poor record of paying back. Fudged numbers time after time to show whatever he wanted until he was forced to ✋ Damn crook but you kool-aid drinkers continue drinking with him on his way out the door. To think a President have to pardon himself because him and his family are compulsive thieves smdh.
Provide me with some proof outside of an opinion hit piece by cnn or msnbc.
Lived in NY for 45 years. Trump's financial history is well documented. Most NY know him as a conman looking to take any sucker he can find. Stiffing people who does work for him and running to bankruptcy courts to hide from paying.
Then again why waste time discussing known history with you. Can see the kool-aid is strong with you.
Lived in NY for 45 years. Trump's financial history is well documented. Most NY know him as a conman looking to take any sucker he can find. Stiffing people who does work for him and running to bankruptcy courts to hide from paying.
Right gotcha so nothing! Regardless of what Trump has done and what he has been blamed for, he didn’t sell his influence to the Chinese Govt in the last three years.
Then again why waste time discussing known history with you. Can see the kool-aid is strong with you.
What you don't see is the fact that Trump is a mover and shaker who will take crap from no one. The fact that he is mega rich is a good thing. He is not your typical politician on the take. His motivation is his ego to be known in history as a great President which he has shown many of us to be. His so called stiffing of people, which I have heard as well, would need proof on my end . You don't have any so you regurgitate what others tell you. Bankruptcy is a part of business that as long as it is legal, business owners will use it. If you object to it , work to change the laws.
What you don't see is the fact that Trump is a mover and shaker who will take crap from no one. The fact that he is mega rich is a good thing. He is not your typical politician on the take. His motivation is his ego to be known in history as a great President which he has shown many of us to be. His so called stiffing of people, which I have heard as well, would need proof on my end . You don't have any so you regurgitate what others tell you. Bankruptcy is a part of business that as long as it is legal, business owners will use it. If you object to it , work to change the laws.
The man is a crook. Mover and shaker what? The man have been stiffing people for years. Stop the stupidness.
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The man is a crook. Mover and shaker what? The man have been stiffing people for years. Stop the stupidness.
There are two sides to every story. You or I do not know what would be behind a claim ĺike that. He is in construction, is it possible that some vendors do not meet contractual requirements? Maybe it is possible that his organization has taken a tough approach on paying. You don't know and I don't know. All I know is the job he has done for this country. With all he had to deal with, phoney Russian collusion, Obama and Clinton discrediting Flynn, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, all P.O.S's, he has persevered and still accomplished a lot. He took to much crap from people and the media because he was not some political hack that was a member of the swamp. He shook them up and will continue to in the future.
There are two sides to every story. You or I do not know what would be behind a claim ĺike that. He is in construction, is it possible that some vendors do not meet contractual requirements? Maybe it is possible that his organization has taken a tough approach on paying. You don't know and I don't know. All I know is the job he has done for this country. With all he had to deal with, phoney Russian collusion, Obama and Clinton discrediting Flynn, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, all P.O.S's, he has persevered and still accomplished a lot. He took to much crap from people and the media because he was not some political hack that was a member of the swamp. He shook them up and will continue to in the future.
So wait you have 73, 000,000 discrediting people while 80 plus million crediting the same people. Again. As long as someone doesn't drink the lying Pres. Kool-Aid the have no credit. No matter the service they provided the country over the years. Just lunatic, stupid Kool-Aid thinking. Golfing everyday on the taxpayers dime. File for bankruptcy 4 or 5 times to stiff his creditors. Guess those vendors who did business are pretty stupid also because his history should have thought them not to after one or two times. Damn crook!
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