Family ordered to take down “Jesus” sign, Liberals have ruined this country!!

The fact that you don't understand / read / comprehend or whatever the articles you post never ceases to amaze me. The sign goes against the rules of the association the family is a member you think that is why they were asked to take it down?
The fact that you don't understand / read / comprehend or whatever the articles you post never ceases to amaze me. The sign goes against the rules of the associate the family is a member you think that is why they were asked to take it down?
Read every single one, and again the point of article was to provide more evidence of what assholes liberals are. What “associate” I think you meant “association” would make rules you can’t hang a sign for Christmas!! And it really is fascinating that you always have the same tired lines yet never make a valid point. Liberals such as yourself need to mind your business and stay out of other peoples lives!! And furthermore had you actually read the article you would understand it was a snowflake snitch like you that tatted out the neighbor calling the sign “offensive” which is a joke!! Would they have taken down a sign that had any other religion? No chance!! See that’s the thing, the actual builders of this country, the people who make this engine run daily got tired of liberal bullshit and the answer was Trump! So all the complains and whining to get what you want has backfired and now you wake up daily having to deal with Trump as the worlds most powerful man!! Enjoy!! I hope all the crying wolf and being offended for no reason was worth it!!
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Read every single one, and again the point of article was to provide more evidence of what assholes liberals are. What “associate” I think you meant “association” would make rules you can’t hang a sign for Christmas!! And it really is fascinating that you always have the same tired lines yet never make a valid point. Liberals such as yourself need to mind your business and stay out of other peoples lives!!
Nobody forced the family to buy a home there. It doesn't matter what association would make what rules. The rules exist and if you don't adhere to them you will be asked to comply. That's America. That's life. Nothing to do with Liberals. I have to do a lot of things my home owners association ask me to do as a member. I adhere and move on. I don't whine like a little bitch about what rules don't benefit me or which political parties cause them.
Nobody forced the family to buy a home there. It doesn't matter what association would make what rules. The rules exist and if you don't adhere to them you will be asked to comply. That's America. That's life. Nothing to do with Liberals. I have to do a lot of things my home owners association ask me to do as a member. I adhere and move on. I don't whine like a little bitch about what rules don't benefit me or political parties cause them.
Has everything to do with liberals, liberals are the ones who have found and pushed this “offensive” narrative!! And yes we live in America which still has Freedom of Speech. And the simple fact that you skipped the part the sign wasn’t the problem, it was the fact that someone found it “offensive” is another example of you crafting a story!! Real simple, Linerals have cornered people, people have come back swinging and all the polictical correctness BS is going to stop. And maybe you don’t whine like a little bitch to the association however you whine plenty here.
Has everything to do with liberals, liberals are the ones who have found and pushed this “offensive” narrative!! And yes we live in America which still has Freedom of Speech. And the simple fact that you skipped the part the sign wasn’t the problem, it was the fact that someone found it “offensive” is another example of you crafting a story!! Real simple, Linerals have cornered people, people have come back swinging and all the polictical correctness BS is going to stop. And maybe you don’t whine like a little bitch to the association however you whine plenty here.
Stop whining. They don't have to live there. What is it you don't understand?!
Stop whining. They don't have to live there. What is it you don't understand?!
Haha I’m whining?? Again, it’s the Liberals like you who find everything offensive. So one asshole crybaby who complains a family has to take down a sign?? Why is it so hard for you to apply the Amendments both ways?? You only want these protections when it supports a cause you believe in. What is it you don’t understand?? It applies to everyone!!
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Haha I’m whining?? Again, it’s the Liberals like you who find everything offensive. So one asshole crybaby who complains a family has to take down a sign?? Why is it so hard for you to apply the Amendments both ways?? You only want these protections when it supports a cause you believe in. What is it you don’t understand?? It applies to everyone!!
Don’t waste your time. These same people think it’s their right to protest on a private companies dime and are protected under the constitution to do so. Dummies.
Haha I’m whining?? Again, it’s the Liberals like you who find everything offensive. So one asshole crybaby who complains a family has to take down a sign?? Why is it so hard for you to apply the Amendments both ways?? You only want these protections when it supports a cause you believe in. What is it you don’t understand?? It applies to everyone!!
Don't be a snowflake pussy. Rules are rules. You live in public housing right? You can't have drugs in house or your felon cousin live with you. It sucks but we all have to live by rules.

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