I don't give Garland the credit of calling him a judge. He is nothing but a partisan hack attack dog. Is barely qualified to chase ambulances. I heard that he was turned down for a job by "1-800-ask-gary. That is why he was not given true consideration by McConnell to be a Supreme Court Justice..
Oh and BTW, genius, please google:
Has there ever been a Supreme Court justice who was not a judge?
You might get an answer to the affect of:
Rao: John Marshall, William Rehnquist, Lewis Powell Jr., Abe Fortas, Earl Warren, William Douglas, Felix Frankfurter, Louis Brandeis and Elena Kagan. That's nine out of many who have served on our nation's highest court with no previous judicial experience.Mar 14, 2019
You mean the
Doofus of Blue Wisdom does not know how to do a google search?
The most interesting takeaway from this data is that Americans overall have a far higher opinion of their local police, than they do of BLM.
Reported by Western Journal; conservative media. YAWN