Covid might kill you but there are a lot of things far more dangerous.

If you go on the CDC website and look up the stats (I know it's an alt right rag) you will find that Covid deaths had a total of over 360,000 comorbidities reported at time of death. 3 per person on the average, real healthy bunch.
Yeah, I packed on the pounds this winter, but now I’m down 23 pounds since the end of April. I have no issues but watching weight since it is tied to prediabtetes/higher A1C.

I love the Economist, have subscribed for over a decade, but they have 1776 syndrome and love any chance they can to throw a punch below the belt.

If they have UNDERLYING HEALTH ISSUES, they stay HOME...


Yet in my town...when this FIRST hit...

WALMART, PUBLIX, etc. filled to the RAFTERS with bored ELDERLY and NO masks...

Things that make you go HMMMMM...

As for those NUMBERS...

Take it from a former RESEARCHER...
If you want a LEGITIMATE source...
Don't cite a MAGAZINE...
Go get the CDC REPORTS...


The AVERAGE AGE is 78...

Young Healthy People are NOT DYING of this...

As for the subject of DEATH.....

Sadly...we lose our ELDERLY...

Lost my Dad to Pancreatic Cancer in 2015...

Lost my Mom to COPD in 2017...

God Blessed me with them and I miss them EVERY DAY...

I am 57...

If I make it to 80, I don't want SOCIETY to shut down to save MY old azz...

I will not force OTHERS to give up THEIR free will to SAVE my azz...


I am sure that if you ask THAT Generation in particular...

They would say THE SAME...:cool:
What a great post, I have 3 grandparents all in their late 80s (one turns 90 in 2 weeks and sadly I can't visit her). All are in relatively good health for their age. They are taking precautions but despite this pandemic they still go out to eat, shop, go to church etc.. One thing that isn't discussed is many of them aren't that afraid of this disease. People in their 80s know they are on borrowed time and their health could take a turn for the worst at any moment. Most of them would rather get on with their life and enjoy the time they do have left with friends and family instead of cowering at home in fear. These people lived through the great depression and fought in WW2, I think they can handle a virus.
Your boy kamco was wrong. Per John Hopkins university who totals all these numbers said on June 24th the average American median age of death is 48. It’s 80 in most countries. Here’s the link if you care to read.

you guys need better facts. And even if they were older it’s still cool? It’s cool to let them die? The people who are over 80 are actually the people who did the hard work and sacrificing in the 40s during the war to allow us to have the freedoms we have today. It’s cool if they die? They deserve to die? They lived long enough? The had a condition?

So you can live your life? What kind of savage Are you dude?
Not a savage at all just an adult who understands that life is finite and sometimes tough decisions must be made. I would have to guess if I looked back at your posts during the past 10 winters I would not see outrage and hysteria over the half million plus Americans who died from the flu or the 2.1M who died from infections while in a hospital or the 7M+ from heart disease. Why is this, are you a savage who cheers the death of others, or could it be you are an adult who understands that all people on this planet will die and that every year 3-4M people die in this country for various reasons. As for tour post, I'll go by the CDC figures and they peg the number after carefully vetting the death reports from hospitals at 78 years of age. This is on the average 2 years of lost life expectancy and when you couple that with the fact that CDC finds an average of 3 comorbidities that would indicate people are very unhealthy when they contract and die from this disease. Am I happy these people are dying of this disease, not at all individually this is sad for their friends and family. However the fact that this is killing very old people should be brought heavily into account when making decisions that destroy education and the economy because this disease kills people towards the end of life, despair kills people of all age and causes unneccessary death in large number. So I say you can take your lumps up front or you can take them for the next 20 years but one thing is for certain this virus is here and we can't hide from it.
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KAMCO said avg age of COVID deaths is 78!!!!

COVID-19 in and of ITSELF kills a VERY, VERY VERY SMALL percentage of YOUNG HEALTHY people...WAY LESS than the FLU.

How many people who were lost to COVID-19 weren't just ELDERLY but had SEVERAL UNDERLYING health issues to boot???
Over 360000 comorbidities per the CDC, that's an avg of 3 per death, yikes probably not the model of exemplary health.
Not a savage at all just an adult who understands that life is finite and sometimes tough decisions must be made. I would have to guess if I looked back at your posts during the past 10 winters I would not see outrage and hysteria over the half million plus Americans who died from the flu or the 2.1M who died from infections while in a hospital or the 7M+ from heart disease. Why is this, are you a savage who cheers the death of others, or could it be you are an adult who understands that all people on this planet will die and that every year 3-4M people die in this country for various reasons. As for tour post, I'll go by the CDC figures and they peg the number after carefully vetting the death reports from hospitals at 78 years of age. This is on the average 2 years of lost life expectancy and when you couple that with the fact that CDC finds an average of 3 comorbidities that would indicate people are very unhealthy when they contract and die from this disease. Am I happy these people are dying of this disease, not at all individually this is sad for their friends and family. However the fact that this is killing very old people should be brought heavily into account when making decisions that destroy education and the economy because this disease kills people towards the end of life, despair kills people of all age and causes unneccessary death in large number. So I say you can take your lumps up front or you can take them for the next 20 years but one thing is for certain this virus is here and we can't hide from it.

these are John Hopkins stats. do your google search about John Hopkins and their COVID data. Most reliable in the country right now. You can say you want to trust the cdc stats but even the cdc will tell you their stats aren’t accurate because they data input lags behind. You can read that here.

everyone knows Johns Hopkins has better data than the CDC right now. I bet you right now you prob have 3 comorbidities and you don’t even know it. If you smoke or drink or are slightly overweight (using the height and weight index), have a family history of heart/cardiovascular disease, asthma, diabetes, the list goes on and on.

This is not the flu. It kills at a higher rate than the flu. It killed 135k in 4 months. It is the number 1 cause of death right now in America. More than heart disease, more than cancer, more than any other type of illness or Accident.

either way you guys can keep bitching about the state of things but if we had done it right the first time we wouldn’t be in this mess today. Countries all over the world did it right and are back to enjoying there lives to a degree we cannot right now. Maybe you need to ask yourself “why are we still here?”
these are John Hopkins stats. do your google search about John Hopkins and their COVID data. Most reliable in the country right now. You can say you want to trust the cdc stats but even the cdc will tell you their stats aren’t accurate because they data input lags behind. You can read that here.

everyone knows Johns Hopkins has better data than the CDC right now. I bet you right now you prob have 3 comorbidities and you don’t even know it. If you smoke or drink or are slightly overweight (using the height and weight index), have a family history of heart/cardiovascular disease, asthma, diabetes, the list goes on and on.

This is not the flu. It kills at a higher rate than the flu. It killed 135k in 4 months. It is the number 1 cause of death right now in America. More than heart disease, more than cancer, more than any other type of illness or Accident.

either way you guys can keep bitching about the state of things but if we had done it right the first time we wouldn’t be in this mess today. Countries all over the world did it right and are back to enjoying there lives to a degree we cannot right now. Maybe you need to ask yourself “why are we still here?”
You're a fool, heart disease, cancer, lung disease all kill way more than Covid ever will. Furthermore these categories will kill indefinitely for years to come, Covid will stop once either a vaccine or herd immunity have been achieved. This means that at worst 250-500k Covid deaths in the country ever, heart disease kills 800k each and every year yet McDonalds is still booming and sugary drinks are as popular as ever. Ever try going to a Chic-fil-a, lines wrapped around the building from open to close, these foods and beverages lead to poor health and premature death yet Americans love them. This is a virus it will spread through society until either a vaccine or herd immunity, there is no policy that can be taken to stop it, the cat is out of the bag. There should be strong debate happening in our society about securing the elderly and ill and allowing the young and healthy to fully resume their lives allowing us to reach herd immunity.
these are John Hopkins stats. do your google search about John Hopkins and their COVID data. Most reliable in the country right now. You can say you want to trust the cdc stats but even the cdc will tell you their stats aren’t accurate because they data input lags behind. You can read that here.

everyone knows Johns Hopkins has better data than the CDC right now. I bet you right now you prob have 3 comorbidities and you don’t even know it. If you smoke or drink or are slightly overweight (using the height and weight index), have a family history of heart/cardiovascular disease, asthma, diabetes, the list goes on and on.

This is not the flu. It kills at a higher rate than the flu. It killed 135k in 4 months. It is the number 1 cause of death right now in America. More than heart disease, more than cancer, more than any other type of illness or Accident.

either way you guys can keep bitching about the state of things but if we had done it right the first time we wouldn’t be in this mess today. Countries all over the world did it right and are back to enjoying there lives to a degree we cannot right now. Maybe you need to ask yourself “why are we still here?”
As for the CDC, their stats lag real time because they are analyzed and vetted by state agencies prior to submission. So what you are saying is they are not reliable in data entry but we should destroy our economy based on their guidelines. Pick a side, in either event there is plenty of data stating the average age of death is late 70s. Almost 40% of all deaths are people over 80 even though they represent less than 5% of the US population. People of retirement age of 65+ are almost 85% of fatalities and so far 45% have taken place in nursing homes. So I will grant you for the elderly this is about 4-5 times deadlier than the flu, but for people under 65 it is about half as deadly. Reasonably you would say secure seniors and everyone else go about your business and get that herd immunity.
You're a fool, heart disease, cancer, lung disease all kill way more than Covid ever will. Furthermore these categories will kill indefinitely for years to come, Covid will stop once either a vaccine or herd immunity have been achieved. This means that at worst 250-500k Covid deaths in the country ever, heart disease kills 800k each and every year yet McDonalds is still booming and sugary drinks are as popular as ever. Ever try going to a Chic-fil-a, lines wrapped around the building from open to close, these foods and beverages lead to poor health and premature death yet Americans love them. This is a virus it will spread through society until either a vaccine or herd immunity, there is no policy that can be taken to stop it, the cat is out of the bag. There should be strong debate happening in our society about securing the elderly and ill and allowing the young and healthy to fully resume their lives allowing us to reach herd immunity.

im not a fool. 2.2 million people die every year, and you’re saying 800k a year die of heart disease. Lol. You clearly don’t know the numbers. Look it up. Covid has been the #1 killer in America since April. If we had done things right the first time we would have our economy back like the rest of the world is. But bc people didn’t want to listen and leaders made poor decisions we are the only country in the world who’s pandemic started in March that is still dealing with it. Everyone else has gotten over it....

What did they do differently???
One thing we are forgetting here. When this first came out, it was stated that you can catch it if it gets into your eyes. Since when do masks cover your eyes? How many ppl contracted this thing through their eyes? Masks are largely a sham.
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im not a fool. 2.2 million people die every year, and you’re saying 800k a year die of heart disease. Lol. You clearly don’t know the numbers. Look it up. Covid has been the #1 killer in America since April. If we had done things right the first time we would have our economy back like the rest of the world is. But bc people didn’t want to listen and leaders made poor decisions we are the only country in the world who’s pandemic started in March that is still dealing with it. Everyone else has gotten over it....

What did they do differently???
What are you talking a out, it is still spreading all over Europe, most of the EU has a higher fatality rate than the US. The virus is exploding in Brazil, Peru, Russia, India and Mexico. You keep saying if we did it right the first time, what exactly is it and compared to who Germany.
What are you talking a out, it is still spreading all over Europe, most of the EU has a higher fatality rate than the US. The virus is exploding in Brazil, Peru, Russia, India and Mexico. You keep saying if we did it right the first time, what exactly is it and compared to who Germany.

the EU as a block 440 million are getting 4K cases a day. They’ve dropped their curve all the way down. They all did it right. All those countries got it later.... Brazil and India didn’t start climbing until May June. We are 330 million people and we have 70k a day!! Canada, Japan is doing well, South Korea, Australia.... all doing well! World economy paused now is gonna get back going and we are still stuck in the mud bc of poor leadership!
im not a fool. 2.2 million people die every year, and you’re saying 800k a year die of heart disease. Lol. You clearly don’t know the numbers. Look it up. Covid has been the #1 killer in America since April. If we had done things right the first time we would have our economy back like the rest of the world is. But bc people didn’t want to listen and leaders made poor decisions we are the only country in the world who’s pandemic started in March that is still dealing with it. Everyone else has gotten over it....

What did they do differently???
CDC reported deaths in the US in 2017
Heart disease
Daily Avg 1772
Weekly Avg 12408

Daily Avg 1490
Weekly Avg 10432

For all but 4-5 weeks in April and May these were and are the leading causes of death in the US. In addition Covid will end once herd immunity is reached, these two categories will continue on killing many prematurely. By your logic will you be rallying against fast food, tobacco, alcohol, sugary drinks and driving, all the above contribute to chronic disease and premature death. My guess is not likely.
Once we have a vaccine, Covid will be WEAKER than the Flu... DRAMATICALLY...

I agree it’s just so new that we are trying to figure out what works in terms of medicine. Also asymptomatic spread Makes things tougher IMO. Seeing positive reports that Remdesivir Is helping severely ill recover faster. Which is good news.
I agree it’s just so new that we are trying to figure out what works in terms of medicine. Also asymptomatic spread Makes things tougher IMO. Seeing positive reports that Remdesivir Is helping severely ill recover faster. Which is good news.
Dexamethasone has also become a treatment standard, test in the UK showed 33% improvement of survival of people on ventilation. It's also super cheap and readily available as a generic. It is actually quite amazing how much progress has been made in 4-5 months in treatments and having 3 vaccines in late stage trials.
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What a great post, I have 3 grandparents all in their late 80s (one turns 90 in 2 weeks and sadly I can't visit her). All are in relatively good health for their age. They are taking precautions but despite this pandemic they still go out to eat, shop, go to church etc.. One thing that isn't discussed is many of them aren't that afraid of this disease. People in their 80s know they are on borrowed time and their health could take a turn for the worst at any moment. Most of them would rather get on with their life and enjoy the time they do have left with friends and family instead of cowering at home in fear. These people lived through the great depression and fought in WW2, I think they can handle a virus.
Excellent post. And many of them, particularly the WWII generation, aren't selfish enough to want the young kids sacrificing their turn at life for them. They don't want the Country and Freedoms they fought for destroyed. They want them preserved for the current generation and for generations to come. That's what they fought for and that's what their friends, who were young people, died for.
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