Florida just went past New York in cases DeSantis had three more months to prepare

Do people just believe the CDC when it fits their agenda or what?

Absolutely. When cash wants to question the numbers he'll literally post anything he can find about any little inaccuracy. Now he doesn't want Florida to be ahead of NY so he posts numbers that don't have Florida ahead yet. Doesn't matter. Even if we aren't ahead of NY right this minute it's only a matter of updating numbers.
Dear Cult ( radical left ) Cuomo 8.4 million residents 32.600 deaths. De santis 23.5 million residents 5.800 deaths. Those numbers are what you cult members run from. FACT !!!!!

NY State has 19.4 million. 8.4 is NYC
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I’m just trying to figure out where he got his numbers because they don’t even match cdc’s. I guess it’s ok to lie when it suits your agenda though so carry on.
These people are sick and scared because they believe every flashy media headline and they don’t have the aptitude to gather facts themselves. Surprised some could do well enough on the ASVAB. Sheep at their finest !
Absolutely. When cash wants to question the numbers he'll literally post anything he can find about any little inaccuracy. Now he doesn't want Florida to be ahead of NY so he posts numbers that don't have Florida ahead yet. Doesn't matter. Even if we aren't ahead of NY right this minute it's only a matter of updating numbers.
Says the guy who would rather assume the numbers from a Twitter Acct are accurate even though they don’t match the cdc’s website, just to prove he’s right for once. You guys are comical dumbasses lol.
Thank God we don’t have in rehab crack head Gillium in charge
CNN is probably on pins and needles waiting for him to clear rehab where they can get him back on the air. He was a valuable edition as was Avenatti to their “crack staff” of celebrity co-hosts .
He should be getting his own time slot directly in front of Don Lemon
If you believe this data, please explain with a similar number of cases how does NY have over 32,000 deaths and FL about 5,700? FL has one of the oldest populations in the US. In addition no state has tested a greater percentage of residents than NY. Data is flawed.
Lmao you’d think if that were the case the villages would be a ghost town literally & figuratively.
Yes reality..Florida yesterday set new record for deaths at 277..That’s the reality of what we are experiencing....277 deaths that you continue to claim never took place because the Pandemic is a Hoax..
Oh my God! This changes EVERYTHING!
We have about 3 times as many active cases as NY and have tested about 40% less per 1m citizens. Imagine how high it would be if we tested as much as NY.

And cases matter WHY???

Are the hospitals FULL???

The FATALITY rate is .04% if you are UNDER 70....

Forget the FLU comparison...

Time to bust out the COMMON COLD stats...
And cases matter WHY???

Are the hospitals FULL???

The FATALITY rate is .04% if you are UNDER 70....

Forget the FLU comparison...

Time to bust out the COMMON COLD stats...
What that jackass isn’t saying are those stats are including flu, pneumonia and Covid related cases. I now understand why they were including them all together. Their testing can’t differentiate unless postmortem diagnosis is made which they’re not. Check cdc’s website. Says it right on their graphics.
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What that jackass isn’t saying are those stats are including flu, pneumonia and Covid related cases. I now understand why they were including them all together. Their testing can’t differentiate unless postmortem diagnosis is made which they’re not. Check cdc’s website. Says it right on their graphics.

follow the ethical skeptic on the twitter. He’s been on this from the start. States laundering cases and deaths. Allegheny county Pa tried that a few weeks ago with 8 deaths in one day till you realized 4 were in April, 1 in May and 1 in June then the rest July. Media only reported 8 deaths in one day.
I live in Pa. we had one of the most draconian lockdowns in the country, yet we ended up with almost the same amount of deaths as Fla with half the population. We’ve still been locked down at 25% capacity since the 3rd week of June, bars closed unless they have seating(not at the bar) and serve actual meals. My county (about 300k or so) has been averaging 7 cases a day over the last couple weeks. Today, 13 days before school starts, we find out K-5 classes now are hybrid. How is that going to work out. 2 days at school 3 at home. For 7 cases a day? I think we had 1 death in the last week. The average age of death in the county is 80 or 81 and 70% or so were in LTCF.

None of this appears to be based on science.

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