George Floyd Body Cam footage


Jan 6, 2011
Has anyone seen it? I have not yet and heard basically he was already having respiratory issues prior to struggling with cops. Supposedly the video was leaked yesterday.
I watched it. A couple takeaways; one he was definitely on something, very rambling and almost incoherent. Two, he did complain of breathing problems and asked not to be put into the back of the car and actually asked to be laid in the ground. And three for the most part the cops were pretty restrained and trying to help him calm down. However, he wasn’t really resisting, just acting erratic and overly emotional and definitely no reason to lean on him (whether it was his neck or not) for that long. A better move would have been to sit him up against the car.
I watched it. A couple takeaways; one he was definitely on something, very rambling and almost incoherent. Two, he did complain of breathing problems and asked not to be put into the back of the car and actually asked to be laid in the ground. And three for the most part the cops were pretty restrained and trying to help him calm down. However, he wasn’t really resisting, just acting erratic and overly emotional and definitely no reason to lean on him (whether it was his neck or not) for that long. A better move would have been to sit him up against the car.
Do you know where you found the link?
Yes its out there now - looks like he was having problems before he went to the ground --pretty sure he was high on something-this will hopefully give the liberals a different perspective on what really happened.Doesn't excuse the knee on him for 8+ minutes.though.
Dont know why this wasn't shown before all the riots either .
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Has anyone seen it? I have not yet and heard basically he was already having respiratory issues prior to struggling with cops. Supposedly the video was leaked yesterday.

Awesome so a suspect is having trouble breathing prior to the cop kneeling on his kneck for 8 minutes. What a great decision by that officer and what a shock that a person having trouble breathing didn't fare very well when a cop decides to cut off his air supply. Hope you're proud cash.
Another thing it shows one of the cops checking his pulse at his wrist while on ground and other cop on neck. He can’t get a pulse. He said he was claustrophobic and wanted to be put in front seat.
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They pulled a gun on the man getting out the car complying with them for a $20 call. End result the man is dead for $20.00. Dude didn't raise his hand, his feet or his voice to resist!
Awesome so a suspect is having trouble breathing prior to the cop kneeling on his kneck for 8 minutes. What a great decision by that officer and what a shock that a person having trouble breathing didn't fare very well when a cop decides to cut off his air supply. Hope you're proud cash.
You’re such a dick! Nobody was bragging. I was asking a question because I’ve only heard rumors & haven’t seen the video.
You’re such a dick! Nobody was bragging. I was asking a question because I’ve only heard rumors & haven’t seen the video.

Bullshit. You were trying to alleviate the cop of responsibility by saying Floyd was already having breathing issues. Don't backtrack now Cash like you did with the whole antibody testing is responsible for the virus surge nonsense. Just own it.
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Bullshit. You were trying to alleviate the cop of responsibility by saying Floyd was already having breathing issues. Don't backtrack now Cash like you did with the whole antibody testing is responsible for the virus surge nonsense. Just own it.

Question , The MSM and CNN reported George moved from Texas to turn his life around. Obviously He hadn’t just like you’re accusing Cash of trying to alleviate the cops responsibility doesn’t portraying George in a good light slant the story. There was no need to slant story everybody, police included, agree cop was wrong. Only thing making George more innocent did was inflame the masses more
Question , The MSM and CNN reported George moved from Texas to turn his life around. Obviously He hadn’t just like you’re accusing Cash of trying to alleviate the cops responsibility doesn’t portraying George in a good light slant the story. There was no need to slant story everybody, police included, agree cop was wrong. Only thing making George more innocent did was inflame the masses more
Totally agree. George Floyd did not deserve to die. However he should as not be put up as a martyr or saint either. This is the same guy that during an armed home invasion held a pregnant woman at gun point by pointing the gun at her stomach and threatening her unborn child. Why can’t they just call it like it was. Floyd was a criminal who was engaged in criminal activity and was killed by a rogue cop who had issues and no business being a cop and is now a criminal as well. To me it was the meeting of two scum bags.
Totally agree. George Floyd did not deserve to die. However he should as not be put up as a martyr or saint either. This is the same guy that during an armed home invasion held a pregnant woman at gun point by pointing the gun at her stomach and threatening her unborn child. Why can’t they just call it like it was. Floyd was a criminal who was engaged in criminal activity and was killed by a rogue cop who had issues and no business being a cop and is now a criminal as well. To me it was the meeting of two scum bags.

Well Said !!!
Bullshit. You were trying to alleviate the cop of responsibility by saying Floyd was already having breathing issues. Don't backtrack now Cash like you did with the whole antibody testing is responsible for the virus surge nonsense. Just own it.
I really was not. Your assumptions and your just being a plain dumb ass, you should probably try to take a deep breathe before your word vomit digs a deeper hole.
I heard a rumor he had like 7 times the normal amount of fetnanyl in his system. That might be excessive but if he had any amount in his system it will be hard to get a murder conviction. He did not deserve to die, I don't think it was the officers intentions either but it looks really bad that he stayed kneeling on his neck for that long. My guess is the main officer will be convicted with a lesser crime and the other three will be dropped or found not guilty.
Everyone wants to blame the cop (and I DO think he is guilty as hell), but I really think the real guilty party has gone blameless.

This was the cop's 19th occasion where he is/was being accused of excessive force. 19 OCCASSIONS! Why in god's name was he still a cop? The real criminal in this case and many others is the union that protected him, and prevents police departments from getting rid of bad apples. Why have the media and BLM not pointing fingers at Administrations and Unions that protect these bad actors? I would tell you why but you wouldn't like the answer.
I heard a rumor he had like 7 times the normal amount of fetnanyl in his system. That might be excessive but if he had any amount in his system it will be hard to get a murder conviction. He did not deserve to die, I don't think it was the officers intentions either but it looks really bad that he stayed kneeling on his neck for that long. My guess is the main officer will be convicted with a lesser crime and the other three will be dropped or found not guilty.
Agree 100%... if what was said is true about issues breathing before he was put on the ground, it’s definitely going to shed a lot of doubt as to what the cause of death was for the jury.
Everyone wants to blame the cop (and I DO think he is guilty as hell), but I really think the real guilty party has gone blameless.

This was the cop's 19th occasion where he is/was being accused of excessive force. 19 OCCASSIONS! Why in god's name was he still a cop? The real criminal in this case and many others is the union that protected him, and prevents police departments from getting rid of bad apples. Why have the media and BLM not pointing fingers at Administrations and Unions that protect these bad actors? I would tell you why but you wouldn't like the answer.

Aggressive Cops have more complaints, that’s just the way it is. You assume he’s guilty of the other 19, he might be but you can’t convict criminals on previous arrests that were investigated and plaintiff acquitted. Cop should have the same protections.
Aggressive Cops have more complaints, that’s just the way it is. You assume he’s guilty of the other 19, he might be but you can’t convict criminals on previous arrests that were investigated and plaintiff acquitted. Cop should have the same protections.

I don’t assume anything. But administrations can’t get rid of bad cops because of unions. Just like we can’t get rid of bad teachers. Unions should have no place in public employees. We haven’t heard a peep on this because it would destroy the narrative of #BLM being nothing more than a democratic front, and they can’t piss off the unions.
I don’t assume anything. But administrations can’t get rid of bad cops because of unions. Just like we can’t get rid of bad teachers. Unions should have no place in public employees. We haven’t heard a peep on this because it would destroy the narrative of #BLM being nothing more than a democratic front, and they can’t piss off the unions.

Can’t argue the fact that unions protect the bad with the good. As for you assuming you did convict and ask why he’s still a cop.
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I don’t assume anything. But administrations can’t get rid of bad cops because of unions. Just like we can’t get rid of bad teachers. Unions should have no place in public employees. We haven’t heard a peep on this because it would destroy the narrative of #BLM being nothing more than a democratic front, and they can’t piss off the unions.
That’s not true. I have worked for two different agencies in my career. Both had unions and I’ve seen plenty fired and it be upheld.
Bullshit. You were trying to alleviate the cop of responsibility by saying Floyd was already having breathing issues. Don't backtrack now Cash like you did with the whole antibody testing is responsible for the virus surge nonsense. Just own it.
SRNE $13.90 AH. IM RICH and the country will be opening thanks to SRNE.
So the SCUMBAG attorney general Keith Ellison suppressed the video . They had it all this time . And it was used for political purposes by not showing it . There was nothing racist in the video . An officer even says he’s foaming at the mouth .
Ellison has blood on his hands and partly responsible for millions of damage to cities around the country
Agree 100%... if what was said is true about issues breathing before he was put on the ground, it’s definitely going to shed a lot of doubt as to what the cause of death was for the jury.
Just watched the video on Tucker. Minnesota state attorney’s keep it from the public. He admitted it saying that he wants to win a case. Video shoes Floyd jack up on drugs and complaining he could not breath. Police tried to get him in squad car and he resisted. Police were not out of control he was. Not saying kneeling on neck was right but a whole lot more happened that the public never got to see.Floyd was not innocent bystander.
Well the guy wasn’t as Saintly as portrayed
But the Burger Joint thing in Atlanta is worse , and the Breonna deal In Louisville is a joke . People are demanding that a cop who got shot and who returned fire be indicted for Murder !
Michael Brown was a thug so was Freddie Grey
The Freddie Gray story is indicative of the insanity
Two of the police defendants were black guys with solid families and religious members of black churches. Seemed to me like great guys. Solid citizens
Why can’t we find African Americans who are worthy of admiration. Now was Herman Cain ( RIP) ever mistreated by the police? Maybe. But what a credit to his community. The ultimate Morehouse man
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I bought more in AH trading at 11.83. Huge short interest on this thing and the right news blows it past 20 easily

Very well could which is why I still own half. Well more than a double, took my cost and a really nice profit out. Rest is house $$$
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So the SCUMBAG attorney general Keith Ellison suppressed the video . They had it all this time . And it was used for political purposes by not showing it . There was nothing racist in the video . An officer even says he’s foaming at the mouth .
Ellison has blood on his hands and partly responsible for millions of damage to cities around the country
He also way overcharged the cops in this, the one who kneeled on his neck should have been charged with manslaughter not murder which in the second degree requires to prove intent manslaughter does not. The other 2 should have possibly gotten a misdemeanor charge but even that is dubious as they did not directly contribute to George Floyd's death. Ellison has created a win win for himself but a huge loss for the country. There is a good chance these cops walk due to being overcharged and two probably should not have been charged at all, if this happens Ellison screams injustice and systemic racism and the country will resume rioting. If they are all found guilty on all charges we will likely see a huge crime wave as cops will be very timid at doing there jobs due to the risk involved of legal prosecution. Dont get me wrong Chauvin is guilty of manslaughter and should do somewhere in the realm of 5-20 behind bars for being reckless with another humans life, but this thing has been so botched from the jump I dont see any chance of a positive outcome.
I really was not. Your assumptions and your just being a plain dumb ass, you should probably try to take a deep breathe before your word vomit digs a deeper hole.

Please Cash. It's very clear what you were saying. Do you honestly think anyone believes that you were simply asking a question? Of course rather than admit it you're just going to lie. It's all good. You're not fooling me. You took the same approach with your antibody testing lie. It's a shame. You'd think someone with a law enforcement background would have more integrity. Being a Trump groupie is obviously more important to you unfortunately.
Just watched the video on Tucker. Minnesota state attorney’s keep it from the public. He admitted it saying that he wants to win a case. Video shoes Floyd jack up on drugs and complaining he could not breath. Police tried to get him in squad car and he resisted. Police were not out of control he was. Not saying kneeling on neck was right but a whole lot more happened that the public never got to see.Floyd was not innocent bystander.
Let go back to the autopsy results. We had one autopsy that stated there no signs of asphyxiation and one that said there was. I don’t think the toxicology was ever released. It takes .02 micrograms of fentanyl to kill a human. So small you can’t measure it with the naked eye. My question is why don’t they Narcan him. We all carry it and have for quite some time. I’d be shocked if they didn’t carry it.
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Please Cash. It's very clear what you were saying. Do you honestly think anyone believes that you were simply asking a question? Of course rather than admit it you're just going to lie. It's all good. You're not fooling me. You took the same approach with your antibody testing lie. It's a shame. You'd think someone with a law enforcement background would have more integrity. Being a Trump groupie is obviously more important to you unfortunately.
I don’t really give two Sh-ts what you think. Apparently you believe your opinion means more than it actually does. You’re a hothead angry little douchebag who thinks he’s superior to everyone he disagrees with.
Question , The MSM and CNN reported George moved from Texas to turn his life around. Obviously He hadn’t just like you’re accusing Cash of trying to alleviate the cops responsibility doesn’t portraying George in a good light slant the story. There was no need to slant story everybody, police included, agree cop was wrong. Only thing making George more innocent did was inflame the masses more

I never said a word about Floyd. Positive or negative. You know why? Because it doesn't matter. I don't give a shit if he accused of murder. This piece of shit cop had no right to kill him in that situation. So you and cash and anyone else can try to shift focus on drug use or trouble breathing or whatever else you want. The bottom line is that cop was in no danger and had no right to kill the man. As a matter of fact, if he was having trouble breathing prior what does that say about that cop's decision to kneel on his kneck for 8 minutes? That makes it even worse.
I don’t really give two Sh-ts what you think. Apparently you believe your opinion means more than it actually does. You’re a hothead angry little douchebag who thinks he’s superior to everyone he disagrees with.

Zero integrity.
Agree 100%... if what was said is true about issues breathing before he was put on the ground, it’s definitely going to shed a lot of doubt as to what the cause of death was for the jury.

See this is what you really care about. Put doubt in the jury's mind to alleviate that piece of shit from responsibility. Zero integrity. Just look your brother in Minneapolis.
I heard a rumor he had like 7 times the normal amount of fetnanyl in his system. That might be excessive but if he had any amount in his system it will be hard to get a murder conviction. He did not deserve to die, I don't think it was the officers intentions either but it looks really bad that he stayed kneeling on his neck for that long. My guess is the main officer will be convicted with a lesser crime and the other three will be dropped or found not guilty.
"My guess is the main officer will be convicted with a lesser crime and the other three will be dropped or found not guilty."
The MSM will have a field day with that outcome.

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