Stanford epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannidis recently ran a great article where he compared the amount of years of life have been lost by Covid and compared this to the 1918 Spanish flu. His purpose in this was to demonstrate the overreaction to poor data and the hysteria this has caused. The premise of the article is rather than looking at raw death count (even tough 1918 flu had 3 times as many dead when US population was only 120M vs 330M today) he took a look into the expected years of life lost. This did not look so good for the Covid lockdowns since the avg age at death for Covid is 78 vs avg age of death for 1918 flu was 28, yikes! If you do the math on Covid deaths (125,000) x 2.5 (avg life span in US is 80.5) you get 312,500 lost life years. Seems like a ton to me, but lets try 1918 flu where almost no lockdowns where implemented. 1918 Flu deaths 450,000 x 30 (avg life span in US in 1918 was 58) and you get 13,500,000. Holy Horse F#ck Batman!! By my math that is 43x the life expectancy lost in that pandemic than the current one, my guess would have to be the strong leadership by a Democrat President.
Since I had the free time this afternoon I hopped on the CDC and US census bureau website and wanted to compare how Covid stacks up to things we do for fun in the US everyday. I wanted to compare this to Covid by assuming no vaccine is found and we have 300,000 deaths before reaching herd immunity (This would be 750,000 years of lost life expectancy). All I can say is hold on to your butts.
1. Opiod OD- Otherwise known as West Virginia's favorite past time.
10 year avg deaths- 61,000/ Avg age of deaths 31/ 3,080,500 yr 30,805,000 life exp years in a decade.
Drs. start you scrip books, 4x more deadly in a year than Covid could ever be.
2. Driving- AKA that deadly hunk of metal in your driveway waiting to take you to an early grave
10 yr avg death- 42,000/ Avg age- 42/ 1,617,000 yr 16,170,000 decade
Better get your car to the scrap yard quick, if it doesn't kill you along the way, because yearly this is twice the carnage Covid could ever hope to do.
3. Suicide- TDS got you down
10 yr avg death 45,000/ Avg age 28/ 2,362,500 yr 23,625,000 decade
Put away those sleeping pills, drain that hot bath and pull that shot gun out of your mouth, suicide is 3 times worse than Covid is on its best day.
4. Swimming pools- Who knew the grim reaper was amphibious
10 yr avg death 3600/ Avg age 18/ 225,000 per year 2,250,000 decade
Quick lock up the kids and walk over to Sunbelt (assuming you managed to survive taking your car to the scrap yard) and get that bulldozer because your aquatic death trap must be filled in post haste. Over a decade this is 3 times as deadly as the Rona will ever dream of reaching.
5. Shooting people for no reason- AKA Chicago's favorite past time
10 yr avg death 18,600/ Avg age- 24/ 1,050,900 yr 10,509,000 decade
This race might be too close to call. But wait... whats that Defund the Police blocks Covid and its Shooting People For No Reason in a landslide.
This is actually sad stuff because it's all avoidable, but the point is this is s#it that we don't even think about. Perhaps the politicians and Covid Karens should consider data and think long and hard before making decisions that put 30M people out of work and destroy hundreds of thousands of business. Elderly people dying is sad by all means, but everyone on the planet is going to die some day. Unnecessarily stunting and destroying the futures of millions of Americans is an absolute tragedy and can be stopped with the stroke of a pen. We didn't shut down in 1918 because we had WW1 to win and an economic powerhouse to build, perhaps we should take from our ancestors and get on with life.
Since I had the free time this afternoon I hopped on the CDC and US census bureau website and wanted to compare how Covid stacks up to things we do for fun in the US everyday. I wanted to compare this to Covid by assuming no vaccine is found and we have 300,000 deaths before reaching herd immunity (This would be 750,000 years of lost life expectancy). All I can say is hold on to your butts.
1. Opiod OD- Otherwise known as West Virginia's favorite past time.
10 year avg deaths- 61,000/ Avg age of deaths 31/ 3,080,500 yr 30,805,000 life exp years in a decade.
Drs. start you scrip books, 4x more deadly in a year than Covid could ever be.
2. Driving- AKA that deadly hunk of metal in your driveway waiting to take you to an early grave
10 yr avg death- 42,000/ Avg age- 42/ 1,617,000 yr 16,170,000 decade
Better get your car to the scrap yard quick, if it doesn't kill you along the way, because yearly this is twice the carnage Covid could ever hope to do.
3. Suicide- TDS got you down
10 yr avg death 45,000/ Avg age 28/ 2,362,500 yr 23,625,000 decade
Put away those sleeping pills, drain that hot bath and pull that shot gun out of your mouth, suicide is 3 times worse than Covid is on its best day.
4. Swimming pools- Who knew the grim reaper was amphibious
10 yr avg death 3600/ Avg age 18/ 225,000 per year 2,250,000 decade
Quick lock up the kids and walk over to Sunbelt (assuming you managed to survive taking your car to the scrap yard) and get that bulldozer because your aquatic death trap must be filled in post haste. Over a decade this is 3 times as deadly as the Rona will ever dream of reaching.
5. Shooting people for no reason- AKA Chicago's favorite past time
10 yr avg death 18,600/ Avg age- 24/ 1,050,900 yr 10,509,000 decade
This race might be too close to call. But wait... whats that Defund the Police blocks Covid and its Shooting People For No Reason in a landslide.
This is actually sad stuff because it's all avoidable, but the point is this is s#it that we don't even think about. Perhaps the politicians and Covid Karens should consider data and think long and hard before making decisions that put 30M people out of work and destroy hundreds of thousands of business. Elderly people dying is sad by all means, but everyone on the planet is going to die some day. Unnecessarily stunting and destroying the futures of millions of Americans is an absolute tragedy and can be stopped with the stroke of a pen. We didn't shut down in 1918 because we had WW1 to win and an economic powerhouse to build, perhaps we should take from our ancestors and get on with life.