Since you believe and Trust in Dr. Fauci, then why do you keep forgetting that Fauci stated Trump followed all of Fauci’s guidance for combatting the virus since Day 1? Then, you and your partisan ilk blame Trump for all of these deaths, but not Fauci? Please explain
You’ve stated that you have posted facts and have been met with denial or deflection. I originally chose not to respond to the above because your logic is so flawed on its face. Your facts = fallacy.
ex. ”Trump followed all of Fauci’s guidance”, so shouldn‘t Fauci also be blamed “for all of these deaths.”? No.
* Fauci didn’t cover up about the seriousness of the pandemic. Trump did early and often as he admitted to Bob Woodward.
* Fauci didn’t choose to decentralize responsibility for Covid action to states, counties and city officials. Trump did. No other country has chosen this disastrous, chaotic approach.
* Fauci didn’t say it would go away when the weather changes. Trump did.
* Fauci didn’t say that it was like the seasonal flu. Trump did.
* Fauci didn’t advocate for the wacky therapies for those infected. Trump did.
* Fauci didn’t mock those who wore masks. Trump did.
* Fauci didn’t sponsor rallies that turned into super spreader events. Trump did. RIP Herman Cain.
* Fauci didn’t turn the White House into a Covid breeding ground. Trump did.
* Fauci didn’t say in the fall that “we are turning the corner.” Trump did.
* Fauci didn’t say that we should stop testing so that our infection data would look better. Trump did.
* Fauci didn’t say “it is what it is“ when confronted with the escalating number of deaths. Trump did.
In the early days of the pandemic, Trump did follow some of Fauci’s advice. As things got worse, however, he ignored Fauci, kept him away from the press and criticized him to the Trump base. He then chose his own path....resulting in 500k+ deaths and defeat by the voters. He did it ‘his way.”