I will get behind what the democrats are doing on these conditions:
1. Joe Biden maintains sanction against Iran & China
2. put the squad in their place. They are not the democrats friends either.
3. kick Pelosi out of her speaker position & vote in an actual moderate.
4. kick Schumer out of his minority roll & bring in a moderate.
5. Denounce Antifa & BLM violence & support local law enforcement.
6. no new Green Deal of any way, shape, or form.
Why the hell does the loser get to determine what the winner does? 5 million more people don't like your opinion but lets play along.
1. Biden was part of the group that instigated global sanctions, Trump's pandering to the Israel lobby and his desire to undo anything the black man did lead him to pull out of an international sanction and now Iran has the ability to make nukes, way to go. If he was mad about the money that was exchanged...it was already exchanged so giving them free reign to spend it was counterproductive.
Biden will enter the free market deal that most of the modern world entered but that Trump followed Bernie Sanders thinking and eschewed.
2. no one cares about the squad other than the media. Black women run the DNC not fringe chicks.
3. Pelosi isn't a far left loon... you can't reconcile points 2, 3 and 4. The people in 3 and 4 literally war with the folks in your 2nd point.
4. They'll likely go younger in both the House and the Senate.
5. Stop watching bullshit news. Antifa and BLM need not be conflated, one is a group that hates Nazis but acts like jackasses, one is the rest of the world that doesn't believe George Wallace and Bull Connor had it right. If you don't like BLM tough shit, we are here and we aren't leaving. Must hate watching King his helmet states a simple truth, Black Lives Matter. See you didn't melt from hearing it. So many black police officers and you think they don't also support BLM, what world do you live in...sure isn't the real one. Was hanging out with two cops last night and will be meeting up with several tonight...black and they support Black Lives Matter, thats a narrative you lose. All good tho, like I said, Bull Connor was pretty damn popular in his day too.
6. I like Green energy as way to lead the next industrial revolution but we need to approach it from a profit motive, we do it that way I'm all in. Capitalism works. Either way Biden won, your guy didn't and he gives as much a shit about what you dictate as he does about what I dictate, full stop.