Reading is fundamental. I've said I'm a centrist, actually center left. That being said, clearly in that context I meant the royal we. As in the third party application of me. I make no apologies of being a supporter of Obama, from his summary executions of terrorist to his attempt enforce equality and justice. I love the ACA but I recognize its the birthchild of the Heritage Foundation and was called Romney care when the GOP loved it (its kinda great). But I also loved Bush 43, didn't like Clinton first term (second term I did) so I'm variable. But I never said I was neutral.
Ellu serious question: Can you name 5 things Trump has done (any area) during his first term that was positive. ? I'll go first.
NAFTA GONE replaced by USMCA a far better deal for auto workers, farmers, dairy farmers
China/ forcing them to the table via tariffs. Everyone said Americans would pay higher but China devalued currency to offset tariffs. A deal was struck.
North Korea / Trump took novel approach and said F' it I'll talk to him. (work in progress)
The Outdoor Act
Prison Reform First Step Act
Lowered taxes
Cut regulations
Launched Spaceforce
Re-established NASA in public / private partnership
Defeated ISIS taking out numerous high end terrorists
Removing our troops throughout Middle East
Forcing NATO members to honor their financial agreements
Forcing UN members to honor their financial agreements
Trade deal South Korea, India, Japan
Peace deals Israel Bahrain, UAE, Sudan
Brought Kosova and Serbia to the table
Building the Wall to bring some order to the Southern Border gaining cooperation from Mexico / Guatemala/ and Honduras
Ending catch and release
I could go on.