Civil Rights Act 1964 Facts!

Just admit it, you were wrong. Facts don't lie but Trump supporters, lie nonstop.
Kind of unseasoned, unskilled approach at a rebuttal. A white paper by two students is presented as fact. All research preceding it must now stand corrected because a white paper has been presented.
Could also be, Biden's with much support from Demo Congress, BLM, and ANTIFA.
Man, you really don’t see difference between the two? Trump did nothing but rallies before, during and is still doing them to promote the big lie.
Kind of unseasoned, unskilled approach at a rebuttal. A white paper by two students is presented as fact. All research preceding it must now stand corrected because a white paper has been presented.
And your amateurish posts "trump" their research?
So, some Dems jumped ship. Only one in Congress changed parties, Strom Thurman. The Republicans, the same Republicans, those following Lincoln's creed, here we are, same ole same ole, we're still here. We didn't switch parties, some of your guys, as you said, jumped. They left the losers on the Left, who were left behind. How gauche.
Same Ole, same Ole???? You bet. GOP following the lead of Evangelicals, who donate heavily to the republican party. Not hard to figure out.
Ever hear of Republicans? After the act NONE SWITCHED!
We're many of the same guys who passed the 1964 Act.

BTW the # of Demo switches in Congress, get this, one. One, Strom F'n Thurman.
Who fathered a black child by the way. And she claimed he took care of her, her whole life