George Floyd Body Cam footage

I don’t assume anything. But administrations can’t get rid of bad cops because of unions. Just like we can’t get rid of bad teachers. Unions should have no place in public employees. We haven’t heard a peep on this because it would destroy the narrative of #BLM being nothing more than a democratic front, and they can’t piss off the unions.
That is not true. Bad cops get fired all the time. All the time! As they should if they mess up especially with a criminal act.
Yes its out there now - looks like he was having problems before he went to the ground --pretty sure he was high on something-this will hopefully give the liberals a different perspective on what really happened.Doesn't excuse the knee on him for 8+ minutes.though.
Dont know why this wasn't shown before all the riots either .
Eat a phat one you racist PIGS. I don't give a damn what he was on, no one deserves to be be treated like that. He is a man and a human being!! This world is coming to a end, God will punish us all !!!
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I never said a word about Floyd. Positive or negative. You know why? Because it doesn't matter. I don't give a shit if he accused of murder. This piece of shit cop had no right to kill him in that situation. So you and cash and anyone else can try to shift focus on drug use or trouble breathing or whatever else you want. The bottom line is that cop was in no danger and had no right to kill the man. As a matter of fact, if he was having trouble breathing prior what does that say about that cop's decision to kneel on his kneck for 8 minutes? That makes it even worse.[/

Bullshit. You were trying to alleviate the cop of responsibility by saying Floyd was already having breathing issues. Don't backtrack now Cash like you did with the whole antibody testing is responsible for the virus surge nonsense. Just own it.

Own it you did mention Floyd and it does matter.
See this is what you really care about. Put doubt in the jury's mind to alleviate that piece of shit from responsibility. Zero integrity. Just look your brother in Minneapolis.
Nobody on this board is on that jury dumb ass so your post makes zero sense. Another dumb ass post by dumb ass Lou!
Okay, I'll say it//////////**** blm
All lives matter. Next riots and burning, I'm not afraid to bet a lot of lives will be lost because many people are
sick of this bullshit.

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