Going to reach across the bridge


Jan 6, 2011
I will get behind what the democrats are doing on these conditions:

1. Joe Biden maintains sanction against Iran & China

2. put the squad in their place. They are not the democrats friends either.

3. kick Pelosi out of her speaker position & vote in an actual moderate.

4. kick Schumer out of his minority roll & bring in a moderate.

5. Denounce Antifa & BLM violence & support local law enforcement.

6. no new Green Deal of any way, shape, or form.
I will get behind what the democrats are doing on these conditions:

1. Joe Biden maintains sanction against Iran & China

2. put the squad in their place. They are not the democrats friends either.

3. kick Pelosi out of her speaker position & vote in an actual moderate.

4. kick Schumer out of his minority roll & bring in a moderate.

5. Denounce Antifa & BLM violence & support local law enforcement.

6. no new Green Deal of any way, shape, or form.

Trust me that stuttering fool Biden won’t get nothing done infact I’m predicting he wont finish his 4 year term...
And Camel Toe will be laughed out of trying to run for re-election..
I will get behind what the democrats are doing on these conditions:

1. Joe Biden maintains sanction against Iran & China

2. put the squad in their place. They are not the democrats friends either.

3. kick Pelosi out of her speaker position & vote in an actual moderate.

4. kick Schumer out of his minority roll & bring in a moderate.

5. Denounce Antifa & BLM violence & support local law enforcement.

6. no new Green Deal of any way, shape, or form.

1. Won't happen. On Iran, he will get the US back into the JCPOA because the five other countries that signed it are waiting for us to get back in. On China, Biden will take a less antagonistic position that will probably look at a TTP type trade agreement.

2. Won't happen, since he needs progressive support.

3. Won't happen (obviously).

4. Also won't happen (obviously)

5. Probably won't happen either since it will require congressional support.

Here's what Biden should focus on in year one.

  • COVID - Implement a national level COVID policy and focus on getting the vaccine available to the masses
  • Get a COVID stimulus through Congress

  • Rebuild trust and relationships with key allies and reassure them that the United States is back

  • Strengthen the ACA

  • Raise the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28%.

  • Get back into the Paris Agreement

  • Get an infrastructure bill through Congress

All very doable and several should have bipartisan support.
I will get behind what the democrats are doing on these conditions:

1. Joe Biden maintains sanction against Iran & China

2. put the squad in their place. They are not the democrats friends either.

3. kick Pelosi out of her speaker position & vote in an actual moderate.

4. kick Schumer out of his minority roll & bring in a moderate.

5. Denounce Antifa & BLM violence & support local law enforcement.

6. no new Green Deal of any way, shape, or form.
I'm not sure if you're engaged enough with reality to recognize this if it happens, but I don't actually thing Biden will be too far from what you're talking about in principal.

1. Sanctions probably only come off Iran if they denuclearize again. Trump only tore up the old one because Obama did it. Trump literally tore up the Iran deal and then tried to the get the same deal with North Korea. I think Iran has a bunch of uranium again (thanks Trump), but if we actually take off the sanctions it's probably a good thing. We have tariffs on China not sanctions, but I'm optimistic Biden will actually be tougher on China than Trump. Biden has at least say China's should stop their Muslim concertation camps unlike... other people.

2. The squad doesn't actually have any power, outside of fueling conversive fever dreams.

3 + 4. I know you're not going to believe me but Pelosi and Schumer aren't that bad. You should read what actual progressives say about them. They hate them and their compromising ways. Remember the Trump Chuck and Nancy days? They worked more with Trump than the GOP under Obama.

5. Biden has never been pro violence. I'd assume they'd try and pass some criminals justice reform, but more in the vein of making it easier to fire cops and making sure they can't get employed again. You know, breaking the power of police UNIONS! Conservatives love union busting.

6. Green New deal is more a conservative fever dream than an actual thing. Biden will probably do more pro climate stuff than Trump for sure, but I wouldn't expect anything that crazy.
I will get behind what the democrats are doing on these conditions:

1. Joe Biden maintains sanction against Iran & China

2. put the squad in their place. They are not the democrats friends either.

3. kick Pelosi out of her speaker position & vote in an actual moderate.

4. kick Schumer out of his minority roll & bring in a moderate.

5. Denounce Antifa & BLM violence & support local law enforcement.

6. no new Green Deal of any way, shape, or form.
Fck all these liberal losers, literally a cast of pro racist, pro homo, pro abortion, pro hand out scum bags. Don't socialize with them, hire them or do business with them.
Infrastructure bill is fine, COVID talking points are fine, ACA...whatever.

His taxes will hurt jobs and wages.

The rest are basically resuming the policies of hate America first and bending over and taking it.

The tax bill is actually one of the most important since a lot of large corporations pay less in percentage than your average middle class family. Raising it from 21 to 28 will result in an extra 1.3 Trillion in additional revenue which can be used to offset the COVID stimulus cost.
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They want us to be the world's bitch because they hate themselves and this country. Miserable people. They actively look to weaken this country. There is no common bond anymore. They hate Americans.

Sadly, we have been the world's bitch over the past four years. Trump has eroded most of our relationships with our allies and given major wins to Vladimir Putin in his efforts to weaken the United States.
I will get behind what the democrats are doing on these conditions:

1. Joe Biden maintains sanction against Iran & China

2. put the squad in their place. They are not the democrats friends either.

3. kick Pelosi out of her speaker position & vote in an actual moderate.

4. kick Schumer out of his minority roll & bring in a moderate.

5. Denounce Antifa & BLM violence & support local law enforcement.

6. no new Green Deal of any way, shape, or form.
Ain't happening. Stay on the right side of the bridge.
I will get behind what the democrats are doing on these conditions:

1. Joe Biden maintains sanction against Iran & China

2. put the squad in their place. They are not the democrats friends either.

3. kick Pelosi out of her speaker position & vote in an actual moderate.

4. kick Schumer out of his minority roll & bring in a moderate.

5. Denounce Antifa & BLM violence & support local law enforcement.

6. no new Green Deal of any way, shape, or form.

I agree with most of them but a Quite few won’t happen.

for me the green new deal is a joke AOC can’t even explain how it will be paid for. She plays with Monopoly money.

squad not really an issue at the moment not majority but def the loudest.

If you want squad under control at least pelosi tells them to shut it from Time to time but agree on Schumer.

the big one for me I worry about is Iran and China and any dem that doesn’t think it’s an issue isn’t paying attention.
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I'm not sure if you're engaged enough with reality to recognize this if it happens, but I don't actually thing Biden will be too far from what you're talking about in principal.

1. Sanctions probably only come off Iran if they denuclearize again. Trump only tore up the old one because Obama did it. Trump literally tore up the Iran deal and then tried to the get the same deal with North Korea. I think Iran has a bunch of uranium again (thanks Trump), but if we actually take off the sanctions it's probably a good thing. We have tariffs on China not sanctions, but I'm optimistic Biden will actually be tougher on China than Trump. Biden has at least say China's should stop their Muslim concertation camps unlike... other people.

2. The squad doesn't actually have any power, outside of fueling conversive fever dreams.

3 + 4. I know you're not going to believe me but Pelosi and Schumer aren't that bad. You should read what actual progressives say about them. They hate them and their compromising ways. Remember the Trump Chuck and Nancy days? They worked more with Trump than the GOP under Obama.

5. Biden has never been pro violence. I'd assume they'd try and pass some criminals justice reform, but more in the vein of making it easier to fire cops and making sure they can't get employed again. You know, breaking the power of police UNIONS! Conservatives love union busting.

6. Green New deal is more a conservative fever dream than an actual thing. Biden will probably do more pro climate stuff than Trump for sure, but I wouldn't expect anything that crazy.

Agree with you. Nancy Pelosi has done a great job keeping the Squad engaged but mostly quiet. Nancy knows that if the Dem nominee had been anyone but the moderate Biden, Trump would have won in a landslide. AOC backed election disaster waiting to happen. FYI, Nancy got 79% of the vote in her district. As always, she was challenged from the Left who see her as much too moderate.

I’m also looking for Joe to build back our foreign policy staff and expertise. The State Dept is a demoralized and under talented mess after the the two amateur jabronies named by Trump as Secretary of State. Rex Tillerson was clueless and Pompeo is a pompous bully. He kisses Trump’s butt and is a horrible leader of our diplomatic corps. Will take years to restart the Dept with talented professionals.
I will get behind what the democrats are doing on these conditions:

1. Joe Biden maintains sanction against Iran & China

2. put the squad in their place. They are not the democrats friends either.

3. kick Pelosi out of her speaker position & vote in an actual moderate.

4. kick Schumer out of his minority roll & bring in a moderate.

5. Denounce Antifa & BLM violence & support local law enforcement.

6. no new Green Deal of any way, shape, or form.


Nancy and Chuck are the moderates who help control the left wing crazies in Congress. Nancy makes the Squad keep mostly quiet while Chuck prevents Bernie from getting any headlines.
Lol Nancy and Chuck are not moderates. Not even close. I’m not sure you guys even recognize what a moderate is any more.

Well we nominated the most moderate candidate in the democratic field this past cycle. The whole race was basically the progressive wing versus the moderate wing. The moderate wing won in the primary and in the general. We definitely have our extremists. But you guys pay more attention to them than we do. And let's not act like your party doesn't have extremists.
Well we nominated the most moderate candidate in the democratic field this past cycle. The whole race was basically the progressive wing versus the moderate wing. The moderate wing won in the primary and in the general. We definitely have our extremists. But you guys pay more attention to them than we do. And let's not act like your party doesn't have extremists.
Get out of here with this realistic assessment of the situation. I read on twitter that Democrats eat babies and I believed it, so I get to determine what a moderate is and isn't.
Well, they do advocate murdering babies, dismembering them and selling the body is eating such a stretch?
That makes perfect sense. Trump got stem cells when he got Covid so he's a baby eater too. We need to start punishing women for having "miscarriages" too. They're all baby murders. I also heard that Christians like to consume the body of the "son" of God and drink his blood. Sounds like eating babies to me.

Real talk, how many abortions do you think Trump has paid for? I think the over/under is 25.
Well we nominated the most moderate candidate in the democratic field this past cycle. The whole race was basically the progressive wing versus the moderate wing. The moderate wing won in the primary and in the general. We definitely have our extremists. But you guys pay more attention to them than we do. And let's not act like your party doesn't have extremists.
Joe Biden was absolutely not the most moderate Democrat. Gab are was by far the most moderate followed up by Bloomberg, then maybe Biden. Biden then in turn bring Kamala Harris in as his VP, who is super leftwing and has Bernie Sanders on his shortlist for one of his cabinet positions. Biden is your typical swamp creature who will do as he is told by the loudest members of his party. That right now is the squad. You can’t get much further left than them.
Get out of here with this realistic assessment of the situation. I read on twitter that Democrats eat babies and I believed it, so I get to determine what a moderate is and isn't.
Funny choice of words considering the green new deal will allow federal funding of abortion clinics. Last I check the democrats are pushing in the idea of full term abortions now too.
Classic lib deflection. Try to make light of the situation to avoid the real issue. Miscarriages are not abortions...making fun of religion...more classic lib, but only Christian' fall on your face defending muslims or whatever else. ...if Trump was party to abortions then He is just as wrong as you.
Someone may want to tell SugaCane stem cells often come from umbilical chord harvesting. What a drama queen
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Classic lib deflection. Try to make light of the situation to avoid the real issue. Miscarriages are not abortions...making fun of religion...more classic lib, but only Christian' fall on your face defending muslims or whatever else. ...if Trump was party to abortions then He is just as wrong as you.
I'm deflecting? Let me explain how this went.

I made fun of you guys for believe nonsense conspiracy theories.

You then deflected by saying "well abortion" like that justifies your conspiracy theories at all.

I then clowned on you by using your lame logic to make equally stupid claims.

You then act like I'm remotely serious about any of these claims.

Also I am Christian dummy. Fun fact, misinterpreting communion as baby eat was an actual attack used by Romans on early Christians. Would you like me to use verbatim words of Jesus to show how Republicans sold their soul to Trump for fleeting political power, in a complete betray of their religious beliefs?
I will get behind what the democrats are doing on these conditions:

1. Joe Biden maintains sanction against Iran & China

2. put the squad in their place. They are not the democrats friends either.

3. kick Pelosi out of her speaker position & vote in an actual moderate.

4. kick Schumer out of his minority roll & bring in a moderate.

5. Denounce Antifa & BLM violence & support local law enforcement.

6. no new Green Deal of any way, shape, or form.

Why the hell does the loser get to determine what the winner does? 5 million more people don't like your opinion but lets play along.

1. Biden was part of the group that instigated global sanctions, Trump's pandering to the Israel lobby and his desire to undo anything the black man did lead him to pull out of an international sanction and now Iran has the ability to make nukes, way to go. If he was mad about the money that was was already exchanged so giving them free reign to spend it was counterproductive.

Biden will enter the free market deal that most of the modern world entered but that Trump followed Bernie Sanders thinking and eschewed.

2. no one cares about the squad other than the media. Black women run the DNC not fringe chicks.

3. Pelosi isn't a far left loon... you can't reconcile points 2, 3 and 4. The people in 3 and 4 literally war with the folks in your 2nd point.

4. They'll likely go younger in both the House and the Senate.

5. Stop watching bullshit news. Antifa and BLM need not be conflated, one is a group that hates Nazis but acts like jackasses, one is the rest of the world that doesn't believe George Wallace and Bull Connor had it right. If you don't like BLM tough shit, we are here and we aren't leaving. Must hate watching King his helmet states a simple truth, Black Lives Matter. See you didn't melt from hearing it. So many black police officers and you think they don't also support BLM, what world do you live in...sure isn't the real one. Was hanging out with two cops last night and will be meeting up with several and they support Black Lives Matter, thats a narrative you lose. All good tho, like I said, Bull Connor was pretty damn popular in his day too.

6. I like Green energy as way to lead the next industrial revolution but we need to approach it from a profit motive, we do it that way I'm all in. Capitalism works. Either way Biden won, your guy didn't and he gives as much a shit about what you dictate as he does about what I dictate, full stop.
Why the hell does the loser get to determine what the winner does? 5 million more people don't like your opinion but lets play along.

1. Biden was part of the group that instigated global sanctions, Trump's pandering to the Israel lobby and his desire to undo anything the black man did lead him to pull out of an international sanction and now Iran has the ability to make nukes, way to go. If he was mad about the money that was was already exchanged so giving them free reign to spend it was counterproductive.

Biden will enter the free market deal that most of the modern world entered but that Trump followed Bernie Sanders thinking and eschewed.

2. no one cares about the squad other than the media. Black women run the DNC not fringe chicks.

3. Pelosi isn't a far left loon... you can't reconcile points 2, 3 and 4. The people in 3 and 4 literally war with the folks in your 2nd point.

4. They'll likely go younger in both the House and the Senate.

5. Stop watching bullshit news. Antifa and BLM need not be conflated, one is a group that hates Nazis but acts like jackasses, one is the rest of the world that doesn't believe George Wallace and Bull Connor had it right. If you don't like BLM tough shit, we are here and we aren't leaving. Must hate watching King his helmet states a simple truth, Black Lives Matter. See you didn't melt from hearing it. So many black police officers and you think they don't also support BLM, what world do you live in...sure isn't the real one. Was hanging out with two cops last night and will be meeting up with several and they support Black Lives Matter, thats a narrative you lose. All good tho, like I said, Bull Connor was pretty damn popular in his day too.

6. I like Green energy as way to lead the next industrial revolution but we need to approach it from a profit motive, we do it that way I'm all in. Capitalism works. Either way Biden won, your guy didn't and he gives as much a shit about what you dictate as he does about what I dictate, full stop.
So then you’re ok with the radical left ideology? Ok got it!
Joe Biden was absolutely not the most moderate Democrat. Gab are was by far the most moderate followed up by Bloomberg, then maybe Biden. Biden then in turn bring Kamala Harris in as his VP, who is super leftwing and has Bernie Sanders on his shortlist for one of his cabinet positions. Biden is your typical swamp creature who will do as he is told by the loudest members of his party. That right now is the squad. You can’t get much further left than them.

Predictably nonsensical.

Gab (Assuming you mean Tulsi Gabbard) is a political opportunist like Trump, however many of her policies (anti-war, medicare for all etc) are far away from the center. Beyond that, she's obviously a useful idiot Fox News can use on some of their nightly propaganda shows.

Harris is despised by the left, so calling her "super leftwing" simply demonstrates how uninformed you are about where on the political spectrum some of these people fall.

Here are a list of policies that progressives (aka lefties to your right wingers) support. If a politician doesn't support these then they can't be considered to be on the left.

- Medicare For All
- Green New Deal
- End foreign intervention wars
- Free in-state college
- Cancel student debt
- Defund the Police
I'm deflecting? Let me explain how this went.

I made fun of you guys for believe nonsense conspiracy theories.

You then deflected by saying "well abortion" like that justifies your conspiracy theories at all.

I then clowned on you by using your lame logic to make equally stupid claims.

You then act like I'm remotely serious about any of these claims.

Also I am Christian dummy. Fun fact, misinterpreting communion as baby eat was an actual attack used by Romans on early Christians. Would you like me to use verbatim words of Jesus to show how Republicans sold their soul to Trump for fleeting political power, in a complete betray of their religious beliefs?
What denomination are you?
Predictably nonsensical.

Gab (Assuming you mean Tulsi Gabbard) is a political opportunist like Trump, however many of her policies (anti-war, medicare for all etc) are far away from the center. Beyond that, she's obviously a useful idiot Fox News can on some of their shows.

Harris is despised by the left, so calling her "super leftwing" simply demonstrates how uninformed you are about where on the political spectrum some of these people fall.

Here are a list of policies that progressives (aka lefties to your right winger) support. If a politician doesn't support these then they can't be considered to be on the left.

- Medicare For All
- Green New Deal
- End foreign intervention wars
- Free in-state college
- Cancel student debt
- Defund the Police
I didn’t say Gabbard was a Republican. I said she was the most moderate. You are what your policies say you are. Hence Biden and Harris are now super left. I don’t really care if you like them or not. You voted for them so therefore you own it. It’s hilarious when you guys start trying to walk back and use your own means of justification lol.
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I didn’t say Gabbard was a Republican. I said she was the most moderate. You are what your policies say you are. Hence Biden and Harris are now super left. I don’t really care if you like them or not. You voted for them so therefore you own it. It’s hilarious when you guys start trying to walk back and use your own means of justification lol.

Well she isn't the most moderate.

Please do some basic research before posting nonsense.
Well she isn't the most moderate, and Bloomberg isn't even a Democrat.

Please do some basic research before posting nonsense.
Lmao you can’t even tell me why! Also Bloomberg ran as a Democrat and is a Democrat. You sound like an idiot saying he’s not.

I will make an observation here... any person who isn’t as far left as you’d like them to be you don’t consider to be a moderate Democrat. Have you ever thought maybe, just for a second, that you’re a radical left winger? Nah probably never crossed your mind lol.
So you voted for biden/Harris? Harris supports late and partial birth abortion. Does that align with your Christian beliefs?
Here's my actual opinion on abortion:
I believe that we should reduce the number abortions that happen.
I don't think the best way to that is by banning abortions itself.
Abortion is often the last step in a long chain of failures and I think we should focus more earlier stages.
I'm not Catholic, so more access to birth control seems like a good step. Better sex education, easier adoptions whatever.

Personally, I don't like how Christianity gets mixed in and confused for culture. For example Jesus literally drinks in the New Testament, and a literal sacrament involves drinking alcohol, but Southern Baptists act like drinking period is a sin. Not drinking is fine by the way, but use Jesus to mandate things he didn't say.

Similarly, abortion is way more ambiguous than you'd think from a Christian perspective. Jesus doesn't say anything about it, and fun fact, protestants were pretty much okay with abortion until recently. The Southern Baptists passed resolutions saying it was okay in 1971 (before it was legal), 1974, and 1976.
Lmao you can’t even tell me why! Also Bloomberg ran as a Democrat and is a Democrat. You sound like an idiot saying he’s not.

I will make an observation here... any person who isn’t as far left as you’d like them to be you don’t consider to be a moderate Democrat. Have you ever thought maybe, just for a second, that you’re a radical left winger? Nah probably never crossed your mind lol.

He spent the vast majority of the past 20 years as a Republican and Independent.

And to your last sentence - no. I'm a centrist. If you think I'm left, it probably because you're so far right that to you, the political center seems like the left.
He spent the vast majority of the past 20 years as a Republican and Independent.

And to your last sentence - no. I'm a centrist. If you think I'm left, it probably because you're so far right that the center seems like the left.
Have you forgot that o have been posting on this board for over 10 years. I’ve seen your posts. My grandfather was a centrist / moderate Democrat. You sir are neither.
Have you forgot that o have been posting on this board for over 10 years. I’ve seen your posts. My grandfather was a centrist / moderate Democrat. You sir are neither.

What was a centrist Democrat back then means nothing today. Political ideologies are constantly evolving and Biden is now the political center (has been for some time), which has been reinforced by the demographics who actually voted for him.
What denomination are you?
I grew up Lutheran. My family got into a non-denominational Church, which is really just secretly Southern Baptist, so I end up there a lot. If you want to put me in a bucket, I'd be fine going to any mainline protestant church. I had Catholic girlfriend for a while, and had to go there a decent amount but it wasn't my favorite.

I really enjoy Biblical history, but honestly it's a topic that makes people hate you. Like people like to think the Bible descended from heaven fully formed, but it's look 100s of years just for the New Testament to exist in the form we have today. There's a lot of interesting insights when you take the Bible in a more historical context, but you also see how the sausage was made, and a lot of people aren't into that.
What was a centrist Democrat back then means nothing today. Political ideologies are constantly evolving and Biden is now the political center (has been for some time), which has been reinforced by the demographics who actually voted for him.
Thanks for proving my point lmao
I grew up Lutheran. My family got into a non-denominational Church, which is really just secretly Southern Baptist, so I end up there a lot. If you want to put me in a bucket, I'd be fine going to any mainline protestant church. I had Catholic girlfriend for a while, and had to go there a decent amount but it wasn't my favorite.

I really enjoy Biblical history, but honestly it's a topic that makes people hate you. Like people like to think the Bible descended from heaven fully formed, but it's look 100s of years just for the New Testament to exist in the form we have today. There's a lot of interesting insights when you take the Bible in a more historical context, but you also see how the sausage was made, and a lot of people aren't into that.
The Bible is a funny thing and to fully grasp it’s true meaning you need to read and study the Tora. It’s also helps to know how certain cultures interpret certain words. Unless you speak Greek, or Aramaic, much of the translators are lost in context. We get just enough to get a basic interpretation.

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