Taylor, if you recall, after the back breaking Nebraska loss last year DEFENDED Al Golden. Since joining the ACC / Shalala we end up with marshmallows, because anyone remotely tough we dump. We have heard of guys getting dismissed for small infractions. Because being tough means you have issues like this. From Eddie and so on, this staff picks these recruits to begin with so when these student athletes don't put out and get released the staff makes their own case for their own dismissal.
Guys don't kid yourselves we are going to get beat bad this year. It ain't going to be pretty, but hopefully someone in this administration hires the right staff to meet our communities' expectation of them - win. Shut up about process and win. Shut up about defending people and not defending the legacy and institution. Because this institution is bigger than any one person or coach.
Guys don't kid yourselves we are going to get beat bad this year. It ain't going to be pretty, but hopefully someone in this administration hires the right staff to meet our communities' expectation of them - win. Shut up about process and win. Shut up about defending people and not defending the legacy and institution. Because this institution is bigger than any one person or coach.